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Trump is going to lose . . . . . a caution

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posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: BlueBaby
Trump would lose. He has lost supporters. Many died of covid. Many are not willing to go there.

So, your word association implies that Trump caused COVID. Seriously?

Trump tried to get a vaccine developed as quickly as possible to fight off this new pathogen. Anyone seriously believe this was not a rational plan? What would have been the headlines had he done nothing?

Trump did not cause infected victims to be placed in senior support facilities. Trump did not impose mandates that forced MANY people to chose between getting vaccinated with an untested substance or lose their jobs. Trump TRIED to call attention to the beneficial therapeutics such as hydroxychloroquine to combat COVID, and all TPTB pulled out of that was to claim that Trump wanted to inject everyone with bleach. At every turn, Trump was resisted and combated by every agent of the Swamp in a position to do so. If Trump had one notable fault, it is that he just did not understand there were so many two faced people in Washington D.C. who did not have the best interests of the USA and it's citizens at heart.

And as for 50 percent of the US population not wanting to have Trump as POTUS, well, bull hockey. This number is being based solely on the completely fictional election results of 2020. Rallies held by him compared to the attendance of anything Joe Biden took part in handily disprove this at every turn. Most of the voting age citizens of the USA already KNEW that Joe Biden was and is a born loser low grade hack politician.

I believe a majority of the US population sees through all the lies and BS being bantered about. But they also see what happened to the J6 participants and that blatant abuse of power to stamp down HARD on anyone trying to buck the official fictions trying to be shoved down our throats. J6 was a lesson. But perhaps not the lesson TPTB hope they have taught. The lesson I see is that the mistake made at J6 was that the people going there were not prepared to protect and defend their constitutional right to be there. If there is just cause reason to be a NEXT one, then perhaps they will well heed this very hard learned lesson.


posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: Rich Z

You okay bro? You just laid out a truth bomb.

second line

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: Turquosie

Unless there is some hidden reason behind it all

How about this possibility. Trump seems to be very big on playing the ''victim'' card. He has lots of his supporters believing it and it works for him, so, he keeps on playing it . As he has anointed himself the '' only one who can save America'' he has happily put himself in the position of savior to his supporters. Now, maybe he is taking this combo of savior and victim to the max and playing the martyr card. Oh oh oh, they are crucifying me kind of ploy. This way he can keep his hard core base and keep continue to play them for monetary donations and sale of his products..

And all of that within the context of he was never ever the patriot he painted himself as being, merely a con man playing the marks.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 02:19 AM

originally posted by: Rich Z
Trump did not impose mandates that forced MANY people to chose between getting vaccinated with an untested substance...

While he didn't impose mandates, it is NOT true that the vaccine was untested.

My daughter was a human test subject for the Pfizer vaccine.

I'm a human test subject for the Moderna vaccine.

And, speaking as a scientist who's done human research, the protocols and design (standard "double blind" research) are indeed correct (we signed waivers and had our health checked to maker sure that there's nothing that would prevent us from having the vaccines, they provided regular checkups and did constant monitoring (test subjects had to report daily with diaries and reporting forms.)

The only ones who got the "untested vaccine" were the research volunteers.

Like my daughter. Like me.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: Turquosie
a reply to: Vasa Croe

That's not flip flopping on issues and ethical stances. She flipped to Independent in 2020 for good reason. She was being blackballed by left-wing media for not going along with their stances and positions at the time. And also for criticizing fellow democrats.

Which is a good thing! She saw major fault in the DNC and took action to go against it, instead of just towing the party line and playing their game.

She's also a previous veteran that is staunchly anti-war. She spoke out against pushing Ukraine into NATO and other things politicians don't want to talk about.

Why are people so against independents?

I've always liked Tulsi....even posted about it many times before.

Was just pointing out she flipped from Dem to Independent in 2020.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: JinMI

I believe you are right. The night is darkest before the dawn. They will take as many of their enemies down with them as they can.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: yuppa

I don't think any divorce is or can be amicable.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 05:35 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: Rich Z
And as for 50 percent of the US population not wanting to have Trump as POTUS, well, bull hockey.

Yeah, I'd say more like 70-80%.

While he didn't cause covid, his handling of it was terrible. All he had to do was say that we need to take it serious, and listen to the people qualified to make decisions during a pandemic. Instead, he downplayed the hell out of it, and put a lot of his voters in an early grave.

It was his big chance to be a leader in a time of need, and he failed. Miserably.

Also, hydroxychloroquine LOL!

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: Rich Z

originally posted by: BlueBaby
Trump would lose. He has lost supporters. Many died of covid. Many are not willing to go there.

So, your word association implies that Trump caused COVID. Seriously?

Trump tried to get a vaccine developed as quickly as possible to fight off this new pathogen. Anyone seriously believe this was not a rational plan? What would have been the headlines had he done nothing?

Trump did not cause infected victims to be placed in senior support facilities. Trump did not impose mandates that forced MANY people to chose between getting vaccinated with an untested substance or lose their jobs. Trump TRIED to call attention to the beneficial therapeutics such as hydroxychloroquine to combat COVID, and all TPTB pulled out of that was to claim that Trump wanted to inject everyone with bleach. At every turn, Trump was resisted and combated by every agent of the Swamp in a position to do so. If Trump had one notable fault, it is that he just did not understand there were so many two faced people in Washington D.C. who did not have the best interests of the USA and it's citizens at heart.

And as for 50 percent of the US population not wanting to have Trump as POTUS, well, bull hockey. This number is being based solely on the completely fictional election results of 2020. Rallies held by him compared to the attendance of anything Joe Biden took part in handily disprove this at every turn. Most of the voting age citizens of the USA already KNEW that Joe Biden was and is a born loser low grade hack politician.

I believe a majority of the US population sees through all the lies and BS being bantered about. But they also see what happened to the J6 participants and that blatant abuse of power to stamp down HARD on anyone trying to buck the official fictions trying to be shoved down our throats. J6 was a lesson. But perhaps not the lesson TPTB hope they have taught. The lesson I see is that the mistake made at J6 was that the people going there were not prepared to protect and defend their constitutional right to be there. If there is just cause reason to be a NEXT one, then perhaps they will well heed this very hard learned lesson.

trump diud not cause covid, that we know of. What he did was convince his own supporters to not vaccinate. He told them to take horse meds and stick lights up their asses. A lot of them did not vaccinate, because they listened to the orange one. They died. On my father in laws deathbed he spoke regret. He wished he wouldn't have listened to trump. It was too late. We lost 8 unvaccinated family members, all trump supporters. I am positive we are not unique in this, magats were prevalent in the area. I figure most likely, the covid dead are 95 % magats.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Rich Z
And as for 50 percent of the US population not wanting to have Trump as POTUS, well, bull hockey.

Yeah, I'd say more like 70-80%.

While he didn't cause covid, his handling of it was terrible. All he had to do was say that we need to take it serious, and listen to the people qualified to make decisions during a pandemic. Instead, he downplayed the hell out of it, and put a lot of his voters in an early grave.

Worse yet was that he tossed out Obama's plan for dealing with an epidemic (a very SOLID plan... and I say this as someone who worked in a small malaria research lab) and instead floundered around and downsized the CDC and then tried to say it was "nothing" in early days.

He could have STOPPED Covid from becoming a pandemic if he'd followed the plan Obama left him (which was published in many places, including on the Internet) - because the plan included working with other governments to coordinate efforts and control international travel and send fast response teams to the affected areas to treat and isolate the infected among other things.

But the Stable Genius preferred to take a victory lap and tell us not to worry.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: Byrd

Add the fact that he was recorded admitting how deadly it was, but told all of us it would go from "15 cases to 0" in days. Reckless.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

He did the closest thing to the right thing that he could do it seemed. The right thing would’ve been to go all the way and just proclaim what ‘Covid’ really was. A 100% fake psyop.
No such thing. Just another flu season.
But I digress.

Some people will go their entire lives without ever realizing this or coming to terms with this.

Just like the passports that floated down from the WTC that morning.
Just like Building 7

Just more lies in the fake world that is being projected at your overly fluoridated mind.

posted on Jun, 10 2023 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein

Some people will go their entire lives without ever realizing this or coming to terms with this.

Because it's a fairytale.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 03:19 AM

originally posted by: Threadbare
a reply to: DBCowboy

And if the DOJ presents a case that leaves no doubt that Trump violated the law and maybe even put the security of the nation at risk?

ya, no.

whatever dude, biden takes bribes.

s Premiered Jun 10, 2023
Judicial Watch President @TomFitton discusses the latest indictment of former President Trump over his handling of classified records, Biden corruption allegations, and more!

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Byrd

HE tried to stop travel from coming in,but couldnt get support to do so because it was xenophobic.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: yuppa

HE tried to stop travel from coming in,but couldnt get support to do so because it was xenophobic.

he sure did, and the dem ones raised holy hell, yelling orange man a bad evil racist xenophobe.

then when the order was resended and trump ordered Operation Warp Speed, the dem ones and slo joe all said no don't take a shot. after the steal, the jab was the best thing since sliced bread and it was slo joe's idea.

the idjet bastards dem ones don't think people remember that sh@@.

edit on 11-6-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 11:01 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: Rich Z
And as for 50 percent of the US population not wanting to have Trump as POTUS, well, bull hockey.

Yeah, I'd say more like 70-80%

Would you?

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: JinMI

I did in an early post, advocating for Tulsi. I was simply trying to break down why continueing to choose candidates based on the two-party system is flawed and constantly failing us.

posted on Jun, 11 2023 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: underpass61

The left seems to focus on personality while normal people focus on policy.

Trumps policies were benefitting all Americans.

That's why they can only attack his personality.

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