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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: 777Vader

Have you seen it with your own eyes. Try that google earth thing for Chinese operated Bio-Labs.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Speaking of China

Amid the war between Israel and the Hamas militant group in the Gaza Strip, up to six Chinese warships have been operating in the Middle East over the past week, according to the Chinese Ministry of Defense.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: AequusAnimus

Hummus has to get it's supplies from somewhere.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 09:20 PM
Isn't this an act of war?
From: New York Post

Thousands of anti-Israel protesters clashed with police Saturday night after they refused to vacate the Bay Ridge street they had flooded for hours.

The “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine” demonstration delved into chaos as night fell, with protesters completely shutting down traffic, screaming at police and lighting small fires in the middle of the roadways.

The aggressive protesters dug their heels into the ground when the NYPD tried to push them out of 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue, where 5,000 ralliers converged earlier in the day to demand that the United States withdraw support for its closest ally in the Middle East.

Officers began plucking individuals out of the massive flood — as well as from the inside of one pick-up truck carrying ralliers — of the Palestine flag-waving horde in an effort to quell the out-of-control rally.

I wonder how some of these folks got into the country?
From: Also New York Post

Nejwa Ali, an officer with the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, an agency of Homeland Security, worked as a public affairs officer for the PLO’s delegation to the US in 2016 and 2017, the Daily Wire reported.

She was hired at the USCIS in 2019 as an asylum officer and earlier this year was made an adjudication officer, according to her LinkedIn profile. The role includes vetting people before they enter the US.

Oh that's right a former PLO official was in the USCIS doing the vetting of asylum seekers.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 11:11 PM
what is the latest ☕️ I haven’t been here in a long time but looks like some kinda vibe pulled me into the interesting happenings.

can’t figure out where my favorite posters went off too BEFORE this madness of new names!

posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: Trivium

Good to see you again Quad/Triv!

No, I've not seen caviar... yet.

posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 03:07 AM

posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: kwaka
a reply to: MoonlightBlues

what is the latest

Previously Kwakakev on the ATS situation

cool breakdown!! See I haven’t been around much since new owners so I’m out of that loop completely. but what about how that ghost 👻 person randomly posted in here again before all this? That’s happened before hasn’t it?

I cannot stand the spammers. They do not deny ignorance but wield it like a plastic sword they found at the dollar general….

I still know nothing, basically, even with all I do know, but one of the wisest things I chose to do was not to post on here until after I was 30. Been reading the site since the early 2000’s when I was still a teenager. So I miss the ATS of old where the conversation was so intimidating and thought provoking that it curbed the desire of the unlearned to even speak, as it was quite obvious we had nothing productive to add.

RIP 🪦 to all that. Lol 😂

Does anyone know why this thread name changed? I got the part about how Q resembles an operation carried out in the past during warfare to screw with the enemies heads, but where does ascension come from? Is that like the 5D consciousness rapture thing?

Seems like all the esoteric type posters are gone and it’s mostly politics as usual. I’m sure everybody wants to talk about the hack but I’ll share something different….

I found this awesome story about Columbus the other day while trying to figure out why he was canceled and all of social media fighting about him (but no one mentioning this, just that we slaughtered natives and stole land. (The rabbit holes open up in such weird ways) I’ll share the link and an excerpt for anyone who wants to ruminate on it.

Lunar eclipses may be seen from the whole nightside of the planet, though, and last for hours. Not only that, but during such an event the Moon turns the colour of blood, with obvious implications for the less-sophisticated. (It is the biblical report of the Moon turning blood-red as it rose a few hours after Jesus died on the Cross which allows us to date the Crucifixion to April 3 in AD 33, when a lunar eclipse occurred.)

In 1504 Christopher Columbus, on his fourth trans-Atlantic voyage, had been stranded with his men on the north coast of Jamaica, their last two ships riddled with marine worms. Having sent a small party to Spanish-occupied Hispaniola, a hundred miles to the east, paddling canoes hewn from local timber, Columbus awaited rescue. But their food had run out, and the Jamaicans who had been pleased to provision them when they first arrived had tired of the trinkets the Spaniards could offer in exchange.

Luckily Columbus had astronomical tables with him, which indicated a lunar eclipse was due on February 29. Calling the local chiefs together, Columbus gravely told them that the God of the Christians was all-powerful, and very displeased with the Jamaicans' refusal to keep them fed, and as a sign of His wrath the Moon would be darkened and turned the colour of blood that evening.

Many of the natives laughed, although others were not so sure. All were convinced when the eclipse began as Columbus had told them it would. To add to the effect, Columbus retired to his cabin, to consult with God and ask Him to withdraw His sign, or so the Admiral told them. In fact he was timing the eclipse with his sandglass, re-emerging at the appropriate juncture.

The outcome was as Columbus had anticipated. Convinced of the power of this God, the Jamaicans fell to their knees begging forgiveness. The stranded Europeans did not want for anything again before their rescue six months later.

story from 1999 Guardian article

Whenever I find things like that, i think about this thread. Symbolism and manipulation and ok, I’m a little obsessed with the celestial world and especially the moon. So anytime I discover new info pertaining to the past and the cosmos I light up like a Christmas tree.

Ok if anybody else wants to catch me up on anything else, that would be cool 😎

posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: MoonlightBlues

Somebody else took the video of the lights above Gaza, not only the live webcams… And there’s been some kind of intervention…Our Galactic brothers and sisters are stepping in. Watch how the orbs are intercepting the rockets Forget an Iron Dome I want an Orb! ....

Now this is an interesting read

"The Black Nobility Jesuit Order: Founders of Fascism, Freemasonry, Illuminati, The Vatican & Zionism"

Someone is off their meds
What happened to yt?
edit on 22-10-2023 by Crazierfox because: Pm where to go

posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday2
Isn't this an act of war?
From: New York Post

(post by N3ONOTS33 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: N3ONOTS33

Probably not a good moment right now, it's Sunday!

Everyone being out in church to have the kids properly raped by some evangelical dickhead today, the kraken will have to wait for another day.

(post by N3ONOTS33 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: N3ONOTS33

Also, he was responsible for hacking several accounts a few years back. I was asked by the Mods not to discuss it but.....LOL, there aren't any! So f*ck that too.

Gatekeeping as usual, of course they covered his dirty ass.

How is GeezLouise doing btw? Say high from me!

posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 10:36 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 10:38 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

We have something enormously important happening. Remember Peter Hotez who refused to debate about the "safe and effective" jabs despite the award totals approaching $1 million?

Peter Hotez Tweet

I hunted around for the article.
Mosquito Comms

This comes with a warning-
"It's not a matter of when, not if, future outbreaks will spread in even bigger regions of the U.S. This is important and it's coming. We know it's going to get worse."

They have 3 different diseases in play Dengue, Malaria and Equine Encephalitis [hat tip to Bill Gates equestrian daughter].

They are already working on jabs and therapeutics. No doubt mRNA based. Speaking of 3 we have the WHO, the Lancet and the CDC weighing in.
"We're essentially doing what is called ecological filtering, where we're reducing the mosquito community, or the # of different species, down into very specific ones, and they just happen to be really good disease transmitters as well."

The Lancet projects the # of people @ risk for Dengue will increase by 4 to 7 million people 4+7=11. Mosquitoes =10.

Some strange inserts> 1 in 3 public health employees face workplace violence. What does this have to do with mosquitoes??? On the keyboard #=3.
A quick circle back. Bill Gates funded Oxitec and their GM mosquitoes which have been released in countries to combat malaria.[7] Initially the results look good but after 3 years Malaria came back with a vengence. Bill Gates has also funded mosquito breeding factories.

As for the #4 we have 4 states currently impacted Texas, Florida, Maryland + Arkansas.

posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: MoonlightBlues

I'm on my 3rd clone now. If you want a lot of conspiracy facts about the Covid wars read Thoughtful 2 posts. I've covered quite a few books as well.

MP Andrew Bridgen wants a 3 hour debate on Excess Deaths

Imagine those cowards not showing up to listen but the audience is there and they are loud. John Campbell had an interview and Youtube of the proceedings last night.

Just to highlight a few key points-
"During a judicial review the ONS withheld specific data concerning younger children, admitting its significance yet not divulging any further information."

About those safe and effective jabs- To get the data to line up the sickest individuals were not given the jab.

I have a very big question - Why did London have a lower vaccination rate and hence lower excess mortality? One would expect that London being a city and all would have had the opposite.

Parting words- "The experimental Covid-19 vaccines are not safe, and they're not effective."

For new members- DO NOT COMPLY

posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: MoonlightBlues

where does ascension come from?

Now there's a question worth pondering.

posted on Oct, 22 2023 @ 12:01 PM
Operation M.O.A. R.- The Mother of Revelationsa reply to: Guyfriday2

New Zealand- after the elections. Whistleblower.

Speaking to the people from an undisclosed location. The stats are horrifying. One example -30 people received the jab
on the same date and at the same location and all 30 died.

The gravity and enormity of what is coming requires a criminal investigation. She clarifies that it can not be business as usual with just an inquiry where just a report is made and nothing done.

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