I believe you. PM me if you accept my offer for providing some clues that might help you. I can not promise you success.
The exorcism the Catholic Church practices is based on early Pagan teachings, which were incorporated into Christianity. The cross and the egg (Easter
/ Ostara) as well as Christmas, to please the heathens and make them convert, to help the religion grow. I bring this up, not to mock Christianity but
point out that I practice my faith freely but I was taught Paganism, too. It works a lot with symbolism, some you might not be able to identify
without being taught.
Like F2d5thcavv2 wrote, 2-4AM has an eerie feeling, 3:30am peaking. I do not observe this active or looking for it, but stumbled over this during my
life a few times, so far. I am someone who is more productive at night and whenever I can, I stay up longer to use that productivity. Sometimes I
meditate in the forest, most often when I do that it is night and-or full moon. I do not fear being alone in the dark with strange noises but it is a
little challenging to get into meditation, let go off the fear and work with the Qi and love, while I meditate.
Those that meditate might know the effect of drowning out all ambient noises and beyond. I had several occasions at around 3AM, meditating, where I
was in that state, deeply and suddenly felt pure fear, like someone surprise shocking and you fall into that bizzare state where you can not
comprehend what you see. The movie "Insidious" masters this technique of horror btw.. Then I felt a cold gust, more like a pressure than wind, hard to
explain. It moved my hair, so it was wind but it felt very wrong. It still creeps me out thinking about it, because if I had felt the gust before and
then fear, it would explain a automatic reaction to being surprised during a calm phase and then be emotional disturbed for a few seconds.
But it was like that two times at least that I can remember and when I checked the clock it was 3:29AM and 3:31AM. I can remember so good because I
found it noteworthy it was 1 minute before and after 3:30, but also do want to emphasize, this is more a mathematical coincidence than anything else.
But it was around 3:30AM, that is the important thing.
Be safe. Listen into yourself, what you just read. If it feels wrong, there's probably not much I can do. If it feels positive, without wanting to
make you false hope, give it a shot... Don't think about it too much, if you feel intrigued, click on (private) message and write down your first
question without thinking about it.
If not, at least I offered my help, it felt like I should.
edit on 5.7.2023 by TDDAgain because: (no reason given)