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A store owner was killed over a Pride flag she flew in front of her California business

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posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: pthena
This thread is such a great study of all of the childish excuses for “rules for thee but not for me”.
If it wasn’t for horribly bad logic, the left would have no logic at all.
Imagine having hugely different outcomes for burning 2 little pieces of cloth, because of the different colors of ink on them.
Oh to be a blissfully retarded American with no responsibilities other than screeching and stomping.

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: stevieray

I might be at a slight disadvantage here. The thread is like 31 days old and I haven't been following very closely.

Imagine having hugely different outcomes for burning 2 little pieces of cloth, because of the different colors of ink on them.

I am only guessing here, but are you comparing a U.S. flag burning with a Pride flag burning?

If so:

The Supreme Court ruled some time in the 1980s that flag burning is speech, therefore no criminal liability is attached. I quit burning flags then, because what would be the point if it isn't even a demonstration of civil disobedience?

If a person owns a flag, that is the property of that person, and that person can burn it. Of course if there is a burn ban in place for fire safety reasons the person can get in trouble.

If I take my neighbors' flags and burn them, big trouble. You just aren't allowed to do things like that. Cities even should be able to have ordinances like "no open flames of any sort on public streets or property, except designated grills in parks".

I've never really burned a flag, but this one time I did something every bit as bad and illegal. There was this election going on; Humphrey v Nixon v Wallace. My neighbor had a huge canvas Wallace banner on his fence, really big, like 30 ft long x 10 ft high.

At night, I would tear the banner down, and sink it in a nearby pond. I did it 3 times, because the guy just put up another one. Now, if I had been caught, it would have been big trouble for me.

In the context of this thread, if I had been caught, and then killed the neighbor. Umm. That would be so much worse!
edit on 10-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2023 @ 04:28 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: TheMindOfMax
Unfortunately, homophobia exists,

I disagree, not supporting the alphabet culture doesn't suggest one is against people's choices. To not support doesn't suggest some form of phobia either, it just means their sexual lifestyle is not agreed on at some level.

In this case, I would bet this crazy guy was yelling at a lot of things, but hey let's pick out some comments about the pride flag as the reason, I would almost bet it had little to do with the pride flag, he could just go after people actually a part of the pride flag if it was at some point unhinged by it.

I'll agree there's probably more to the guts of the story.

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