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Global Flood explains Oil Deposits and Geological layers

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posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 12:56 AM
Reverse tables time.

Start with this.

What we lack, of course, is Sumerian epitaphs giving exact ages at death. ancles. few skeletons of very old age, the average age at death was only 30.6 years for males and 28 for females.

Carbon-14, given carbon's half-life, should be able to accurately date a 4,500 year old skeleton. Isn't it 99% accurate on organic material within the halflife of Carbon?

I'm pretty sure it's valid. It's okay to acknowledge it's accuracy, I swear.

But all Sumerian skeletons found in Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates, dated to 2400 years ago had a really really short average lifespan.

Like most of the ancient world, the aristocracy lived to their 50s 60s and everyone else died at 30.

Noah almost certainly lived in Mesopotamia, the land situated between and around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

Hmmmm... How the hell is this one person living 31 times longer than everyone else in his area at his time? Is he part immortal jellyfish?

Everyone else from where and when he lived died young, and this dude is from this special breed of snowflake that lives to freaking 950?

And apart from the age thing.. and the dated skeletons from Noah's time...

And why doesn't it ever call him a Sumerian? Where's the polytheism?

It is WIDELY accepted Noah lived in this "fertile" region in present day Iraq. Yet, there are never acknowledgements of Uruk, Ur, Lagash, Umma, and Nippur. They acknowledge some of the Akkadian cities, but not really The Sumer ones.

Nimrod is described as Noah's great Grandson. In Genesis 10:10 Nimrod is described as founding several cities.

The beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar

Babel (City with Hanging Gardens Babel) was founded in 2300 BCE by THE AKKADIANS, which is fine. Accad is Akkad, which was founded by Sargon, not Nimrod. Also Akkadian. Meanwhile Erech, also known as Uruk, was founded in 5000 BCE by Sumerians.

And what about the myth that Babylon was founded by Marduk, son of Enki?

How on Earth did this all happen?

This land of Shinar was allegedly founded by Noah's great Grandson. Why is he not called an Akkadian? Wheres his polytheism? Because that's who actually founded those cities, polytheist Enki worshippers. And Is he a time traveler too?

Founded cities from 2700 year in the past?

There's just so much wrong trying to line up that Genesis timeline with reality.


What about the statement "Genesis history is an ignorant attempted RETCON of Mesopotamian History that mocks everything known about those ancient civilizations even at time of composition?

Care to dispute my bold assertions?
edit on 29-12-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 02:16 AM

originally posted by: Degradation33
Reverse tables time.

Start with this.

No let's start with you admitting there is water in both the liquid and supercritical fluid states in the mantle. Your fellow acolytes were relying on you to be right and you failed them.

Phantom still doesn't know the difference between weight and density lol (yet 5 of you still gave him a star [hahahaha]). That's a tell-tale sign of someone new to the field of chemistry. I think also 5 of you gave him a star for his question about how a salt water creature would have been able to survive during the flood. Hahahaha.

The proof is right in front of you. Don't you all realize yet???


edit on 29-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

(post by Degradation33 removed for a manners violation)

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 07:33 AM
reply to: cooperton

Again, you simply dont understand. This is trapped within the structure of the minerals and isn't just floating around willy nilly.

From your linked article.

theoretically, the mineral assemblages of MFIs in omphacite and garnet should be exactly the same; however, nonnegligible differences are observed between them. This significant difference cannot be the result of low-degree reaction. According to kinetics theory (30), crystal growth absorbs elements in solution, resulting in chemical heterogeneity between the fluid near the growing crystal surface and the fluid at more a distal location. Similarly, different host minerals absorb different elements. The distinct difference in the composition of locally captured fluid is related to the host mineral species. For example, diopside and grossular only exist in MFIs of omphacite and garnet, respectively. Therefore, crystallization and growth of different host minerals in the veining fluid lead to local heterogeneity of the fluid composition and differences in the daughter mineral assemblages between the MFIs in omphacite and garnet. In conclusion, differences in the daughter mineral assemblages between the MFIs in omphacite and in garnet are likely caused by the local chemical heterogeneity of the vein-forming fluids. Nevertheless, local heterogeneity of fluid occurs at the mineral scale, while the composition of the fluid is relatively homogeneous at the larger vein scale. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the average composition obtained by the MFI analysis represents the early vein-forming fluid....

....we quantitatively determined the major composition of the fluid trapped in the MFIs. Combined with the peak-metamorphic pressure–temperature conditions and the cooccurrence of coesite, rutile, and garnet, we suggest that the trapped fluids in the MFIs represent supercritical fluids in a deep subduction zone. The strong mobility of the supercritical fluids with respect to carbon and sulfur suggests that such fluids have profound effects on global carbon and sulfur cycling.

edit on 29-12-2023 by Kurokage because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Then we have the obease. Possibly coopertons missing water is all inside those billions of obease people on earth who outgass CO2 and take dumps the size of a cantelope.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: Waterglass

Is that not the cows that get the blame there?

Fat people will need to go aways to compete with those big beasties.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: cooperton
But your reply was to a post that included the proper term.

You were still harping on after the correction.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: Degradation33


You can report the thread the the MOD squad and see if they pull it as its obvious to me that cooperton likes to rope a dope the minions.

No, your not a dope nor am I.

Like I wrote you before I am somewhat spiritual yet grounded as I dont wear religion on my sleeve nor push it on others. I also drop F bombs like the best of them.

IMO this OP is a religious zealot so far out there that if your were around during the Salem witch trials he would be the one lighting the wood. I have to give him credit for responsding but all hes doing is spinning the numbers

I caught him on his math and that was enoiugh for me.

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation
I might flip the script on you since the winged feathered serpent is describing seraphim.

No, that would be you thinking they must be talking about seraphim because you need everything to fit your religious beliefs.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: Degradation33
Did you intentionally choose a song that is written with so little talent and lyrics of a 1st grade reading level.
That is a horrible band.
It surely does encapsulate where this thread has gone.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation
I might flip the script on you since the winged feathered serpent is describing seraphim.

No, that would be you thinking they must be talking about seraphim because you need everything to fit your religious beliefs.

No it means I have reading comprehension and follow the leads to where they take me.

You guys have all fallen to cheerleading as an argument slapping each other's asses in lockstep.

I am not sure any of you have answered if the water in the rock was water that was on the surface 1st.
Like the canopy theory implies.
Instead you just pound your chests in angry outbursts complimenting each other making people the topic out of your frustrations.
Cooperton is right.
You think stars make each other right.
You each keep getting the same stars.
The same 4 stars.
The op got lots of stars.
I guess he wins.

I learned something from this geology lesson actually. Zeolite fascinates me.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: daskakik
What newly forming layers?

You have god pouring water through a hole in the firmament and some water bubbling from the mantle, which would be below everything else. 

ETA. The pressure cooker mentioned in that process is most likely more watertight than any geological layer you can think of.

The waters from below were likely bursting forth, not a simple bubbling. This would have caused intense water currents, especially given there was a storm going on too for 40 days and 40 nights. Vast amounts of matter would have been moved. I showed earlier this video of how a small flood creek can move massive amounts of mud and boulders:

(at 15 seconds)

Now imagine this on a global scale, the entire face of the earth would undergo dramatic changes.

That is an awesome video showing the immediate damage mud flow causes.
Amazing seeing the size of boulders that small stream was moving effortlessly.
We can only imagine it at large scale, like what legend said happened to Atlantis in just 1 hour.
Sunk and covered and surrounded by mud.
We live on a violent planet.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
Seems like you are projecting.

Yeah, some might get a little frustrated when people won't even take the time to look and think about the things they bring up, but that includes you.

I am not sure any of you have answered if the water in the rock was water that was on the surface 1st.

What difference would it make? That would just mean the place started out flooded and then the water soaked in, it doesn't mean it just popped back out at a later date.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: Waterglass

I caught him on his math and that was enoiugh for me.


Where was my math wrong? I responded to your post:

"There are 1.56 trillion barrels of oil estimated to be in earth. a barrel of oil is 0.15 tons. to convert barrels to tons, we multiply 1.56 trillion barrels by (0.15 tons / barrel) = 235 billion tons. 235 billions tons is remarkably close to the known amount of oil reserves on earth. If we assume there's as much unknown oil as there is known oil, and therefore multiply the 235 billion ton figure by 2, then it closely matches the 500 billion tons of organic biomass present on the earth today.

edit on 29-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
Seems like you are projecting.

Yeah, some might get a little frustrated when people won't even take the time to look and think about the things they bring up, but that includes you.

I am not sure any of you have answered if the water in the rock was water that was on the surface 1st.

What difference would it make? That would just mean the place started out flooded and then the water soaked in, it doesn't mean it just popped back out at a later date.

You make a gigantic assumption it was not water used during the flood and then captured within.
If it was an ice canopy, or water from Saturn's rings, it was water. Simply water.
And before it was ringwoodite, crystal or zeolite.
It was water.
Your contention is when not if.
The real question is how reasonably sensible posters can out troll you in a thread, and that has happened.
This thread has more emotional appeals than Pelosis cries to impeach Trump.
This thread is like a Democrat partisan plea by AOC dressed in white with head in hands with fake crying to save caged children and return them to their human traffickers she called parents.

You guys are so dang emotional you think the 3 of you are more right because you star each other's posts.
To be honest I think you all started with all feelings but tried to hide it better in the beginning of the thread.
Now you guys act like basket cases.

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: Kurokage
Again, you simply dont understand. This is trapped within the structure of the minerals and isn't just floating around willy nilly.

From your linked article.....we quantitatively determined the major composition of the fluid trapped in the MFIs. Combined with the peak-metamorphic pressure–temperature conditions and the cooccurrence of coesite, rutile, and garnet, we suggest that the trapped fluids in the MFIs represent supercritical fluids in a deep subduction zone. The strong mobility of the supercritical fluids with respect to carbon and sulfur suggests that such fluids have profound effects on global carbon and sulfur cycling."

They are saying the minerals with trapped remnants of water indicate that there is water in the layers that they are formed. That is what they are saying. As I also was saying from the beginning, the hydroxylation of these minerals is showing that there is water in these deep layers that the minerals are reacting with. This bolded part of the above quote, that you bolded, is saying exactly what I was saying from the beginning. where there is smoke there is fire, where there is hydroxylation of minerals there is water.

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: cooperton
But your reply was to a post that included the proper term.

You were still harping on after the correction.

Yeah because he was calling me an idiot, so I pointed out how he made a very novice error regarding the difference between weight and density. You guys even liked his comment that asked where the saltwater creatures would go during the flood lolol
edit on 29-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
Seems like you are projecting.

Yeah, some might get a little frustrated when people won't even take the time to look and think about the things they bring up, but that includes you.

I am not sure any of you have answered if the water in the rock was water that was on the surface 1st.

What difference would it make? That would just mean the place started out flooded and then the water soaked in, it doesn't mean it just popped back out at a later date.

I am pretty sure I prefaced by pointing to the ice canopy or Saturn's rings.
Maybe that is the reason for the hole in the ozone?

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: Degradation33
a reply to: Phantom42338

Would someone please get the hook. This idiot doesn't understand the difference between volume, molecular weight and density.

He understands what's convenient for the claim.

I would pay to watch him argue this though.

The water in the mantle transition zone, is mostly free floating, separate from other minerals, in supercritical form, and can be sent to the surface through convective processes driven by a pressure change in the earths core. This process can drain the MTZ instanteously and flood the earth to the top of Mt. Everest. It is responsible for the oil and carbon deposits and other geological sedimentary layers, like those in The Joggins Formation of the Northern Appalachian Mountains. a group of geologists.

I've told him more than a few times to write a letter to the journals or scientists on a variety of topics to challenge their positions. There are literally thousands of peer reviewed journal articles on evolution but he insists THEY'RE all wrong and HE'S right, even though he's never been in a lab, has no credentials and knows nothing about real science. The same applies to the flood scenario - no data, no experimental evidence, no nothing - just his crackpot opinion. As the world turns...............

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: cooperton

originally posted by: Kurokage
Again, you simply dont understand. This is trapped within the structure of the minerals and isn't just floating around willy nilly.

From your linked article.....we quantitatively determined the major composition of the fluid trapped in the MFIs. Combined with the peak-metamorphic pressure–temperature conditions and the cooccurrence of coesite, rutile, and garnet, we suggest that the trapped fluids in the MFIs represent supercritical fluids in a deep subduction zone. The strong mobility of the supercritical fluids with respect to carbon and sulfur suggests that such fluids have profound effects on global carbon and sulfur cycling."

They are saying the minerals with trapped remnants of water indicate that there is water in the layers that they are formed. That is what they are saying. As I also was saying from the beginning, the hydroxylation of these minerals is showing that there is water in these deep layers that the minerals are reacting with. This bolded part of the above quote, that you bolded, is saying exactly what I was saying from the beginning. where there is smoke there is fire, where there is hydroxylation of minerals there is water.

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: cooperton
Dude, even though you make great points.
Can you please back off a little.
You are going to make somebody cry soon, and that will be on you!
But your reply was to a post that included the proper term.

You were still harping on after the correction.

Yeah because he was calling me an idiot, so I pointed out how he made a very novice error regarding the difference between weight and density. You guys even liked his comment that asked where the saltwater creatures would go during the flood lolol

Dude, even though you make great points.
Can you please back off a little.
You are going to make somebody cry soon, and that will be on you!
edit on 29-12-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2023 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: FarmerSimulation

Dude, even though you make great points.
Can you please back off a little.
You are going to make somebody cry soon, and that will be on you!

Isn't it crazy? Turns out there is plenty of supercritical and liquid water in these layers, and now degradation is begging to change the topic to avoid admitting I was right. The number of times the people on this debate have incidentally posted sources that prove what I was saying is astounding. Anger is now their only response, as though caps lock is going to make them right.

edit on 29-12-2023 by cooperton because: (no reason given)

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