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June 27 Presidential Debate livestream

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posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

not playing the game. not voting and not wasting my energy with the left right BS dichotomy.
just walk away from the control mechanism.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: CarlLaFong

I might just set my alarm

Thank you for repkying to OldCarpy.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 03:48 PM
Breaking news. Medical emergency likely during the debate..

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

It’s good to bee humorous, left can’t stand humor now-a-days, though they make funnies not meaning to:

Not the bee

Why is CNN putting a 1-2 MINUTE delay on the presidential debate AND banning the White House press pool?

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 04:03 PM
Biden and CNN will try to anger Trump as much as possible. Then they will cut his mike a few times hoping that he will walk off the stage. Then they will claim victory. That is the only way I see Biden "winning" this.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: chris_stibrany
a reply to: pianopraze

not playing the game. not voting and not wasting my energy with the left right BS dichotomy.
just walk away from the control mechanism.

Once you walk away the control mechanisms control you.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 04:09 PM
Trump is walking into a trap and he's too stupid or egotistical to avoid it.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: gortex
Things got divisive from 2016 onwards , but it wasn't coming from the Democrats.

Things got divisive between (D)s and (R)s starting in 1828 😀

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: WeMustCare
Breaking news. Medical emergency likely during the debate..

Oh-So Perfect isn't it.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

The "1-2 MINUTE delay" may be to absorb a terrorist attack! 😬💥

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: pianopraze

I've also heard that they won't let Trump record the debates. I guess in case something happens to joe, they have 2 minutes to get him on to a stretcher and cut to commercial and send in his double and the public will never see it. Trump won't be able to play it back for all to see.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: Hakaiju

You heard?


I'll watch the highlights but ....jeez?!!!!

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth
Trump is walking into a trap and he's too stupid or egotistical to avoid it.

You underestimate Moses Skywalker.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: Hakaiju

90 second time delay.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: Hakaiju
a reply to: pianopraze

I've also heard that they won't let Trump record the debates. I guess in case something happens to joe, they have 2 minutes to get him on to a stretcher and cut to commercial and send in his double and the public will never see it. Trump won't be able to play it back for all to see.

I heard the 2 minute delay claim originated from a big MAGA influencer on X, who goes by the name of ‘Cat Turd’… this is what the Republican Party has become.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 05:15 PM
Tell me how the 2 minute delay works..

Is ask a question .. 2 minutes later answer or

tell me i have no idea what this means

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: JadedGhost

Unlike Fox news and MSNBC, CNN implements a delay on all events with Joe Biden speaking.

Tonight's delay will be 90 seconds instead of 10 seconds.

It is imperative that team Trump record the entire debate independently.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: JadedGhost

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: rigel4
It means what the TV audience sees is delayed 90 seconds. If biden speaks bad enough word salad, CNN has 90 seconds to cut to a commercial as cleanly as they can to make things look good. That's also why they won't let Trump record the debates, so he cannot show the truth later on.

posted on Jun, 27 2024 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost

originally posted by: Hakaiju
a reply to: pianopraze

I've also heard that they won't let Trump record the debates. I guess in case something happens to joe, they have 2 minutes to get him on to a stretcher and cut to commercial and send in his double and the public will never see it. Trump won't be able to play it back for all to see.

I heard the 2 minute delay claim originated from a big MAGA influencer on X, who goes by the name of ‘Cat Turd’… this is what the Republican Party has become.


I’ll take Catturd’s word on things over any Liberal’s word, any day.

Cry harder.

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