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Lue Elizondo Announces New UFO Book "IMMINENT" Coming August 2024

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posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: baablacksheep1

BB …..that’s Highlarious 😆

Thanks but….Regrettably….I won’t be subscribing and liking.


posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Lol. Take it easy Ophi and enjoy whatever it is that you plan to do.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 10:55 AM
If memory serves during the TTSA phase Lou wasn’t too much into this kind of exotic ufology. He always emphasized science.

He has adopted the UFO mob's exotic memes from phase 2( the Grusch phase ) part of the psyop.

I can’t wait to see Phase 3. Get your cheese popcorn and tin foil hat cause it coming.

He has depicted odd UFO science memes from all over the place. Nothing new just the same old stuff one can get from watching History Channel or Ancient Alien episodes.

So Lou got the research for that book just sitting on his rump eating popcorn and binging on History Channel episodes.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: introufo2

You can watch this for added excitement.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: baablacksheep1
a reply to: introufo2

You can watch this for added excitement.

Lou is a big celebrity now. Reading the comments one would think he did something worthwhile. That remains to be seen.

I will admit for what it's worth he and the TTSA mob did start this disclosure hoopla.

posted on Aug, 24 2024 @ 08:29 PM
Here’s Lou with Joe Rogan after the interview with Ross Coulthart….


posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Yes the one where they smoking cigars Ophi🤔. I'm still busy trying to figure why Ross repeats the word Alien 500 times in various interviews and why Jen Jen ( lues wife) felt working in Target was beneath her in that Newsnation interview? ( Clearly had not been happy re that one.)Exactly what did she do before all of whatever happened to them stuff? I can only assume a home executive. Ufology are full of poor me pity tales . And those weeny orbs don't get me started. They certainly made sure the public saw their mobile home too.

Anyway Ophi. Lue will be going now with all this for the rest of his days. I'm now geared up waiting for the next Zondo to appear, boredom is already setting in.

edit on bamambSundayam2024-08-25T05:36:08-05:00k0805 by baablacksheep1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: baablacksheep1
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Yes the one where they smoking cigars Ophi🤔.

BB…….Rogan, such a prankster 😆


posted on Aug, 25 2024 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: baablacksheep1

Ross Coulthart sounds like he has entered the brainwashing business
His one-minute clips with UFO " data" are all over the place

Of course, he has to justify his Newsnation podcast so he comes out with any old UFO claims as if there proven or real.

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: introufo2

Proof is in the pudding re Elizondo. Only time will tell what will transpire moving forward. I rather like Dr Nolan's research and will be interested to see what comes of anything he brings to the table in the future , as long as he does not loose the plot . Ross is Ross, part and parcel of the UFO gang for better or worse! I'll leave it at that.

@ Ophi, that made me chuckle.🤭

posted on Aug, 26 2024 @ 03:22 PM
Audiocast…Lou & Mellon


posted on Aug, 30 2024 @ 03:57 PM
To give this topic of UFOs Aliens some fairness in listening to others point of view….here’s a Skeptic on Lou Elizondo’s Imminent….

Digest as you will..

edit on 30-8-2024 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2024 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1
Hmmm isn't he boring Ophi? What's he said? For me I think most folks in UFO land either just like been seen or enjoy hearing their own voices. Should we pay attention to this one? What do you think?

In the meantime it's like the race of a life time with them all. Information spewing out from all directions. Lue will at the very least reap a few rewards for his efforts. No more camper life and he can get to pay some bills. It's quite the show all this. Thanks for your posts Ophi. My eyes are wide open.

Oh and no dead or alive aliens anytime this year.

edit on bamambSaturdayam2024-08-31T05:39:10-05:00k1005 by baablacksheep1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2024 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: baablacksheep1
Shermer says he has hundreds of books on his bookshelf dating as far back as the 1950s saying things like Elizondo's book that "disclosure is imminent" or in other cases, disclosure has already happened from people who tell their tales of boarding alien space ships. He holds up a few dozen of those hundreds and talks a little about each one, and then he gets to his frustration that they all say disclosure is imminent or something like that, but they've been saying that for decades and all we hear is talk.

He gives the example of the Chinese spy balloon that was shot down, where we could all see the balloon, so people didn't doubt it's existence. He says what we need instead of all these books saying that disclosure is imminent, is for people to shut up and tell us when they actually have something that will convince us it's real, like we were convinced that Chinese spy balloon was real. By the way, Chinese and other foreign nationals are "aliens" according to US immigration so I guess that was an alien balloon, not something Shermer said, but I thought I'd point that out.

Maybe the most interesting quote was from Alex Dietrich who was with Fravor in 2004 when they saw some UFO or UAP over the pacific. She said she is specifically NOT claiming it was alien, and that people are going to be disappointed with the government report on UAPs when it says that they don't have any proof UAPs are of alien origin.

He also brings up Elizondo's credibility when his book claims he was the director of AATIP, when Sue Gough the pentagon spokesperson made an official statement that Elizondo had no assigned responsibilities for AATIP. I don't believe everything the pentagon says but there's lots of reasons to believe that claim specifically. It could just be that what Elizondo did was unfunded and not under any official responsibility, if you want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

So in summary, Elizondo's claims are really nothing new, we've heard it all before for the last 70 years, and there's still no beef in answer to the question "where's the beef?".

Shermer may be somewhat boring, but a lot of people who follow UFOlogy do so uncritically so he does try to contribute some critical thinking, which might help those who lack it (though they may not want the help, and prefer their delusions, to reality).

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

he does try to contribute some critical thinking, which might help those who lack it (though they may not want the help, and prefer their delusions, to reality).

Therefore that section of people won't care for watching or listening to what he says .

Ufology just spins around . Only this time it's more mainstream, so things have indeed changed. Early days though. As far as the King of torture goes, only time will tell what comes out with that one. Didn't his buddy Dr Garry Nolan says he's 100 percent sure re Aliens.

edit on bamambMondayam2024-09-02T00:51:32-05:00k3212 by baablacksheep1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2024 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: baablacksheep1
Robert Bigelow and many others also seem 100% sure, so Garry Nolan saying he's sure doesn't mean much unless he can demonstrate why he's sure. Other people being sure doesn't really sway me much, because when I've met people who are sure, and you get into discussing the reasons why they are sure, they often don't hold up to examination or logic.

For example, David Fravor's argument on why he says the UFO he saw must have been alien. He says he's in the military and knows what we have on earth, and nothing we have can move like that, therefore it must be alien.

He's entitled to an opinion but it's an obviously very flawed opinion because his premise is obviously false- he says he knows what we have on earth but I'm sure we have things he doesn't know about because I've seen how compartmentalization of past secrets has worked, people like him may know a lot, but they don't know everything.

Even Garry Nolan seems to realize that his opinion is just that, an opinion, and he realizes that is not convincing to other scientists, nor should it be.

First Contact

Nolan has a bifurcated stance. As an individual, he believes in UFOs—a conviction based on his memories and on things he has seen and heard in the years since he became immersed in this field. In June, he made international headlines after saying at a conference that he was 100 percent sure that alien intelligence had visited Earth.

But that was speaking from his gut. As a scientist, he knows the threshold of proof remains publicly uncrossed. “I don’t have something that I could put on the kitchen table that will float with anti-gravity that I can point my friends to,” he says. “I agree with you that the hard data is not in your hands yet, but don’t stop me from getting it.”

So I'm still waiting for Garry Nolan to deliver on that hard data he talks about, and I expect I may be waiting for another 70 years without getting it.

I think you're right that in general, the people who probably need to listen to Shermer's critical thinking the most, are the people who don't even want to think critically, so they don't listen to him. But maybe he sways an opinion here or there of people who are on the fence and are trying to figure out what's really going on.

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

I hear all you say Arbi. I apply caution to all of them. Time will tell re Nolan I guess?

Here is a latest Lue video. For me I zoomed into the orb situation (27.52) and how Lue explains his story. Of course there are other things in the video. I just noted his very strange reaction to his alleged experiences.

edit on bamambThursdayam2024-09-05T02:43:18-05:00k1802 by baablacksheep1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 02:52 AM

originally posted by: baablacksheep1
a reply to: Arbitrageur

I just noted his very strange reaction to his alleged experiences.

Lue's response to the RV question was also telling.
Although skilled at the art of deception- that one was beyond even his talents.

Suspect the reason for such silly (and blatantly unverifiable) claims is mundane- likely a request from the publishers to add some spice to an early draft.

Mentions his Dad being in the 2506th again.
Palladium/Lee Harvey Oswald/JFK tie in alert:

Ross tries to guide the conversation down his preferred belief system, and you can probably ignore lots of the MJ12 bits- but Cruickshanks historical analysis of people and places relating to Palladium and Cuba appear to be sound.

If Palladium helped start a war in Vietnam, and was a contributory factor in the Missile Crisis....what could a full spectrum follow on (such as Nemesis) do in the hands of secret organisations whose main business is perpetuating war?

edit on 5-9-2024 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 05:35 AM
edit on bamambThursdayam2024-09-05T05:36:57-05:00k5705 by baablacksheep1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2024 @ 05:38 AM
We could all attend. To say he is a loner and introvert he is now getting busy.

Juki his Orb story will cause questions and further drama as will all the rest . What have seen out there is wild.

edit on bamambThursdayam2024-09-05T05:39:39-05:00k3905 by baablacksheep1 because: (no reason given)

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