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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 12:35 PM
Back to "Uncontrolled Spread" authored by the gifted Scott Gottlieb.

Chapter 17 continued.
In this chapter he patiently, in excruciatingly painful detail, describes the manufacturing process of developing vaccines.
This has left me head scratching.

When manufacturing traditional vaccines, the original virus sample is required, then it has to be grown in large vats and then deactivated. Next up, large manufacturing facilities are required for mass production.

While we were forced to be the mRNA clinical trial participants China kept with the traditional approach.

Key point- How was China, using the traditional process, able to mass produce a vaccine for a very large population? This would require enormous facilities and could very well take more than a year to successfully manufacture.

Not in the book - They would need eggs, millions of them, at the same time they were experiencing a deadly outbreak of Avian flu in chickens.

Then to double down, what about the mutations? More eggs. More of everything.

This explains why the mRNA approach was taken. Millions of eggs were not required and plug-and-play comes to mind.

Clinical Trials:
Page 329. Something for us to consider. Pfizer and BioNTech started working together on an influenza vaccine in 2018 thanks to Billy the Gates.
They were set to start clinical trials early 2020.
That would mean that they had testing partners and clinical trial sites already selected. Rather handy.

Keeping track of resignations- Kathryn Janson.
Kathryn Janson

A key player who green lit the mRNA approach. The mindset-
"And now we are building the infrastructure for mRNA vaccine dealing with this pandemic, and of course this builds a foundation to deal with everything else in the future." Covid would provide a large-scale vaidation for this approach.

Make of this what you will-
July 24, 2020 they selected the full length spike protein which meant [at least to them] "No single mutation would render the vaccine substantially less effective." So why the boosters???

July 27, 2020 [17] Pfizer and Moderna both started phase 3 [pivotal] trials.

"For the first time we had the ability to develop fully synthetic vaccines based on information about a pathogen's genetic sequence."

We need to let this sink in a bit.
Albert Bourla made some very unusual decisions. Traditional vaccine manufacturing is very sequential but he chose to proceed in parallel.
While testing the different candidates Pfizer proceeded building custom- made systems to manufacture vaccines in large quantities at a cost of $2 billion.
Imagine a novel manufacturing facility and novel equipment all for a novel vaccine for a novel virus.
This was done long before Pfizer knew that the jabs might be effective.

Meanwhile accepting no $ from the federal government?
Now that's what I call confidence.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Chapter 18
A new Doctrine for National Security. Pages 341-380.

How does Scott Gottlieb know so many details?

Up to bat are the Wuhan bats.

In 2012 a group of miners contracted severe pneumonia that was believed to be caused by a novel coronavirus. The bat caves were nearby.
"Chinese scientists would find 8 other completely novel coronaviruses in bats they sampled from those same mine shafts, but the full sequences of these additional strains would never be shared." Of course not.

The 6 miners were taken to Wuhan and ... "their blood was frozen and stored at the WIV."

Then we just needed to add a secret sauce of Ralph Baric to the recipe.

I need more time to slog through the endlesssss words of Gottlieb to find the details. Maybe this was by design.

A hunting I will go...

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Have you seen what the UN is up to?
The People's Voice

Sounds like fun times ahead. Can they really force all banks around the world to do this?

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I think in the transition to digital economies, it will be handled much like the vaccine campaign. First stage is coercing people through incentives. We're already seeing this with the entertainment industry as some performers are offering fans digital wallets and rewards. Banks, credit card companies and investment firms will also offer incentives through tokenized assets. Governments will make offerings as well. The gaming industry will play a pivotal role with play to earn schemes along with being the main portal to AR/VR realms. The lure will be the fascination with this new, shiny toy that promises to solve world problems, unify the planet and make your life so much easier and convenient.

At some point comes the fear campaign with the underlying message, "you'd better switch or else". Maybe that will be the collapse of the fiat currency system. Regulations and mandates will be put in place letting people know that if you don't comply with the new system, you're going to be left behind...outcast. Or worse, fined or jailed.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: socialmediaclown

I was wondering what distraction would be thrown up by the Biden administration. Well here it is.

Student Loan Forgiveness Up To Bat

It doesn't matter what the Supreme Court ruled, they are going to find ways to do a go around.
I do find the amount forgiven interesting $116.6 [6]illion.

The one group of borrowers that will not get a "get out of debt" free card will be those with parent loans.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 07:26 PM

Locked and Loaded



Fire in the HOLE

edit on 7142023 by MetalThunder because: WWG1WGA

edit on 7142023 by MetalThunder because:

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 08:16 PM
I never knew that Operation Mongoose included m^ss sh00tings in the CONUS.

posted on Jul, 14 2023 @ 09:45 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: Guyfriday

Moderna launches more lawsuits against Pfizer

With all these lawsuits in play some important details may come out that they would rather not have public.

Elsewhere, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals has sued both Pfizer and Moderna on claims they’ve violated its so-called ‘933 patent, which covers a “breakthrough class of cationic biodegradable lipids used to form lipid nanoparticles that carry and deliver” mRNA-based vaccines. Alnylam wants royalties from Pfizer and Moderna’s vaccine sales in lieu of a market pull.

If they

Stole Patents

Wouldn't that give them a small pass?
Wouldn't this be a distraction if they were given a product to produce by an authority?
What this shows some is that a coordinated attack on the people of earth, to remove a successful President, by

The Superpowers

Of course that is a completely insane theory, but, once the genie is out of the bottle, it's hard to put back in. Sheesh some people before you know it will not be safe to walk the streets if involved.
Whenever someone does something good or evil (mostly evil) they want to brag about it, these lawsuit's are a way of bragging about what they did.
They have to tell.


edit on 2023/7/14 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Jul, 15 2023 @ 12:06 AM
Mr Pool posting a load on twitter tonight - but as usual they're deleted quickly... I think the @kangspace589 account has caught most of them and I don't have time to post them all now as it's almost 6am my time.

Anywho... here's a quick breakdown:

a) Aerial video of central park, a repeat, video 1:42
b) Guy in sheep mask and hoodie watching birthday candles go out, repeat, video, 10 seconds
c) Wheat or Tares(?) blowing in the wind at dawn next to river, video 42 seconds, repeat (?)
d) Field of green shoots blowing in the wind, repeat (?), video 25 seconds
e) A blade of grass (Tare) blowing in amongst full ears of green wheat, video 7 seconds, repeat (?)
f) A Bronze, or Gold?, skull lit by off screen fire, in the dark, video 22 seconds,
g) Hooded man in bathroom, B&W, video 7 seconds, repeat,
h) 6 old US coins resting on a 1 dollar bill, video 19 seconds, repeat?

I think most of these repeats are posted for the third time... and in the past 3rd time has coincided with the events they forewarn of.

Tings spicing up!

Off for zeds and will have minimal time to read/post until sunday eve.
edit on 15-7-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2023 @ 04:51 AM
a reply to: nugget1

When universities became corporations ...


posted on Jul, 15 2023 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I'm stunned. The implications...
Chapter 18 "A New Doctrine for National Security".

There has been lots of bragging from the Pfizer and Moderna camps about how they were able to come up with the formula for the jabs using software.
"For the first time we had the ability to develop fully synthetic vaccines based on information about a pathogen's genetic sequence."

They never had an actual sample of the original virus that would have validated the sequence they used. This would have been critical.
The vaccines were made using the sequence information that China published.

So how do they now if that information was accurate???

China has still not shared the initial strains of Covid-19.

New info for us- There was an attempt to transfer a sample from the WIV to the labs at the University of Texas but Beijing blocked this. Why?

What we already know- "In June of 2021 it was discovered that researchers at the WIV deleted from the NIH servers the sequence information from dozens of samples."

Sooo much effort to not allow anyone to have an original sample but instead we were supposed to just trust them?

posted on Jul, 15 2023 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
National Security Council timeline according to Scott Gottlieb.

George W. Bush administration disbanded the bio-threats staff and low and behold after 911 anthrax appeared on the scene.

Oh yea Anthrax fun numbers game

This is the pivotal point where 'trust the science' entered the room.

Then it was reinstated.
How curious. In 2009 the Obama administration disbanded the same group. Then we were treated with H1N1 Swine flu and Ebola. After that round it was reinstated.

Next up the Trump administration. Once again the bio- threats staff was disbanded shorty before Covid.

This resulted in the CDC being in control and we know how that has worked out.
I am simply not giving this a pass> "Most of the National Security co-operation between the CDC, public health and intelligence community centered on bioterrorism but these efforts never acquired a prominent place in the CDC's sprawling mission." Seriously they expect us to believe this when this very issue was made a priority during a Presidential transition.

The CDC focuses on historical orientation and do not have the right orientation when a pandemic is in play. Just the perfect group to lead.

Not in the book. The Playbook from the Obama Administration

We should be concerned. Instead we used the CDC and FEMA playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents.
"Trump deputies also have said that their coronavirus response relies on a federal playbook- specifically referring to a strategy laid out by the CDC."

Before President Trump's Inauguration A Warning

Obama signed an EO in May 6, 2016 requiring the outgoing team prepare and host interagency preparedness and response. That they did.
This was conducted on January 13, 2017, on a Friday. No doubt they were hoping not many would attend because after all it was a Friday.
"Although the exercise was required, the specific scenario we chose was not. We included a pandemic scenario."

january 13, 2017

Keeping track of resignations- the revolving door.

Now about that "playbook" from the Obama administration. Since the bio- threat staff was disbanded again -"The playbook never went through a full, National Security Council-led interagency process to be approved as a Trump administration strategy." Funny how that happened.

Meanwhile President Trump was having some real issues over the National Security Advisors. Once again the revolving door.
The swamp runs deep.

Now we have Jake Sullivan.
Jake Sullivan Rising Star

Looks like they have big hopes of him becoming President but then there is that Hunter Biden connection.
Obama Era E-mails Link

"Jake Sullivan and Hunter Biden served together on the board of Truman National Security Project, a liberal foreign think tank 2017-2019. According to the Wayback machine.

Truman National Security Project
Oh what fun, Pete Buttigieg was with them.

posted on Jul, 15 2023 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

The spy section- Chapter 18.
In the summer of 2020 China and Russia deployed their foreign intelligence to try and "collect trade secret information on the development of C-19 vaccines."
July 2020 the DOJ indicted several hackers. Isn't it curious that neither China or Russia chose the mRNA jabs. Makes one wonder what they found.

Page 347. Gottlieb claims that Russia was undermining confidence in the Pfizer jab, this coming from the person who sits of the Pfizer board.
Russia was sending their vaccine to Eastern Europe. Gottlieb then claims that one unidentified eastern country pleaded with Pfizer to send their jabs. Which country? Everything else in in just sooo much detail.

Ring-Ring- Pfizer to Biden administration. In the interests of countering Russian influence you need to deploy the Pfizer jab to Eastern Europe. Roger that.

Pfizer diplomacy-
The actions of Russia dominating in Eastern Europe resulted in the Biden administration acting as a powerful marketing arm of Pfizer. The Biden administration purchased 500 million doses, using our tax $, to send to that region.
"The actions of Russia and the situation in Eastern Europe had provided an added impetus to efforts by the U.S. to expand global distribution of the American products." All for Pfizer.

After all Pfizer wanted the entire world market except for cough, cough, India who demanded that before approval wanted to conduct their own clinical trials- just in case.

Pfizer Drops India

I'm afraid I haven't finished sifting through Gottlieb's 18th chapter masterpiece. Just sooo many words.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Chapter 18 Confession. How does Gottlieb know all of this and why hasn't it been shared?

Origins of Covid.

The set up. The WIV became China's main research facility for coronaviruses after the 2003 SARS-1 outbreak. Following this it became the focal point for international research.

Why is this problematic? There was precedent for lab leaks and deliberate releases in China.

In 2009 several thousand Chinese military recruits were given a live strain of H1N1 influenza. May 10, 2009, China announced the first case and then the illness spread around the world. Gottlieb missed a detail, May 10th, shock and awe.

Pand emic H1N1

In 2014 there was a Sars-1 lab leak. Once out of Pandora's box we have now had 6 outbreaks thanks to that.

Now imagine if you will that there is a plan to release Covid-19. China would need a plan to confuse the zoonotic origination. How convenient, there was an outbreak of a novel coronavirus in pengolins in March 2019.

Just as that feelz of a narrative set-up.

We need to let this sink in.
Here is where Fauci comes in-
In 2014 the U.S. imposed a moratorium on gain-of-function but China did not! The moratorium was lifted in 2017. Coinky dink that in 2017 the Chinese booted out the French scientists who had been working in the WIV?

Page 365-"No one believes Covid emanated from a deliberate act."
Page 379-"It's release was not a deliberate act."

For clarity the origination needs to broken out into sections.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Origins of Covid-19. Part 2 Confessions.

Peter Dazak's involvement with the WHO team investigating the origins has been documented earlier. Suffice to say that he was highly motivated to not want any connection made to the WIV.

Siting Pete D., Gottlieb announces that the lab was well run. Ha.

"The WHO did not request full access to the data-base of viruses held by the WIV, so they could not be certain what exactly was contained in the lab's inventory." Why did that happen?

Peter Dazak and a couple of other partners in crime on the team said they already knew all of the inventory.

"That unverified assertation shouldn't have sufficed for due diligence on this critical question."

The WIV freezers held the most compete inventory of sampled bat viruses in any research institution.
A staggering 22,000 samples of genetic material or viruses, 15K bat samples, 1400 bat viruses and amazing, just amazing that Peter D. knew them all.

That data-base held more than 100 unpublished sequences of bat coronavirus, quoting the Washington Post. This just begs the Q as to how the WP could possibly know this?

There were 6 other labs in Wuhan conducting Coronavirus research along with the Chinese Disease Control and Prevention, which was working with bat viruses, but the WHO team did not investigate them and wasn't able to investigate the WIV properly.

The WHO team were more intent on debunking the lab leak because well, because.

Meanwhile the WIV pitched in for the cause and did not provide new and independent sequencing of the coronavirus present in their freezers."

Well since we are on the topic of diabolical "it could plant the diabolical idea that a pathogen released from a single site may be all it takes to trigger a global contagion." As if.

But, but what about your comment that researchers are permitted to publish the sequences?

New factoid- From the gospel of Gottlieb- "sometimes the highest- risk research gets exported to the countries with the weakest controls, because these are the regions of the world where more dangerous research experiments are permitted."

Gottlieb states that we need to focus more on global lab security. I have a thought-How about we stop with the gain of function.

Some really horrific confessions up next.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 12:05 PM
Confessions from the CDC. Part 3.

Why has the CDC been reluctant to work with national security agencies, "even in circumstances where the information would help the U.S. adjust its response to a novel threat"?

Consider this-

By not sharing the data the Pentagon was unable to "adjust and guide its response" placing troops in danger. Page 366.

Not in the book.

CDC Confirms First Case of Ebola in the U.S.

And the CDC are weren't going to share data from Liberia. Let that sink in.

Past Proves Future.

The Trump administration was aware that some strange virus was circulating in China late 2019. Briefings were made based on WeChat and open sources such as news reports from China but they did not have any solid concrete evidence to pursue any effective strategy.

Time was critical if we were going to get ahead of this.

"Because of the lack of sharing by the CDC there was not enough evidence that it was not a typical virus." Let that sink in.

The CDC caused a delay at a crucial point in time.

This begs the Q why were we so uniquely unprepared?
HHS doesn't get a pass here because they also were loath to collaborating with intelligence agencies.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Next up.

The PREDICT program was established to monitor zoonotic threats.

10 count them 10 years of PREDICT

Lots of resources went into this. $20 million to train 5K scientists and funded 60 labs around the world.


U.S. Funding for Predict Program Shut Down

Not in the book-
Keeping track of resignations/ changes- Sean Jones from Ethiopia became head of USAID in July 2019.

Sean Jones USAID

What's this?
Keeping track of resignations/changes- he assumed the position in July 2019. This is something to consider. He comes from Ethiopia, the same place that Tedros director of the WHO hails from.

Why hasn't public health response been a matter of national security? The CDC,NIH and USAID all have "their own agendas,
missions and countermeasures." There is "an absence of policy coordination."

That's a wrap.

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

May the 4th be with you.

Berkshire Hathway Annual Meeting 2019
"Serving the Blizzard upside down reflects Dairy Queen's unique philosophy of thinking differently and embracing an upside down perspective."

Considering that was Covid launch year Bill Gates and Warren Buffett went to the Dairy Queen and made Blizzards.

Billy and Warren @ Dairy Queen
If I didn't know better I would think that there was some storm headed our way.

The Storm- NCSWIC. Nothing.
President Trump at Dairy Queen

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Have you seen this? Robert F. Kennedy Jr is going there. The bioweapons targeting specific ethnic groups.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

It seems we have confirmation from China.

Asians Least Likely to Get Covid-19

Since it is Sunday, Pope news-

Pope Francis accepts Bishop Unilaterally Installed by China

Jikkyleaks posted this twitter account.

Sorry Antivaxers

This is weird. Could the donations be for a specific reason?

posted on Jul, 16 2023 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

It seems the Sun Valley Summer Camp is underway.

Sun Valley Summer Conference

Here's the guest list.

Sun Valley Guest List

Some odd people in attendance like the ex CIA head David Paetraeus. What is Biden's campaign co-chair doing there surrounded with the enemedia and big tech? What could they possibly be up to?

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