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Russia Suffers 'Highest Monthly' Losses Since War Began

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posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: purplemer

I worked in Salisbury when we had Russian Novichock on my doorstep.


Seek help.

And lay off whatever it is you are on.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: JadedGhost

they’re literally fighting for their very existence as a nation

No! They are fighting because certain parties manipulated them into fighting a war promising they would become part of NATO, so certain parties could put nuclear forces there, on Moscow's doorstep.

MSN and Kyiv? MSN = a subsidiary or parent company of MSNBC.
edit on 2-6-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:29 PM

There not stealing money from US tax payers. It’s military aid

a reply to: JadedGhost

Why don't we set up a payment plan. Yes, we should help and support our allies but they should pay us back. They are suppose to be allies not parasites, what do they do for us. Serious question. We are not a rich nation, we are $34 trillion dollars in

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: JadedGhost

originally posted by: Tolkien
a reply to: Xtrozero

"Russian casualties hit a record high in May, according to Kyiv, after Ukraine reported the highest daily number of losses since Moscow launched the invasion..."

Like we can trust numbers from Ukes that steal US taxpayer money....and that are so running out of soldiers that they are kidnapping their own population off the streets....

There not stealing money from US tax payers. It’s military aid, which has bipartisan support from congress. Also, they’re literally fighting for their very existence as a nation, so not a surprise they need every able body. Any other country would do the same under the same circumstances.

Yes they are stealing US money and resources. Americans sleep on the streets, American addicts can't get help. American veterans can't get help. Mothers can't feed their kids.

They're not fighting for their existence. There will still be a Ukraine. This all about the Proxy now and Zelenskyys ego.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: TheMisguidedAngel

Kiev has to keep the "truthful" and "positive" stories going to keep up morale and to tell the west "see we need more money we need more weapons, can't you see we are destroying the Russians"

I do know Russia sends very low-trained people into war. We also know they keep them there longer than were contracted for. Many on the line say everyone around them is dying and they do not see they will make it out either. There are easier counts of equipment, so that is massive too and I guess people are not around it.

Ukraine doesn't need to say crap. Russia not going anywhere is enough, so Russia is the one that needs to justify their lack of success.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: purplemer
a reply to: Xtrozero

It is funny that wasn't one of Russia's dozen reasons why they attacked

Oh yes it was. level 4 biolabs... were else do you get them.. Taiwan.. thats next..

Smell the coffee..

Here's a link to Russia's investigative report involving US funded biolabs in Ukraine

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: purplemer

Oh yes it was. level 4 biolabs... were else do you get them.. Taiwan.. thats next..

Smell the coffee..

Level 2 labs. Those were once USSR labs and the US invested 25 million to get them up to speed to be level 2 so they could be used like the country needed.

Russia dropped the whole bio lab thing early, like right after all the Nazis, so are you still on the bio lab and Nazi bandwagon even though Russia has moved on? Maybe you need to get up to current BTW a level 4 bio lab runs about 1.3 billion.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Says Russia. Lol.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Like Russia doesn't have any?

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Echo007

Russia/Ukraine war could of ended within 3-6 months. All Ukraine had to do is promise Russia they wouldn't join NATO. Do you think US would sit by while China/Russia built military bases in Mexico of Canada. Hell no US government wouldn't. Look what they did to Cuba as an example.

It is funny that wasn't one of Russia's dozen reasons why they attacked.

Look at Cuba today... Sorry we didn't take it over...

It actually was one of the reasons Russia attacked, they didn't want Ukraine joining NATO. You should know this since "you have people in Poland training the Ukrainians",

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:43 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Like Russia doesn't have any?

Did I make that claim? The argument stated is there are no biolabs in Ukraine. Or if there are, those biolabs are not an issue in the conflict.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:44 PM
The Ghost of Kiev has been busy again

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Like Russia doesn't have any?

In their own country, not on the USA doorstep

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: TheMisguidedAngel

edit on 2-6-2024 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 05:00 PM
a reply to: charlest2

They are fighting because certain parties manipulated them into fighting a war promising they would become part of NATO,

They got invaded my guy.

How do you get tricked into getting invaded and defending yourself?

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

I'm tired of responding to people that refuse to listen so I'll just pass on this one. I'm to the point of stating my truths and let you and others be content with your delusions. You do your best to dispute what I say and leave me alone.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Tolkien

Like we can trust numbers from Ukes that steal US taxpayer money....and that are so running out of soldiers that they are kidnapping their own population off the streets....

It is kind of funny how you suggest it is all lies, but then Ukraine is just grabbing people off the streets as 100% true. I have people in Poland training Ukrainians and there is zero talk about that, and everyone is very focused on killing Russians. Ukraine is killing 6 to 10/1 so let me know how many Ukrainians have died or are now disabled then we can times that number by 6 to 10.

Ukraine IS kidnapping their own citizens off the streets

Even Ukrainian men are fleeing conscription, as reported reported by the BBC

As opposed to BS by your supposed "friends in Poland"

Ukraine IS running out of soldiers and HAS de facto lost the war.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: charlest2

Truth is they got invaded.

You’re welcome to believe a different reality if you wish.

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: cherokeetroy

Like Russia doesn't have any?

Did I make that claim? The argument stated is there are no biolabs in Ukraine. Or if there are, those biolabs are not an issue in the conflict.

Sadly, the rumors are TRUE.
Caused by our own government too......

posted on Jun, 2 2024 @ 05:17 PM

originally posted by: Tolkien

As opposed to BS by your supposed "friends in Poland"

Ukraine IS running out of soldiers and HAS de facto lost the war.

Keep posting the same BS...

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