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Door Dead Bolts Locking along with Noises Between 3-4am has Returned

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posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: stonerwilliam

My father could use a dowsing rod and he showed me one day. I thought he was playing games with me he wasn't. On our lot I have also witnessed balls of energy emerge from the ground via our RING security cam back in January 2023. I should the video to our firemen and they freaked out. They said it wasn't gas. I also sent a video to the SC Paranormal investigators. They told me it was inconclusive. Possibly the Moon. OK, but the Moon came down hill along my driveway one night and in front of a concrete retaining wall?

Possibly Ball Lightning?

I also sent the video to NASA. They confirmed getting same but I never heard back from them.


I have played about with dowsing rods briefly long time ago feeling the energy of water and was shown how you can use it to find buried bodies in a area , and some claim they can detect oil etc with it or even just using a map .

When I was a really young child of maybe 2 or 3 I saw that ball of energy stuff appear in my great grandmothers house I climbed on a chair trying to touch it and it moved away from me and when my great grandfather opened the door is simply dimmed/vanished until he had left the room .

It reappeared again to me and I again tried to get my little mitts on it to play with and it flew down this Belfast sink that was in their kitchen but it touched a metal chain for a stopper for this sink causing a explosion and broke the chain , it was about 6 or 7 inches round ,blue and looked like one of those glass plasma balls that were popular 8n the 80s and 90s , I totally forgot about that happening until not so many years ago when I happened to skip through channels on the television and came across a paranormal show .

The older me looking through the little boys eyes would say what ever that thing was displayed intelligence and was benevolent towards me not wishing me to touch it .

I think I will look into William reichs cloud busting ideas since we were on about crystals the other day , I am sick of the clouds and rain and want to chase them away .

I wonder would the government turn up and smash all my gear and throw me in jail like they did with that guy

posted on Jul, 9 2023 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

JUst got banned elsewhere for posting that link Waterglass , I hope the owner is looking through his telescope at me giving him the middle finger salute

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

I am really beginning to wonder is do we have Ball lightening here as it can enter ones home and remain for hours.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: stonerwilliam

Sorry for you. They clipped me 500 points last week but didnt touch what I wrote.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 11:45 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

Countless millions believe that dead people pass on to the spirit world, where they are able to observe and influence the lives of people on earth. Is this belief true? Are the dead really alive? If not, who are those who claim to be spirits of the dead? Knowing the correct answers to these questions is vitally important. It is a life-and-death matter.

Spirits exist! Within the invisible spirit realm, there are both good and bad spirits. Are they persons who have lived and died on earth?

No, they are not. When a person dies, he or she does not pass on to the spirit world, as many people think. How do we know this? Because the Bible says so. The Bible is a book of truth that comes from the only true God, whose name is Jehovah. Jehovah created humans; he well knows what happens to them when they die.—Psalm 83:18; 2 Timothy 3:16.

The Bible says that God formed Adam, the first man, “out of dust from the ground.” (Genesis 2:7) God put him in Paradise, the garden of Eden. If Adam had obeyed Jehovah’s law, he would not have died; he would still be alive on earth today. But when Adam deliberately broke God’s law, God said to him: “You [will] return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return.”—Genesis 3:19.

What does this mean? Well, where was Adam before Jehovah created him from the dust? He was nowhere. He was not an unborn spirit in heaven. He did not exist. So when Jehovah said that Adam would “return to the ground,” he meant that Adam would die. He did not cross over to the spirit realm. At death, Adam once again became lifeless, nonexistent. Death is the absence of life.

But what about others who have died? Are they also nonexistent? The Bible answers:

“All [both humans and animals] are going to one place. They have all come to be from the dust, and they are all returning to the dust.”—Ecclesiastes 3:20.

“The dead . . . are conscious of nothing at all.”—Ecclesiastes 9:5.

“Their love and their hate and their jealousy have already perished.”—Ecclesiastes 9:6.

“There is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol [the grave], the place to which you are going.”—Ecclesiastes 9:10.

“[Man] goes back to his ground; in that day his thoughts do perish.”—Psalm 146:4.

Do you find these scriptures hard to accept? If so, think about this: In many families, the man earns money to support his household. When the man dies, his family usually suffers hardship. Sometimes his wife and children do not even have enough money to buy food. Perhaps the man’s enemies will abuse them. Now ask yourself: ‘If that man is alive in the spirit world, why does he not continue to provide for his family? Why does he not protect his family from bad people?’ It is because the scriptures are correct. That man is lifeless, unable to do anything.—Psalm 115:17.

“The dead do not praise Jah; nor do any who go down into the silence of death.* [Lit., “into silence.”]”—Psalm 115:17.

Does this mean that the dead will never come to life again? No, it does not. We could talk about the resurrection later. But it does mean that dead people do not know what you are doing. They cannot see you, hear you, or talk to you. You need not fear them. They cannot help you, and they cannot harm you.—Ecclesiastes 9:4; Isaiah 26:14.

Myth 1: The Soul Is Immortal (One Myth Leads to Another)

What is the origin of the myth?

“The early Christian philosophers adopted the Greek concept of the soul’s immortality and thought of the soul as being created by God and infused into the body at conception.”​—The New Encyclopædia Britannica (1988), Volume 11, page 25.

What does the Bible say?

“The soul that sinneth, it shall die.”​—Ezekiel 18:4, King James Version.

Regarding the creation of the first human soul, the Bible says: “Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul [Hebrew, neʹphesh].”​—Genesis 2:7.

The Hebrew word neʹphesh, translated “soul,” means ‘a creature that breathes.’ When God created the first man, Adam, He did not infuse into him an immortal soul but the life force that is maintained by breathing. Therefore, “soul” in the Biblical sense refers to the entire living being. If separated from the life force originally given by God, the soul dies.​—Genesis 3:19; Ezekiel 18:20.

The doctrine of the immortality of the soul raised questions: Where do souls go after death? What happens to the souls of the wicked? When nominal Christians adopted the myth of the immortal soul, this led them to accept another myth​—the teaching of hellfire.

Compare these Bible verses: Ecclesiastes 3:19; Matthew 10:28; Acts 3:23

At death a person ceases to exist

edit on 14-7-2023 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2023 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: whereislogic

Nice write but based on my personal experiences of being in three hospitals for 32 days in 2009 as a result of a major stroke along with experiencing the same energy inside me the day my father in law passed in December 2011 all that you have quoted above were written by humans. Not God. I disagree with all you referenced. I believe in God but I am quite leery of bible thumpers. I also don't quote scripture. I do pray to the rosery and attend church weekly. I only know two prayers and I also own and read the Manual for Spiritual Warfare.

FYI one priest, our Pastor within the Catholic Church considers me spiritually gifted at the extreme right side of the Bell Curve among all Christens on earth. I also have a clean bill of heath by Father Robert Morey as I am not possessed. However, he did say I have been under spiritual attack. I also know who caused it. He's a Vatican trained Exorcist

As a result they can shove it up their arse. Here's what I wrote when I lived in Georgia with another email. As such I couldn't transfer my screen name here in South Carolina. Thus the difference.

We Live On as Pure Energy Part I

We Live On as Pure Energy Part II

Anyway thank for your time but as an Empath I can sense who and what you are. You need to lead yourself versus becoming a sheep of a document that has been written by humans on earth. You can also pray to God directly. Try it.
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: typos

posted on Jul, 15 2023 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
a reply to: whereislogic
...I also own and read the Manual for Spiritual Warfare.

Which is written by men, right?

And makes no claim as being the word of God (being inspired by His holy spirit, the active force by which God accomplishes His will).

FYI one priest, our Pastor within the Catholic Church considers me spiritually gifted at the extreme right side of the Bell Curve among all Christens on earth.

I noticed that before in your commentary, does that flatter you when someone like that (in his position within the Church) says that to you?

Flattery is the act of pleasing by artful commendation; adulation; false, insincere, or excessive praise. It is usually done to gratify the self-love or vanity of the one flattered and is therefore damaging to him. Its motive is to gain favor or material benefits from another, to create a feeling of obligation toward the flatterer or to bring glory to him. Often it is designed to lead the other person into a trap. (Pr 29:5) The use of flattery is not evidence of the wisdom from above; it is of this world, being characterized by selfishness, the making of partial distinctions, and hypocrisy. (Jas 3:17) Insincerity, lying, adulating or glorifying men, and playing on the vanity of others are all displeasing to God.​—2Co 1:12; Ga 1:10; Eph 4:25; Col 3:9; Re 21:8.

While the use of flattery may appear to be the gainful course, the Bible points out that “he that is reproving a man will afterward find more favor than he will that is flattering with his tongue.” (Pr 28:23) When a person employs flattery to gain advantage over another person, it is the opposite of love. A hater may resort to flattery but will eventually have his deceptiveness roll back on him like a stone.​—Pr 26:24-28.

Flattery employs smooth talk in order to beguile its victim. The expressions “flattery,” “smooth tongue (lip, or words)” (Ps 5:9; 12:2, 3; Da 11:32), “smoothness” (Pr 7:21; Da 11:34, ftn), and “double-faced” (Eze 12:24, ftn) are translations of the Hebrew root word cha·laqʹ or related words. In every Bible instance cited, the motive of the smooth talker is bad.

So flatterers are motivated by selfishness. According to Jude 16, they are “ready with flattery for other people when they see some advantage in it.”—The Jerusalem Bible.

As mentioned before, flattery gratifies the self-love or vanity of the one flattered. It tends to give a person an inflated view of his own worth, making him feel superior to others in some way. The philosopher François de La Rochefoucauld likened flattery to counterfeit money, “which, but for vanity would have no circulation.” Thus, the way to safeguard oneself is to heed the apostle Paul’s down-to-earth admonition: “I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think; but to think so as to have a sound mind, each one as God has distributed to him a measure of faith.”—Romans 12:3.
edit on 15-7-2023 by whereislogic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: whereislogic

I noticed that before in your commentary, does that flatter you when someone like that (in his position within the Church) says that to you?

No, it doesn't. I wrote that as I do have what certain people say are gifts which I feel are a curse.

I live my life on my terms not yours.

posted on Jul, 28 2023 @ 01:23 PM

originally posted by: Waterglass
FYI until we moved here in June 2017 I never encountered anything physically weird. Back in 2017 I began to hear footsteps along other weird noises coming from the master bedroom hall and the laundry room area, typically while wide awake between 3:00 - 4:00am. I wont get into the other spiritual stuff as that's a thread for another day. It got to the point in 2017 that I finally texted the owner and asked whether any one died in the 29 year old home as it was built in 1994. He said no. That no one had passed in the home. As a result of another matter I began to pray to God in 2017. That matter is connected to the footsteps, muffled music and people talking just off in the distance beyond our audible comprehension. Australian author Lewis Proud wrote about it in his book "Dark Intrusions". The noises, footsteps and distant conversations continued into Christmas week of 2018 and began to accelerate. As a result I began to pray to two uncles, my father in law and God to stop all of the above. All stopped by the 2nd week of January 2019 and never happened again. Back then I documented same on ATS on a Thread authored by Sled735 in Paranormal. RIP Sled.

In May 2023 we had painters paint the interior of our home. They used the front door as it leads to their truck in the driveway. On the 1st day the son got locked out as the dead bolt somehow engaged. This happened over six times and finally his father said WTF is wrong with you its a dead bolt as in NO spring.

Then the father started getting locked out. It also happened to him over a dozen times. Then on the last day I was in the dining room, the son was in the front hall and the father went outside to the truck. He was 6 feet from the door when we saw and heard the dead bolt move and make a pronounced lock noise. We all said WTF and both father and son began looking at the lock to see if they could replicate the movement. They couldn't. That lock is a Baldwin.

Once they finished painting in May I continued remodeling the home. I removed and replaced the steel man door to the garage along with a brand new Schlage F51A GEO 619 Georgian Door Knob, Keyed Entry Lock, Satin Nickel. Once the door is opened from the inside the lock disengages. Well its supposed to as I have been locked out twice since. Last week the man door lock to the downstairs locked me out. I was so pissed I put my shoulder into it and busted the lock and door. I will simply buy another door. F it.

So today is July 5, 2023. I awakened last night around 3:00am and once again heard stuff. The noise was so pronounced near Sam's litter box I rushed from my bed. He wasn't in the litter box and he was sound asleep on the upstairs stairs.

Today I sent an email to the South Carolina Paranormal Research and Investigations requesting help. I saw on their Facebook page they were just here in our town last week performing another paranormal investigation on a personal residence. I would love to hear what they discovered. My question to them is will my trail camera which is a night vision satellite connected cam, can it be used to observe any paranormal activity inside a residence. I also wrote them that both painters agreed to be witnesses as I asked them on their last day of work here. So we have three witnesses.

If you are wondering how I can stomach this sheet, I have had been exposed to it for years. On the other matter I had Father Robert Morey at our home back in 2021. He blessed our home and gave Sam and I a clean bill of health as he said we didn't sizzle when he sprayed holy water on us. He's a Vatican trained Exorcist. He did say that I have been under Spiritual attack for some time and he told me what to do to fight it. He went onto say that many whom perform good roles in life such as police or firemen also experience Spiritual attack. He also said we may have to move.

As of 2021 I have returned to church and pray the rosary weekly. That was my agreement with him along with several other items so as to be under the Spiritual protection of the Catholic Church. We since bought another lot and meet with the Architect next week. Regardless of what you think of what I have written, the situation remains fluid and I will provide updates via same thread.

FYI my spiritual baggage has been around for decades. As such another Pastor in the Catholic church told me that I am spiritually gifted at the far right extreme of the Bell Curve among all Christians.

Thank You ATS

I joined this forum a while ago and I wanted to reply to you post but everytime it was too late at night.I lived in an apartment from 2004 to 2010 and I have had some weird experiences there which included the tall dark shadow person and some other ones too.I lived there with my two youngest children but my older children were always there in the weekends.When the realtor ,who was also the owner of the house rented rented the apartment to me he also mentioned that everyone who lived in that particular apartment changed their lives in some ways.I didn't pay too my attention to that .In the beginning it was ok but I noticed that my touch lamp on my desk in the office area was turned on every morning and nothing else happened.I became weirded out by that and threw out the lamp and purchased a normal lamp with a switch and everything was normal for awhile except I used to have the most lucid dreams ever and they were more than one every night.My mother was mugged when she came home from work late at night and I dreamed that this man's voice told me to wake up because something happened to someone close to me.It would not shut up and I woke up about 3 am and then my phone rang.It was my mother telling me that she was at the police station because she was mugged.I have always been a little weird and by that I mean for me it was normal.Happy go lucky and pretty brave .In June 2006 it was the weekend and I slept in and I had the weirdest dream ever.Lets just say that the man I saw in that dream ,I met six months later or maybe we just stared at each other,him utterly terrified or shocked out of his mind.One thing I never understood was how can someone have a dream and then feel like they are in love with someone they never met before.Fast forward, some kind of spiritual awakening.While I was going crazy out of my mind every day ,after two months I felt better.I was sitting at my computer desk about 9:30 pm while everyone was sleeping including the cat. I heard this knocking banging sound coming from my hallway.I got up and went towards the hallway and I noticed that the door on to my hallway closet was moving and there was a whole lot of banging coming from there.I then went to my room and my daughter's and she was sleeping in her bed with the cat.I then went to my son's room and he was sleeping too.I went back to my computer desk and sat down and I saw this tall black shadow that looked like a man pass in front of my couch.I was not scared at all and it disappeared.Maybe all that banging was to make sure I see it but who knows? After that incident,my cat hissed at something that was above me like at the ceiling.As time passed ,I began to notice things jumping on my bed which I ignored like the plague.Things were getting worse and I had to do something.In 2008 I got really angry and said the Lord's prayer and asked for protection.I then told whoever was in there to leave and to leave us alone.

posted on Jul, 29 2023 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: Massfusion

My tile installer sees shadow people throughout the day. He's a young guy with kids. I do not see shadow but I see the Guardian of the Threshold throughout my life.

My mother told me several years ago that I was Happy go lucky as a kid.

.In June 2006 it was the weekend and I slept in and I had the weirdest dream ever.Lets just say that the man I saw in that dream ,I met six months later or maybe we just stared at each other,him utterly terrified or shocked out of his mind.One thing I never understood was how can someone have a dream and then feel like they are in love with someone they never met before.Fast forward, some kind of spiritual awakening.

In another thread here on ATS in December 2018 while in Sleep Paralysis a young woman came near my bed. She was dressed in a Victorian black balloon dress, a period hat and fishnet veil with sewn in baubles. I met her in real life in May 2021. She channeled a loving non sexual energy to me.

I had my house blessed by a priest in August 2021 and was told to start going to church, pray the rosary and do several other things. Things got better but I was told that evil can eventually win.

Were moving asap.

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