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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: G005E

Full reduction gets us a Palindrome number

16961 google search lead me to SolarWinds help desk. Was SolarWinds owned by Soros?

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 09:17 AM
Let discredit people so that the public will think... oh that's right the report "says" Trump so it must be true (even though it clearly reads like it should be Biden)
From: Yahoo News

The Justice Department on Monday unsealed charges against the co-director of a Maryland think tank, alleging he acted as an illegal arms broker and unregistered agent for the Beijing government while also seeking to help China obtain Iranian oil in violation of U.S. sanctions.

Gal Luft, a dual U.S. and Israeli citizen, is accused of recruiting and paying a former high-ranking U.S. government official – and advisor to then president-elect Donald Trump -- on behalf of principals based in China in 2016 without registering in the U.S. as a foreign agent as federal law requires.

The 57-year-old fugitive has become a key figure in Republican-led corruption investigations into President Joe Biden, accusing him, son Hunter Biden and other family members of having improper financial arrangements with the China-controlled energy company CEFC. The White House and Biden family representatives have issued broad denials of such claims of corruption as being false and without merit.

and here's why I think this story isn't as real as it looks:

A longtime energy security analyst who splits his time between Maryland and Israel, Luft has accused Biden family members of bribery and of having received payments from individuals with ties to Chinese military intelligence or energy firms.

Luft, whose Institute for the Analysis of Global Security focuses on energy security, has denied wrongdoing in tweets in which he also claimed the Justice Department case against him is politically motivated.

Senator Ron Johnson, one of several prominent Republicans to tout Luft as a whistleblower witness, also suggested in a July 9 tweet that the Justice Department case against Luft is connected to his alleged interest in exposing Biden family corruption.

"Is DOJ trying to silence Dr. Gal Luft from publicly exposing Biden family corruption?" asked Johnson, R-Wisc., the top Republican on the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. "The American people deserve the truth and Dr. Luft must have the chance to testify before Congress."

My take is that if the DoJ is putting this much effort into discrediting the guy, then he probably has some pretty good intelligent on the Biden Scheme. Comer needs to air the intel he has from this guy in order to head this off.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 12:44 PM
#4802 clip

Do tell Scott Gottlieb.
Back to the book "Uncontrolled Spread." Chapter 13 "The Information Desert". Pages 228-254
"Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future" HIPPOCRATES

Hypocrite comes to mind.

The CDC deployed The Fog of Viral War against us.

"We lacked data to reveal how the virus spread and how are tactics were working against it. Then we lacked the information and analysis to tell us how to adapt our response." *There is no question that the CDC did this on purpose.

If we are wondering where the bright idea for masks came from, we should all be grateful to Scott.

"I was involved in some of the early efforts to coax the Coronavirus Task Force to endorse the use of masks."
He states that the masks were never intended to protect a person from getting ill.

President Trump was not in favor of masks, in fact masks were never part of any pandemic action plan from Bush up to Obama.
President Trump stated "I would hope it would be for a very period of time. Doctors- they'll come back and say 'for the rest of our lives." He emphasized that wearing them was voluntary.
Scott claims that by stating this President Trump weaponized the masks which led to all of us conspiracy fact checkers.

For ease of reading I will in a separate post document the CDC treason against the American people, step by step.

The answer to the Q post- HHS data was accurate and this provides proof that the CDC WITH INTENT DID EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO DISTORT THE DATA.
The agency should be renamed the Chinese Disease Center.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

1. The CDC lied to President Trump when they told him that "they were compiling bottom-line, county level data on Covid cases, testing, hospitalization and deaths. The implications? Negatively impacted policy decisions such as school closings.

2. The CDC refused to share any data with outside researchers.

3. Even the New York Times had to do a FOIA to get a breakdown of how C-19 was impacting blacks and latinos.

4. Imagine a plan so sinister that it took decades to implement-
"The agency paid local and state health officials to report bespoke FEEDS OF DATA THAT WAS COLLECTED IN A FORMAT THAT MADE IT INACCESSIBLE TO ANYONE BUT THE CDC.

5.The CDC "used proprietary forms that required healthcare providers to input the information into specialized data streams that were for the CDC." Impact?
a. It slowed the collection of information.
b. Increased the incidence of errors.
c. Made it unmarketable for anyone else.

Makes one wonder why such an exotic set-up.

d. There was no audit function to determine the accuracy of the data.
e. The data collected was outside routine reporting so they used an outdated system for data collection.

The BIG Q : Why didn't they use the existing electronic health records? What about data from Medicare/Medicaid? How about health insurance companies?

Okay that is all really not a good look. How about this?
The CDC was not reporting data about hospitalizations in real time but instead were using estimates from a predictive model.
"The # of hospitalizations that the CDC was reporting each day weren't the people who were actually being admitted to hospital but were hypothetical patients being modeled off a small sample that the CDC was collecting."

Fake Data.
But it gets better.
The data that the modeling was using came from an antiquated system that was used to monitor hospital infections and that had to be sent by FAX.
Carrier pigeon anyone?
The CDC used this data from 1000 hospitals and then applied across the country.
Problem? Covid was not the uniform across the country. Obvious, at least to me, is that more dense urban areas would have more cases than rural area.
What about Northern California who didn't report at all. The CC just plugged the #'s. Why bother with pesky details.

Gottlieb gives the CDC a pass saying it's a culture thing, this coming from someone who left to join the Pfizer board.

More to come.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Deborah Birx who was on the Covid Task Force was very aware of the long standing deficiencies within the CDC data collection system. She rallied to the cause and got funding for the CDC to modernize its reporting of Covid hospital data.

How very curious- The CDC refused!

With all the billions in funding the CDC receives each year this never became an important issue. According to Yuvel Levin, who was involved with the Bush administration and the Pandemic & All Hazards Preparedness Act- "the CDC was required to establish near real time electronic nationwide situational awareness capability so data could be collected and shared to enhance early detection."
The response from the CDC- ignore.

Congress knew in 2017 there was nothing in place for public health surveillance. Legislation to get this done- ignored--NO CONSEQUENCES. Did I mention we are paying their salaries and those generous pensions.

Who was the CDC Director that would have been responsible for making this happen?
List of CDC Directors
Interesting change right after.


Birx was in a tough situation. Remdesivir was in short supply and she, along with others believed that it could hep seriously ill patients. The CDC's inaccurate data forced Birx and Secretary Azure to establish a parallel data collection system which required hospitals to provide daily reports of Covid hospitalization cases so that Remdesivir could be allocated according to need. This fell under HHS.
"Birx knew that the numbers were hypothetical so she demanded hospitals give updated daily reports to a new portal she helped set up."

No doubt it became obvious that there were two sets of books. As has been covered in "Warp Speed" by Paul Mango, Birx' demands were unrealistic because hospitals were used to operating under a different reporting system. Maybe weekly would have been a better approach.

The msm refused to use the data from HHS and instead worked with the CDC to maintain the narrative.

Time for a very special call out- senator Patti Murray.

Senator Patty Murray Wiki

I see we have a Feinstein 2.0.
She sent a letter to HHS that their data collection was wasteful and that only the CDC data should be relied on. How helpful.

Just so many red flags.
The CDC did not have sufficient data scientists and modelers so they outsourced most analytics to academic partners.
Academia- the universities receiving funding from the NIH [Fauci], caught messing with data and acting as another conduit to sending $ to China for "research".

More to come.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 02:43 PM
There's a certain BBC presenter that's sweating much more than prince randy andy ever could. BBC is a toxic cesspool, always has been. It would hurt their narrative if they were gay right?

Notice the words they use? The boys parents say child the media say young male or teenager. Just like that other sicko phillip schofield.

How many others we not heard about? How many others we should be protecting? How many connected to epstein?

These people are sick.

edit on 11-7-2023 by Imbackbaby because: Because I can.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2


Birx had her hands full. The CDC was not sampling and sequencing Covid in a meaningful way- only capable of a few hundred a month when 1000's were needed.

How curious- The CDC refused to use outside labs.

Birx asked them to "establish a contract to engage outside labs to do widespread sequencing."
Implications? Fog of viral war where we were flying blind not knowing when and what new variants were evolving.
Direct interference in the Task Force and government policy making.

It gets better.

The CDC refused to "recognize sequencing data from outside or even include it on the agencies website. The CDC even bypassed public health labs data and did not include it in the CDC analysis or national estimates of spread."

Now to connect Bill Gates into this.
What a coincidence that it was the Gates Foundation funded labs in South Africa that identified the the first variant and Omnicron. One would suspect that there was some plan afoot.

Meanwhile there were researchers tweeting sequencing work that was being done- where they suddenly ended up suffering from laryngitis.

-The CDC only sequenced .3%! which resulted in the U.S. ranking #43 globally in the number of cases sequenced. We need to let that sink in for a moment.
Scott Gottlieb hand wringing. Because of the void at the CDC us conspiracy fact based crew apparently engaged in "cherry picking" evidence and messed up the plan. Apparently "bad information" was able to "guide the debate."


posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Apparently there is a solution for the CDC supposed "failures".
This sounds suspiciously like Bill Gates/ WHO Plandemic Treaty with a twist.

Just what we need another agency under the CDC umbrella. Well that should work out well.

In the interest of national security this agency should be a centralized system for disease modeling with the ability to rapidly analyze and share data with pandemic monitoring and preparedness their primary focus. No question we need something.

Lol. "Congress set out to create this new component ensuring that it was properly staffed, resourced [read throw more $ at the CDC] and clearly programmed by Congress to execute this new mission. Lol

Seriously when there is no, as in no accountability, what delusional world do they live in that they believe that the CDC will comply. The agency hasn't since as far back as when Bush started the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act. Now they suddenly expect the CDC to take things seriously?

The Chinese Disease Center has a huge budget, billions.
CDC Funding Overview for 2023

With the mess that the CDC is in maybe we should consider pulling back funding from other entities, international governments and organizations and focus on us. It is obvious that at the local and state level health systems are starved of $ and need a significant overhaul. Basically hollowed out by design?

We have covered this from numerous books- incompatible reporting systems, lack of basic equipment, relying on Fax machines or e-mail for communication from and with the CDC. The list goes on and on.

That's a wrap.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 03:57 PM
Secret code in Brazil’s CBDC allows govt manipulation

The revelation came courtesy of Pedro Magalhães, a renowned blockchain developer and the mastermind behind Iora Labs, a leading tech consulting firm.

After Brazil’s Central Bank shared the source code of its nascent digital currency, Magalhães dove deep into the world of 1s and 0s, reverse-engineering the open-source code.

His surprising find was that the Central Bank of Brazil had embedded several operative functions into the code. These functions could allow account freezing, balance augmentation or reduction, and the movement of currency between addresses.

Interestingly, the digital real pilot runs on Hyperledger Besu, an Ethereum Virtual Machine-compatible blockchain, operated privately.

Bank of America Says Ripple Making Waves in Cross-Border Payments With Blockchain

The Bank of America (BofA) says that Ripple is an example of a company that is making an impact with blockchain and its use case for cross-border payments.

In a recent report, BofA analysts say Ripple is an exception to blockchain’s relatively modest effect on international payments systems, particularly in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.

The banking giant also says that APAC, as one of the main regions blazing a trail in financial technology, is likely on a path toward abandoning physical cash.

“By presenting every digital option, from consumer payments via QR codes on mobile devices, to real-time corporate treasury and wholesale settlements, to central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and crypto, APAC is heralding new opportunities for all stakeholders to finally abandon hard cash.”

93% of banks exploring potential CBDC: Bank of International Settlements

Central banks interested in exploring “some form” of a central bank digital currency (CBDC) rose to 93%, according to a 2022 Bank of International Settlements survey.

60% of central banks said that the emergence of stablecoins and other crypto assets has accelerated their work on CBDCs. These central banks generally attach more weight to a broader set of motivations for issuing a CBDC,” the BIS noted.

Zimbabwe tests digital currency backed by gold

In an audacious move to stabilize its faltering economy, Zimbabwe has commenced trials for a gold-backed digital currency.

This bold step comes as the African nation continues to grapple with staggering inflation rates, forcing its citizenry into an awkward dance with the devaluating local currency.

If successful, Zimbabweans will soon be conducting transactions with a digital token, the stability of which will be hinged on the universally recognized value of gold.
edit on 11-7-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 04:35 PM
Government-issued digital money gets closer

On Thursday, the New York Fed and its partners announced that a three-month digital dollar pilot for global payments had shown promising results.

This represented a notable spurt of progress in American monetary innovation, and it’s no surprise it came on the wholesale side of central bank digital currencies, which pertains to transactions between financial institutions.

Last week, Russian state sources reported that the emerging BRICS [Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa] economies are planning to introduce a new gold-backed currency at the bloc’s summit next month in South Africa.

That has spurred many countries to accelerate their exploration of CBDCs — including calls for a gold-backed digital BRICS currency — which in turn has heightened the urgency around the West’s own CBDC efforts.

it’s noteworthy that the successful experiment reported last week by the New York Fed and its partners made use of a (private, permissioned) blockchain — a design element that many CBDC projects eschew.

Central banks also remain interested in some of the more exotic innovations to come out of decentralized finance, as demonstrated by an interim report published late last month by Project Mariana, a collaboration between the Bank for International Settlements and monetary authorities in Europe and Asia exploring digital upgrades to foreign exchange markets.

The interim report confirms that the initiative is continuing to incorporate crypto-native innovations like liquidity pools, automatic market makers, and cross-chain bridges.

Citi, TD, Wells Fargo among banks testing regulator-friendly blockchain

The recent Fourth of July holiday was a working day in most parts of the world, and people still want to make payments on U.S. bank holidays and on weekends," said Tony McLaughlin, head of emerging payments and business development at Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions.

This is one key use case for the Regulated Liability Network, a blueprint for a proposed regulated financial market infrastructure that would operate a shared ledger with central bank, commercial bank and electronic money on the same chain, settling transactions instantly.

The ledger and network design was recently tested by several banks and other financial services players in a 12-week proof of concept that included Bank of New York Mellon, Citibank, HSBC, PNC Bank, Swift, TD Bank, Truist Bank, U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo, Mastercard and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The technology was provided by Digital Asset and SETL and hosted by Amazon Web Services. Sullivan & Cromwell provided legal services, and Deloitte provided advisory services.

Study Demonstrates Feasibility of a Regulated Digital Asset Settlement Platform

A proof of concept study into an interoperable network for wholesale payments has concluded that a global, near-real time, 24/7, dollar payment system could be delivered through the Regulated Liability Network (RLN) concept.

The RLN is a theoretical payment infrastructure designed to support the exchange and settlement of regulated digital assets. It would address issues with current traditional payment systems around speed, cost, off-hours availability and the settlement process. The study explored ways to address these while maintaining safe and efficient payments.

The study, carried out by a working group of members of the US financial services sector, successfully simulated two experiment payments — one with domestic interbank payments and one with cross-border payments in USD. It identified shared ledger technology as a potential solution to support payment innovation after successfully simulating both scenarios.

Axelar and Microsoft Partner for a More Integrated and Intelligent Web3

Axelar and Microsoft are partnering to further advance the adoption of blockchain technologies by building a data integration and interoperability layer that will deliver easier blockchain onramps for everyone, from enterprises to Web3 startups. By connecting isolated networks and simplifying complex integrations, the collaboration aims to unlock growth and innovation opportunities for developers and businesses.

Axelar and Microsoft have also agreed to explore innovative solutions that will further advance the maturity of the Web3 industry, such as seamlessly connecting private with public blockchains and leveraging Azure OpenAI services to create entirely new experiences in Web3.

Car-sharing revenue could be a first step to mainstream adoption of web3 in the enterprise

As the global crypto market capitalization sits around $1.2 trillion, some industry players are looking to build upon enterprise businesses to grow the pool and potentially bring in greater adoption. The key companies, tactics and business models to bring that in is yet to be determined, but that isn’t stopping some web3 startups from diving in together.

“I think a lot of disruptive real-world adoption is not going to come from enterprises, but startups that create new ideas,” Leonard Dorlöchter, co-founder of Peaq network, told TechCrunch+. “We expect a lot of adoption earlier in web3, but in the next five years, tokenization of assets of any kind will happen.”

ELOOP is a token-based car-sharing blockchain project that allows community members to share the revenue of its electric car fleet in Vienna. The cars are Teslas powered on the Polkadot blockchain via Peaq network, which builds applications for vehicles, robots and devices.

Dorlöchter thinks that machines like Teslas should be able to “provide goods and services autonomously.” His company built blockchain infrastructure to help create applications like ELOOP’s, to form decentralized car sharing and onboard Teslas onto its network.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist
a reply to: G005E

Full reduction gets us a Palindrome number

16961 google search lead me to SolarWinds help desk. Was SolarWinds owned by Soros?

A 'Worst Nightmare' Cyberattack: The Untold Story Of The SolarWinds Hack

Kinda Doom Porny

Intelligence officials worry that SolarWinds might presage something on that scale. Certainly, the hackers had time to do damage. They roamed around American computer networks for nine months, and it is unclear whether they were just reading emails and doing the things spies typically do, or whether they were planting something more destructive for use in the future.

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Yes 2024/ Sorry for the confusion. Elections makes sense.

posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 08:55 AM

'Sound of Freedom'

After the thriller "Sound of Freedom" beat out Disney's "Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny" for the top spot over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, the mainstream media didn't waste much time piling on the hate.

Shown in only 2,600 theaters, the Angel Studios film is based on the life of Tim Ballard, a former U.S. Department of Homeland Security agent who left his job because he wanted to do more to rescue children from modern-day slavery. With a bold message calling for the freedom of millions of children enslaved in human trafficking, the film's signature line declares, "God's children are not for sale."

Calling the movie a "QAnon-adjacent thriller" — whatever that means — The Guardian "fact-checked" the box office tally, pointing out that "Indiana Jones" had already been in theaters for five days before "Sound of Freedom" came out.

posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

The fact that the dissemblers in the media use the term "Q Anon" really makes me wish people in this thread would NOT use that fake term (I don't mean you, MT).

We should not allow our behavior to be programmed by them.


posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

It rather humorous to me that they're going after this guy for being an unregistered agent, while they let good old Hunter skate by without charging him with the mother of all FARA cases. How much more proof do they need that Hunter was at the very least an unregistered foreign agent for the Chinese?

posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

PJ! Where TF you been, man? Good to see you posting again!


posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Mandy Cohen is now the director of the CDC.
The CDC is in such a mess I don't now how much worse she can make it. But they have managed to mess up in creative ways so who knows.
Meet Mandy Cohen

We can file this under now what?

House Committee Questions legality of Fauci , NIH appointments

Complete disregard for rules. I'm not sure what the implications would be.

posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: PokeyJoe

My favorite comedy routine is where viewing the contents of Hunters Laptop amounts to viewing child pornography, but Hunter hasn't been arrested yet for manufacturing CP.

My neighbor a few doors down grew up in East Germany and said that sometimes under this administration he misses his childhood of living under the Stasi State. Pretty messed up thing right there.

posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

I totally forgot but the first time they turned CERN on was September 23 2011
September 23 2022 they turned it up

posted on Jul, 12 2023 @ 12:56 PM
Circling back to Bill Gates and mosquitos.

What would happen if one of Billy's Grand Challenges funded a very effective and safe mosquito repellent? Considering his mindset would he deploy it or with hold it?

Vanderbilt receives Gates Foundation grant to develop wrist band mosquito repellent device.

This isn't the typical wristband. No chemicals involved.
Gates Notes VUAA

Hunting through the NIH library to see if the current ones work.
Efficacy of Some Wearable Devices

Meet the inventor-
Meet Laurence J. Swiebel

I can't help but be rather suspicious when he is now an advisor for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the NIH, Wellcome Trust, WHO, The Institut Pasteur and the Max Plank Society if you catch my drift. Also he has a Harvard connection.

Meanwhile we are struggling along with DEET and fingers crossed that some natural products may work.
Of course the CDC things DEET is great.

CDC - Center of Disease Creation

Since DEET is safe [the CDC says so] it appears that Europe has some concerns.
U.S.vs EU towards DEET

How curious- The EPA has DEET classified as a Group D chemical which means it cannot be classified as a human carcinogen.

I probably don't understand the logic here but why is it considered to be an "indoor residential use."

3 posts have Clas-D 1010, 1011 and 1012.
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