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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: nerbot
This may explain why blue things and blue roof buildings were apparently not burned with as much frequency if green lasers don't pick up blue as well. Any anwsers or speculation welcome on that one.

Answer to self:

I wonder why "UN Workers" have Blue helmets?

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Trust Grassley

I wasn't aware of this 366 [666] rule-
"Which prohibits homicide prosecutions if the victim died more than a year-and-a-day after they were assaulted."

Imagine if this isn't passed Pfizer, BioNTech , Moderna and friends would not have been prosecuted because most of the really serious life threatening diseases such as cancer will not prove fatal within such a tight timeline.

#2274 September 23, 2018
Trust Grassley.

I have to bring this up again. Phoebe Gates' birthday is September 14, 2002 and she will be 23 in 2025.

#2445 November 7, 2018 clip
Senate Judiciary Chairman.
[House of Cards]
Military planning at its finest.

#2936 Today's delta
At what stage in the game do you play the Trump Card.

Pfizer announcement September 23, 2020

"In recent years, Pfizer has made significant investments in the company's gene therapy manufacturing facilities in North Carolina [Chapel Hill] to strengthen its ability to produce clinical and commercial scale quantities of gene therapies for patients..."

Chuck Grassley tweet


posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: duncanagain

This has been my take on "Looking Glass" since I heard about it. Not something that tunnels through the time to display a future, but a huge and very sophisticated computer model that has access to incredible amounts of data which is used to project likely outcomes given current situations and trends.


I'd also add to your very good theory above that it may be something to do with understanding how to use the "manifestation" of things incorporating the aid of that technology way beyond what common people would conceive.

Using not just computer information regarding possibilities but actually making those possibilites become more available with a "flow" of more than a single force/resource.

Some would say it's "Will-Power" or even "Magic". Isn't that what the Nazties and Satanists have tried to do and why they wanted to possess so many rare artifacts and lifeforces through history to add concentration to the process? Using an amalgamation of all possible resources and things flow with more energy towards the goal, then "Voila"!

White and Black Hats, modern day Wizards, Witches and Warlocks all battling it out in a realm WE are not generally aware of or able to experience other than from the level where we see the unpredictable results in our everday lives. The real world just gets to see others as everyday good people and bad people usually based on primordial feelz in a moment, and so often, after the event.

Chant with me: "Light Will Win, Light Will Win, Tin Foil Crowns Shine Back At Sin".

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Chuck's hat is on real tight


Sometimes you just have to go there-
Hysteria- Trump

"When Trump becomes nominee for President he'll be entitled once again to receive national security briefings."
We're going to need popcorn, lots of popcorn.

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Meme's Hidden in Bill Gates 'Vaccine' Fridge

"The Gates Foundation and mass murderers GAVI 'vaccine alliance' fear the memes, and wants them renamed to "health disinformation super-spreaders".

Too Big To Rig

Biden- #1010

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Peter Hotez tweet

He is bringing up Paul Farmer- the same person dedicated by Bill Gates in his book " How to Prevent the Next Pandemic."
It's as if he has cult status.

Howard Hiatt wiki

Granted he was 98 [17] but there is this little gem, he was "involved in the discovery of messenger mRNA" and once again a connection to Harvard.

Pfizer to close Seagen manufacturing plant in Seattle

This makes zero sense. It is almost 70% complete. Why not complete it and then sell it? Unless they are using too much $ buying back Pfizer stock and need to conserve capital.

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: duncanagain

Maybe they've come a long way since the Kozyrev Mirrors?

Well worth the watch if you haven't seen it before, once you get used to Google Translate!

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 03:05 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
Pfizer to close Seagen manufacturing plant in Seattle

This makes zero sense. It is almost 70% complete. Why not complete it and then sell it? Unless they are using too much $ buying back Pfizer stock and need to conserve capital.

Why not TELL people you are shutting down construction after the essential infrastructure is complete, lay off the staff, repurpose it with A.I. and robots and a handful of new "in-the-know" operators, a whole bunch of security and then use it "black ops"?

A site to keep an eye on in future maybe? Trust nobody, especially these Megalomaniacs.

a reply to: angelchemuel

Thanks, will watch.

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3

Pfizer to close Seagen manufacturing plant in Seattle

This makes zero sense. It is almost 70% complete. Why not complete it and then sell it? Unless they are using too much $ buying back Pfizer stock and need to conserve capital.

Knowing Seattle, the building is going to be repurposed as "low income housing". I bet it will be "full" by the time elections come around, but there will be no way to verify due to "peoples" privacy.

Just imagine how the heads at Pharmas- will roll if Trump or RFK become President? Yeah they have a stake in ensuring a Democrat/Trotskyist is kept in office.

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Pfizer to close Seagen manufacturing plant in Seattle

This makes zero sense. It is almost 70% complete. Why not complete it and then sell it? Unless they are using too much $ buying back Pfizer stock and need to conserve capital.

What if buying Seagen was only for the knowledge they had and they have no reason to keep a useless building? The original C19 sample sent to the WIV came from N. Carolina university, if memory serves me.
They could just be adding more layers to what their next project is to make discovery more difficult; obfiscating the trail, if you will.
N. Carolina has been a key player that doesn't get enough attention, IMHO.

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 09:00 PM
Messaging or setting something up?
From: New York Post Published March 3, 2024, 5:19 p.m. ET

A Texas high school teacher who had all four of her limbs amputated after they turned black and became “mummified” following a seemingly routine infection says she’s choosing to be happy, despite the horrifying ordeal.

Sherri Moody, 51, who taught students in Deer Park outside Houston, started feeling what she thought was a cold coming on during a class trip in April 2023, and paid it little mind.

But within days she found herself running a high fever. After waking up one night with trouble breathing, she went to the hospital.

“I’ve never gone to the ER before in my life,” Sherri told “I was very healthy, very in shape. I ate right, exercised.”

Doctors determined she was suffering from double pneumonia, which they said had been brought on by streptococcus, the bacteria that causes strep throat.

So, why does this story seem familiar???

MSN three months ago

Kristin Fox lost her arms and legs after contracting the virus and has faced a harrowing journey to what is now her new normal. The 42-year-old high-school principal's ordeal started in March 2020, days before Covid-19 hit the world. It began with a sore throat which gradually got worse and she later tested positive for flu after having the flu vaccine in November.

ITV 11 January 2022

A retired teacher who awoke from a coma to find her hands and feet "dying" after Covid led to a severe sepsis infection says she knew immediately that her limbs had to go.

Caroline Coster emerged from an induced coma to find her body had been ravaged by sepsis, an extreme infection response that can lead organs to shut down and tissue to die.

She caught the virus in the early stages of the pandemic, and developed sepsis during her recovery period.

BBC 21 December 2020

A woman who had her hands and feet amputated after coronavirus led to pneumonia, which then caused sepsis, says she is looking forward to her "second life" despite the challenges.
Caroline Coster, 58, from Bedford, said she was put into a medically-induced coma for a month and nearly died twice after catching the virus in March.
She was forced to retire from teaching and is adapting to her new life, but has warned of the dangers of people not taking coronavirus seriously.

The ITV and BBC story might be the same one, but the pictures and womans age are differennt, so I can't make heads or tales out of these two. Dec. 1, 2021

Now, the person in the hospital bed – not in Colorado Springs but in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – is her daughter Candice. In early August, the 30-year-old flight attendant for Republic Airways tested positive for COVID-19. Her brother tested positive too, though he had been vaccinated and only experienced cold-like symptoms and a loss of smell and taste.

After two weeks in quarantine with COVID-19 symptoms, Candice said she was burning with fever and experiencing “skipping heartbeats.’’ Candice was taken by ambulance and admitted to the hospital on Aug. 17 in critical condition.

COVID-19, she said, had infected her heart. Her blood pressure plummeted. She was placed on a ventilator and in a medically-induced coma, then on an ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) machine. ECMO is essentially a set of lungs outside of the body attached to a pump. Blood is pulled from a vein in the neck; the ECMO machine has an oxygenator that removes carbon dioxide from the blood and replenishes it with oxygen. The oxygenated blood then flows back to the heart.

After three weeks on ECMO, Candice woke to find her hands and her feet blackened.

“Seeing my arms and my feet super black, dead, they told me, ‘We’ve got to amputate your arms to keep you alive,’’’ Candice said. “You have to do what you have to do.’’

Surgeons amputated one arm above the elbow, the other below the elbow. In the days that followed, surgeons also amputated half of her right foot and her left leg below the knee.

“When they amputated my left leg, that’s when I really started to get emotional,’’ Candice said. “I am really sad about it.’’

Not just adults either,
KHOU September 14, 2023

Matthias spent months at the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital in Nashville when he was diagnosed with pneumonia, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome and went into cardiac arrest. He was put on a machine that pumped blood throughout his body, which saved his life but not his limbs.

"That flow wasn't getting to all his extremities and they had to amputate all of his four extremities," Edgar Uribe said.

Dr. Katie Boyle was the head of Matthias' care team that was trying to save every inch of his limbs. She said she hardly ever sees what Matthias went through.

"I don't think there's anything they could have done sooner. I think he got really sick, really fast," Boyle said. "It's extremely rare. So, sometimes when you get the flu, it does set you up for a bacterial infection, but even then, most kids don't get nearly as sick as Matthias did."

Ok something wicked this way comes, and it seems to be walking a path of a Mummy's Cures. Covid has been causing people to get mummified and have their limbs removed, but this hasn't been talked about, and why have these cases all happened after the vaxx was forced out onto many of the populations?

Now I can't tell if these stories are messaging to some group or are supposed to prime the populace for some kind of explanation for a weird new thing that's going to be unleashed upon us. I think this could match up to that Q-biblical notion that's been talked about.

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 10:18 PM
I'm just tossing this thought in about my above posting,

Could this mumification be caused by the dead fetus tissue being reportedly used in the Co-Vax?

Could this be a very real "Black Death" that was reported about before the Plague arrived back in the 13th Century?

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Interesting that five out of the six cases you referenced have a relation to schools and teaching.

This school started implementing shielding from 5G towers and other EMF placed close by?

Desert Sage High: Shielding Students from Cell Tower Radiation

The main 5G rollout started around the time of the pandemic didn't it, big time in China, and authorities said it was an essential part of the infrastructure at the time for emergency services.

Aircraft had problems too I seem to remember when it interfered with the avionics and I think some were grounded because of the issue. That links to your 6th example maybe.

There are no coincidences. Perhaps we have ALL been fooled by a multi headed attack. A HYDRA attack.
edit on 3/3/2024 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 3 2024 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: nerbot

I was thinking that its vax involved due to these people having to have taken the vax in order to keep their jobs, and the teenager might have been forced by their parent to get it.

I'm not fully on board with the 5G thing given other issues in the environment, but it could very well be connected.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 12:32 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Perhaps adverse effects are caused by things in the vax, food, drink and consumables of all types that have been forced onto people nefareously over decades (lots of added Iron in cereals for example) and the 5Ghz (and above) EMF plus more and more Wi-Fi everywhere is the catalyst to trigger these adverse reactions. The Vax for some was maybe a superboost for conductivity perhaps in that it messes big time with the blood, and therefore, all the vital organs. The Big "C", Heart Attacks etc?

And let's not talk about Chemtrails to cover all exterior surfaces for conductivity!

Perhaps Biddy Biden's recent comment about "The Wrong Roofs" was about material, not colour... Traditional Clay/Ceramic Tiles versus Metal Sheets or Metal Shingles?

With the advent of technology and gadgets, more and more domestic communication systems use wi-fi and routers and can use the 5Ghz+ signal instead of the standard 2.4Ghz signal to overcome congestion which is limited to only 14 channels for 2.4Ghz.

Some interesting info regarding the frequencies here: How to Find the Best Wi-Fi Channel for Your Router on Any Operating System

Spitballing, but "Watch The Water". It vibrates quicker than the eye can see but not what the body can feel.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 01:00 AM
Double Crossfire

Is it possible to overthrow the elected government of the United States? One would think not. Jake Mahegan is assigned to protect the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Jake and his small military team are very good at what they do. And then things start to happen. Elected officials are attacked. Officials are murdered. The CIA Director is attacked. What is going on?

“Double Crossfire” by author Anthony J. Tata was published in 2019. It is the sixth novel in the Jake Mahegan series. While this reader has enjoyed every novel that he has read by author Tata, this one was exceptional, simply because the reader can visualize what the author has written. Considering the political situation in the United States in this year 2023, “Double Crossfire” was perhaps written before its time.

When reading this story, one assumes that a certain individual is part of the resistance. There most certainly is a group whose sole purpose is to overthrow the President of the United States. The challenge for the reader is when one assumes a person to be bad, by the end of the story that person might not be bad. You simply keep guessing!

Anthony J. Tata is a retired Brigadier General of the United States Army. When his novels involve military issues, he most certainly knows about what he has written.

Devolution is real

Tata's book, written before the 2020 elections, foreshadows what would happen in the following years, albeit in fictionalized form.
As the precipice approaches, Dr Jan Halper urges us not to lose hope.
The events that are coming will put us to the test.

The precipice is near.

edit on 4-3-2024 by duncanagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 01:14 AM
So, Nikki Haley beats Trump.....

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

First and last

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 02:03 AM
China, China, China.
From: AP (Associated Press)

BEIJING (AP) — The former chairman of the Bank of China has been indicted on bribery charges, prosecutors said Monday, adding to a long list of business and government officials who have been brought down by Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s yearslong anticorruption drive.

Liu Liange is accused of taking advantage of his positions at the Bank of China and previously as president of the Export-Import Bank of China, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate said in a statement posted on social media.

He has been charged with helping others with loans and personnel appointments in return for property and cash and with making loans in violation of regulations, causing significant losses, the official Xinhua News Agency said.

While interesting, it's not the important part of this story,

The anti-corruption campaign, which is popular with the public and has allowed Xi to sideline political rivals, shows no sign of letting up.

The Supreme People’s Procuratorate announced last month that Tang Shuangning, the former chairman of China Everbright Group, another state-owned bank, had been arrested on suspicion of embezzlement and bribery.

Conviction is all but a foregone conclusion in such cases. The former head of a state-owned asset management company was put to death in 2021 for taking bribes. Others have been sentenced to long prison terms.

Xi, in a speech to the ruling Communist Party’s discipline commission early this year, urged further efforts to win the tough and protracted battle against corruption, saying “the situation remains grave and complex,” Xinhua reported.

Beyond finance, the former chairman of the Chinese Football Association was tried last month on charges of taking 81 million yuan ($11.2 million) in bribes.

So Xi is trying to prop his image in China amongst the people. We might have a notion as to why he has gone full speed on this tactic.
From: NHK Japan

The spokesperson for China's National People's Congress says Premier Li Qiang will not give the customary news conference after the legislature's annual session, which opens on Tuesday.

The spokesperson announced the change on Monday, adding that the news conference will be eliminated not just this year but in the coming years.

The congress is held annually in March, with the premier traditionally meeting journalists after the session closes to underline the country's economic and other policies, as well as to take questions.

It sounds like the CCP is going to shut down China to the world and Xi needs to have the public on his side in order to prevent a full on Revolt. China's economy in in the tank, their military is a joke, they have been caught with their pants down while trying to bully the world. In the past China has shut itself down, and I think we are currently seeing that in progress with these new moves. April will be an interesting month giving that March will be dominated with the fallout from this move.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 02:03 AM

Dmitry Medvedev

I think that the whitewashing of the ruling political alliance in Germany will now begin in order to soften the public indignation from the conversation of the Luftwaffe officers. Like, this is all the machinations of the military, they love such talk, don’t feed them bread - let them play a war game. And civilian political leadership has nothing to do with it at all. Moreover, at the head of this leadership is a peace-loving guy (aka liverwurst) Scholz, who refuses to hand over extended-range missiles to the Banderaites. He doesn't know and will figure it out.

Nobody knows whether the political leadership and the Liver Chancellor personally are aware. But even if they are not aware and have not ordered anything like this, history knows many examples when the military is able to make decisions for civilian commanders about the start of wars or stimulate them. They’ll come to Scholz and say: “Herr (Reich) Chancellor, a missile was shot down in Ukraine. According to its type and trajectory, it was flying to Berlin.” What will Scholz answer, huh?
Clear as day.

So attempts to present the conversation of Bundeswehr officers as a game of rockets and tanks are a malicious lie.
Germany is preparing for war with Russia.

edit on 4-3-2024 by duncanagain because: I added link to telegram sorry

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