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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: SideEyeEverything

That's a good idea> Streaming so one can take breaks. Imagine the heartbreak of parents who are seeing this and have wondered what has happened to their missing child.

All of these unaccompanied minors coming across the border makes me just shudder to think what is happening to them.
Has Harris gone to the border yet? One would want to believe that as a mother her instinct would be to protect them but instead she is off cackling somewhere.

Harris The Emptiest Person Alive
edit on 10-7-2023 by Thoughtful2 because: Link. Why hasn't Biden addressed this?

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

We have more about Scott Gottlieb-

FDA Su Deleted Gottlieb's Tweets

Part of the plan. These people are stupid comes to mind. Deleting Gottlieb's tweets December 17, 2019. The big issue is that we can't see who interacted with him and as we have seen that is super important. Then he headed over to Pfizer's board. Maybe communications with Bourla?

The flood is coming.
Emails, videos, audios, pics, etc.
FBI accidently deletes texts?
No Such Agency accidently releases IT ALL>
Shall we play a game?
Will the FBI recover those missing texts?
[Nothing is ever truly deleted].
Your move.

I have the rest of his book to read "Uncontrolled Spread" "Why COID-19 Crushed Us and How We Can Defeat the Next Pandemic."

400 pages.

Just for fun Page 396 "In Feb 2020, just as Covid was spreading to Europe, there was a large outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in chickens located on farms just to the south of Wuhan. The pandemic event we long feared was always expected to be caused by a bird flu. "
Now with enthusiasm "The next pandemic very well could be, perhaps a new variant of H5N1 or a novel form of the even more fearsome H7N9."
H7N9- H=8 [8+9=17] A nod to art, H remove the horizontal line 117.

Leafing through the book we are going to have to go here. GASP... page 236-237. He knew and said nothing!

Imagine he made a fortune pushing the jab narrative from MSM, then double dipped at Pfizer and this book. I wonder what his "book deal" was?

I'd rather read this-
Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.
History books.

I hope everyone is up for another page turner.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 03:01 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: nugget1

I am struggling on whether to watch it myself as well. I've read and seen enough to be convinced that they are doing this.
People were quite disturbed and emotional from the viewing. Some couldn't make it through.

President Trump's tweet with the misspelling of children. He knew.


Why does everything center around Wuhan?

There are some subjects that I can't seem to approach with reason; they elicit too much of an emotional reaction, removing all possibility of me being objective.

I'm a real softy for children and I have no doubt this movie would be too painful for me too watch. Just knowing it's always has and always will be happening - even in 'civilized' society hurts my heart at the deepest levels.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 03:04 PM
The American banking landscape is on the cusp of a seismic shift. Expect more pain to come

Rising interest rates, losses on commercial real estate and heightened regulatory scrutiny will pressure regional and midsized banks, leading to a wave of mergers, sources told CNBC.
Some of those pressures will be visible as regional banks disclose second-quarter results this month. Firms including Zions and KeyCorp already have warned of sinking revenues.
Half the country's banks will likely be swallowed by competitors in the next decade, according to Fitch analyst Chris Wolfe.
“Some of these banks will survive by being the buyer rather than the target," said incoming Lazard CEO Peter Orszag. "We could see over time fewer, larger regionals.”

How the Fed’s new instant money program could lead to another regional banking crisis

Customers could take all of their money out of a bank in a second, resulting in an instantaneous bank run with no time for the government to intervene. FedNow is set to launch with a $500,000 per-transaction limit, which should help limit severe bank runs but that may not be low enough to prevent devastating runs on smaller banks.

The collapse in US office tower values is creating a doom loop for banks

bankers estimate that values of less desirable office buildings – those that are less well located, require refurbishment, or have lost their anchor tenants – have dropped by as much as two-thirds.

As a result, they fear that this commercial property crisis will be even worse than in the 2008 financial crisis, as reduced demand for office space collides with soaring interest rates and falling property values.
edit on 10-7-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 03:53 PM
Businesses, large and small, must get ready to accept digital ID or get left behind, says OIX

2023 is proving to be one of enormous transformation for digital identity across the globe. Country after country is moving towards digital ID to access public and private sector services.

Digital ID will be a game changer for all businesses and other bodies and organisations that will come to accept and rely on digital ID as the primary way for their customers to access their services. It has vast potential for good in society and for businesses.

Europe's big three join EU's 'digital ID' trials

The European Union (EU) selected Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica and Vodafone Germany to run field trials designed to develop digital ID functions and improve the security of biometric technology.

Under the project, the EU said it had set-up a consortium consisting of the trio of mobile operators, which will be responsible for testing EU biometric-powered digital identity wallets in 19 countries on behalf of the EU.

Countries included in the trial include: Germany; Austria; France; Poland; Greece; the Netherlands and Ukraine.

European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said the new digital identity will be “one that we trust, and that citizens everywhere in Europe can use to do everything from pay taxes to rent a bike. A technology with which we ourselves can control what data is used and how”.

Kenya digitizes 5k government services, to issue digital IDs ‘in next 90 days’

Up to 5,000 government services in Kenya can now be accessed through digital means after President William Ruto launched a dedicated platform dubbed ‘Gava Mkononi’ in fulfillment of a promise he made last year to accelerate the country’s digital innovation efforts. Gava Mkononi is a local expression meaning ‘government on touch.’ At the launch of the platform at the Kenyatta International Convention Center in Nairobi, Ruto also directed two cabinet secretaries to make sure the process to issue digital IDs begins within the next 90 days.
edit on 10-7-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 04:20 PM
Sam Altman's Worldcoin ID Flourishes in Spain, Sets Record as Fastest Growing Market in the EU

Spain just marked the largest operational market in Europe for Sam Altman’s Worldcoin, following the project’s expansion in the country.

Worldcoin decided that Spain should be the next market to gain access to its World ID — a privacy-preserving Proof of Personhood protocol.

In addition, the team at Tools For Humanity (TFH) teamed up with two of the largest and most notable tech associations — Tech Barcelona and Adigital.

Spain became one of the biggest and most important markets for Worldcoin.

The country has shown a massive interest in the AI sector, and ever since 2020, it has marked impressive progression in developing it.

The country is well on its way to becoming the heart of the AI industry in the European Union.

However, with the advances in AI also came the need to easily verify what online activity comes from humans, and what is the result of the AI traffic.

This is where Worldcoin and its World ID enter the picture.

World ID is a global identity protocol that relies on Proof of Personhood credentials to allow humans to prove their uniqueness online.

It is a tool that lets humans stand out from the AI traffic, and it launched in Madrid a little over a year ago.

Since then, over 150,000 Spanish citizens have signed up for it, and the project’s user base is growing by additional 20,000 users per month.

As a result, Spain has become the fastest-growing market for Worldcoin in Europe.

An Orb, a Token and Money for Everyone: Worldcoin’s CEO on Crypto’s Most Daring Project

The goal is simple and modest: To create a system that will, eventually, freely distribute tokens to all eight billion people on the planet, as a form of universal basic income (UBI). But because the rise of AI will make it tricky to figure out who is human and who’s a digital fake, San Francisco-based Worldcoin first needs to create a system that lets people -- all people, across the globe -- prove that they are in fact human beings.

The goal is simple and modest: To create a system that will, eventually, freely distribute tokens to all eight billion people on the planet, as a form of universal basic income (UBI). But because the rise of AI will make it tricky to figure out who is human and who’s a digital fake, San Francisco-based Worldcoin first needs to create a system that lets people -- all people, across the globe -- prove that they are in fact human beings.

To do this, they invented a physical device called “The Orb” that can scan your eyeball. The goal is for The Orb to eventually scan every eyeball of every human who walks the Earth. And at some point, if all goes well, everyone will have access to open-source and decentralized financial tools.

If Worldcoin was the brainchild of some random crypto bro, maybe it could be laughed away as a delusion of grandeur. But the project has real intellectual heft. It was co-founded by Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI (creator of ChatGPT), who’s arguably the most central player in the development of AI. Altman suspects that the world will change forever if -- or when -- AI becomes so advanced that it achieves AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, meaning it truly surpasses the abilities of humans. daring-project/%3foutputType=amp

You can now check out the Orb at two addtional US locations:
thecanvasglobal in Wynwood, Miami
The Brass Factory in Brooklyn, New York

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Noice catch on the Green room meeting!

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 06:58 PM
Tiktok has some interesting stuff ya know!
I just saw a vid from my spouse about September 23rd.

In the show Big Bang Theory, an asteroid is expected on September 23
The movie Seeking a Friend for the End of the World, an asteroid strikes September 23
In Julie & Julia, a meteor strikes on September 23
The movie Knowing. A solar flare strikes on September 22-23
Little Shop of Horrors. Humans are threatened by an event September 23rd
In Tomorrowland. Disaster strikes on September 23rd
“23” hell will arrive, September 23rd
Sleepy Hollow a dimension opens September 23rd
“ghostbusters, evil is released September 23rd”
The movie This is the End. The rapture happens September 23rd
Movie Pandemic, outbreak starts September 23rd
Tom Hanks, Asteroid City celebrated asteroid day, commemorating September 23rd
Predictive programming?

Of note as well occurring historically:
September 23rd 1780 Benedict Arnold’s treason was discovered
September 23rd 1806 the Lewis and Clark expedition returned to St Louis
September 23rd 1962 the TV show the Jetsons Premiered
September 23rd 1987 Sen. Joe Biden, withdrew from the Democratic presidential race following questions about borrowed quotations and the portrayal of his academic record.
September 23 1999 The Mars Climate Orbiter burned up as it attempted to go into orbit around the Red Planet.
September 23 2001 President George W. Bush returned the American flag to full staff at Camp David, symbolically ending a period of mourning following the 9/11 attacks.

The 23rd Degree of Freemasons:
The lessons of the 23° teach us that simple faith is wiser than vain philosophy and that a society's concept of the Deity and the universe are consistent with its development.

The number 23 is corollary to the rule of 5s

It was the sacred number of the goddess Eris. Eris, of strife and discord. Her Roman equivalent is Discordia, which means the same. Eris's Greek opposite is Harmonia, whose Roman counterpart is Concordia. Homer equated her with the war-goddess Enyo, whose Roman counterpart is Bellona. The dwarf planet Eris is named after the goddess.

23 is half of our chromosomes

Just found it interesting as we are not too far down the road from another 9/23

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: SideEyeEverything
I feel like you Side Eye. I'm going to watch it but I have to work up the mental fortitude first.
Also it is disgusting to see the left defending the pedos. The movie is #2 trending on twitter.
A missing witness that Comer says is very credible is trending #1.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Hey Rel, have you checked Mr. Pool lately? I'm not sure if I am following the right one on tgram but there is one on the one I follow the says 2023 will not happen (not exact words). I dont wan5t to post it if it's the incorrect channel.

This goes for anyone that may know the real pool channel.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
I replied back I did find the comment.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 07:45 PM
From: VOA

The U.S. Marine Corps is without a confirmed leader for the first time in a century as Gen. David Berger stepped down as commandant on Monday and a Republican senator is blocking approval of his successor.

Berger took over as the 38th commandant in July 2019, and is required to leave the job after four years. Gen. Eric Smith, currently the assistant commandant, has been nominated to be the next leader, but will serve in an acting capacity because he hasn't been confirmed by the Senate.

This could very well be just the first of these events to not take place.

Smith's promotion delay is the first of what could be many top-level military officers held up by Senator Tommy Tuberville, a Republican from the southern state of Alabama. Tuberville has stalled all nominations for senior military jobs because he disagrees with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's decision to have the Defense Department pay for travel when a service member has to go out of state to get an abortion or other reproductive care. Abortion is now illegal in Alabama.

No, it's not like this kind of thing hasn't happened before, but unlike in the past, this time the Marine Corps might be just the first card to fall. There's this idea Trotskyists have used in the past, and it's the same tactic we see a lot today, "If you can't remove an obstacle by force, then remove the importance of that obstacle through making it pointless.

by removing qualified Leadership, the military becomes a less and less favorably group to join in voluntarily. Even today the US military has a massive shortage of people willing to join in, and the theory of drafting seems to be creeping to the table again.

What do we really know about Tuberville? Is he doing this to make a point, or is he only holding our the US military hostage for political points, or worse?

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
I recognized the name. He's been the head football coach at Un. of Mississippi, Auburn, the Alabama.
Here is his coaching bio.

He's from Camden, Arkansas and is in the Southern Arkansas University's football team. He also has Trump connections but Lehmann connections as well.

Ill keep looking.

edit on R20232023kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago7 by RookQueen because: added

edit on R20232023kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago7 by RookQueen because: added

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

those maps never made any sense to me. Can anyone explain how the Denver region in underwater, but the Atlantic Ocean seems to have a big old dry patch in it?

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

He's also credited with trying to overturn the 2020 election, but as everyone knows that never happened. As soon as everyone was rushed at of the chambers, then brought back in, the spines never went back in. Everyone that was going to challenge the votes just shut up and went along with the pushed narrative.

Is this guy a RINO like McCain, or a just a cry wolf guy like Crenshaw.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: G005E

Consider that SEPTember could point to 7th month = July... so could point to just under 2 weeks on July 23rd... a few days after FEDNOW starts.

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

You mean the Pool post that says 2024 will not occur? It's touted on quite a few aggrregator truthers on telegram and also XRP discord; assumed it means 2024 elections won't happen!

Talking of election day, in 6 posts - Consider that at least some of these posts may refer to the NATO summit, tomorrow, when SWEDEN is expected to be elected into NATO!

posted on Jul, 10 2023 @ 11:11 PM
MSG Sphere Las Vegas, world's largest led sphere

posted on Jul, 11 2023 @ 12:10 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

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