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Why The USA Must End Drug Prohibition

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posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:22 PM
I keep putting this one off, intending to write some epic OP, which has had me procrastinating about it. To end this pussy footing around, I'm just going to start the conversation despite not yet composing the epic super awesome golden argument. That's okay though, there are lots of reasons for the USA to end drug prohibition, so I'm pretty sure all of that epic awesomeness will come out in the wash. Let's get started then.

I think we can have this discussion here without violating the terms and conditions of this board. If I remember it correctly, a discussion of the philosophical issue is okay, provided we don't talk about the details and particulars of drug use. Stick to the discussion, no bong riffing lessons please.

Countless men and women, imprisoned for lifestyle decisions. Essentially victimless crimes. Sure dealers, manufacturers, spreading their poison everywhere. A vocation that wouldn't exist if there weren't a persistent demand. I do not advocate for anyone to take up drug use. What I do advocate for is an end to imprisonment for drug use. It is barbaric. We are in the 21st century. Let's act like it. Hard working man or woman wants to do some speed or hallucinogens on the weekend, how is it Uncle Sam or anyone's business to tell them how to behave, provided they aren't harming anyone?

All you Christians, think you're doing the right thing coming down hard on people like this. Did not Yeshua advise us all during his sermon delivered from the mountainside to judge not, lest we be judged? When the pharisees tried to bust his chops for associating with publicans(street people) and sinners, his reply was to ask those pharisees, aren't these the people who need my help the most? While I am not against making a judgement call when reality requires it, this Christian thinks you might try not to judge too harshly those who have chosen a different direction in life than you.

When you do that, you're essentially condemning a person for what they have chosen to put into their body. That is wrong.

Do we really want to end corruption in government in this nation? If you don't end drug prohibition, you're excluding tens, perhaps more than a hundred million stoners who might be on your side except for this hypocritical set of laws that flies in the face of truly respecting an individual's liberty. If you don't move on this issue, you hand a possible win to those corrupt entities who you seek to stop. How much gratitude might such a move engender amongst the populace? I say take that win for yourselves, those of you statesmen who truly believe in the cause of liberty.

Republicans, your party typically doesn't advocate for legalization, but it should. See above paragraph.

Democrats, some of you actually do pay lip service to this concept. Back it up, suckas! Do something good for the nation. You might actually impress me.

This issue doesn't get discussed in the public discourse nearly enough. I think it matters to a lot more people than would ever admit it. Legislators, presidents, do the right thing for a minute. Legalize it all, please.

There's a lot more I could add here, but this should be enough to get us started.

What do you think? For or against? Why? Don't be shy, speak up! Discuss.
edit on 27-8-2023 by TheBadCabbie because: I removed a comma

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:34 PM
I recall reading an old book back in the 70s where the history of why marijuana was made illegal by the government is because they didn't want a bunch of stoned lazy citizens or what they feared society would become, they wanted sober taxable slave workers not self-exploring with drugs.

As for other drugs, the government, very stupid people with power, somehow let the opioid crisis happen and it has never gone away.

I agree with you that possession of small amounts of whatever is you desire should be made legal.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:42 PM
Most repubicans do not have an issue with marijuana. I have no issue with it either.

Any substance that is physically addicting should be illegal to manufacture, sell / distribute. Alcchol being an exception because it is too difficult to regulate spoiled fruit juice.

Fentanyl, heroin, meth and any pharma that can become addicting should be regulated for medical use only, and if there is no medical use, banned.

Pushers, smugglers and manufactures of illegal addictive substances in the US should bring the death penalty if anyone dies from something they sold them.

Treatment for addicts should be available as any medical care is: ONCE. If you relaspe after the state gets you sober, you can be criminally charged.

How anyone things a slavery drug like fentanyl should be legal is beyond me.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:42 PM
weed is one thing it actually has some beneficial effects for a significant amount of people, from pain mitigation to seizure help with canabis oil.

The rest, sorry no.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:43 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone
I recall reading an old book back in the 70s where the history of why marijuana was made illegal by the government is because they didn't want a bunch of stoned lazy citizens or what they feared society would become, they wanted sober taxable slave workers not self-exploring with drugs.

As for other drugs, the government, very stupid people with power, somehow let the opioid crisis happen and it has never gone away.

I agree with you that possession of small amounts of whatever is you desire should be made legal.

Building on your comment, how many of those same legislators and other various assorted government employees have dabbled in the same substances, thusly compromising themselves through a desire to keep their activities hidden? Ending prohibition might help to clear those muddied waters, give us a little clear spot from which to move forward as a nation.

Drug use should not be a bar to federal or state government employment. Prohibition is a big part of our corruption problem, if you really think about it. I'm not saying it should be permitted for anyone to be drugged on the job. That should be an issue for various agencies and departments to decide. What an individual does on their own time, however, should not be a bar to government employment, nor grounds for dismissal.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Drug use should not be a bar to federal or state government employment

If the job requires a clearance and a person has an addiction to say heroin, that presents a clear and present danger to being flipped.

That is why many government jobs are off limits to drug use, again weed different story and actually have a legitimate argument, especially considering how many vets are continuing in civil service and have the VA blanket approving opioid pain killers, where weed would give them a non-addictive pain killer.
edit on 27-8-2023 by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)
But even then there would still be some jobs off limits.
edit on 27-8-2023 by Irishhaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

so you feel like security clearances should be granted to drug addicts? don't believe much in national security, do you?

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Our society isn't mature enough to handle legalized drugs. It would only sink us further into the abyss. Alcohol is one thing, but narcotics are a different story.

Legalizing only normalizes societal rot.

My opinion is fk no.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:50 PM
Remember the movie 'Reefer Madness', produced in 1936? It portrayed where just one toke could drive a man mad.

All I know is we choose our own death; some by overeating, some by eating an imbalanced diet, some by a sedentary lifestyle, some by prescription drug abuse, others illicit drugs.

I have known of parents who 'medicate' their toddlers with inhaled substances; others go the 'legal' route with Benadryl for 'allergies'.

It boils down to personal integrity and responsibility; the culture has shifted so far away from such values life has become a free-for-all for far to many people.

Legalizing everything will just speed up the process of the inevitable end result, IMO. Might as well get it over with, eh?

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:50 PM
Simple answer to your OP.

Did you research any of the Nations that have Legalized basically all Drugs ? How did it turn out for them ?

Mate Drugs are one of the Greatest Evils to ever befall mankind next to Religion.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

A history of smoking weed will not bar you from a Top Secret or Q clearance as long as it is in the past and you sign an understanding that you cannont continue to smoke pot. Other drugs will be more prohibitive. Limited experimentation as an adolescent or college will usually not prohibit but you may be called to take some psych evals and extra medicals.

You must pass a drug test for those levels and above.

Secret is not drug tested. But I would not lie on a form. Your friends WILL rat you out when the investigators come knocking. Particularly when it's the FBI.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:53 PM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Yup never tried drugs, had a Secret for 20 years and a TS for coming up on 3 years.

The job options I have for the rest of my life thanks to my clearance are way more beneficial than any temporary high.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Fentanyl...I can probably think of a hundred other substances nearly as toxic if not as toxic, that if they can't be purchased directly over the counter, could easily be produced in a kitchen with simple cooking utensils, in less than twelve hours. Put it in a bottle marked poison and call it a day.

What's driving the demand for fentanyl is heroin users who can't afford to get high anymore, because that is the nature of heroin use and addiction. Most heroin users can never get as high as they could when they started, which leads them to seek this more concentrated substance. If heroin were legal and available in stores for a reasonable price, the demand for fentanyl just went away. A large part of the high price for opium based illicit drugs is the scarcity of them, a direct result of prohibition. Responsible users could grow and refine their own opium.

If fentanyl were available in a quality controlled form, hardcore users could get their fixes without this drug ever needing to be smuggled anywhere. I'm pretty sure all the kids aren't going to run out and give some a try all of a sudden. Child endangerment laws would still exist.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 07:59 PM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie

originally posted by: quintessentone
I recall reading an old book back in the 70s where the history of why marijuana was made illegal by the government is because they didn't want a bunch of stoned lazy citizens or what they feared society would become, they wanted sober taxable slave workers not self-exploring with drugs.

As for other drugs, the government, very stupid people with power, somehow let the opioid crisis happen and it has never gone away.

I agree with you that possession of small amounts of whatever is you desire should be made legal.

Building on your comment, how many of those same legislators and other various assorted government employees have dabbled in the same substances, thusly compromising themselves through a desire to keep their activities hidden? Ending prohibition might help to clear those muddied waters, give us a little clear spot from which to move forward as a nation.

Drug use should not be a bar to federal or state government employment. Prohibition is a big part of our corruption problem, if you really think about it. I'm not saying it should be permitted for anyone to be drugged on the job. That should be an issue for various agencies and departments to decide. What an individual does on their own time, however, should not be a bar to government employment, nor grounds for dismissal.

I'm in the recreational use mindset with this and not the dangerous lose your mind drugs. Just the weekend high or a trip with the proper training and what to expect and how to come down safely. Like drinking, don't drink and drive - plan ahead complete with warning labels. Alcohol is highly addictive so there is that hypocrisy there.

Addictions to hallucinogens is rare and not in the way you would think, the addiction seems to be in the mental excitement of the trip, not any physical addiction compelling one to keep taking it.

It appears we are very ignorant of many drugs as to which ones affect our reward areas of the brain and which do not, the one's that affect the reward areas our brains are the addictive ones; we should stay away from those.

If the individual insists on the ones that go for the 'reward' then that could lead to problems which if addiction takes hold will ultimately affect their performance at work and their life. So I think these days an employer could send the employee off for treatment and not dismiss them, such as in the case of becoming addicted to alcohol or opioids.

So I don't have the answers to what drugs should be legalized and which shouldn't since alcohol and opioids which are very addictive are still available.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

It's mostly no longer prohibited in cities, hell they encourage it and give out free crack pipes and needles.

That's not working at all either.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Sure but the mail man? If he wants to do some coke on the weekend or in the evenings why should that matter, provided he performs his job well enough?

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Drug use should not be a bar to federal or state government employment.

Oh, but it is and there have been enough politicians busted to show it's a very common practice among the 'privalaged'. Laws for thee, but not for me.

Far more money can be made by the elite if drugs are kept illegal. Drug rehab, for-profit prisons, the entire supportive medical industry from insurance companies to hospitals-calling for legalization would cause a massive collapse in the business sector, with stock markets crashing and a massive overnight depression we'd likely never recover from.

It would have to be done in baby steps so the transfer of power (money) wouldn't end life as we know it.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Support: cannabis, mescaline, N,N-dimethyltryptamine (ayahuasca), correctly synthesized lysergic acid, and psilocybin. And I guess even milked Sonoran Desert Toad 'venom', feel bad for the toads though.

Don't Support: Everything else. Screw, X, opiates, amphetamines, addictive big pharma ones, and all the drugs that lead to friends fighting over why they are going to the bathroom so much.

Medicine man drugs and natural herbs I'm fine with. I'm not going to tell the Yaqui not to do peyote. I think they even get an exemption to cultivate and use it religiously.

People need to know what they are doing with them, and that makes legalization tricky, and the prospect of accidents frightening. See how Colorado does with it.

Basically I'm against cartel products. The ones they make most money off of. Don't see them as shroom and vision vine traffickers, and Cannabis is now state by state domestic. And also a flailing agriculture industry still finding footing.

Legalization or decriminalization of cartel-centric drugs filters to the cartel. Their effects are bad enough on the people's ethics and character, but they profit off that. And screw the cartel. They kill people for nothing. A culture of heartless s#bags... with their violent paranoid honor.
edit on 27-8-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 08:10 PM
I thought the OP text was gonna be like: Because. Dude.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: Irishhaf

Sure but the mail man? If he wants to do some coke on the weekend or in the evenings why should that matter, provided he performs his job well enough?

So the mailman delivering mail to the Supreme court justices has a drug addiction, who says he only need a snort now and again, if it gets out of control he becomes a liability.

Lotta people hate justices, or congressional people, guy with a drug addiction gets promised a ticket to a non-extradition country and all the drugs they can do if they just slip this special package in the mail.

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