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Reincarnation is there proof .

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posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 04:15 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

Hear are some other links of things I have found when looking into Reincarnation

Do We Finally Have Scientific Proof of Reincarnation?

The idea of a soul traversing lifetime after lifetime has been a part of our spiritual beliefs since the beginning of time. It is still a contentious subject in psychological fields, but it is becoming more accepted as new evidence comes forward. Now you can get a microdose of current studies into two forms of remembering past lives.

The test of reincarnation of the soul by DNA and IRIS scanner (Part One) - LINK

The test of reincarnation of the soul by DNA and IRIS scanner (Part Two) - LINK

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: Venkuish1
This is the paranormal sub-forum.

Why can't you let people get their paranormal discussion on?

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 04:22 PM
Jesus says reincarnation is real, but there are many places to go after death on earth. You don't have to come back here. You have of millions of civilizations to choose from.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1

Check this site (UK)
Reincarnation Refuted Online

The doctrine of reincarnation has been circulating the globe for millennia; yet, not a shred of evidence exists to support it. Contrary to the claims of reincarnation researchers, memories of past lives, including knowledge of recondite things known only to specialist historians, do not support the doctrine of reincarnation (see the Case of Jasbir). Real memories of past lives - often referred to as "previous" lives by believers - are the result of a well-known phenomenon called "overshadowing" or, in extreme cases, "obsession" or "possession."

Overshadowing occurs when a discarnate personality, currently occupying a domain of consciousness close to the earth, "approaches" a psychically sensitive individual and impresses him or her with its thoughts, feelings, beliefs and memories. The individual will feel a sense of "ownership" over the memories and may interpret them as memories of a previous life - especially if the individual believes in reincarnation. This overshadowing phenomenon works both ways and the discarnate personality will have access to the individual's thoughts, feelings and memories and may, for its part, believe it has reincarnated in the body of its "host." By transference, the discarnate personality will impress - or reinforce - the host's mind with the conviction that he or she has lived a previous life on earth.

Strictly speaking there is nothing much to refute die to the absence of any evidence reincarnation is real.

The doctrine of reincarnation has been circulating the globe for millennia; yet, not a shred of evidence exists to support it. Contrary to the claims of reincarnation researchers, memories of past lives, including knowledge of recondite things known only to specialist historians, do not support the doctrine of reincarnation (see the Case of Jasbir). Real memories of past lives - often referred to as "previous" lives by believers - are the result of a well-known phenomenon called "overshadowing" or, in extreme cases, "obsession" or "possession."

Overshadowing occurs when a discarnate personality, currently occupying a domain of consciousness close to the earth, "approaches" a psychically sensitive individual and impresses him or her with its thoughts, feelings, beliefs and memories. The individual will feel a sense of "ownership" over the memories and may interpret them as memories of a previous life - especially if the individual believes in reincarnation. This overshadowing phenomenon works both ways and the discarnate personality will have access to the individual's thoughts, feelings and memories and may, for its part, believe it has reincarnated in the body of its "host." By transference, the discarnate personality will impress - or reinforce - the host's mind with the conviction that he or she has lived a previous life on earth.

Ah so there are some beliefs present, including the belief in " overshadowing " , eh ?
Your beliefs are welcome here !

Is there also a belief in the other stuff in that quote ?

Is there belief that there is a " Doctrine of reincarnation ? "
Belief in a globe ?
Belief that the " Doctrine " has been around for millennia ?
Belief in " Obsession, and/or possession ? "
Belief in " Discarnate personalities ? "
Belief in " Transference ? "

It's great that you have so many beliefs !
Welcome !

edit on 13/13/2024 by KnowItAllKnowNothin because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: tarantulabite1

There are a lot of theories out there to be sure, but none of them adequately explain how some people can remember details of a past life there's no way they can know.

Admittedly, some have been found to be frauds, but there's that small group who defy explanation.

We will probably never know for sure, but I can understand why so many people have and do believe in reincarnation. I just haven't found enough evidence to convince myself yet.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: Klassified

Ditto that ...Guess the only way we will know ANYTHING is when that day comes ....Death

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 04:38 PM
If I was reincarnated, guess I would have been a Chinese rice farmer, maybe an Indian rice farmer
Why don’t many rice farmers get reincarnated, surely the most common profession on earth

As for past lives, I can’t deny the evidence I have witnessed (none first hand)
The source form, youtube news and tv is always questionable

As a christian, be a little reluctant to believe in reincarnation as it isn’t considered kosher in the church, outside of demonic memories from another persons life
Demons bringing old memories to people, to encourage belief in spiritualism
I have witnessed many times children being awake to the spiritual and losing that ability as they grow older

Enough evidence to make me believe, just not enough to understand or have an answer that satisfies me, seems like there are many aspects to life like that

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

Proof ? Yes . Definitive ? No .

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: Creaky

In a way : we are many of us reincarnated, from the ATS Preglitchocene-Era.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: KnowItAllKnowNothin

Matter and Energy are Indestructible , Ergo.........

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 05:05 PM
Well it happens, but not how you think it does. When you die everything ends. There is nothing. Except an almost infinite amount of time passes, but you’re unaware of it. That is until everything aligns again, every atom, the whole universe (new) and you are born again, just like the last time - just like every time. A few memories occasionally impinge, a few vague deja vu moments, as usual, but you remember almost nothing, perhaps only a couple of random things. This has to happen. It’s impossible for it not to.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: ManSizedSquirrel Got one of those little touchpads and use my tail.

You are acting kind of squirrely with that response. You may have a little too fluffy tail to do that.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 05:18 PM
"Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton is a book you'd like, if you haven't read it already.

The reincarnation thing seems to have a little too much smoke for there not to be a fire. I'm sure some cases are legitimate, others are fabricated, maybe by people seeking their 15 minutes of fame.

I've become a believer that our consciousness, or soul, or whatever you want to call it, doesn't originate here on Earth or in this dimension. I, too, had read a lot about reincarnation and near death experiences. Somewhere along that journey, I heard about that "stuff" Joe Rogan talks about a lot, which I don't think I can name here.

Long story short, I did some, and the best I can describe it is, it felt like my very consciousness was removed from my body, transported through some sort of wormhole, and arrived in a dimension that existed as energy, but with the STRONG feeling I'd been there before. I even laughed at myself in the middle of it for having forgotten it. This place had the most warm, welcoming, and accepting feeling. I was a bit sad when I knew my time was almost up, and I'd have to go back. But I knew I'd return there someday.

That experience really cemented the idea that our bodies are just vessels, and we're spiritual beings experiencing a human existence. I didn't come out of it believing in a religious God, but it made me much more spiritual.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: ARM19688
Well it happens, but not how you think it does. When you die everything ends. There is nothing. Except an almost infinite amount of time passes, but you’re unaware of it. That is until everything aligns again, every atom, the whole universe (new) and you are born again, just like the last time - just like every time. A few memories occasionally impinge, a few vague deja vu moments, as usual, but you remember almost nothing, perhaps only a couple of random things. This has to happen. It’s impossible for it not to.

The soul or spirit of a person could possibly move into another being, or go into limbo in the collective consciousness of the planet. Memories would be stored in crystals, so it cannot take memories with it. But this being could access information in humans or information stored in any kind of crystal. Even water has a crystal like structure so it can store information.

Some people have developed a sense to translate the information stored in things. They can take something out of a piece of clothing, or possibly take information from a person handing them the item after the clothing of the dead person is given to them. Even a grain of sand can store lots of info. A psychic can also read info from the person who is paying them by having a key...something they touched possibly. Not all paranormal things are scams, but things are not what people think they are. love would be part of the spirit or soul, so would hate. You don't want to try to link to a hateful spirit or soul

I do not think you totally die when you die, but your memories do not follow you. Just your essence, the mood of the spirit or soul. I keep saying spirit and soul because I am not sure if those are the same and they may be different...don't know which would be correct for my explanation.

Am I right? I am not sure, I have no way to test my belief on this. I have arrived on this conclusion from talking to others over half a century. My theory is sort of a conclusion based on many people talking about the subject. But it could be completely wrong. But it would explain how a spirit could influence someone without them knowing of it. Even animals, and possibly plants could have spirits.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Venkuish1
This is the paranormal sub-forum.

Why can't you let people get their paranormal discussion on?

I do like mysteries too but I want to be as realistic as I can. I thought you want to hear all opinions and not just good news and convenient stories.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: Klassified

originally posted by: Venkuish1

Check this site (UK)
Reincarnation Refuted Online

The doctrine of reincarnation has been circulating the globe for millennia; yet, not a shred of evidence exists to support it. Contrary to the claims of reincarnation researchers, memories of past lives, including knowledge of recondite things known only to specialist historians, do not support the doctrine of reincarnation (see the Case of Jasbir). Real memories of past lives - often referred to as "previous" lives by believers - are the result of a well-known phenomenon called "overshadowing" or, in extreme cases, "obsession" or "possession."

Overshadowing occurs when a discarnate personality, currently occupying a domain of consciousness close to the earth, "approaches" a psychically sensitive individual and impresses him or her with its thoughts, feelings, beliefs and memories. The individual will feel a sense of "ownership" over the memories and may interpret them as memories of a previous life - especially if the individual believes in reincarnation. This overshadowing phenomenon works both ways and the discarnate personality will have access to the individual's thoughts, feelings and memories and may, for its part, believe it has reincarnated in the body of its "host." By transference, the discarnate personality will impress - or reinforce - the host's mind with the conviction that he or she has lived a previous life on earth.

Strictly speaking there is nothing much to refute die to the absence of any evidence reincarnation is real.

You are refuting something that cannot be proven with something else that cannot be proven?


I am not the author of this online article. Someone is refuting the claims made in favour of reincarnation and I think there is no problem with it.

You may want to rephrase by saying: not a shred of evidence exists to support reincarnation.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: Venkuish1
That's not evidence to support reincarnation.

It's a viable explanation when nothing else can explain it.

And I find it very difficult to accept people have memories and knowledge of things they haven't experienced and don't know.

And yet ... they do.

Easily googled. Tons of stories. Lots of TV shows on this stuff. It's all out there.

Having memory and knowledge of things you haven't experienced and haven't lived sounds impossible.

I am sure there are many people who claim they have lived before and they now have memories of their past lives but there are many too who have seen virgin mary and jesus or have spoken to them.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: Venkuish1
I do like mysteries too but I want to be as realistic as I can. I thought you want to hear all opinions and not just good news and convenient stories.

But we all know it hasn't been proven scientifically. There is no point in bringing that up over and over.

It is more of a "share the stories or ideas that you have you heard?" type of thread.
edit on 13-2-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: Venkuish1

Having memory and knowledge of things you haven't experienced and haven't lived sounds impossible.

Yes, it does-and yet scientists have recently foung that our DNA actually holds genetic memory for at least two or three generations.

Perhaps that's where the theory/belife in reincarnation comes from.

One of the best books I've ever read on the topic was Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation, but if a person is already close-minded they won't get anything out of it.

posted on Feb, 13 2024 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Venkuish1

Having memory and knowledge of things you haven't experienced and haven't lived sounds impossible.

Yes, it does-and yet scientists have recently foung that our DNA actually holds genetic memory for at least two or three generations.

Perhaps that's where the theory/belife in reincarnation comes from.

One of the best books I've ever read on the topic was Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation, but if a person is already close-minded they won't get anything out of it.

If that was true to the extent people try to describe in this thread then most of us (if not all of us) would have had some sort of memories and knowledge from past lives but the alleged cases are quite rare and only involve only a handful of people just like the people who claimed they have seen virgin mary and jesus.

While there is ongoing research in this area, it's important to clarify that the concept of memories being directly stored in DNA as we commonly think of memories (e.g., specific personal experiences or knowledge) is not currently supported by scientific evidence.

edit on 13-2-2024 by Venkuish1 because: (no reason given)

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