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UN high commissioner : Israel may have 'systematically violated' laws of war

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posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

This is a discussion for another day, we can come up with 1 million hypothetical questions and keep answering them.

Are Israeli children whom are writing wishes on rockets innocent, blah blah useless arguments.

We now understand the Ashkenaz European convert Jews are the root of all the problems. There will be few million sub-problems and questions that comes as a result of having the main problem in first place. Good luck looking for minor issues to fix. You will spend at least 5 billion years with zero progress.
edit on 23-6-2024 by Danvero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: KrustyKrab

originally posted by: Danvero
a reply to: Justoneman

Ashkenaz European convert Jews create and feed the monster (ISIS, HAMAS) then cry because the monster is hurting them. In retaliation they kill 10s of thousands of civilian Palestinians. Sounds like the Ashkenaz government have hired Hollywood experts to run the show.

Riddle me this…. are the Palestinians that know where the hostages are, innocent?

No, they are guilty, and they are Hamas (aka, terrorists), declared or otherwise.

Are the Palestinians that are holding hostages captive innocent?

You do not have proof they are Palestinians. If you do, please provide this.

Both of these are now known to be true. There’s probably hundreds if not thousands of Palestinians that know exactly where the hostages are, they’re complicit to war crimes…are they still innocent civilians?

You do not know this to be the case. If you do, please provide proof of this allegation.

Which Palestinians are complicit and which ones are not?

The ones who support and shelter Hamas (aka terrorists) are complicit.

How do you tell the difference between innocents and the ones complicit in war crimes?

Thank you for asking this question. The answer is simple...You ask them!

You ask them in public, but you don't just ask one question; instead you ask two questions...

1. Are you Hamas? Yes or no?
2. Do you denounce Hamas? Yes or no?

They can lie about the answer to the 1st question, but they can't lie about the 2nd one. Why? Because they will be signing their own death warrant if they do, and the death warrants for their whole family. If they aren't Hamas, then Hamas doesn't know them, and if they are Hamas, and they're lying, they won't be alive very long. Lastly, if they answer "Yes" to either question, then they just admitted they are terrorists.

edit - The price of admission for being allowed through the 'gate' to the new state is not being a terrorist, is not being Hamas. Those are the terms of admission. Failure to follow them will get you sent right back out.
edit on 6/23/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

You do not have proof they are Palestinians. If you do, please provide this.

Yeah, actually there is proof a lot of it. These hostages are being moved all over Gaza and in civilian dwellings. If families are keeping hostages in their homes and they live in multi story and multi family dwellings you know damn well Mrs kravitz across the street knows it too, along with most likely everyone else in the building.

The hostages recently freed were living in civilian homes with Palestinian civilians living there, they had a guard (probably hamas) but its now out that Palestinians were also being paid to hold them hostage in their homes.

Argamani was held by Hamas guards alone in the home of a Palestinian family, while the other three hostages were held at a separate home, also with guards. According to the IDF, Hamas pays such families to hold the hostages in their houses. (Meir Jan said on his release that he, Kozlov and Ziv were held together throughout their eight months in captivity, in a total of four homes.

A Gaza journalist who wrote for Al Jazeera was holding three hostages in his home with his family before he was killed by Israeli commandos during a rescue operation Saturday, according to the Israeli military.

Aljamal’s death was originally reported by Rami Abdu, the head of the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, who claimed Israel Defense Forces soldiers raided the journalist’s home and killed him and several members of his family.

The Palestinian people are going through sheer hell in this conflict because Hamas is operating in a way that puts them in the crossfire that holds hostages right in the heart of crowded civilian areas, that puts military emplacements right in the heart of crowded civilian areas,” =iphone_nyp&utm_source=pasteboard_app

There’s a better article or video out there that I watched or read that goes into more detail about why they know Palestinian civilians know where the hostages are. Quick search, I couldn’t find it but I’ll look later for it when I get back home. I believe it was from someone that was involved in the raid and rescue.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 05:45 PM
a reply to: Danvero

This is a discussion for another day,

Nah, it’s a good discussion for today, one you probably don’t want to have because it doesn’t fit with your narrative but nice deflection. Carry on with your propaganda.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Thank you for asking this question. The answer is simple...You ask them! You ask them in public, but you don't just ask one question; instead you ask two questions... 1. Are you Hamas? Yes or no? 2. Do you denounce Hamas? Yes or no? They can lie about the answer to the 1st question, but they can't lie about the 2nd one. Why? Because they will be signing their own death warrant if they do, and the death warrants for their whole family. If they aren't Hamas, then Hamas doesn't know them, and if they are Hamas, and they're lying, they won't be alive very long. Lastly, if they answer "Yes" to either question, then they just admitted they are terrorists. edit - The price of admission for being allowed through the 'gate' to the new state is not being a terrorist, is not being Hamas. Those are the terms of admission. Failure to follow them will get you sent right back out.

Not sure how that would pan out in reality. These people are very cunning. Something I’ll ponder though. 👍

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 05:55 PM
hamas is not a race, an ethnicity.

hamas is an ideology espoused by palestinians.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Agreed. You should also point out that generally, in wars around the world, the ratio of civilian casualties to military casualties is around 7: 1. In the current Israeli offensive the civilian to militant ratio of casualties is 1: 1. That's a credit to the Israelis in their efforts to minimise civilian casualties despite the fact that the militants are cowering behind civilians on purpose. Well done Israel for continuing to keep that ratio incredibly low.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Just to add, the guys that helped rescue the hostages did so by disguising themselves as Palestinians for days gathering intelligence of the hostages whereabouts. If they can figure it out a little common sense would dictate that there’s probably a lot of Palestinians that know exactly where they’re at.

My main point as I’m sure you know now, is just how innocent are a lot of the Palestinians? They could be giving intel to help the hostages and allow rescue, they’re not. That’s somewhat disturbing to me.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
hamas is not a race, an ethnicity.

hamas is an ideology espoused by palestinians.

Not only that but all Palestinians are not all to be considered the same. Gaza Palestinians are a conglomerate of a few different tribes. They have different morals, ethics and mentalities.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

KK, despite what you may think, I actually agree with a lot of the tactical issues you describe, but understand, my issue is more of an overarching strategic one. Yes, there will be problems sorting out Hamas from Palestinians. Anyone who suggests differently is a fool. I get this, I really do. And, it won't happen overnight; it won't. It just won't. I can not say this enough...this is NOT an easy process. Despite modern society's desires to distill every...single...thing into a 2 minute proces, this will NOT be one of those things. It will take time, and it will NOT be easy. Today's cellphone culture wants to make everything 64 words or less...this isn't going to happen that way; it is far too complicated for that. It just is.

It is going to take time. No other way to say it. BUT...there is NO other solution. This entire territory does not belong exclusively to Israel. It doesn't, and it was never intended to. And no sane person on this planet can argue this fact. It just doesn't.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

According to the laws of war,if they participate/know things that help th eenemy they are considered fair game/targets.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

The whole situation is a mess, one that goes back before Christ. To say it’s complicated as you stated is a understatement. There’s a lot of dynamics at play with a lot to lose for both sides.

I agree with the two state solution as a course forward but they’re both going to have to make concessions and there’s going to have to be severe consequences if either party violates the agreement. Neither of them are going anywhere so they’re going to have to figure it out. Easier said than done.

posted on Jun, 23 2024 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: KrustyKrab

I starred your post because I agree with it.

And...I agree it is harder said than done. It will not be easy, and there will not be a 2-minute facebook, tik-tok, instagram, X, reddit (etc) solution. That just will not happen. And, as long as immature and misguided people hang on to the idea there is a simple 2-minute, (64) word, solution, then people will continue to die...on both sides.

I'm sorry, but it is as simple as that.

edit on 6/23/2024 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2024 @ 06:54 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

What's dumb is your lack of understanding international laws.

The right to resist has been put forward as a human right, although its scope and content are controversial.[2] The right to resist, depending on how it is defined, can take the form of civil disobedience or armed resistance against a tyrannical government or foreign occupation

According to international law the Palestinians were more justified in their actions on Oct 7th than the Isralies were in theirs leading up to Oct 7th and every day afterwards. That's not me saying that's the globe. An oppressed people has the Right/Duty to resist their oppressors through any means necessary.

Besides Israel doesn't technically have civilians as every person is forced to serve in the military. Something Hamas doesn't have to do because the bombs raining down on them daily are enough motivation for thousands of civilians to take up arms against the apartheid state of Israel.

One man's "terrorist" is another man's "freedom fighter". What I find astounding is you zionists actually love a foreign country more than your own yet you somehow think that's patriotic. Hate to break it to you but the people who founded this country were considered "terrorists" by their oppressors as well.

Who do you think our founding fathers would side with here? The people resisting tyranny or the people spreading tyranny?

It took less than a year for you all to turn into exactly what you claimed to oppose. Spineless stooges the lot of you.

How is this any different than what the radical left did to Trump supporters?

Do you not see you have been manipulated to hate your fellow Americans just like the left? You are helping perpetuate the polarization of this country just as much as them with your rhetoric...

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: JAY1980

originally posted by: FlyersFan

What's dumb is your lack of understanding international laws.

The right to resist has been put forward as a human right, although its scope and content are controversial.[2] The right to resist, depending on how it is defined, can take the form of civil disobedience or armed resistance against a tyrannical government or foreign occupation

According to international law the Palestinians were more justified in their actions on Oct 7th than the Isralies were in theirs leading up to Oct 7th and every day afterwards. That's not me saying that's the globe. An oppressed people has the Right/Duty to resist their oppressors through any means necessary.

Besides Israel doesn't technically have civilians as every person is forced to serve in the military. Something Hamas doesn't have to do because the bombs raining down on them daily are enough motivation for thousands of civilians to take up arms against the apartheid state of Israel.

One man's "terrorist" is another man's "freedom fighter". What I find astounding is you zionists actually love a foreign country more than your own yet you somehow think that's patriotic. Hate to break it to you but the people who founded this country were considered "terrorists" by their oppressors as well.

Who do you think our founding fathers would side with here? The people resisting tyranny or the people spreading tyranny?

It took less than a year for you all to turn into exactly what you claimed to oppose. Spineless stooges the lot of you.

How is this any different than what the radical left did to Trump supporters?

Do you not see you have been manipulated to hate your fellow Americans just like the left? You are helping perpetuate the polarization of this country just as much as them with your rhetoric...

Another person fell for the KGB/PLO lie that they are a real people,and not Jordanians.

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 03:55 AM

originally posted by: JAY1980
One man's "terrorist" is another man's "freedom fighter"..

^^ Like I said .... DUMB.

Mass rape isn't 'freedom fighting'. Kidnapping children and branding them and starving and beating them isn't 'freedom fighting'. Burning whole families alive in their homes isn't 'freedom fighting'. Mowing down elderly people on a bus isn't 'freedom fighting'. Inserting grenades and knives into dead vaginas isn't 'freedom fighting'. Indiscriminate slaughter of 1200 people, many of whom were peace activists, isn't 'freedom fighting'.

Doctor treating freed Hamas hostages reveals unprecedented abuse: 'We have to rewrite the textbooks'

A doctor treating freed Hamas hostages in Israel says survivors are suffering from an unprecedented level of "extremely severe psychological abuse" endured during captivity. "I can tell you that on behalf of all the medical and psychological teams treating those who return, the mental states we encountered have no precedent in medical literature. We feel that we have to rewrite the textbooks of post-trauma," Dr. Renana Eitan told "Sunday Night in America."

"Those held captive were subject to starvation, to beating, to sexual abuse. They were being held in inhumane sanitary conditions. Extremely severe psychological abuse was inflicted on them, including separation from family members, separation of siblings, separation of children from their mothers. They were held in solitary confinement and spent long days in total darkness until they developed severe hallucinations," Eitan claimed. "Children were forced to watch brutal videos. They were under constant threats by weapons and threats to harm them even after they were released. They refer to the forced use of psychiatric drugs and other substances."

Eitan also detailed cases where individuals, though appearing physically unharmed, are dealing with "severe post-traumatic symptoms." "Some of the home comers, they look happy, they look fine, they look physically fine, and we try to hold on to those optimistic signs, but still, even those who seem fine, we know that most of them [are] suffering from severe post-traumatic symptoms, they have painful, traumatic memories. And they are entering into dissociative states, where for a moment they feel as if they are still in captivity and only later do they return to the understanding that they have been released," she said.

Hama s Branded the Jewish Children and Caged the Female Hostages

Hostages report having been beaten, threatened with death, underfed, kept in cages and denied medical care.

Female hostages were kept in cages, the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, a group set up in the wake of the attack, revealed on Monday.

Children were branded in case they escaped, according to Yaniv Yaakov, the uncle of the brothers Or, 16, and Yagil, 12, who were freed on Nov. 27.

“Every child that Hamas took was taken on a motorcycle, and they took each child and put their leg in front of the exhaust pipe, which caused a burn to mark the children so that in case they ran away or fled, they could find them,” he said.

A Thai hostage who was released told Israel’s Channel 12 that the Jewish captives were beaten with electric cables. Israeli hostages were treated worse than the others, he said.

Hamas Terrorists Had a Thing With Sexual Organs Targeting Genitalia of Israeli Victims

Barbaric Hamas terrorists had “a thing with sexual organs’’ and targeted the genitalia of male and female victims during their Oct. 7 attack on Israel, according to harrowing United Nations testimony Monday.

Some of the fiends’ unspeakable acts involved a murdered woman found with “nails and different objects in her female organs” and a gang-rape victim who had one of her breasts cut off — with her attackers then playing with it in the road, Israel said.

There were “horrific things I saw with my own eyes and I felt with my own hands,” said stricken Simcha Greinman, a volunteer who helped collect the remains of the slaughtered victims, according to the New York Times.

The Jewish state accused the UN during the special session of moving too slowly to address reports that the terror group unleashed sexual violence as a weapon of war in its attack, NBC News reported.

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
a reply to: KrustyKrab

KK, despite what you may think, I actually agree with a lot of the tactical issues you describe, but understand, my issue is more of an overarching strategic one. Yes, there will be problems sorting out Hamas from Palestinians. Anyone who suggests differently is a fool. I get this, I really do. And, it won't happen overnight; it won't. It just won't. I can not say this enough...this is NOT an easy process. Despite modern society's desires to distill every...single...thing into a 2 minute proces, this will NOT be one of those things. It will take time, and it will NOT be easy. Today's cellphone culture wants to make everything 64 words or less...this isn't going to happen that way; it is far too complicated for that. It just is.

It is going to take time. No other way to say it. BUT...there is NO other solution. This entire territory does not belong exclusively to Israel. It doesn't, and it was never intended to. And no sane person on this planet can argue this fact. It just doesn't.

It does now unfortunately for your point of view. Does the land under our feet in the USA belong to the victors or do we somehow say give it back for no reason? I mean the land was taken because of war and that is tough stuff. Take it back if you can. Once the people chose terrorism they chose their own demise and therefore the die is cast.

If you are saying they have a right to leave peaceably, I would agree. If they would have chosen that, we would have it. We all know 100% if Israel disarms there will be genocidal maniacs take them out fast. Have they done that to their enemy in all this time?

I love your heart on this matter I am a loving, and kind person. I see the error is allowing them to stay after they lost. I blame the UN who wants division of all nations so they can control every persons lives.

edit on 26000000253020246America/Chicago06am6 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: FlyersFan

OMG may God have mercy on their souls. They cannot be expecting heaven after doing those things can they?

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
We all know 100% if Israel disarms there will be genocidal maniacs take them out fast.

If Israel disarms it will instantly be destroyed and 6 million Jews will be genocided.

If Hamas and the 'palestinians' disarm, there will be peace.

It's very simple.

posted on Jun, 26 2024 @ 12:23 PM
Palestinian prisoner held by IDF for month speaks of torture following his release.

He obviously isn't Hamas as he was released so let's not even go there.

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