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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 01:52 PM
Well this is getting gooder.

A message to deep state, you came close but no cigar baby, now it's the people's turn.

One final message for the satan worshipping deep state...

This is true...

So is this...

And this...

This may or not be true...

I can relate with this...

Like he was ever in charge of anything...

I will leave this for my American Brothers and Sisters over the pond.

If thread 44 is elsewhere can we please let the lurkers know, they're a big part of this.

What a ride baby...


posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: Imbackbaby
If thread 44 is elsewhere can we please let the lurkers know, they're a big part of this.

New post created here:

-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---THE CALAMITY--- -Part- --44--

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 02:34 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: nerbot

Where did her ring go?

The link is no longer there. Was it about the same clip but the ring wasn't there? It is still as clear as a bell in the original Youtube clip.

My main "niggle" is why we didn't see her husband sat with her talking about "Us" and "Our Family" together, with him SHOWING support.

I think he lost the plot regarding something and did her a fatal or potentially fatal injury in an uncontrolled rage. Mummy issues gone bad perhaps?

It'll be interesting to see William in public with his brother and other family members to see how stand-offish they behave. All eyes on.

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 02:41 PM
Major escalation

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: nerbot

Where did her ring go?

The link is no longer there. Was it about the same clip but the ring wasn't there? It is still as clear as a bell in the original Youtube clip.

My main "niggle" is why we didn't see her husband sat with her talking about "Us" and "Our Family" together, with him SHOWING support.

I think he lost the plot regarding something and did her a fatal or potentially fatal injury in an uncontrolled rage. Mummy issues gone bad perhaps?

It'll be interesting to see William in public with his brother and other family members to see how stand-offish they behave. All eyes on.

There was much chatter about William having yet another affair and getting the Lady pregnant and she wanted to keep the baby. Is that his third affair now or 5th, 6th 7th etc etc.

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 02:54 PM

originally posted by: cherokeetroy
Major escalation

They (Russia) kinda look like the good guys right now. I hope you're well.

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 03:12 PM

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

I closed that thread.
Not sure why it was started.

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 03:15 PM

I'm decoding that tonight/tomorrow is ZERO DAY with massive cyber attacks to come in order to cut down the cabal's ability to control narrative... Twitter and Rumble should remain up:

a) Phil Godlewski has made 50 posts so far (usually only upto 5) but the attached one is key and signposts two Q posts dealing with ZERO DAY, massive cyber attacks, EBS/EAS and White Hat reveals coming out re crimes, QFS etc.,

b) These 50 posts are almost certainly hidden comms to anonymous and other inputs such as Mil Intel - I think go commands to initiate cyber attacks,

c) I'm still assessing most of the other posts for more clues

d) My gut feel is that we will see first XRP moon happen just before, then cyberattacks impede our ability to track, buy or sell.
edit on 24-3-2024 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: CaledTheRevenant

originally posted by: Imbackbaby
If thread 44 is elsewhere can we please let the lurkers know, they're a big part of this.

New post created here:

-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---THE CALAMITY--- -Part- --44--

It seems it's closed. I will make myself clear, I will not leave Dashen or anybody here, it's called Loyalty and more. You do you.

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Let's give this a day or three to sort this out.
In the meantime, if anyone knows the whereabouts of dashen, please try to contact him.

And continue posting in this thread.

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

I just saw an interview where she denounced the NW0 and regretted being tooled by them. I guess she took my advice.
I can look itup later, unless someone beats me to it.

edit on 777Vpm24America/ChicagoSun, 24 Mar 2024 15:29:39 -0500 by 777Vader because:

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 03:27 PM
Sometimes he appears on his X account. Sometimes.

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Let's give this a day or three to sort this out.
In the meantime, if anyone knows the whereabouts of dashen, please try to contact him.

And continue posting in this thread.

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Let's give this a day or three to sort this out.
In the meantime, if anyone knows the whereabouts of dashen, please try to contact him.

And continue posting in this thread.

Thank you.

To save space...

Rishi Sunak has been a bit naughty and not just him. I was so saving this for thread 44 but hey,


posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Am I recalling correctly that he was who Obama was meeting with earlier this week? I am fairly certain it is the same person and I wonder if that is part of the answer as to what happened. The plot thickens.

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

A few weirdies coming in as well.
From: Space Weather

CME IMPACT SPARKS SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Arriving hours earlier than expected, a CME struck Earth's magnetic field on March 24th at 1437 UT. The impact opened a crack in our planet's magnetosphere and sparked a severe G4-class geomagnetic storm--the strongest since Sept. 2017.

This was after a massive blast from the sun hit the Earth the day before.

STRONG X-CLASS SOLAR FLARE: Yesterday, the sun produced a solar flare so strong, it took two sunspots to make it. Sunspots AR3614 and AR3615 exploded in tandem on March 23rd (0130 UT), directing their fire straight at Earth.

Picture edited out by me

The explosion from AR3614 (top) was so violent it seemed to rip the fabric of the sun, while AR3615 (bottom) followed very close behind with a less intense blast of its own. The same sequence was captured in this movie from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.

While this may seem like an incredible coincidence, it probably didn't happen by chance. Researchers have long known that widely-spaced sunspots can explode in tandem. They're called "sympathetic solar flares." Occasionally, magnetic loops in the sun's corona fasten themselves to distant pairs of sunspots, allowing explosive instabilities to travel from one to the other. This has apparently happened to AR3614 and AR3615.

Some sympathetic flares are so much alike, they are considered to be twins. Yesterday's double-blast was not a perfect twin, but close enough. It shows that the two sunspots are linked, raising the possibility of more double-flares this weekend.

Then for tomorrow we have this oddity going on here.
From: Newsweek

Oklahoma's National Guard is set to be deployed for the upcoming total solar eclipse, when as many as 100,000 people are expected to visit one county.

In a statement on Tuesday, the guard said it would assist emergency management to cope with "an unprecedented number of tourists" on April 8 in McCurtain County, in the southeast of the state.

The guard will provide first responders as well as units with hazmat response capabilities in case of an incident like an industrial fire.

Lt. Col Jabonn Flurry, commander of the 63rd Civil Support Team, said: "This influx of visitors has the potential to overtax local resources and thanks to the training and experience our Guardsmen have working alongside local agencies all across Oklahoma, the CST is uniquely qualified to support our fellow Oklahomans."

A few quotes from the article that should rise questions about this vs the last American Eclipse;

At least four states on the eclipse's trajectory have urged residents to stock up on groceries and gas ahead of its occurrence, as traffic is expected to overwhelm local roads. The Federal Highway Administration has also warned that increased traffic to remote areas could lead to unsafely parked vehicles and the potential for wildfires in areas with dry vegetation.

"What we found through our research during some of the other eclipses, people were getting lost because cars were stopped on the road. So they'd get out and walk into the fields," he said.

The Oklahoma National Guard has previously been deployed to respond to extreme weather events such as floods, wildfires and tornadoes.

I don't recall any of that being reported as issues during the last eclipse so why is there going to be issues this time? It really smells like a False Flag set-up like all those disaster training events right before a real event is pushed through.

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: hangedman13
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Am I recalling correctly that he was who Obama was meeting with earlier this week? I am fairly certain it is the same person and I wonder if that is part of the answer as to what happened. The plot thickens.

Yes you're correct. Who did Trump say created ISIS? Obama, it's on video as I'm sure many here have seen. How could MSM possibly know it was ISIS before Russia knew? Was it ISIS, no, was it Ukraine, no, was it CIA? Yes. Always the west beating the war drums. Fake news as always from the media.

I'm disappointed the fake news still calls us conspiracy theorists, they should have moved on to conspiracy extremists by now, they missed a beat, they will.

Speaking of fake news...

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

They (Russia) kinda look like the good guys right now. I hope you're well.

I don't know about good guys or bad guys but I welcome any pattern shift that will shake us out of this miserable redundancy.

Thanks, I'm hanging in there..

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: Imbackbaby
Rishi Sunak has been a bit naughty and not just him. I was so saving this for thread 44 but hey,

I remember Dr Cambell talking about this a couple of weeks ago and he was hopeful it would keep it's momentum regarding the demand for an interview with the Metropolitan Police to discuss these VERY SERIOUS criminal charges by a person of importance.

Fingers crossed that the momentum takes it to a place where enough people will give it the potential it deserves to oust not just Sunak, but all accomplices and handlers.

The list of whistleblowers, professionals and witnesses is large and important.

For reference, Dr. John Cambell shows a copy of the letter from Andrew Bridgen MP and talks about the written demand here:

posted on Mar, 24 2024 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Hmmm...44 is up but I can still reply here? Just checking.

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