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New House GOP Bill To Send Pro Hamas College Law Breakers to Gaza for 6 Months

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posted on May, 9 2024 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: TheDiscoKing

I'm a smartass, an asshole, an opinionated dick.

It's even on my business cards.

I've been proved wrong before and have done the mea culpa.

But I'm right more often than wrong.

And I'm sticking with that at least.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I think honestly it's because Springer coddled you just because you were a roadie and animal trainer for Motörhead for all those all those years and he wanted to meet Lemmy.
edit on 9-5-2024 by TheDiscoKing because: *shrug

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

I do find you to be right more often than not. It's true.

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: TheDiscoKing
a reply to: DBCowboy

I think honestly it's because Springer coddled you just because you were a roadie and animal trainer for Motörhead for all those all those years and he wanted to meet Lemmy.


posted on May, 9 2024 @ 09:04 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy


I wouldn’t go as far as you in saying I wish the death of them since they’re just dumb college kids influenced by a poor choice in social media… but I also find them abhorrent if they actually think Hamas is some liberation group. They’ve brought only blight to their people.

We both strongly disagree on aspects of this. But ultimately, we’re some of the small minority who give a s*** at all about what happens inside and outside of our country.

I’ll even concede to the fact that you’ve served and I haven’t. So you put your skin where your mouth is.

I’ve taken positions I’m not proud of in hindsight, so I won’t hold it against all of the college kids (some probably are always going to suck though), and I won’t hold it against you just because I disagreed with you here (you probably won’t always suck).

posted on May, 9 2024 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: CriticalStinker

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 03:40 AM

originally posted by: TheDiscoKing
Are there really people around here that support Hamas? Like, "Go, Hamas go!"?

I've seen three. I remember the name of one but that's against T&C to say and I'd get the post banned. They call Hamas "Freedom Fighters". Which they are not.

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: burritocat

Thanks man.

Funny thing is everyone else agrees with me too when it’s convenient for them. I was hear for a lot of the heated threads where there were hateful people obviously trying to stir pots and provoke clashes. Those threads had a common theme from the veteran members, its freedom of speech.

Now suddenly it seems to be a problem because people are critical of a foreign country we have no foreign treaties with. They’re the biggest beneficiary of our foreign aid in history, we’ve lended our military assistance multiple times, and just recently stationed two aircraft carriers, one of our most advanced subs, and intercepted over half of Iranian ordinance. To my knowledge they didn’t give us aid when we were in their sphere of influence in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Yet, they’d be the only nation that we’d have laws and bills in place from speaking, protesting, or boycotting. I could boycott goods from a US state without anyone blinking an eye.

Even more ironic, some of the members in this very thread have said Palestinians=hamas, hamas=terrorists, and they want to see all the terrorists and terrorists supporters die. The thread is about exiling citizens, a bill proposed by lawmakers. So some are fine with a whole nation of people dying, and US citizens dying or exiled for protesting… all while they call anyone opposed to this bill Nazis. The irony is dead on them.

I didn’t report them to the mods. I don’t think what they said is illegal or against the rules of the site. I just disagree. I don’t need new laws to protect me from things I disagree with.

-stands and claps-

Yes, Indeed. I say, anyone who supports this bill is a fascist lunatic. If you want to bring harm to American citizens for the "crime" of having different opinions than you, you cant say that you care about America or its ideals.

The fact there are laws preventing people from protesting and boycotting Israel should be incredibly alarming to anyone, regardless of their personal opinions because this is not only a slap to the first amendment, its also bizarre that no other countries are protected in this way. Britain, who has been our strongest partner and friend, doesnt have such protections, so why does Israel? This is a huge red flag.

I have noticed the great hypocrisy here, but it is not unique to this site. Hypocrisy in belief and attitudes seem to be the norm in America. People want to persecute and outlaw anyone who disagrees with them, while at the same time cry oppression when them same is done to them. It speaks of a complete lack of self awareness and basic respect for others. I'm sure that if I called for Iran to be nuked off the face of the planet many people on here would agree, even though Im literally calling for the genocide of Iranian people. And the irony would be completely lost.

I agree completely that I dont need laws to protect me from other peoples opinions. Im not a snowflake. I can choose to ignore or walk right past things I find stupid. And for things I find truly offensive I am free to argue and tell my opponent that they are wretched, disgusting excuses for human beings, and continue on. Isnt freedom of speech and expression wonderful?

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: burritocat
If you want to bring harm to American citizens for the "crime" of having different opinions than you, you cant say that you care about America or its ideals.

Um ... no. This bill, which will go nowhere, is not punishing people for having different opinions. It would be sending CRIMINALS ... those found guilty of trespassing, assault, burglary while engaging in pro-hamas protests ... to Gaza for six months as their punishment instead of to jail here.

And as far as caring about America and it's ideals ... the 'protestors' don't. They are the ones trespassing, assaulting, vandalizing, and burglarizing. They are the ones hugging Hamas and calling for the genocide of the Jews (From the river to the sea)... and they are the ones screaming to 'kill the Jews', and 'we are hamas', and 'we know where you live', and 'every day will be october 7', and 'guillotine the administration' etc. That's not protected free speech and that's certainly not caring about America or it's ideals.
edit on 5/10/2024 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 04:05 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: burritocat
If you want to bring harm to American citizens for the "crime" of having different opinions than you, you cant say that you care about America or its ideals.

Um ... no. This bill, which will go nowhere, is not punishing people for having different opinions. It would be sending CRIMINALS ... those found guilty of trespassing, assault, burglary while engaging in pro-hamas protests ... to Gaza for six months as their punishment instead of to jail here.

And as far as caring about America and it's ideals ... the 'protestors' don't. They are the ones trespassing, assaulting, vandalizing, and burglarizing. They are the ones hugging Hamas and calling for the genocide of the Jews (From the river to the sea)... and they are the ones screaming to 'kill the Jews', and 'we are hamas', and 'we know where you live', and 'every day will be october 7', and 'guillotine the administration' etc. That's not protected free speech and that's certainly not caring about America or it's ideals.

I know what the bill says. Do you understand what the 8th Amendment is? In a nutshell, it prevents the government from enacting excessive bail and fines and cruel and unusual punishments. That includes criminals. To include murderers, rapists, kid diddlers. The constitution says no-no to cruel and unusual. And sending a bunch of kids who got rowdy and committed some comparitively minor crimes and were out of control into a death trap and humanitarian crisis is very much cruel and unusual.

Some people at those protests were bad people, calling for genocide. So? Nazis and white supremacists also call for the genocide of jews. The first amendment protects their right to hold and speak those views. You can call for the genocide of whoever you want, do long as you dont actually do it. Jews arent any more special or protected than any other group that is often the target of hate and discrimination, like black people, gays, and others that get flack for existing. personal views, no matter how idiotic or disgusting, are still protected by the first amendment.

I also get that this bill will legally go nowhere, but thats not the point either. It tells me alot about the individuals who made and support this bill more than anything. Its likely that many would indeed pass and support the bill if they could legally get away with it. Petty childish cruelty is what seems to guide politics these days.

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 04:14 PM
It's amusing to see the left wrap themselves in the flag and Constitution when it suits them, but uses it as toilet paper when it doesn't.

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 05:20 PM
Gentle reminder that all severe cases of failure to adapt will be sent through the vocational track.

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: TheDiscoKing
Gentle reminder that all severe cases of failure to adapt will be sent through the vocational track.

Vocational track jobs probably pay more than grads from Columbia or Harvard right now.

posted on May, 17 2024 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Darn is about darn time, actually they need to include any terrorist in the US screaming dead to America, those foreigners that has citizen status and scream dead to America should be stripped and send them straight in the middle of gaza

You can tell who who by the way is they protest and scream obscenities to American while in America.

posted on Jul, 24 2024 @ 03:03 PM
Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu just delivered a speech to the House and Senate.

He says the pro Hamas protesters in America are useful idiots.

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