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The Cultural Marxist Revolution

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posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:01 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Klassified

He wasn't wrong about their mindset, but their "need" goes hand in hand with increasingly oppressive governments, whether capitalist, socialist, or a dictatorship.

And who traditionally keeps those who seek power in check?

It should be the people, but it ends up being other people seeking power.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:09 PM
a reply to: 1947boomer
This is just intellectually dishonest.

By any available metric, capitalism has raised more people out of poverty, (especially over the last 100 years) than any other socioeconomic system in human history.

Where by contrast, socialism, communism, fascism has directly resulted in the deaths of more than 200 million people. Whether through murder or starvation.

You people are clowns and no rational people can possibly take you seriously.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: burntheships

Edit: I should elaborate.

His finished works, not done by marx tie-in communism.

Yeah, I should elaborate too. Do they even teach anatomy
in school these days? Or do they teach gender studies?

He finished Das Kapital, so there is that. Eerily in many
aspects much like the WEF you will own nothing and be happy?

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: burntheships

I miss the member DasKapital, I haven't seen him in years. But he had very high quality posts.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: 1947boomer
This is just intellectually dishonest.

By any available metric, capitalism has raised more people out of poverty, (especially over the last 100 years) than any other socioeconomic system in human history.

Where by contrast, socialism, communism, fascism has directly resulted in the deaths of more than 200 million people. Whether through murder or starvation.


Show me anywhere I said or implied that Capitalism is not an enormously productive economic system. I didn't and I won't.

However, unregulated Capitalism is basically a Darwinian system--there will be winners and losers. As time goes by, the winners will come to own more and more of the wealth and the losers will be homeless and living in ghettos. I could go into why I think that happens, but I think it's pretty clear that it has throughout history. In the US today, about a third of all the wealth is concentrated in 1% of the families while 50% of the families own about 1% of the wealth. Half the population doesn't even really participate in the economy. I don't think that's sustainable, do you?

If it's not sustainable then you have to regulate Capitalism somehow.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

Now that you mention it, I do too. A lot has gone
down since Covid, it is hard to keep up with all.

Lots of others I miss too. I tell myself that its time
to move on, the truth is all of them, agree or not
are in my mind for eternity.
Miss those days too.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: Stopthebull

I think you must have me confused with someone else. If you have any questions about the points I was attempting to make in that post please ask me for clarification instead of relying on your false memories from my posting history.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: Gandalf77
So rather than referencing an actual manifesto or anything remotely academic, it's just another ignorant right-wing catch-all for that which they don't like (similar to "woke"). Standard.

Here they are the 45 communist/Marxisist goals :


Congressional records 45 goals

This includes the destruction/overtaking of what binds us : marriage, religion, art, MSM , THE CONSTITUTION (!! ) etc.
That's why they go after kids and try to destroy their innocence.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Ohanka
Identity Politics is the furthest thing from Marxist social philosophy as possible with the exception of lunacy like Nazism.

Marxism is all about the unity of the working class and the ending of meaningless distinctions like race & gender. To divide the people by having them argue over stuff like gender & race is an inherently Bourgeois strategy. A proletariat that is divided amongst itself will never unite against the bourgeois after all.

Perhaps the greatest con of modern times was convincing people that “Marxism” and “Socialism” actually mean the opposite to what they are supposed to.

This is why conservatives decry supporters of Neoliberal Corporate Feudalism as “Socialists” even though I don't think there has ever been a system more opposed to the workers than anything before.

How would Marxism work in the US with a Constitution?

Not good, not at all.
See goal 10:

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: 1947boomer
This is just intellectually dishonest.

By any available metric, capitalism has raised more people out of poverty, (especially over the last 100 years) than any other socioeconomic system in human history.

Where by contrast, socialism, communism, fascism has directly resulted in the deaths of more than 200 million people. Whether through murder or starvation.


Show me anywhere I said or implied that Capitalism is not an enormously productive economic system. I didn't and I won't.

However, unregulated Capitalism is basically a Darwinian system--there will be winners and losers. As time goes by, the winners will come to own more and more of the wealth and the losers will be homeless and living in ghettos. I could go into why I think that happens, but I think it's pretty clear that it has throughout history. In the US today, about a third of all the wealth is concentrated in 1% of the families while 50% of the families own about 1% of the wealth. Half the population doesn't even really participate in the economy. I don't think that's sustainable, do you?

If it's not sustainable then you have to regulate Capitalism somehow.

Capitalism is about rewarding hard work and enterpreneurs. Also, someone who put in effort becoming an MD should make more than someone who can barely read. Also , you get to buy stuff with your earnings or invest , and it's yours.

Under communism , like is happening in Comifornia , crimimal behaviour is rewarded, and it becomes less and less rewarding to work hard , save , invest etc as the overreaching governments wants a bigger and bigger piece of YOUR pie (higher taxes for one). Remember the WEF's klaus schwab has admitted his WEF croonies infitrated world governments , has said that ' you will own nothing and be happy' . So whatever you have attained through decades of work , will be taken from you one way or another, if they have their way. I'm convinced of this.
Take a look at TikTok videos complaining of inflation. They can't afford rent! At least if they owned a home they'd have a chance of paying it off and owning it in the end. So which way is better in your eyes?

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
I think the only criteria for being a Commi/marxist on ats is to not subscribe to trumps BS .

Took you long enough to go off topic and REEEE with what*about*ism.

Thanks for the thread, DBCowboy; very informative, especially your opening post.

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 01:43 AM
ChatGPT actually had the best definition, lol. I would say Cultural Marxism is Marxism applied to "culture" instead of economics.

So if Marxism is all about class consciousness, seizing the means of production, organizing the proletariat into unions, capital vs. labor, and so on, then Cultural Marxism is the same but focused on culture instead.

That could mean wokeness, like seeing African Americans as a disempowered class compared to Caucasian Americans, a class that doesn't control the cultural means of production, because they don't go to the best schools, they don't have their voices heard as much and so on. But it can hard to separate the cultural from the economical, and a real old-school Marxist might get upset at this and say that it's foolish to focus on culture over the material means of production. Because that's where real power flows from.

Cultural Marxism often overlaps with wokeness. The idea is that certain classes have more power in culture. Meaning men or white people or straight people or wealthy people and so on are over-represented in Hollywood, universities, media, silicon valley etc.

But the conservative right also has these ideas. Draining the swamp, rejecting the LGBTQ agenda, Q, Proud Boys, freedom of speech, these can all be seen as the people trying to take power from elites. I didn't mention gun rights, because that's very material even though there's a cultural dimension too.

So, the right in some ways is more true to Cultural Marxism than the left. Or radical feminism, TERF, those movements are Cultural Marxism too. I'd say TERF (trans-exclusive radical feminism) is more Marxist than liberal feminism, because they're more materialist, they focus on the body instead of gender identity. But that doesn't mean they can't engage in Cultural Marxism too in other ways, like the idea that women as a class are silenced.

Many people, usually liberals, are very opposed to even talking about cultural Marxism. Maybe because the Nazis talked about cultural bolshevism, it's very similar, so people think the idea is tainted. Which is foolish. But I think liberals also fear that real Cultural Marxism would expose the hypocrisies of their own liberal capitalist ideology.

Cultural Marxism is basically all about culture wars, and regular Marxism is about traditional class war.

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 03:01 AM
The vast majority of traditional left-wing/Socialist/Communist/Marxist supporters are as opposed to this thing that is being labelled Cultural Marxism as anyone else is.

Traditional left-wing is an economic theory that promotes a collectivised economy with the aim of increasing workers involvement and giving them a fairer share of the profits and benefits from their endeavours.
Its about stripping away the power of elites and spreading it equally amongst 'the people'.

Its about class struggle and taking away restrictions like The Glass Ceiling that prevent far too many people from reaching their full potential simply because of their economic and social backgrounds.

Traditional left-wing theory is against the principle that money can buy a person advantage, privilege, status and power over other people.

The theory may have its faults but no-one can deny it is well intentioned and aims for a more caring and equal society.

Cultural Marxism bares little in common with these principles.
It promotes the interests of minorities over those of anyone else.
It is Academia born and Academia driven.
It is divisive and promotes that which divides us rather than that which unites us.
Supporters of Cultural Marxism care little for those whom interests and well being traditional left-wing seek to promote and advance.

Personally I think this whole Cultural Marxism - I dislike the label as it implies something else - is one of the biggest threats we face today.

But hey, I'm just an everyday, working-class, White, heterosexual man from a council estate in a town in North East England.
What do I know and who really gives a # about me or the millions upon millions like me from around the world think?

Oh, and why do we think all this woke nonsense gets promoted and supported by MSM etc?
Its not for anyone's betterment other than the same old Elites and The Establishment.
As we bicker and fight amongst ourselves their control remains intact and unthreatened.
And where do most of these Academics come from who are driving this nonsensical Cultural Marxism?
Of course, the same old elite Establishment.

My head hurts now...I'm off for a Full English at a mates Greasy Spoon.

edit on 1/9/23 by Freeborn because: grammar

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: burntheships

Hm not really... its the critique of capitalism under the prism of his ideology, which was historical materialism, in his mind capitalism was just a current phase and it was how he thought the downfall of capitlaism would pan out pretty much. Not, let's make communism happen. That's the manifesto, and some other works found in the german ideology.

BLM is some abstract of marxist theory based on oppressed and oppressor, which is loosely based off "black marxism".

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 03:15 AM

originally posted by: burntheships

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: burntheships

Edit: I should elaborate.

His finished works, not done by marx tie-in communism.

Yeah, I should elaborate too. Do they even teach anatomy
in school these days? Or do they teach gender studies?

He finished Das Kapital, so there is that. Eerily in many
aspects much like the WEF you will own nothing and be happy?

He didn't finish capital. Karl kautsky did. His works, volumes 2, 3 weren't even published when he was even alive.

Rest of your post I'm not even gonna go there I'm here to talk about marxist nonsense, truths, and fallacies.

a reply to: Klassified

I mean, are the majority of the people not workers and consumers?

edit on 1-9-2023 by strongfp because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 04:05 AM
a reply to: Freeborn

the thing is this is pure new liberalism with very little left or right wing in it, its all pure opportunism of a bankrupt ideology grasping at straws to remain relevant.

we can see this very clearly in the uk through out Westminster and indeed in the way they just keep doubling down on the same mistakes and thinking when faced with the unintended consequences of their incompetence.

every election since 2010 has been dominated by protest votes, we now reach the point where belief that the system ie Westminster actually represents any interest in this country bar its own risks being the death of democracy, the uk is not alone in being in this position..

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: nickyw

The Cultural Marxism movement is like an opportunistic disease.

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: Freeborn

I have often asked what some folk on here believe Marxism and Communism might be, and which, if any, US politicians might fit either label.

Usually just get a bunch of grief aimed at me for my trouble.

Never heard of "Cultural Marxism" before.

Is it a made up thing?

Enjoy your full English. Don't forget to ask for it to be really bland.

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: strongfp

All you need to know about Socialism:

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I have often asked what some folk on here believe Marxism and Communism might be, and which, if any, US politicians might fit either label.

I can't really recall or know of any major US politician who was a genuine die-in-the-wool Marxist or Communist.
Or anything remotely like one.

Usually just get a bunch of grief aimed at me for my trouble.

That's part of the fun mate.

Never heard of "Cultural Marxism" before.

It's an umbrella term that covers all the ridiculous woke bollocks that is infesting us all at present.
It bears little or no resemblance to traditional Marxism etc as has been pointed put.

Label anything 'Marxist', 'Communist' etc and it tends to put the fear of God up Americans.

Is it a made up thing?

Enjoy your full English. Don't forget to ask for it to be really bland.

It was anything but bland.
Just waiting for another traditional British dish; a Ruby Murray.

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