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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- ---TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD--- -Part- --44--

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posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

I don't have a link to this but after watching the Olympic Opening Ceremony the news came on and the anchor started discussing the potential that the athletes might over extend themselves and suffer heart attacks. What could possibly cause that?
The 'Red Carpet " event with Albert Bourla - they donated those safe and effective Pfizer jabs to the athletes to keep them healthy.
Trending- #Bloody Olympics

China Olympics 2008 & 2022
15 Years apart.
15 days to slow the spread
Maybe just a coincidence.
President Trump Tweet

July 27, 2024. I haven't seen this before- the Timestamp is July 27 8:20:[32]?
He's not going to back off from his rallies.

Looking through July 27 delta's there are two that appear to somewhat line up with this timestamp.
#3525 JULY 27, 2019 8:54:54 No [7222066]

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

With politicians, particularly leftist ones, there is always something at play. Almost everything is to benefit and protect themselves, not us peons.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Sounds like Tuskeegee 2.0
Claims of "helping" minorities in the name of "health equity."

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 05:57 PM
It was disgusting. Utterly Satan worshiping fools there at the ceremony. You have to prefer hate and murder over love and kindness to take that ceremony as "uniting" of humanity.

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: Justoneman

Did you happen to see the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics?

I did and it was really weird and now they are using copywrite to shut some significant truthers down.
Letter to Elon Musk.

I am getting some strange vibes from this.
First red flag is that it is the [33]rd Olympic ceremony and the opening ceremony was on July 26th.

Santa Surfing

She's down too.
Quick clip captured

One has to wonder where Billy fits in because this is his number. Found it.
Nayel Nasar - Jennifer Gates husban in the olympics
[33] years old.

July 26 to December 31= 158< [23] or [14].

I went back to watch Japan's opening ceremony July 23, 2021.
Red Carpet event with Albert Bourla

All the Youtubes have been taken down.

posted on Jul, 27 2024 @ 08:02 PM
crankyoldman has asked me to...

Post to ATS, let them have fun adding to it.


What's in a name? The Assassination Players.

Thomas Crooks = Crook

Kimberly Cheatle = Cheat(er)

Butler PA (the butler did it) (Personal Assistant) = Inside Job

Christ (opher) Wray = Ray Of Light

Merri (ck) Garland = Merry Wreath

Corey Comper(a)tore = Core, Compare To Ear = Compare Death to Earshot


David Dutch = David In Dutch, or In Trouble.

James Copenhaver = James Blue Heaven

Joe Biden = Biding Time

Ronny Jackson (DJT Doctor) = Son of Jack, JFK,

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 05:03 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Thank you and Justoneman too for explaining the process.
So, IF Joe gets away with this, particularly the part about limiting Presidential immunity, isn't that him trying to protecy himself and Hunter from any court proceedings against either?
Sorry to be a pain, but it all smells fishy to me, like something else is at play here


Allow me to correct myself.

Packing more justices is apparently not yet part of Joe's "plan".

He wants to limit their terms (which are for the rest of their lives per the Constitution) and impose an ethics boards that would be empowered to investigate SC justices whose opinions irritate the elites (my take on the board's purpose).

I expect Biden has already cut deals regarding immunity with various Dem political figures who will run cover for him if the Republicans try to charge him with anything.

And apparently, yes, the SC has to approve any changes to its terms etc. by deciding if said changes are in fact constitutional.

It sounds like a sour grapes initiative that will at most stir up more negative feelings on both sides.


posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3
I get my O at CVS and Walmart.
But I do not want to drive to TN to get mectin.

Huh I15
Interesting way to shut down a corridor.
Genius idea to go that way with strep incline
Warrior said a lil sumtin about that.
News unlocks the map.
Anyone surprised to see Vegas on it

How many coincidences?

Did RL experience colorlessness (does)

edit on 2024/28/7 by Crazierfox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Thank you Cav,

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

There are consequences.
Paris Blackout

Susie Q points out that it was at 23.
Susieq tweet.

Susie q- VK Say sorry

I suspect that this is by design.
French Towns introduce "Smart Street Lights"

Some interesting numbers "If you turn it off between 23:00 and 05:00 you will save 50%".

Looking at the posts with blackout
#1440 Jun 3, 2018 [3:58:29]< 27th No [16] 20282
Remaining #'s add to 32.

C Sprie pulls adds

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

I'm calling fake news on the Paris blackout. It was posted this morning on your link which would have implied the night before (27th) it would have been all over the news by now.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

We need to circle back to NASA Wallops.
NASA BOOM Balloon tweet

I felt this was such as odd tweet at the time with the BOOM connection.
Did U.S Firms Help Propel China's Balloon fleet?

Mark Kelley is a potential Kamala VP pick and is connected to NASA and World View high surveillance balloon company which just happened to receive venture capital financing from Tencent- Chinese connection. I don't know how he can possibly justify accepting $ from them.

What is troubling is the timing- 2019.
More details- [W]orld View
Hoping to bring a new vision to the [$23] billion remote sensing industry.

Just to pull out this point "China's biggest law firm is partnering with top Democratic lobbying practice which has sent at least [11] alumni to senior positions in the Biden administration." Albright Stonebridge connected to Dentons.

Wow look at all the whose who of whos.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

That may be but hopefully Nerbot will be able to confirm since he resides in France.

Since Jen Psaki is identified in the previous article as having a connection to [W]est Exec it's time to see how her net worth is doing.
Jen Psaki Net Worth

$30 million and has a Bentley?
Illuminatibot tweet

This is a good one- Ha...
Pinned "Breaking- a new more lethal Covid variant has been detected. It's called BS-24/7.
It attacks the truth and insults your intelligence."

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Yes. At the beginning along with things appearing 2 dimensional. He received a stem cell infusion and that rectified that problem. The skin condition has improved quite a bit, although there are flare ups. New Doc on board with 30 days supply of Ivermectin incoming. Fingers crossed it works. Lungs are a mess.

Pfizer stock price up $101

Makes one wonder.
Pfizer closing more in [N]orth [C]arolina

I've been wondering about all the connections to North Carolina...Connecting some dots here, we have Ralph Baric at UNC Chapel Hill, "Trust Us" Cohen and Pfizer.
Playing around with some numbers this morning. Working from the Gates angle. Billy has focused on the 3 children and the #23. I suspect he chose the dates based off of the name Gates. 4 Gates> '20 the launch date. Then add another Gates brings us to the next one scheduled for '25. One more Gates- Agenda 2030. He launched the Gates foundation in 2000, 20 years before the plandemic.

President Trump tweet once again had the #32. Billy was the youngest billionaire at 32.

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel you asked awhile back for connections of [17] to Bill Gates. The first significant event was when his best friend died at the age of 17. I missed another significant death-
[P]aul [A]llen.
Paul Allen Wiki

We have the connection to [23]- Paul Allen's net worth was $20.3 billion. We can pretty well map out everything connected to Billy's numbers.
As for #44- Billy and Allen donated $2.2 million each to their childhood school.

Paul Allen died October 15- that ties in to 2025.

It is a very strange plan. Circling back to #[4][5][9] Dec [25], 2017 No [17] [33] [82]

The 82 is the mirror of 28- Billy's birthday is October 28th.
April- Jennifer's birthday
May- Rory's birthday.
September- Phoebe's birthday.

Scrabble- 23 words

I suspect the Dec is related to this-
Gates Foundation Vaccine Delivery -Dec 2019
[3], [491], [095]- 13 months. [23[ [23]...3 children +[17]/[17]

posted on Jul, 28 2024 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 12:28 AM
Kamala on Jan Sixth...?

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: 777Vader

Well this is not new evidence, I saw this video not long after it happend. Good to see that It might be held in the light again, but Its fake that It is from 7/28/24!!!! Just saying

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 09:22 AM

Just posted this observation on another thread...
Just take a look at this photo, what do you notice? We have evidence in plain sight. The photo shows a picture of the bullet going right by Trump's head but what else do you notice? The bullet is on a LEVEL PLAIN. If Crooks shot that from an elevated position the trajectory would not be level as photographed. The trajectory would be, at least slightly, downward. I have not seen or heard anyone comment on this, what do you think? It does seem to have a slight downward trajectory at second look bit still makes me curious.

edit on 29-7-2024 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2024 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

If you look at the bottom of the frame, the lower edge of the podium is at about a 5 degree angle to the edge of the picture. If you could rotate the pic to correct for this, the bullet would be going on a downward trajectory of about 5 degrees. I know perspective and distance are also factors - not sure if it applies but thought worth mentioning.

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