posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:46 AM
freedom only exists within the social contract we have, and the boundaries we set where we place our safegaurds thus putting it causes outrage is the
state puts a fully intact male rapist in the same cell as a vulnerable female, simply because the male claims to be female,
we have many safeguards and we know the bounds of our freedoms, thus to have a low crime happy society we do not rob our neighbours or the local
stores and we accept our freedoms exist within the safegaurds.
the bodged approach to both covid and speed at which the establishment is trying to force socials change has seen all the safeguard torn down and
allowed all manner of corruption to embed itself in the establishment.
ass i see it this is all reformation like stuff and differing societies are at different places in responding to this, the us/eu are at the place
where the opposition is gathering in the hope the right leader can reverse the damaging being done to democracy.
France has tried moving on from the legacy parties with macron, and italy has with melloni but both are not quite where england is as johnson
demonstrably failed to make any difference even though he was given all the tools to do just that.. the usa is a mixed bag as different states are in
differing places.
but england is at the next phase of this which is fighting to get new safeguards raised not at national or party political levels but through grass
roots in a process that risks creating deep sectarian divides over what freedom means.