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Reincarnation is there proof .

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posted on Feb, 14 2024 @ 05:16 PM
Reincarnation is what is actually taught in the Bible...

posted on Feb, 14 2024 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: dothedew
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

If anyone wants "evidence" of reincarnation, do a past life regression session (generally done with a hypnotist, but not always).

Long story short, I had clear as day (what seemed like) memories of being a small child on a playground in a neighborhood playing with other kids. I also was speaking German. I heard noise and looked up just in time to see planes flying overhead, followed by bright lights, screaming, and a lot of heat. I woke up shaking and drenched in sweat.

After a few hours of digging, I found out there was an accidental friendly-fire bombing of a neighborhood somewhere in Austria or Germany (can't remember) during WW2 that killed upwards of 400 of their own citizens - including several dozen young children that were playing on a playground in the middle of the neighborhood.

Prior to then, I had no idea anything like that happened. Rather eye opening. Scared the absolute Hell out of me.

Another session I had, I was in full gear at a night off base (or something to that effect) during what I believe was WW1 based on the uniform, having a beer with a few other infantrymen at a bar. Apparently (if this is all legit) I have a tendency to pop up around war time? It doesn't give me much hope for the current global climate...

I believe these stories but I don't suppose it necessitates reincarnation. We could be getting glimpses into the lives of other people when we enter these sorts of states. A sort of remote viewing through time. Especially in this case since you saw both WWI and WWII clips during your session. unless your respawn rate was really fast, and you managed to be reincarnated again quick enough to enter WWII, I would assume you were just getting glimpses into the consciousness of people from the past.

Perhaps there are souls from the past that are closer to us than others, allowing this sort of transmission. I have one in particular that I do feel could explain some wild coincidences, but I don't think I am their reincarnation.

Reincarnation to me would also ruin the individuality of a soul... I am uniquely me, not an amalgamation of people in the past.

posted on Feb, 14 2024 @ 05:20 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Venkuish1
Most importantly there is no evidence to support the reincarnation claims.

Some was already posted. It's easily googled. People who have memories and knowledge that they didn't gather in this life, but when investigated those memories and that knowledge turns out to be true.

You can keep saying over and over 'there is no evidence' .... but that's not true.

Personal experiences are personal experiences and are not proof or evidence of reincarnation. If the bar was so low every single experience can be named as evidence and need no further scrutiny or actual evidence to support whatever claims made.

Here's your obstacle you only look and learn from your direct surroundings what you are told to believe from those around you in your circle , In order to even start understanding anything you have to bring yourself above the Earth and look at it as a whole and not form an opinion but consider every opinion and discussion , Otherwise you come off arrogant and unable to understand or consider other opinions/theories after all none us actually know but you can understand why groups believe what they believe it's because it was taught kind of a sort of brainwashing by religion or geography.
edit on 14-2-2024 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2024 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: AllisVibration
a reply to: Venkuish1

You could look into the cases yourself, but if you’re going to automatically believe all these people are lying, and try to stuff all unexplained phenomena in the same box, then there really isn’t much point. You’re mind is already made up. It doesn’t make you correct about the matter.

Who can explain all the reports of ufo phenomena? Because these things are as yet “unknown” it doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

UFO Phenomena are distinct to reincarnation. You can get plenty of evidence on UFOs and they don't seem to belong to the paranormal world. Videos and photographs exist showing clearly some unidentified flying objects (not something paranormal).

How so? UFO phenomena are breaking the laws of physics as we understand them. Just like the paranormal.

posted on Feb, 14 2024 @ 06:31 PM
O rly?

What color is the sky?

How did we determine that?

Before you answer, think carefully about what your argument is.

a reply to: Venkuish1

posted on Feb, 14 2024 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1
No it' doesn't as is not a good argument. It shows in my opinion that reincarnation is not even acceptable to those who are religious and believe in the paranormal.

You are derping , by doubling down.

Person X believes in Jehovah but not Zeus, so that proves my point that Vishnu isn't real. WTF?

Most importantly there is no evidence to support the reincarnation claims.

This is where you become pedantic. The truth is nobody knows. You are welcome to your opinion but that is neither here nor there.

Microbes were not discovered/confirmed until the 17th century but that doesn't mean they were not there doing their thing all along.

Whether you realize it or not, you are arguing from ignorance.
edit on 14-2-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 12:24 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Venkuish1
No it' doesn't as is not a good argument. It shows in my opinion that reincarnation is not even acceptable to those who are religious and believe in the paranormal.

You are derping , by doubling down.

Person X believes in Jehovah but not Zeus, so that proves my point that Vishnu isn't real. WTF?

Most importantly there is no evidence to support the reincarnation claims.

This is where you become pedantic. The truth is nobody knows. You are welcome to your opinion but that is neither here nor there.

Microbes were not discovered/confirmed until the 17th century but that doesn't mean they were not there doing their thing all along.

Whether you realize it or not, you are arguing from ignorance.

You can't use the existence of microbes as an analogue to argue about incarnation which is based on personal experiences that are highly subjective.

I want to refer you again to the article I linked earlier written by an MD and this is gis conclusion

Reincarnation is a highly contradictory and controversial philosophical-religious and cultural concept. Belief in reincarnation has some epistemological implications. It is a belief in the absence of valid empirical data. There is no scientific evidence to prove reincarnation. The suggestive cases of reincarnation (past-lives” testimonies) cannot be independently verified, and there are psychological and cultural factors that can influence such claims. These testimonies are the products of social conditioning rather than actual memories of past lives. From a scientific and empirical standpoint, the concept of reincarnation remains unproven and subject to skepticism.

Pay particular attention to the absence of valid empirical data and the lack of scientific data in support of any claims made that cannot be independently verified. I think that says it all and the author doesn't make any reference about the credibility of the claimants, so in principle he doesn't argue these people are liars but argues front the point of view of a scientist.

You may want to revisit the dentition of the argument from ignorance. A classical example is when religionists try to explain anything they regard as unexplained or mysterious by projecting God and the supernatural world as the only explanation. Stating there is no evidence to support reincarnation and no other independent verification is far from being an argument from ignorance.
edit on 15-2-2024 by Venkuish1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 12:33 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Venkuish1
No it' doesn't as is not a good argument. It shows in my opinion that reincarnation is not even acceptable to those who are religious and believe in the paranormal.

You are derping , by doubling down.

Person X believes in Jehovah but not Zeus, so that proves my point that Vishnu isn't real. WTF?

Most importantly there is no evidence to support the reincarnation claims.

This is where you become pedantic. The truth is nobody knows. You are welcome to your opinion but that is neither here nor there.

Microbes were not discovered/confirmed until the 17th century but that doesn't mean they were not there doing their thing all along.

Whether you realize it or not, you are arguing from ignorance.

The first article I have linked shows that even religious people who accept the paranormal world don't accept reincarnation as it is a far-fetched idea. Is not proof that reincarnation isn't real. Remember the burden of proof is on the people who make the claims in favour of reincarnation for which there is no evidence at all.

I don't think Christianity for example accepts reincarnation together with all the other abrahamic religions. Something Christians in this thread have probably forgotten.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: AllisVibration

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: AllisVibration
a reply to: Venkuish1

You could look into the cases yourself, but if you’re going to automatically believe all these people are lying, and try to stuff all unexplained phenomena in the same box, then there really isn’t much point. You’re mind is already made up. It doesn’t make you correct about the matter.

Who can explain all the reports of ufo phenomena? Because these things are as yet “unknown” it doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

UFO Phenomena are distinct to reincarnation. You can get plenty of evidence on UFOs and they don't seem to belong to the paranormal world. Videos and photographs exist showing clearly some unidentified flying objects (not something paranormal).

How so? UFO phenomena are breaking the laws of physics as we understand them. Just like the paranormal.

You can't make an analogue between the UFO phenomenon and reincarnation. There is nothing to independently verify reincarnation and no scientific evidence in support of the claims made.

On the other hand we have evidence for the existence of some unidentified flying objects (photographs and videos) and the recordings from civilians and the armed forces measuring speed, acceleration, distance covered, and other physical quantities.

The evidence we have show there are unidentified flying objects and not aliens flying these objects. It should be clear to everyone these two things are different.
edit on 15-2-2024 by Venkuish1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 12:39 AM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher

originally posted by: Venkuish1

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Venkuish1
Most importantly there is no evidence to support the reincarnation claims.

Some was already posted. It's easily googled. People who have memories and knowledge that they didn't gather in this life, but when investigated those memories and that knowledge turns out to be true.

You can keep saying over and over 'there is no evidence' .... but that's not true.

Personal experiences are personal experiences and are not proof or evidence of reincarnation. If the bar was so low every single experience can be named as evidence and need no further scrutiny or actual evidence to support whatever claims made.

Here's your obstacle you only look and learn from your direct surroundings what you are told to believe from those around you in your circle , In order to even start understanding anything you have to bring yourself above the Earth and look at it as a whole and not form an opinion but consider every opinion and discussion , Otherwise you come off arrogant and unable to understand or consider other opinions/theories after all none us actually know but you can understand why groups believe what they believe it's because it was taught kind of a sort of brainwashing by religion or geography.

You ve written an entire paragraph and you said nothing.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 01:25 AM

originally posted by: Base12
Reincarnation is what is actually taught in the Bible...

You will find that Christianity is quite hostlle towards the idea of reincarnation and I am quite puzzled why posters on this thread and other threads who are Christians argue in favour of reincarnation which goes against their Christian beliefs but most importantly there is no evidence to support reincarnation.

Nevertheless, we, as Christians, believe that reincarnation runs contrary to our beliefs. After all, why in the world would Jesus Christ die on the cross and resurrect for our sins, if he doomed us to repeat lives here on earth, with no or little inkling of past lives? Even when some religions seek to find Nirvana or Enlightenment, to break the cycle of past lives, none provide a clear path on how to achieve this.

A person has no way of knowing how many lives they have to go or why any deity would doom them to repeat life cycles over and over again.

In this article, we’ll discuss what the Bible has to say about reincarnation. We’ll also discuss the problems with the concept of reincarnation, and ultimately, why this matters.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: Venkuish1

You can't make an analogue between the UFO phenomenon and reincarnation. There is nothing to independently verify reincarnation and no scientific evidence in support of the claims made.

But it’s ok for you to make an analogue between a bunch of villagers in Brazil seeing a vision of the mother Mary and reincarnation?
One is a subjective experience that nobody else can verify, where as the other we actually have records of the deceased’s life, that the person saying they existed as them can verify. Factual things such as their name, their spouse’s name and family names, their vocation, the cause of and time of death, and personal information that even close relatives thought nobody knew about etc.. all these are variable evidence, that the person claiming to have been the deceased will state with no way of knowing these facts, that a researcher can verify for themselves.

Yet you keep ignoring this point as if nobody has done this research.

On the other hand we have evidence for the existence of some unidentified flying objects (photographs and videos)

Plenty of this particular evidence has been faked, everyone in the community knows this.

recordings from civilians and the armed forces measuring speed, acceleration, distance covered, and other physical quantities.

Physical qualities that often break the laws of physics, but let’s just ignore that, it doesn’t fit your selective scepticism.

The evidence we have show there are unidentified flying objects and not aliens flying these objects

How do you or anyone else know that aliens aren’t flying them? This is just an unverifiable claim which you present as a fact. For all you know they could be flying unicorns or spaghetti monsters…

edit on 15-2-2024 by AllisVibration because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: Venkuish1
The first article I have linked shows that even religious people who accept the paranormal world don't accept reincarnation as it is a far-fetched idea.

Hindus are 'religious people'. There are 1.5 Billion of them. And they believe in reincarnation. Buddhists too.

reincarnation for which there is no evidence at all.

You keep saying that and it's not true. Wishful thinking on your part. There are tons of people who have memories and information that they have no way of knowing but that turn out to be true. Some examples were given here. Tons more online. You have been told this before yet you keep falsely claiming that there is no evidence. That's kind of desperate and closed minded.

As someone who believes in God and the Jesus story, reincarnation goes against that. And I find reincarnation to be a sad and tiresome thought. But I have to be open minded and objective ... there IS evidence that can support that reincarnation happens. That's just the way it could be. We'll find out when we die.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: Venkuish1
Personal experiences are personal experiences and are not proof or evidence of reincarnation. If the bar was so low every single experience can be named as evidence and need no further scrutiny or actual evidence to support whatever claims made.

It's more than just 'personal experience'. People having memories and information that they couldn't possibly have ... and those memories and information turning out to be correct ... is indeed evidence that reincarnation is entirely possible. To keep saying 'there is no evidence', when clearly there is, is just being closed minded and not objective. Kinda desperate too.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 05:19 AM
I don't believe in reincarnation because of the lack of any "empirical" evidence. It isn't something that can be objectively studied, so far as I know.

Also, let's say it is real and does exist, for argument sake.

How does it work? How or who governs it? Is it only "humans" who get reincarnated or all life? What is the validation process to decide who reincarnates as what? How are memories erased? Or, in some of these bizarre instances, not completely erased? Who designed the system? Who manages the system? If no one, and it's a naturally occurring unyet discovered law of nature, we should be able to find some objective evidence we can study. Yet we can't.

This is why I currently don't think it's real. I could be wrong but the evidence for it is non-existent and the implications for it to be real seem... well, unmanageable.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 05:28 AM
I should also say, not that I have 'memories' of reincarnation, but I do find myself more aligned or attuned to certain events or people. When I was younger, I used to have this recurring dreams of being driven to a house near a cliff - I could hear the waves of the ocean crashing down below. I was in an old black car with a couple of guys who were quiet and didnt speak. The car was from the early 30s or 40s in the UK/Ireland. It was dark and rainy and nighttime and I know I was being taken to this house to be shot/executed. I wasn't scared - just sad that my life was coming to an end and I couldn't avoid it. I always woke up when I was being shot in the head.

Now. Past life/memory? I Seriously (hope!) doubt it. I suspect, it's something I must have watched on TV or something, which stayed with me and became a false memory.

As for children claiming to be the reborn invidual of X - well, I can't explain that without being very cruel. As in, the child was feed info by the parent(s) for publicity.
edit on 2024-2-15 by NoOneButMeAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: dothedew

If you had clear memories of being a German child....

How did you recognize that it was German you were speaking?

Unless the child also spoke English at the time and could differniate between the two languages; which would have been unusual for that time period.

Or, you yourself, also speak German, and were able to simultaneously translate what the child was saying. But wouldn't that have put at one step "removed" from actually being the child to position more along the lines of "observing" the child.

A possibly important distinction when one is considering the possibility of being reincarnated, as opposed to reviewing events seemingly from past existences.

Sorry, Had an extended break from work and just got back.

It was weird, it was....... like a dream where you don't necessarily have control of your words or actions, but you're seeing everything through your eyes, as you're them, essentially.

In answer to that question, yes, I do speak a little bit of German. I wrote down what I was saying after i woke up from the session, and beyond saying "hi" to some other children, I was asking my parents if I could go on a slide that was there.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: Venkuish1
You can't use the existence of microbes as an analogue to argue about incarnation which is based on personal experiences that are highly subjective.

Sure I can if the argument is that they existed before science had empirical evidence of them.

You may want to revisit the dentition of the argument from ignorance.

An argument from ignorance (Latin: argumentum ad ignorantiam), or appeal to ignorance ('ignorance' stands for "lack of evidence to the contrary"), is a fallacy in informal logic. It says something is true because it has not yet been proved false. Or, that something is false if it has not yet been proved true.

The bolded part is what applies to your argument.

ETA: You can certainly say "I won't believe in reincarnation until I see empirical evidence", but that would just be your opinion and not really an argument against its existance.

edit on 15-2-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021
I knew I ws speaking English and was an Englishchild when i was young. Dont get why this is an issue?

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1
I am quite puzzled why posters on this thread and other threads who are Christians argue in favour of reincarnation which goes against their Christian beliefs

Reincarnation goes against Christian beliefs.

HOWEVER, you can't argue with the evidence. And there is evidence that supports the reincarnation position. Denying that fact wouldn't make sense.

I've said it before, I do not believe in reincarnation however there is evidence to support it so I have to be objective and keep an open mind. And I hope there isn't. Reincarnation is a lonely and disappointing prospect.

but most importantly there is no evidence to support reincarnation.

You keep repeating that like if you say it over and over it will be true.
But it's not.

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