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Putin issues fresh demands to Ukraine to end war

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posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

Billions to a country defending itself from invasion.


How does cash stop Putin. Care to detail how the cash flooding into the Ukraine is being turned into weapons, from who? What is that cash being spent on?

Most of the aid is on the form of direct military supplies. The money sent used to keep Ukraine as a functioning country as its economy has been massively damaged by Putin's invasion.

And I asked how does the US going into further debt, printing more money, depleting US defense equipment ammo, not keeping up with the war production of Russia/forced to a war economy, not keeping up with the industrial output of China and its ability to out produce Naval ships over the US, dumping money and equipment into Ukraine that is losing in a war where they can’t sustain the current rate of losing men help the US’s defensive posture?

Thr equipment sent will be replaced with newer, generally better kit. This would have happened anyway it just bring used rather than mothballed, recycled or destroyed.

The debt isnt an issue for the US economy and its military is stll so far ahead of other countries, before you even include NATO allies that in a conventional conflict Russis would be hopelessly outclassed.

As for China the conflict in Ukraine is an object lesson on how difficult invasions can be even with a land border, never mind one over water.


How much blood will it cost?

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 08:14 AM

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

Billions to a country defending itself from invasion.


How does cash stop Putin. Care to detail how the cash flooding into the Ukraine is being turned into weapons, from who? What is that cash being spent on?

Most of the aid is on the form of direct military supplies. The money sent used to keep Ukraine as a functioning country as its economy has been massively damaged by Putin's invasion.

And I asked how does the US going into further debt, printing more money, depleting US defense equipment ammo, not keeping up with the war production of Russia/forced to a war economy, not keeping up with the industrial output of China and its ability to out produce Naval ships over the US, dumping money and equipment into Ukraine that is losing in a war where they can’t sustain the current rate of losing men help the US’s defensive posture?

Thr equipment sent will be replaced with newer, generally better kit. This would have happened anyway it just bring used rather than mothballed, recycled or destroyed.

The debt isnt an issue for the US economy and its military is stll so far ahead of other countries, before you even include NATO allies that in a conventional conflict Russis would be hopelessly outclassed.

As for China the conflict in Ukraine is an object lesson on how difficult invasions can be even with a land border, never mind one over water.


How much blood will it cost?

Ask Putin. It's his war.

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 08:14 AM

edit on 20-6-2024 by BedevereTheWise because: Double

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 08:16 AM

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

Here's "Ukraine" winning!!

For example, on Sunday The Washington Post highlighted that Ukraine has resorted to releasing nearly 3,000 hardened criminals and convicts from prisons to serve in the military. The plan has immediately been met with pushback and controversy. "No one has trust in this, but we need it," one military official involved in the policy told WaPo.

Yeah, "winning".... Hahahaha!!

Western boots on the ground? Try filling them first! Good luck with that. I don't think there's a country on earth with people that willingly want to volunteer to go fight for "Ukraine". Not one.

Joining the military right now has got to be the stupidest decision anyone can make with their lives.

Americans won't stand for none of this crap and no one is going to volunteer unless they're severely retarded or heavily bribed.

Think about this hypothetical incentive: a new ev truck or car with every enlistment with guaranteed home ownership when signing a 2-3 year enlistment contract. No one is buying them and the market is saturated with inventory, both EV's and homes. There's a shortage of "affordable" housing, not a shortage of housing in general.

They better get clever with their expanded enticement schemes because I don't see it happening and Ukraine IS going to lose no matter how much they throw at it.

The MIC will win either way though so that's good, right? For the economy at least, right??

Something about we spend $3 and get $2 back or some BS ...

So about a year after Russia had to do the same.

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole


Here's "Ukraine" winning!!

For example, on Sunday The Washington Post highlighted that Ukraine has resorted to releasing nearly 3,000 hardened criminals and convicts from prisons to serve in the military. The plan has immediately been met with pushback and controversy. "No one has trust in this, but we need it," one military official involved in the policy told WaPo.

Yeah, "winning".... Hahahaha!!

So Ukraine sent a few, how many did Russia send?

before he died in a plane crash in August, Prigozhin said that almost 50,000 Russian prisoners had been dispatched to the front line under this deal -

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

Billions to a country defending itself from invasion.


How does cash stop Putin. Care to detail how the cash flooding into the Ukraine is being turned into weapons, from who? What is that cash being spent on?

Most of the aid is on the form of direct military supplies. The money sent used to keep Ukraine as a functioning country as its economy has been massively damaged by Putin's invasion.

And I asked how does the US going into further debt, printing more money, depleting US defense equipment ammo, not keeping up with the war production of Russia/forced to a war economy, not keeping up with the industrial output of China and its ability to out produce Naval ships over the US, dumping money and equipment into Ukraine that is losing in a war where they can’t sustain the current rate of losing men help the US’s defensive posture?

Thr equipment sent will be replaced with newer, generally better kit. This would have happened anyway it just bring used rather than mothballed, recycled or destroyed.

The debt isnt an issue for the US economy and its military is stll so far ahead of other countries, before you even include NATO allies that in a conventional conflict Russis would be hopelessly outclassed.

As for China the conflict in Ukraine is an object lesson on how difficult invasions can be even with a land border, never mind one over water.


How much blood will it cost?

Ask Putin. It's his war.

Nice deflection. Sociopath much?

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: Kurokage

looks like they are starting to run out of male convicts and are now using female convicts. their also closing some prisons due to lack of convicts.

According to The Times, roughly 10% of the prison's 400 inmates signed on with the military last year.
Military recruiters had offered the inmates one-year contracts as combat medics, frontline radio operators, and snipers, per The Times.
In addition to pardons, recruits would also receive a monthly salary of $2,000, The Times reported.

Russia has recruited so many inmates that its prison population has plummeted significantly. Russia's Deputy Justice Minister Vsevolod Vukolov said in October that the country's prison population had plunged from 420,000 before the war to 266,000, a historic low, per The Washington Post.
Earlier in March, a local official told lawmakers that some prisons had to be closed because of "a one-time large reduction in the number of convicts," per the Russian newspaper Kommersant.

Russia has started sending female convicts to fight in Ukraine: report

i guess that's oe way to handle over crowding prison population and save money.

edit on 20-6-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

their also Reports of russia making African and other immigrants fight in Ukraine.

Russia Is Sending Young Africans to Die in Its War Against Ukraine

Ukraine war: Migrants in Russia forced to fight in Putin's war
edit on 20-6-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

Here's "Ukraine" winning!!

For example, on Sunday The Washington Post highlighted that Ukraine has resorted to releasing nearly 3,000 hardened criminals and convicts from prisons to serve in the military. The plan has immediately been met with pushback and controversy. "No one has trust in this, but we need it," one military official involved in the policy told WaPo.

Yeah, "winning".... Hahahaha!!

Western boots on the ground? Try filling them first! Good luck with that. I don't think there's a country on earth with people that willingly want to volunteer to go fight for "Ukraine". Not one.

Joining the military right now has got to be the stupidest decision anyone can make with their lives.

Americans won't stand for none of this crap and no one is going to volunteer unless they're severely retarded or heavily bribed.

Think about this hypothetical incentive: a new ev truck or car with every enlistment with guaranteed home ownership when signing a 2-3 year enlistment contract. No one is buying them and the market is saturated with inventory, both EV's and homes. There's a shortage of "affordable" housing, not a shortage of housing in general.

They better get clever with their expanded enticement schemes because I don't see it happening and Ukraine IS going to lose no matter how much they throw at it.

The MIC will win either way though so that's good, right? For the economy at least, right??

Something about we spend $3 and get $2 back or some BS ...

So about a year after Russia had to do the same.

Yeah, we get it.

Everything said about Ukraine could be said about Russia.🙄

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: VariedcodeSole


Here's "Ukraine" winning!!

For example, on Sunday The Washington Post highlighted that Ukraine has resorted to releasing nearly 3,000 hardened criminals and convicts from prisons to serve in the military. The plan has immediately been met with pushback and controversy. "No one has trust in this, but we need it," one military official involved in the policy told WaPo.

Yeah, "winning".... Hahahaha!!

So Ukraine sent a few, how many did Russia send?

before he died in a plane crash in August, Prigozhin said that almost 50,000 Russian prisoners had been dispatched to the front line under this deal -

Yeah, we get it.

Everything said about Ukraine could be said about Russia.


posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 10:07 AM

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

Here's "Ukraine" winning!!

For example, on Sunday The Washington Post highlighted that Ukraine has resorted to releasing nearly 3,000 hardened criminals and convicts from prisons to serve in the military. The plan has immediately been met with pushback and controversy. "No one has trust in this, but we need it," one military official involved in the policy told WaPo.

Yeah, "winning".... Hahahaha!!

Western boots on the ground? Try filling them first! Good luck with that. I don't think there's a country on earth with people that willingly want to volunteer to go fight for "Ukraine". Not one.

Joining the military right now has got to be the stupidest decision anyone can make with their lives.

Americans won't stand for none of this crap and no one is going to volunteer unless they're severely retarded or heavily bribed.

Think about this hypothetical incentive: a new ev truck or car with every enlistment with guaranteed home ownership when signing a 2-3 year enlistment contract. No one is buying them and the market is saturated with inventory, both EV's and homes. There's a shortage of "affordable" housing, not a shortage of housing in general.

They better get clever with their expanded enticement schemes because I don't see it happening and Ukraine IS going to lose no matter how much they throw at it.

The MIC will win either way though so that's good, right? For the economy at least, right??

Something about we spend $3 and get $2 back or some BS ...

So about a year after Russia had to do the same.

Yeah, we get it.

Everything said about Ukraine could be said about Russia.🙄

Not really.

You can say Ukraine is defending itself against psychotic, narcistic house elf lookalike. You can't say that about Russia.

Well actually given the amount of harm he is responsible for to Russia perhaps you could.

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: Lazy88

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

Billions to a country defending itself from invasion.


How does cash stop Putin. Care to detail how the cash flooding into the Ukraine is being turned into weapons, from who? What is that cash being spent on?

Most of the aid is on the form of direct military supplies. The money sent used to keep Ukraine as a functioning country as its economy has been massively damaged by Putin's invasion.

And I asked how does the US going into further debt, printing more money, depleting US defense equipment ammo, not keeping up with the war production of Russia/forced to a war economy, not keeping up with the industrial output of China and its ability to out produce Naval ships over the US, dumping money and equipment into Ukraine that is losing in a war where they can’t sustain the current rate of losing men help the US’s defensive posture?

Thr equipment sent will be replaced with newer, generally better kit. This would have happened anyway it just bring used rather than mothballed, recycled or destroyed.

The debt isnt an issue for the US economy and its military is stll so far ahead of other countries, before you even include NATO allies that in a conventional conflict Russis would be hopelessly outclassed.

As for China the conflict in Ukraine is an object lesson on how difficult invasions can be even with a land border, never mind one over water.


How much blood will it cost?

Ask Putin. It's his war.

Nice deflection. Sociopath much?

Putin is yes.

Responsibility for the deaths is on him and the Russian government for invading Ukraine. Trying to blame western aid to a country defending itself is ridiculous.

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

"Everything said about Ukraine could be said about Russia."

Except for the little fact that Russia invaded Ukraine and Ukraine did not invade Russia.

Yeah, we get it.

It's all the West's fault.

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 05:53 PM
Here's my impression of this ingratiating thread:

posted on Jun, 20 2024 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: BedevereTheWise

You mean piece by piece of Ukraine deal?

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 04:37 AM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

looks like they are starting to run out of male convicts and are now using female convicts. their also closing some prisons due to lack of convicts.

It does look that way, and the convicts that did survive are coming back to Russia and getting back into old habits.... =

Murderer accused of killing girl, 12, and dumping body in well was freed by Putin to fight in Ukraine.

Andrei Bykov, 49, a convicted killer, was pardoned and released from prison by Putin as part of a scheme to recruit convicts for frontline combat in the Ukraine conflict. Now detained, he is the main suspect in the brutal killing of young Russian schoolgirl Karina Kabikova, who vanished on Tuesday, June 18.

Chilling new details have emerged about the murder of Karina, who disappeared while walking home from a school summer camp. It's alleged that her kidnapper took her to a desolate area, where she was stripped naked and tied to a tree.

edit on 21-6-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole

Here's "Ukraine" winning!!

For example, on Sunday The Washington Post highlighted that Ukraine has resorted to releasing nearly 3,000 hardened criminals and convicts from prisons to serve in the military. The plan has immediately been met with pushback and controversy. "No one has trust in this, but we need it," one military official involved in the policy told WaPo.

Yeah, "winning".... Hahahaha!!

Western boots on the ground? Try filling them first! Good luck with that. I don't think there's a country on earth with people that willingly want to volunteer to go fight for "Ukraine". Not one.

Joining the military right now has got to be the stupidest decision anyone can make with their lives.

Americans won't stand for none of this crap and no one is going to volunteer unless they're severely retarded or heavily bribed.

Think about this hypothetical incentive: a new ev truck or car with every enlistment with guaranteed home ownership when signing a 2-3 year enlistment contract. No one is buying them and the market is saturated with inventory, both EV's and homes. There's a shortage of "affordable" housing, not a shortage of housing in general.

They better get clever with their expanded enticement schemes because I don't see it happening and Ukraine IS going to lose no matter how much they throw at it.

The MIC will win either way though so that's good, right? For the economy at least, right??

Something about we spend $3 and get $2 back or some BS ...

So about a year after Russia had to do the same.

Yeah, we get it.

Everything said about Ukraine could be said about Russia.🙄

Russia drafted for an offensive war, Ukraine drafted to defend from an invader.

Those two things aren’t the same.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:34 PM
Short on troops, Ukraine is freeing criminals to fight.

I wonder how much time their convicts will extend the war.
A month? Maybe two?
Maybe they make it until the winter freeze.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: Vermilion

Both sides are doing this.

But keep on rooting for the invading Dictator.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Vermilion

Both sides are doing this.

But keep on rooting for the invading Dictator.

Yes, but do you know what the difference is though?

My disliking Putin has no bearing on Ukraine’s extremely dire predicament.
I will not root for the completely unnecessary and inevitable death of those Ukrainians still left in Ukraine.

posted on Jun, 21 2024 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: Vermilion

Short on troops, Ukraine is freeing criminals to fight.

I wonder how much time their convicts will extend the war.
A month? Maybe two?
Maybe they make it until the winter freeze.

I wonder how much long Russia’s couple day/wee special military operation will go on.

They’re on track to lose more soldiers than the US has in all our post WWII wars.

Pretty sad for a special military operation against an alleged non peer.

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