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Hey Lefties, can we talk about this yet?

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posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: EndTime

Nope. Don't trust him. The only reason he's an Independent is because the Dems forced him to. They had their heart set on Biden and cleared the way by getting rid of the competition, just like they did with Bernie.

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

Yep! The democratic party is so thoroughly corrupt it feeds on itself at the expense of its own people. The brainwashing is so complete that the followers of this 'cult' not only accept it, they encourage it!

It's really pretty unbelievable. It will take decades to drain this cauldron of evil and greed. And very candidly, that is not good for ALL Americans, not just democrats. Why? Because, there needs to be credible opposition to ANY political party. Without it, things can and will run amok very quickly. I don't think this will happen with Trump (though I'm sure many will disagree), but it could easily happen with a successor.

edit on 6/29/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: network dude


What else besides hating Trump and fleecing taxpayers do they need?

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 07:22 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

I'm betting that DeSantis takes another run after Trump, with his endorsement. Trump will be too old and if he does a good job, the country could be sold on Trump 2.0

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: watchitburn

"They" wanted to create a 'collective' which was autonomous and omnipotent. "They" wanted to create a political machine which could not be defeated...ever. "They" wanted to create a virus which would infect every single position within the American government, all of the executive branches, the SCOTUS, just everything. "They" wanted to create a monster. "They" created 'The Borg'!

And the very first thing this "monster" did started feeding on "They". "They" became its preferred food source.

Here's a prediction by yours truly, FCD...

Stand by for "They" to now be desperately pleading for a lifeline. "They" will shortly begin saying "they" are the 'VICTIM', and we all must save them...from themselves!

Watch for it! Any day now it will start happening.

"Please, oh please, let us change the rules, just this one time! We are all victims here, can't you see how unfair this all is??? Let us change the rules, please, please, please! This has never happened before! We are all VICTIMS, can't you see??? PLEASE let us change the Constitution, all the State laws which work against us 'victims'. PROTECT US FROM OURSELVES! PLEASE! WE BEG YOU!!! PLEASE!!"

Coming to every newspaper headline near you very shortly. Coming to every MSM outlet shortly! PLEASE HELP US! WE BEG YOU!! JUST THIS ONCE!

Hint - But it's not 'just this once', not at all. This monster is their own creation, and shortly they will be begging all of us to protect them from the VERY THING "THEY" CREATED!!

Don't fall for it, people!!!!

Don't fall for it!!

edit on 6/29/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 07:33 AM
It's not so much the lapse as the decline. If trends continue, the POTUS could wander off and get lost.

Is there a reason they don't just run Kamala?

Perhaps too many other potential candidates view a nomination as their due?

Perhaps the DNC are afraid they'd alienate the thinking fence-sitters by blatantly pandering to the people who will come out to vote for someone just because they're an African-American woman?

Can it be they're afraid of losing international respect by blatant race/gender pandering?

Perhaps Joe's not as bad as they are letting on? Perhaps they want to dangle the prospect of a black woman president to get more voters out, who don't care to watch debates or brush up on platforms but who would like to see a black woman president even if by default?

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 07:38 AM
a reply to: DAVID64

I'm not sure I understand what you are suggesting here. (??) Trump has the nomination.

Or, are you saying "after" Trump in 2024?

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

"Please, oh please, let us change the rules, just this one time! We are all victims here, can't you see how unfair this all is??? Let us change the rules, please, please, please! This has never happened before! We are all VICTIMS, can't you see??? PLEASE let us change the Constitution, all the State laws which work against us 'victims'. PROTECT US FROM OURSELVES! PLEASE! WE BEG YOU!!! PLEASE!!"

And they will do it all in the Name of Stopping Trump .

We cant let him win they will say , We have to change the rules , the Laws .

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: JinMI
a reply to: network dude


What else besides hating Trump and fleecing taxpayers do they need?

Boy ain't that the gawd-damned truth!!

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

And they'll have a lot of ammunition to do this too!

They'll appeal with things like..."Surely we can't let a convicted FELON become POTUS!! You MUST help us! Surely you can see this, RIGHT? We are the VICTIMS here...ALL Americans are! We ALL must band together, as a Nation, to STOP this man! Can't you see??? CAN'T YOU SEE??? WE MUST STOP HIM! HELP US!"

Yep, I can see this coming (like starting Monday, maybe today even)!

But it's not their fault. Oh no, the democrats could have NEVER done anything wrong, not ever! So, we must help them now. "The Biden" has turned on them, and now we must help them. We MUST! THE HORROR! THE ABSOLUTE AND UNIMAGINABLE...HORROR!!!

/extreme sarcasm

edit on 6/29/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 07:56 AM
where are our Resident Leftist

The Media has released some tentative talking points ...... So come on lets have it out .

I can't believe that you guys would let one little catastrophic debate performance scare you this bad. I'll get coffee and Donuts come on

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 08:02 AM
The problems we see in American society today, have already been forewarned about by our Founders;

We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for any other.

John Adams

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: Solvedit

Is there a reason they don't just run Kamala?

Well, for starters, Harris couldn't even win her own State of Kalifornia. That's a big one right there! Harris' polling numbers are way lower than Biden's against Trump, she has even less support than Biden does.

Second, she's straight-up dangerous as presidential material, and even the democrats know this. She comes off as completely clueless in public, and the democrats know this too. She's unreliable, inconsistent and a complete non-starter.

Bottom line - She'd get EATEN for breakfast against any opposition.

Trump's slogan is - Make America Great Again!

Harris' slogan would be - WTF Did She Just Say??? (That made not a lick of F'in sense!)

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
where are our Resident Leftist

The Media has released some tentative talking points ...... So come on lets have it out .

I can't believe that you guys would let one little catastrophic debate performance scare you this bad. I'll get coffee and Donuts come on

The one chick on The View explained where they all are. After all, The View DOES speak for the entire left you know.

They're all "in mourning".

That's where they all are, in mourning!

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

The left certainly has their own echo chambers. Note, I don’t assign myself with the left.

Out of all three, RFK Jr. seems like someone who can actually lead.

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: EndTime

Nope. Don't trust him. The only reason he's an Independent is because the Dems forced him to. They had their heart set on Biden and cleared the way by getting rid of the competition, just like they did with Bernie.

Specific to the person, I would trust Jr. over Biden and Trump.

His relegation to the independent platform is just a sign of how corrupt the DNC can be.

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: Solvedit

Is there a reason they don't just run Kamala?

Well, for starters,...

Then what are they doing? What's the plan for when Joe wanders off and gets lost?

Can it be they're dangling the prospect of Kamala for the less informed electorate that won't vote unless there's a circus to be had?

Can it be what you said is the draw and she's thoroughly in their pocket?

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Admittedly I don't watch The View '

But " Mourning " that is an interesting choice of word, The MSM could have used any term but that one is interesting indeed.

Mourning is synonymous with ' Death ' , I can't think of any other time I hear the word mourning .

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: watchitburn
Here's an interesting piece on why the DNC may not replace Biden.

Revolver News

Excellent analysis.
Thanks for posting.

posted on Jun, 29 2024 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: Solvedit

Is there a reason they don't just run Kamala?

...she's straight-up dangerous as presidential material, and even the democrats know this. She comes off as completely clueless in public, and the democrats know this too. She's unreliable, inconsistent and a complete non-starter.

Bottom line - She'd get EATEN for breakfast against any opposition...Harris' slogan would be - WTF Did She Just Say???

That's what I've been saying in other threads.

That's the whole draw. She represents the revolution's hope to make it to the top of society by doing jobs they cannot do, by forming Islamic rapports with people who can, or with a cabal who can help her when she needs, through rapport.

Nobody prays or meditates anymore. Even some conservative people sometimes seem to have been trained to think they're just not living their best life if they can't find a way without God.
edit on 29-6-2024 by Solvedit because: format

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