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Fake Aurora's produced by HAARP

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posted on May, 14 2024 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Scratchpost

You do know that the Earth rotates? Please?

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Should thank our lucky stars really(pun intended) that she did not burp something serious X-class Carrington Even type ejection in our direction.

As I'm sure you are away its not something we are really prepared for in this day of age where there could be some serious repercussions.

Like being reduced to a pre-electrical/industrial society for instance overnight.

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: Kurokage

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: WeMustCare
a reply to: xWorldxGonexMadx

Explains why there were no large scale power disruptions!

Last week, I quoted a "stay-at-home mom" who lives in a 9,000 sq ft home and is buying a $75,000 generator. She told me these conspiracy theories can't be theories since they keep coming true. I can't say I disagree.

Thats just sheep lapping up social media because conspiracy went main stream, not just MSN even influencers know fear creates likes now.
But as this is the science forum, there's far more evidence pointing to solar activity.

I don't buy into many conspiracy theories, but this one makes more sense than most. At least from a "gov will crash the grid" look.

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

If your Govt wanted to crash the grid, no need for exotic HAARP stuff.

A simple computer hack would do the job.

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Degradation33

Should thank our lucky stars really(pun intended) that she did not burp something serious X-class Carrington Even type ejection in our direction.

As I'm sure you are away its not something we are really prepared for in this day of age where there could be some serious repercussions.

Like being reduced to a pre-electrical/industrial society for instance overnight.

Yeah, majority of people would be lost without there phones and simple things like using a map or real money???

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: Kurokage

I've just moved house buddy.

If i did not know that by approximately facing the sunrise I'm facing east i would not know which way north was(left). LoL

Especially since i seem to have lost my compass whilst moving.

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: xWorldxGonexMadx

HAARP - High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 01:29 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: LSU2018

If your Govt wanted to crash the grid, no need for exotic HAARP stuff.

A simple computer hack would do the job.

Possibly, but testing the waters to use a less traceable method sounds plausible.

Just my opinion whether it's unpopular or not.

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 01:29 PM
If this is a double post, I'm sorry, I can't find my reply anywhere ... weird

Respectfully FlyersFan, you are suggesting that a solar flare strong enough to encompass the entire planet, didn't have any significant effect other than some red light?

I live about 2 hours away from the Southern most tip of South Africa, (southernmost being Agulhas), you cant go further South from the continent than here, I saw it and it didn't look like any aurora lightshow that I've ever seen high rez footage and photo's of. It was just very angry red. No swirls, no greens or prettiness, just this blood red and it was well past midnight and heavily overcast the red was glowing from behind the thick cloud cover, strong enough through the clouds to be a very very bright red self-illuminating glow. It's currently winter here in SA, which means we a currently furthest from the sun, So this flare would have to be powerful enough to envelope the planet at midnight in winter so the I can stand on the beach and observe it clearly, everything was bathed in red, it was freaky to say the least ...

A solarflare of such magnitude would have far more impact than just a red sky, at the very least, it would knock out our entire electric grid, radiation impact is another, but there was nothing, just an incredibly red sky. I didnt know about the flares or the talk of potential auroras beforehand. Afterwards I went online and ppl, Ive seen pictures of the aurora phenomenon, what I saw did not resemble that even a little. At first, on Sat morn, there was absolutely nothing in the news about this. News only started trickling in Saturday evening and that required some serious digging and constant changing of my search parameters.

I am not denying that there were solar flares, I am simply questioning it's power, because as far as I know, for a solar flare to produce what I saw when I saw it and taking our season, location etc into account, it would have to be powerful enought to at the very least, knock out our power grid, then we not even mentioning of the imoact of said flare on the nothern countries currently closest to the sun if a flare's power and impact decreases the further out it moves... Another point to consider is that the impact of a solar flare of that magnitude, would last several days, not one night...

I do not believe that what I saw was caused by a solar flare. I don't know about the HAARP angle, but in my online searching for answers I did find something else that happened that day:

Now, which corrupt double-standards gov is currently dragging South Africa to the firey pits of hell and shame regarding Hammas and Israely‘s said genocide? Oh yes, that would be the one in control in my country. So where are they most likely to flex their muscles to get this gov to back off and mind their own genocide? ... Interesting name, don't you think? Not saying what I saw was caused by this either, just pointing out, that my side IS currently p'ing off their side big time by being the typical hipocrates that they are, I can totally see them showing off their power in this way ... by the coast would make sense too, since the new toy for sale is short range, so it would have to located on a ship of some mind for us to see it when, where we saw it. Agai , not saying it IS this for sure either, I have no proof, but the likelihood does exists.

Whatever I saw, it was no dam aurora from a solar flare.

a reply to: FlyersFan

a reply to: FlyersFan

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

If you can pull something like that off LSU2018.

Does it really matter who did it?

Maybe in a couple of centuries should we ever manage to get our collective act back together.

But tracing whoever was responsible.

Would most likely be a concern for future generations, to say the least.

By which time they may be praising those responsible for taming the beast that is humanity i suppose.

edit on 14-5-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 02:55 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: LSU2018

If you can pull something like that off LSU2018.

Does it really matter who did it?

Maybe in a couple of centuries should we ever manage to get our collective act back together.

But tracing whoever was responsible.

Would most likely be a concern for future generations, to say the least.

By which time they may be praising those responsible for taming the beast that is humanity i suppose.

I think it absolutely matters. If our government was caught crashing the power grid, there would be not only chaos, but zero rule of law (or anyone who cared). The people would be waging war on the government before you could say "lets go Brandon".

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: LSU2018

Who would it matter to considering there would not be anybody realistically left in charge including any sort of government?

It may matter to the annuls of history.

But for the people caught in the moment and immediate aftermath.

Seems to me survival would be the more pressing matter rather than who done it!

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

To study, not affect Auroras.

Research. But you seize on the word "auroral".

Deny Ignorance. Not go full whoo whoo?

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 05:28 PM
Now I just see this on caspersight's channel:

Skip To the 11:53 mark

This light phenomenon in the sky, this is not aurora caused by solar flares. Sure there were aurora's caused by the solar flares in all the normal places and maybe a bit lower, but to have what I saw so low down from the equator is just impossible. If you think of what causes aurora's with how the sun's radiation reacts with our ionosphere, and you think about how our magnetic sphere moves (out by the north in by the south) in a scientific way, it's impossible for us here at the southern most tip of the African continent to view them from where we are in relation to all that ... unless our magnetic field is completely wacked and/or gone. something we would know immediately if that's what's going on, but we don't, so no, from everything we know about the aurora, we here in the south can not possibly see it and if we do, red light is the least of our concerns.

originally posted by: MrsPixie
If this is a double post, I'm sorry, I can't find my reply anywhere ... weird

Respectfully FlyersFan, you are suggesting that a solar flare strong enough to encompass the entire planet, didn't have any significant effect other than some red light?

I live about 2 hours away from the Southern most tip of South Africa, (southernmost being Agulhas), you cant go further South from the continent than here, I saw it and it didn't look like any aurora lightshow that I've ever seen high rez footage and photo's of. It was just very angry red. No swirls, no greens or prettiness, just this blood red and it was well past midnight and heavily overcast the red was glowing from behind the thick cloud cover, strong enough through the clouds to be a very very bright red self-illuminating glow. It's currently winter here in SA, which means we a currently furthest from the sun, So this flare would have to be powerful enough to envelope the planet at midnight in winter so the I can stand on the beach and observe it clearly, everything was bathed in red, it was freaky to say the least ...

A solarflare of such magnitude would have far more impact than just a red sky, at the very least, it would knock out our entire electric grid, radiation impact is another, but there was nothing, just an incredibly red sky. I didnt know about the flares or the talk of potential auroras beforehand. Afterwards I went online and ppl, Ive seen pictures of the aurora phenomenon, what I saw did not resemble that even a little. At first, on Sat morn, there was absolutely nothing in the news about this. News only started trickling in Saturday evening and that required some serious digging and constant changing of my search parameters.

I am not denying that there were solar flares, I am simply questioning it's power, because as far as I know, for a solar flare to produce what I saw when I saw it and taking our season, location etc into account, it would have to be powerful enought to at the very least, knock out our power grid, then we not even mentioning of the imoact of said flare on the nothern countries currently closest to the sun if a flare's power and impact decreases the further out it moves... Another point to consider is that the impact of a solar flare of that magnitude, would last several days, not one night...

I do not believe that what I saw was caused by a solar flare. I don't know about the HAARP angle, but in my online searching for answers I did find something else that happened that day:

Now, which corrupt double-standards gov is currently dragging South Africa to the firey pits of hell and shame regarding Hammas and Israely‘s said genocide? Oh yes, that would be the one in control in my country. So where are they most likely to flex their muscles to get this gov to back off and mind their own genocide? ... Interesting name, don't you think? Not saying what I saw was caused by this either, just pointing out, that my side IS currently p'ing off their side big time by being the typical hipocrates that they are, I can totally see them showing off their power in this way ... by the coast would make sense too, since the new toy for sale is short range, so it would have to located on a ship of some mind for us to see it when, where we saw it. Agai , not saying it IS this for sure either, I have no proof, but the likelihood does exists.

Whatever I saw, it was no dam aurora from a solar flare.

a reply to: FlyersFan

a reply to: FlyersFan

edit on 14 5 2024 by MrsPixie because: to add the timestamp for the the appropriate part in the video

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: MrsPixie

Take a look at this and tell me if what you're talking about could have been this... its a very strange weather phenomena which was approaching South Africa ona weather map by Satellite:

Watch from 25mins and 40 secs.

Apparently it was a modelling error ... but was it? Around 10th/11th March.
edit on 14-5-2024 by xWorldxGonexMadx because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: MrsPixie

I see you found one of his other videos!

He has some good stuff on his channel... interesting stuff.

I posted another video for you to look at, just below your last one.

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 06:15 PM
Oh, yes, my son showed me this, well, if it wasn't an error on the sight, and I just go on it was real; ok so if you look at the African continent, that blob actually moves up along the western side of the continent. Now if you look in stead from Cape Town and follow the coast line east and then it curves upwards, about middle between that curve to CT, is where I live, it's about 4 hours from CT and 4 Hours to PE (now Gbherta (sp?) unpronounceable new name) which is around that curve. so up that western side with the blob, I would not have been able to see. WC is a very mountainous area, Table Mountain, Chapman's peak, Swart berge, Outeniqua berge, in other words, its the opposite of flat, so me seeing that far west, not possible. besides, if you zoom in on my area, you'll notice that the land actually sort of forms like a concave inwards, that together with the mountains, this specific scenario gives us here in Eden the mildest weather around the world, we hardly ever get all the wind lashings that CT experience, cause with the way the land is shaped, wind kinda blows over us and then comes back down around PE, same goes for waves. sure we still get wind and waves, if it comes directly from the south (ocean), but if it comes from either west or east or north, it kinda skips us for the most part.

I wonder if that really was an error or did they just wipe megaladon from the map?
I have no idea what would cause that if that wasn't an error.

a reply to: xWorldxGonexMadx

edit on 14 5 2024 by MrsPixie because: (no reason given)

edit on 14 5 2024 by MrsPixie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: xWorldxGonexMadx

We knew there were solar flares facing the Earth and we were expecting them.

I wonder what they were were generating the Terawatts of power with? Burning mothballs?

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: xWorldxGonexMadx

Oh no - we've been fake aurora'd!

We're doomed (to have colourful skies at night).

posted on May, 14 2024 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: visitedbythem

To study, not affect Auroras.

Research. But you seize on the word "auroral".

Deny Ignorance. Not go full whoo whoo?

Deny ignorance, and accept no money or goods to spread government propaganda? Good Idea!

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