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The Five Reasons To Believe Communism Is Coming To America

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posted on Jun, 6 2024 @ 09:45 PM
Or is it already here...?
The Five Reasons To Believe Communism Is Coming To America
In a piece for PJ Media, Kevin Downey Jr. gave 5 reasons to believe that Communism might be coming to America. They are, 1) Agree or be silenced, 2) Violence for we, but not for thee, 3) Papers, please, 4) Guns, and 5) It's already begun. Basically, what starts out as a guise of justice, turns into the eventual loss of individual rights

So how would communism look today in America in 2021? We mentioned the lockdowns, censorship, propaganda instead of media, lack of truth.

Another example would be the BLM movement which Smith says "the organization itself has espoused Marxist ideology, and that should cause some concern."

It also completely contradicts and goes against the beliefs and teachings of the late Martin Luther King Jr. "He did consider whether or not Marxist ideas were the best platform for him to base his civil rights ideas on" Smith said, "he considered it and then ultimately he rejected it, and he appealed to the American declaration, and our Constitution."

Smith concludes that in communist systems, individual rights are not a principle, collective justice is the priority. The party comes first.

Sound familiar?

Coming to America, Communism

I'm a 70s Era Gen Xer, who was raised to never trust communists and always buy American.

I've done that the best I could. I share that sentiment of my elders as it was passed on to me, by then Veterans who fought against commies.

As a combat veteran of GWOT, I understand what they told me now. Not so much as a kid back then.

The 80s America is forever gone.
The America of yesteryear is gone also.

That doesn't mean it's forgotten.

I don't care for this world, it's not my home.
Jesus Christ is King, and Heaven is where we belong.

Is it where we will end up?

Godless commies don't care, but they should.

posted on Jun, 6 2024 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Yep , and it's been here since the 1950's................

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

I feel It will always be a oligarchal meritocracy. People like money and having more than others too much. Capitalism loves social casting.

And I don't mean to nitpick this, but tell me a Trump reelection isn't also about a born-again compulsory evangelical America. Please, just focus on spending and the border.

The 80s America is forever gone.
The America of yesteryear is gone also.

That doesn't mean it's forgotten.

I don't care for this world, it's not my home.
Jesus Christ is King, and Heaven is where we belong.

Is it where we will end up?

Godless commies don't care, but they should.

1987 kinda sucked. All the greedy investment in the emerging Japanese markets backfired when their tech bubble collapsed. And then everyone turned on Bush a few years later because he dared raising taxes from 28% to 31%... and then Clinton got the credit for the recovery.

Also a war on drugs, an evil empire, and an officially ignored pandemic. But if you like secret budgets, and the advent of the 900 dollar stapler, the 80s rocked!

But the REAL question I want to ask is...

What does Jesus have to do with America for the non-christian? Is there something about the trinity in the constitution they missed? Something about a specific mandated version of morality?

What if you're from the school of Belinda Carlisle and you want to make heaven a place on earth?
What if, regardless of its revolutionary origin, the appeal to heaven flag that Judge Alito is so fond of makes you uncomfortable?
Like it makes you fear that the reinvigorated zealots are going to revoke or vote to block your privilege in the name of an America-reclaiming spiteful revenge - with 40% consensus support...
edit on 7-6-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

What does Jesus have to do with America for the non-christian?

The Bible set the law and community standards as it left Rome, went to Moscow and London, onto America and around the would. The 2000 year history of this book has helped shape the government, legal system and many other parts of our culture and community we have today.

Without it, I expect things would be very different today.

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: kwaka

Sure. code of ur-nammu, Code of Hammurabi, Mosaic law, Magna Carta, New Testament Our system is built on a refined version of all those.

Jesus just provided an interpretation of Mosssic law and previously existing law. And then refined that into new Testament law. (Less eye for an eye - pacifist even)

It could be God, Moses, Jesus, even Cyrus If citing the source, and it's essence could be Lao Tzu and Buddha if citing a worldly analog. Jesus seems interchangeable to anything good along those lines, but if it's EXPLICITLY Jesus, it's less about the totality of those contributing laws, and more about recognizing them a specific way.

I try to be for Love, beauty, peace, law and order, and greater good, I just don't think reference of a specific archetype retains the essence of it all.

Like how the conquistadors thought heretic beheading was what Jesus wanted them to do for God's love. It goes screwy when it gets specific.
edit on 7-6-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

We've been communist for some time now. Putting political opponents in the kangaroo court is your first clue. Obviously, TPTB can't go full communist because of the 2nd so it's a slow creep until the latest crop of useful idiots get themselves in positions of power in order to ignore the 2nd. That's when itt gets real.

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 03:40 AM
'Coming" to American?
It's already here.
Look at the kangaroo court in NYC.
Look at the indoctrination in colleges and schools.
It's stronger than ever.
Not only is it being tolerated, it's being applauded.

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 04:17 AM
part of the problem is the media. instead of being the peoples' advocate it has become the mouthpiece of the left.
they're barely trying to pretend to be fair anymore. open political advocacy.

I'm old enough to remember the cold war. Tass and Pravda were USSR propaganda outlets, taking their talking points from Moscow. our media is the same, except they're doing it voluntarily.

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

It could be God... but if it's EXPLICITLY Jesus

God looks complicated, tough gig building the universe and all that goes into it. I find the spirt of Jesus a good representation of what some kind of force that is looking for a better way would want.

Like how the conquistadors thought heretic beheading was what Jesus wanted them to do for God's love. It goes screwy when it gets specific.

The New testament is an upgrade from the more jungle rules Old testament. Got people working together better and not always wanting to stab someone as much, helps when building cities. Violence still goes on today, been a part of this world for a very long time.

To get back on topic with the growing Communists influence.

World Health Assembly agreement reached on wide-ranging, decisive package of amendments to improve the International Health Regulations

Tedros is still working on his ultimate dictator chair for world control. I wonder what Return On Investment Bill Gates will get on this one?
edit on 7-6-2024 by kwaka because: grammer

edit on 7-6-2024 by kwaka because: grammer

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 05:16 AM
Those evil communists who support big business, international finance, and are hostile to the working class & workers' rights.

Corporate Neoliberalism is the "ideology" of the current ruling class in the West. Not Communism. This is perhaps the furthest thing from Communism ever conceived.
edit on 762024 by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 07:25 AM
NAAAH, I seriously think people should come up with another name because Communism it aint. Communism as a concept is great but in practice it never ever will work. What you're all alluding to is parts of a system that could be misread as Communism. They are just words that they use to scare you.
Stalin thought he had Communism but what he had was a dictatorship. People actually think that Russia is Communist. As long as there are 2 men and one will want what the other has got there can never be a Communist state. AND god forbid America is overrun with greedy capitalists and the only reason anyone can allude to the US being Communist is because the greedy will use these terms to get more money off you into their pockets. Don't believe me? Look at Russia now, supposedly a Communist country, it has more millionaires/billionaires than ever, that aint Communism.

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: ADVISOR

You and I at 70's agree completely. Old hippie, drafted..but then banned...Id be dead in a Nam rice paddy. For what?

Communism ..comes in many forms. It's here in our disillusioned youth.

God bless you. Thank you for your service.

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 09:01 AM
maybe we should call it elitist socialism.

most of these leftists / progressives / Democrats don't want to actually run the businesses; too much work. instead control them with taxes and regulations. super fuel efficiency! no more gas stoves! ban fracking in most of the best areas to save the 'environment'!

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: Coelacanth55
maybe we should call it elitist socialism.

most of these leftists / progressives / Democrats don't want to actually run the businesses; too much work. instead control them with taxes and regulations. super fuel efficiency! no more gas stoves! ban fracking in most of the best areas to save the 'environment'!

Whatever you want to Call it , in the End it Spells TYRANNY ..........

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Zanti Misfit

We can just call it Tyranny. Because by any other name it is not better described.

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 07:58 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: ADVISOR

You and I at 70's agree completely. Old hippie, drafted..but then banned...Id be dead in a Nam rice paddy. For what?

Communism ..comes in many forms. It's here in our disillusioned youth.

God bless you. Thank you for your service.

Always welcome brother!
Thank you for your support.

I call it as I see it, not how I want it to be.
Truth hurts then so be it. Nothing on life is fair. Those things I understood before turning 18. Something completely missed by today's generations, due to them being robbed of opportunity.

edit on 7-6-2024 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 08:03 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Meritocracy...are you serious?

Have you heard of diversity/equity hires?

Where people are hired based on skin color or alleged race, verses merit.

There is no meritocracy any more, the vice president and president are perfect examples. It's pathetic and sad.

It's like seeing a vokswagon in a tree. You just know it didn't get their on its own.

Meritocracy in the military is extinct, it's now diversity hires...

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 08:24 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

Yeah, even with DEI, it is still a Meritocracy.

There's diversity hires and HR promotions, but for the most part the best still rank up and everything still finds its level.

Even egalitarian minimum wage entry level jobs, while society loves its diversity promotions, the best workers still absorb the best hours and ascend the fastest.

Better work is always rewarded when better workers save money for the employer. They'll make themselves look magnanimous, but the DEI hire generally still needs to be more proficient at their work to climb.

I do not think those are the outliers. Like in CA, DEI be damned in the fast food industry right now. A mass purge of the weakest employees just happened across the board, and they're not considering equality when deciding which employees to sh*tcan or whose hours to cut. It's "which ones are the most productive? Which entitled ones are on their phone all day?"

Still sounds like a profit-driven meritocracy wins out to me. Pardon the cliches, but sometimes the sh*t needs to hit the fan to separate the wheat from chaff before meritocracy can make its appearance.
edit on 7-6-2024 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: ADVISOR

As a capitalist and entrepreneur/business owner. I don't see much communism down at the chamber of commerce meetings.

As long as the US government is controlled by corporate oil company big dogs; communism doesn't stand a chance. You underestimate the neocons and their love of Profit and control.

edit on 7-6-2024 by lilzazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2024 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: lilzazz

I'm not underestimating any thing, since I don't see any one stopping leftist dems aka commies, from turning America into crap. I'll believe it when I see it.

You actually attend chamber of commerce meetings?

Is this a regular frequency, or was it a decade ago?

Curious about your location and the individuals involved, because I suspect that your case may be the exception not the standard.

What's your input on the strangled economic growth we see?


edit on 7-6-2024 by ADVISOR because: (no reason given)

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