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all supposed mytholigical creatures exist, including vampires

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posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 05:05 AM
a reply to: nid6452

all supposed mytholigical creatures exist, including vampires

All of them? That's a lot creatures.

Nessie, the fairies in the garden, mothman, minitaur, mermaids/merman, dragons, medusa, bunyips, dogman.....all real?

Yeah, sure they are. lol.

They're only the extraordinarily unlikely ones though, the most unrealistic mythological critter of the lot of 'em is god.

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 03:04 PM
do u know for a fact they dont? or are they hidden because humans cant or wont accept them

originally posted by: Quintilian
a reply to: nid6452

all supposed mytholigical creatures exist, including vampires

All of them? That's a lot creatures.

Nessie, the fairies in the garden, mothman, minitaur, mermaids/merman, dragons, medusa, bunyips, dogman.....all real?

Yeah, sure they are. lol.

They're only the extraordinarily unlikely ones though, the most unrealistic mythological critter of the lot of 'em is god.

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 03:06 PM
hahaha omg, i think the same thing about my exes, i swear that they are emotional leeches

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: MrInquisitive
a reply to: nid6452

Ok, so you say vampires -- vampyres if you prefer -- and demons exist, but what about all the other mythological creatures? Are you saying that unicorns exist? How about the hundreds of mythological creatures in the D&D Monster Handbook? How about the Japanese Kappa or Shirokodama, which sucks the soul out of humans through their anus? And the Fenris the Wolf and the Midgard Serpent as well? Really? Where are all those cyclops that used to inhabit some island in the Mediterranean Sea?

Guess you still believe in Santa Claus, his elves, and the Krampus too.

Just wondering.

Now that I think about it, my ex-wife was definitely a Shirokodama.

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 03:07 PM
proof will come, we are trying to gather my uncles personal belongings, but the church is blocking us

originally posted by: baburak
a reply to: nid6452

When will you present any proof, mr. I would present proof if you believed me without any proof?

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 03:09 PM
book? therell be no book, i dont have time for that jazz, believe me, dont believe me, its all good either way
some of my emailers have humbled me

originally posted by: Raggedyman
saviour messiah, your back, so soon
Ok, I will buy your book, sheesh

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 03:14 PM
actually i do believe in santa claus, in the saint nicholas form, but since hes long gone, he can still perform miracles if you believe in the dead doing so
and i believe krampus was a person as well
even the toothfairy was a lady that either stole childrens teeth or traded their teeth for candy i cant remember which, but every myth comes feom some type of fact
there is no light without a darkness

originally posted by: MrInquisitive
a reply to: nid6452

Ok, so you say vampires -- vampyres if you prefer -- and demons exist, but what about all the other mythological creatures? Are you saying that unicorns exist? How about the hundreds of mythological creatures in the D&D Monster Handbook? How about the Japanese Kappa or Shirokodama, which sucks the soul out of humans through their anus? And the Fenris the Wolf and the Midgard Serpent as well? Really? Where are all those cyclops that used to inhabit some island in the Mediterranean Sea?

Guess you still believe in Santa Claus, his elves, and the Krampus too.

Just wondering.

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 03:17 PM
thank you for enlightening me on this, it opened my eyes to a whole new world, i wondered how i got a cut that didnt bleed my whole life, and no ive never been abducted haha but a druid line does make sense since my family has heritage and a strong bloodline in ireland

originally posted by: Mikemp44
a reply to: nid6452

That IS interesting and the Ordos Templar hid and knew much.

You are correct, shadow cannot exist without light, and light will always cast a shadow. The Yin-Yang is one of the last remaining symbols that tells the truth of almost everything in one single image, yet most are unable to understand it at all.

One more question, and in return I will answer one if you choose to answer it. Do you have a mark on the index finger of your right hand? Just below your second knuckle?

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: Suiren

Since Nid doesn't appear to be willing to tackle these questions, I'll bite.

Has the Church/Vatican ever had anything to say about vampires?
As a matter of fact, yes.

In City of God, the archmoralist Augustine unwittingly contributed to the mythological development of vampirism and lycanthropy, which the saintly Thomas Aquinas commented on in Summa Theology. Though neither authors directly mentioned these phenomenon, they expounded on the subject of daemonic feats which merely bore a resemblance to real prodigies, such as transforming the human body into a beast and resusciating human corpses.

Aquinas describes two ways for how this was effected:

•from within; in this way a demon can work on man's imagination and even on his corporeal senses, so that something seems otherwise that it is. Citing Augustine: "For what men can do with real colours and substances, the demons can very easily do by showing unreal forms to breeding animals", he clarifies that the daemon can "offer the same picture to another man's senses."

According to physician Justinus Kerner's research, the impressions received by a clairvoyant could be transferred to horses upon physical contact. "A horse will break into a sweat, and refuse to advance, when his rider sees a vision; and horses frequently see these things when the rider does not. Horses will also often betray great uneasiness in passing over places where a body has been buried."
Indeed, horses were employed to determine whether a gravesite was a vampire's refuge. There are also superstitions about not allowing cat or dog pets to pass over a corpse, these abound both in western and eastern Europe.

•from without: for just as he can from the air form a body of any form and shape, and assume it so as to appear in it visibly: so, in the same way he can clothe any corporeal thing with any corporeal form, so as to appear therein.

According to Justinus Kerner, the spirits make use of a certain power in the air to render themselves visibly and audibly. There are also good grounds to the old custom of leaving a window open upon a person's death, it was conducive for their departure from the body.

Nearly every vampire researcher invokes author Z. J. Pierart as their authority, who wrote that as long as the spirit's aerial form "is not entirely liberated from the body there is a liability that it may be forced by magnetic attraction to re-enter it." Kerner claimed that clairvoyant Friederike Hauffe was unable to die as a result of this.

Pierart: "Sometimes it will be only half-way out when the corpse, which presents the appearance of death, is buried. In such cases the terrified soul re-enters its casket, and then one of two things happen: the person buried either writhes in agony of suffocation, or, if he has been grossly material, becomes a vampire."

Can people tell if a vampire is hunting them? Are there any tell-tale signs that people tend to ignore?
In Slavic folklore, after hearing the cockerel or rooster sounds off an alarm, vampires usually slump over as lifeless corpses. I read one Russian tale in which a man on nightshift duty, tasked with watching over a suspected vampire corpse, carries with him a cockarel, pinching it upon being attacked.

Considering how:

•birds frequently alert other animals when dangerous predators are in their vincinity
•certain birds (crows, magpies) learn to recognize some humans as dangerous and attack them upon sight
•certain birds (jays, corvids) seem to recognize their dead from a glance: -

It may be inferred that the birds may develop an uncanny sixth sense for distinguishing between the living and the dead among humans. What I found most interesting was this study: "American crows associate people seen handling dead crows with danger, and can be wary of feeding near such people."

From a strange clip I came across on reddit - if it is real - I observe that birds may uncharacteristically freak out in the middle of the night over people who carry an aura of death on them. I do not claim this individual to be a vampire, I suspect it's merely an obsessional case.

- What are all the rules a formal vampire have to follow?
If they're anything like humans, my guess is that they have one common rule, like how all human criminals abide by an unwritten code: to never squeal.
edit on 8-8-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 07:14 AM
thanks for the education
very well put together
the only thing i can add is that spirits do for sure open a window or portal when the human part dies, this is why countries like sweden and russia cover their mirrors when their family member dies, so their souls dont get trapped by the mirror supposedly, i saw this on Celebrity Ghost Stories

it is also possible that a vampire or werewolf could be a demon, ive seen what they can do to humans, but its also possible that the church chalked it up to demonic activity because they couldnt explain it
some crazy explanations came out of the council of nicea, they covered up and made up a whole lot of crap to make the peasants praise the king and suppress chaos

edit on 07292023 by nid6452 because: request from user

posted on Aug, 10 2023 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: nid6452
do u know for a fact they dont? or are they hidden because humans cant or wont accept them

I'm not the one making definitive claims of fact though, that would be you. I'm just finding your claims highly improbable.

Absence of evidence is very good evidence itself in this instance. It's about the only evidence you'll ever get to indicate that something doesn't exist. It's why thylacine is considered extinct.

There are whole fields of academia devoted to the fact that all sorts of things can have an existence of sorts in people's imaginations though. So to that extent they exist.

posted on Jan, 8 2024 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: nid6452

demons don't like Jesus. They're evil

posted on Jan, 9 2024 @ 09:29 AM
people are saying they are not real.
are they saying God & gods are not real?

posted on Jan, 9 2024 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: Abhorsen
a reply to: nid6452

demons don't like Jesus. They're evil

Have you read the bible?

jesus Exorcise the Demons and put them into pigs.
he let them jump of the cliff to die.
the demon ask't him nicely. Very odd.

posted on Jan, 9 2024 @ 02:30 PM

originally posted by: 25shadesofgraybeard

originally posted by: nid6452
patience, without patience youll never know
if i didnt have children i wouldve given evidence a long time ago
ill say this
you all already know yet refuse to see
its all already in front of your eyes, youtube, netflix, prime, do you think people really write that stuff? no
fiction is always based on even a little bit of fact
a reply to: boredhere74

Have you ever seen the tv show Warehouse 13? The concept was about artifacts with supernatural powers that have been stored in warehouses throughout history. If the vatican has artifacts anything like that we are in for interesting times indeed. Just sayin.

They do. Some of those things belong to some of us. Give us our things back thieves.


Threw out.

Over thrown.

I want my stuff.

posted on Jan, 25 2024 @ 12:39 PM
people are encountering things outside of their understanding. if these things are able to interact with human consciousness they can appear to be anything, or draw from the cultural mythos of the time. It reminds me of the vorlons in B5 who have some sort of perception based image filter and the true form is very much outside our ability to comprehend.

posted on Jan, 25 2024 @ 01:04 PM
Thread title and OP don't really match, but I kinda agree. I think the 4th dimension on Earth is where there come from.

posted on Feb, 21 2024 @ 10:52 AM
I've not logged in for quite some time and
I was unable to access my previous account, so I had to re-registered with the username I used in the past.
Since OP disappeared, can someone else give us information about vampires?

posted on Feb, 21 2024 @ 10:53 AM
Is there anyone out there that has had what they believe to be a true vampire encounter?
I am extremely intrigued in their existence and whether or not anyone has actually come in contact with one.

posted on Feb, 21 2024 @ 10:53 AM
I’ve always been interested in stories where people can’t explain the situation/encounter they’ve had too the point where they think it’s something supernatural.
No judgement would just really love to hear peoples encounters.

posted on Jul, 19 2024 @ 04:14 PM
Are you still active? I couldn't private message you, plus I'm still new to this thread.

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