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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Darko = Jim Watkins
Mrs Darko = Paul Furber

That would be rather comical

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Irikash1

To be fair, I dont think Jim could afford to buy ATS.

Also there would have been a nazi - my little pony forum opened right off.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:01 PM
Well, hopefully this works. Just testing the murky water
edit on 25-10-2023 by Magesticesoteric2 because: Well Damn!!! It finally worked

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:01 PM
Hey _GHOST_, you think we are ready for the next step yet?

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: dashenANON

Hahahaha!! Good point.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: Irikash1

No, it can't be faked. It happens authentically. A step by step, organic process. Each piece of construction clicks into place creating the foundation for future levels of the project(ion).

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:10 PM
I signed up as a new user, I’m logged in but, things look different still. Why are there no avatars visible? Or any member info?

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:16 PM

originally posted by: PokeyJoe2
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Thank you for the detailed explanation! I was very active in these threads from the beginning up until a year or so ago. Still check in from time to time, but totally missed all the latest drama. All the GHOST stuff is very crazy...

One of the items yet to be discussed.
The connection of Q and Ghost in the ability to use time stamps to post into the future with precision.
It is hard for me to believe that this did not convince the biggest Q skeptic-of-all into more than just a temporary observer and passive reader all of a sudden, but challenged his every belief on the matter.
For the very first time ever I actually want to hear daskakiks opinion on what is happening.
To think that no moderator presence to interfere with his mocking this thread and Anons is reason to be silent instead is as weird as all the other events taking place on this site.

And to save space.
I have a feeling that this is a precursor event preceeding the inet shutdown just before the currency/stockmarket crash in order for the banks to transition the GCR.

Wouldn't that be fun if ATS became a news aggregate for this event.
If so it is because of all the work you guys did in this thread.
Best I can tell Ghost only showed himself here in this thread out of the entire internet to choose from.

You guys are that special and unique.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:19 PM
The fact he is on this thread and no other tells us you are ready.
Moreso than any other.

But ready or not, NCSWIC

originally posted by: Irikash1
Hey _GHOST_, you think we are ready for the next step yet?

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:19 PM
I recognize a few posters by username or a new version of old usernames…Rel, crazyfox, DashenANON??? Is that the original Dashen?
WeMustCare.. carewemust?

Im trying not to focus too much energy on the drama unfolding everywhere else on this site but dang guys!

This is something else huh?!

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

I have a feeling that this is a precursor event preceeding the inet shutdown just before the currency/stockmarket crash in order for the banks to transition the GCR.

I kinda get that sense, myself. This is a precursor to something . Something big and relevant.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: Magesticesoteric2

Cherokeetroy, here.

New handle

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:23 PM

The current US-led world order has “sort of run out of steam,” but Washington will shape the system that replaces it, US President Joe Biden told supporters on Friday. Leaders in Moscow and Beijing, however, have argued otherwise.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has also spoken at length about building a multipolar world, describing such an order as one in which individual “civilization-states” are free to pursue their own interests free from the dictates of a hegemonic power like the US. Russia, China, and their partners in the BRICS group and across the Global South all share this goal, Putin told China Central Television (CCTV) last week.

“We proceed from the fact that all people are equal, everyone has the same rights, the rights and freedoms of one country and one people end where the rights and freedoms of another person or of an entire state start. This is how a multipolar world should gradually be born,” Putin told the Chinese network.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: AequusAnimus

Thank you 😊 I couldn’t figure out who you might be based on your username but, I could tell you were a regular poster.

In a weird way the mystery makes it feel like a bonus puzzle to solve

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: dashenANON
a reply to: Irikash1

To be fair, I dont think Jim could afford to buy ATS.

Also there would have been a nazi - my little pony forum opened right off.

When he ran for AZ Governor I remember recognizing his girlfriend picture was posted and an obvious transsexual.

I cannot find a pic of her anywhere on the net to validate it though.

Not that there is anything wrong with that of course.
Which makes me ask, he was into my little pony?

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: Magesticesoteric2

That's the whole thing, and there's always another riddle.

You should read the reviews!

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: AequusAnimus

Indeed. The NCSWIC slogan is rather fitting since everything is and always has been in it's perfect place for the Event.

The most beautiful Orchestration/Puzzle to ever be attempted!

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:32 PM
And just like that...we got distracted big time from the cause.

Will people ever learn.
edit on 25-10-2023 by jujucoconut because: I did say distractions are afoot before any of this Banshee rubbish

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: jujucoconut

The cause is the journey/The journey is the cause. It's impossible to be distracted from it unless you leave this realm.
edit on 25-10-2023 by Irikash1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: Irikash1
a reply to: jujucoconut

The cause is the journey. It's impossible to be distracted from it unless you leave this realm.

Wrong, the cause is the outcome, the journey is the experience

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