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The Russian T-72B3 tank destroyed another Abrams during a tank duel

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posted on Mar, 7 2024 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

pop goes the weasel,

edit on 7-3-2024 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2024 @ 07:40 PM

originally posted by: ARM19688
A professional interest? In dying do you mean? Which is what would happen if they fought NATO.


Especially when...why...virtually every NATO country has admitted that they'd only have enough munitions for 2...(two)...days of sustained combat...

NATO allies would run out of ammunition

The news agency cited a NATO official who spoke on condition of anonymity and said the alliance found in a survey that those stockpile numbers have since dwindled even further as NATO continues to arm Ukraine at a rate that doesn't match weapons production. Reuters also quoted an unnamed European diplomat who said: "If Europe were to fight Russia, some countries would run out of ammunition in days."

NATO's badly kept secret

Some analysts believe NATO would not have enough supplies to fight Russia itself if it came to it now. Germany is reported to have two days' worth of ammunition supplies for instance if Russian tanks came rumbling over its borders

Sooooo...there is that...

edit on 7-3-2024 by YouSir because: I can...

posted on Mar, 7 2024 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: YouSir

Honestly dude, you’re just delusional if you’re trying to claim Russia would have any chance in going toe to toe with the entire west.

Get a grip.

posted on Mar, 7 2024 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: JadedGhost

Ummm…Russia…already is going toe to toe…with the entirety of NATO…

That’s why NATO is crying about unsustainability…and a lack of munitions…and the means to produce said munitions…and the equipment to use said munitions…

Their proxy war has bled them dry of ammunition…and the means to put their nonexistent ammunition down range…

They gave it all away…and there it lies…smoking and burning in the fields of those four former Ukrainian Oblasts…

Not very bright…on the lumen scale…nope not a candle powers flicker of intelligence among the whole cabal…

Sooo…you were bleating…?


posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: JadedGhost

Ummm…Russia…already is going toe to toe…with the entirety of NATO…

That’s why NATO is crying about unsustainability…and a lack of munitions…and the means to produce said munitions…and the equipment to use said munitions…

Their proxy war has bled them dry of ammunition…and the means to put their nonexistent ammunition down range…

They gave it all away…and there it lies…smoking and burning in the fields of those four former Ukrainian Oblasts…

Not very bright…on the lumen scale…nope not a candle powers flicker of intelligence among the whole cabal…

Sooo…you were bleating…?


Russia is currently caught in a stalemate against one smaller neighbour equipped with NATO army surplus.

posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 06:15 AM

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: JadedGhost

Ummm…Russia…already is going toe to toe…with the entirety of NATO…

That’s why NATO is crying about unsustainability…and a lack of munitions…and the means to produce said munitions…and the equipment to use said munitions…

Their proxy war has bled them dry of ammunition…and the means to put their nonexistent ammunition down range…

They gave it all away…and there it lies…smoking and burning in the fields of those four former Ukrainian Oblasts…

Not very bright…on the lumen scale…nope not a candle powers flicker of intelligence among the whole cabal…

Sooo…you were bleating…?


A new low from YouSir.
Do you really believe Russia is going toe to toe with NATO in a conventional war? I think you need your eyes tested or a guide dog.

I think your poor eye sight has also confused you as to what you're seeing smoking and buring in the fields, sorry to inform you but thats most of Russias military equipment you're seeing.

posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: YouSir

"Ummm…Russia…already is going toe to toe…with the entirety of NATO…"

What? The entirety of NATO is in Ukraine?

Including it's air forces?

Must have missed this.

Are you in some kind of alternate universe?

posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: YouSir

If Russian tanks came a rumbling over our borders that would be WW3.

We wouldn't need artillery shells to deal with them.

They couldn't even make it to Kyiv so not much chance of it happening.

posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: JadedGhost

Ummm…Russia…already is going toe to toe…with the entirety of NATO…

That’s why NATO is crying about unsustainability…and a lack of munitions…and the means to produce said munitions…and the equipment to use said munitions…

Their proxy war has bled them dry of ammunition…and the means to put their nonexistent ammunition down range…

They gave it all away…and there it lies…smoking and burning in the fields of those four former Ukrainian Oblasts…

Not very bright…on the lumen scale…nope not a candle powers flicker of intelligence among the whole cabal…

Sooo…you were bleating…?


Russia is currently caught in a stalemate against one smaller neighbour equipped with NATO army surplus.

Ummm...actually...Russia is advancing...daily...while the Ukrainians are retreating...daily...

Even your western News sources are confirming those facts...

Soooo...there is that...

Anything Else i can clear up for you...?


posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: JadedGhost

Ummm…Russia…already is going toe to toe…with the entirety of NATO…

That’s why NATO is crying about unsustainability…and a lack of munitions…and the means to produce said munitions…and the equipment to use said munitions…

Their proxy war has bled them dry of ammunition…and the means to put their nonexistent ammunition down range…

They gave it all away…and there it lies…smoking and burning in the fields of those four former Ukrainian Oblasts…

Not very bright…on the lumen scale…nope not a candle powers flicker of intelligence among the whole cabal…

Sooo…you were bleating…?


A new low from YouSir.
Do you really believe Russia is going toe to toe with NATO in a conventional war? I think you need your eyes tested or a guide dog.

I think your poor eye sight has also confused you as to what you're seeing smoking and buring in the fields, sorry to inform you but thats most of Russias military equipment you're seeing.

Ummm...I honestly...know...that The EU and NATO have repeatedly stated that they have 2...(two)...days worth of ammunition...and an extremely insufficient supply of the means to place anything down range...Sweden...gave all of it's artillery to Ukraine...ALL of it...

NATO and the EU are also on record that Russia outproduces the entirety of NATO in both ammunition and military equipment by a factor of 10...(ten)...

So spare me the muscle flexing...NATO is a paper tiger...and toothless to boot...

Must be something in the water...or do you all still eat lead paint over there...?


edit on 8-3-2024 by YouSir because: It's fun to flex the muscles...

posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: YouSir

If Russian tanks came a rumbling over our borders that would be WW3.

We wouldn't need artillery shells to deal with them.

They couldn't even make it to Kyiv so not much chance of it happening. wouldn't need any...because you can't produce any...nor do you have anywhere near the stocks of survive any conflict...past the first few hours...

So...your saber rattling about not needing any of that which you don't currently refreshingly comic...
The obvious inference about your antiquated nuclear tiresome...because besides those missiles that seem to always land beside the leaky tub that fired them...all you have left is sticks and stones...

Back to the stone age with you...

And be quick about it...


posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: YouSir

Sweden...gave all of it's artillery to Ukraine...ALL of it...

That claim is complete nonsense.

You obviously like making things up. Otherwise you would have reserched before you posted. For instance, Sweden has 48 Archer Arttilery system, of which EIGHT have been donated to Ukraine.

At present Sweden has another 48 Archer system on oder with BAE System, which will begin to arrive towards the end of this year.

Do some reaserch, it stops you looking a tool.

posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: JadedGhost

Ummm…Russia…already is going toe to toe…with the entirety of NATO…

That’s why NATO is crying about unsustainability…and a lack of munitions…and the means to produce said munitions…and the equipment to use said munitions…

Their proxy war has bled them dry of ammunition…and the means to put their nonexistent ammunition down range…

They gave it all away…and there it lies…smoking and burning in the fields of those four former Ukrainian Oblasts…

Not very bright…on the lumen scale…nope not a candle powers flicker of intelligence among the whole cabal…

Sooo…you were bleating…?


Russia is currently caught in a stalemate against one smaller neighbour equipped with NATO army surplus.

Ummm...actually...Russia is advancing...daily...while the Ukrainians are retreating...daily...

Even your western News sources are confirming those facts...

Soooo...there is that...

Anything Else i can clear up for you...?


Have they taken back the territory Ukraine recaptured yet?

The war has been a disaster and an embarrassment for Russia.

posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: alldaylong
a reply to: YouSir

Sweden...gave all of it's artillery to Ukraine...ALL of it...

That claim is complete nonsense.

You obviously like making things up. Otherwise you would have reserched before you posted. For instance, Sweden has 48 Archer Arttilery system, of which EIGHT have been donated to Ukraine.

At present Sweden has another 48 Archer system on oder with BAE System, which will begin to arrive towards the end of this year.

Do some reaserch, it stops you looking a tool.

Ummm...quite sorry old bean...I had my countries to your north mixed up...point of fact...

It was...Denmark

Denmark has pledged its "entire artillery" stocks to Ukraine, the country's leader has said, as Kyiv issued renewed pleas for all-important military aid in the face of Russian gains in the east of the country. "They are asking us for ammunition now, artillery now," Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen, said during the Munich Security Conference in Germany. "From the Danish side, we decided to donate our entire artillery."

So...there is that...

Back to the garden shed with you...


posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 10:21 AM
a reply to: YouSir

NATO and the EU are also on record that Russia outproduces the entirety of NATO in both ammunition and military equipment by a factor of 10...(ten)...

Are you just doing an RT and posting 'facts' as approved by the Russian government?? How about posting some links to real facts to back up your claims, or is that to much to ask ummmmm

posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: JadedGhost

Ummm…Russia…already is going toe to toe…with the entirety of NATO…

That’s why NATO is crying about unsustainability…and a lack of munitions…and the means to produce said munitions…and the equipment to use said munitions…

Their proxy war has bled them dry of ammunition…and the means to put their nonexistent ammunition down range…

They gave it all away…and there it lies…smoking and burning in the fields of those four former Ukrainian Oblasts…

Not very bright…on the lumen scale…nope not a candle powers flicker of intelligence among the whole cabal…

Sooo…you were bleating…?


Russia is currently caught in a stalemate against one smaller neighbour equipped with NATO army surplus.

Ummm...actually...Russia is advancing...daily...while the Ukrainians are retreating...daily...

Even your western News sources are confirming those facts...

Soooo...there is that...

Anything Else i can clear up for you...?


Have they taken back the territory Ukraine recaptured yet?

The war has been a disaster and an embarrassment for Russia.

Ummm..oh...the vaunted moving of the goal ones previous comments were disproved...

Pay attention my friend...They're taking that territory back...daily...

Just check your MIC approved'll catch up eventually

I have faith in you...


posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: YouSir
This is how you do it....

To compensate, Russia has relied on deliveries from Iran and particularly North Korea. Skibitskyi said Moscow has received around 1 million artillery munitions from Pyongyang, which has extensive stocks. He may have been echoing a report from South Korean intelligence, which had assessed that North Korea sent Russia 1 million artillery rounds from August through October. Satellite imagery indicates deliveries continued into December, and the South Koreans now believe Russia has received over 2 million shells from the Hermit Kingdom. Seoul says North Korean factories are running at maximum capacity to meet Russian demand.

Russia is struggling to provide ammunition and weapons for its war in Ukraine, according to Western officials.

It is facing "extreme challenges" in obtaining sufficient equipment and material, an official said.

It comes as concerns over the provision of Western weapons to Ukraine are mounting.

As the war enters its third year, the supply of ammunition, arms and manpower looks set to be a critical factor.

"Russia's domestic ammunition production capabilities are currently insufficient for meeting the needs of the Ukraine conflict," a Western official claimed, saying Moscow has been able to increase its supply only by seeking out alternative sources of ammunition and weapons, which does not offer a long-term solution.

Any assessment relies on knowing how many shells Russia had to start with, and the rate at which shells are being expended. And we have seen a wide range of figures thrown around.

In January, CNN quoted U.S. officials saying the average rate of fire had dropped from a high of 20,000 rounds per day to an average of 5,000. They contrasted this with Ukrainian estimates of a fall from 60,000 per day to 20,000.

In March, Spanish newspaper El Pais quoted EU insider sources as saying that Russia was firing 40-50,000 rounds per day, and alongside an estimate of 20-60,000 rounds per day from the Latvian government which has been a major supplier of ammunition to Ukraine.

And there's plenty more of those....

or do you all still eat lead paint over there...?

You also might want to send the crazy lead paint idea to Mad Vlad, that way he can try to force his soliders to try to sh*t their ammunition instead of asking for more...

edit on 8-3-2024 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: YouSir

I didn't mention nuclear weapons and don't intend to respond to your lame attempts to bait.

If Russia invaded Europe, which it can't because it couldn't even establish a supply line to enable it to get to Kyiv, that would be WW3.

The West does not rely on antiquated massive artillery bombardments and trench warfare and it's vastly superior and outnumbering air forces would quickly establish air superiority in which case your tanks would be toast.

Have you given up your risible claim that NATO is going "toe to toe" with Russia?
edit on 8-3-2024 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: YouSir

originally posted by: BedevereTheWise

originally posted by: YouSir
a reply to: JadedGhost

Ummm…Russia…already is going toe to toe…with the entirety of NATO…

That’s why NATO is crying about unsustainability…and a lack of munitions…and the means to produce said munitions…and the equipment to use said munitions…

Their proxy war has bled them dry of ammunition…and the means to put their nonexistent ammunition down range…

They gave it all away…and there it lies…smoking and burning in the fields of those four former Ukrainian Oblasts…

Not very bright…on the lumen scale…nope not a candle powers flicker of intelligence among the whole cabal…

Sooo…you were bleating…?


Russia is currently caught in a stalemate against one smaller neighbour equipped with NATO army surplus.

Ummm...actually...Russia is advancing...daily...while the Ukrainians are retreating...daily...

Even your western News sources are confirming those facts...

Soooo...there is that...

Anything Else i can clear up for you...?


Have they taken back the territory Ukraine recaptured yet?

The war has been a disaster and an embarrassment for Russia.

Ummm..oh...the vaunted moving of the goal ones previous comments were disproved...

Pay attention my friend...They're taking that territory back...daily...

Just check your MIC approved'll catch up eventually

I have faith in you...


Small gains or losses do not mean it isnt a stalemate. As I said embarrassing for Russia.

Keep parroting Russian Propaganda however.

I have faith in you...

edit on 8-3-2024 by BedevereTheWise because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 8 2024 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: YouSir

"NATO and the EU are also on record that Russia outproduces the entirety of NATO in both ammunition and military equipment by a factor of 10...(ten)..."

On record, where?

Why then are they having to use WW2 era tanks?

Why then are they begging NK for their (dud) ammunition.

Like Russia, you seem to obsess about artillery.

Modern warfare has moved on past that, so should you.
edit on 8-3-2024 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

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