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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: relsci

Somebody left the backdoor open and the light was on so I came on in.
(Que Norm Macdonald moth joke)

In your picture of the 3 flags.
That picture is staged for the gold Pic frame to mesh with the flag pole gold tops.
Those are not eagles or spear points.
Those look like bats or mothman.

Am I seeing that wrong?

What in the world is it?

edit on 21-10-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: (no reason given)

To add:
The center finial is silver and the other 2 are gold.
I cannot help but think there is significance to the gold fringe hiddenremoved from the tops of the flags.
If we are under military occupation and devolution then does this signify the top leadership is regaining some civil authority?
This certainly could add insight to the abrupt removal of McCarthy from speaker and show relevance to il Donaldo tweet.
Is a Speaker needed at all whatsoever in a devolution execution?
Certainly we are in the execution phase if devolution is the actual reality to the political aspect.
The fallout from the GCR taking place can only be baggage for whoever is Speaker at that moment of transition of currencies.

It is no mistake atm's are disappearing so rapidly and bank branches closing.

Let us pray the transition is quick and seamless.

Without fiat currency wars at a global scale will be fought with sticks and rocks.
With blockchain there is no way for cartels to launder money.
The Ukraine was used to exhaust military weaponry and ammunition, beginning the process of turning weapons into plowshares.

Are those bats?

edit on 21-10-2023 by FarmerSimulation because: Save space.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday2

Were you the one that reported about that very strange lab in Reeding California? tment-justice-covid19-lab-food-drug-administration-fda

This is a serious smoking gun in the Covid wars. Once again a piece put in place 2019. These Covid test kits were being made in that illegal lab and that illegal lab is owned by a Chinese National who seems to have some problems with who he really is.
About those possible bioweapons, it appears that the bioweapon was the test kits. "Any and all pathogens and toxins that have been found during the governments investigation appear to be related to the manufacture of various IVD test kits."

I had read about concerns around the possibility of contaminated test kits giving people Covid but until now I hadn't found any evidence.
Covid- jabs and now some of the test kits.

Zhu or whatever flavored name he wants had very good knowledge about the rules and regulations of the FDA, he didn't get an EUA and never registered with the FDA.

This begs the question how different medical facilities knew how to contact them to order these kits?

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 11:07 AM

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: 777Vader

Thank you for that!

Geez - I'm out for a few days after I had an accident at work and try to log in, and the site is nuked, can't access my old login and everything that goes with it, and we had another visit from you-know-who...

Plus my login info to the alternate site is in my desk at work.
Makes one wonder what the actual f@(# is going on behind the scenes.

Edited to add: Why can't I get my profile pic and background to work? I am able to upload pictures, but I suppose I'm just entering the wrong info in the account set up?
edit on 3111America/Chicago31amSaturdaySaturday2023-10-21T11:22:26-05:0020232023 by thetallcool1 because: Added comment

Edit 2: Yay - I figured it out!
edit on 3111America/Chicago31amSaturdaySaturday2023-10-21T11:24:46-05:0020232023 by thetallcool1 because: Yay!

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 11:37 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Well this is serious. Already 404'd. Well I happened to have taken some extensive notes so lets just add some details.

The affidavit was signed by FBI agent Jeffrey Maurice, Special Agent, FDA.

The biolab in Reeding was owned by Prestige Biotech and operated by Chinese national Jia Bei 'Jesse' Zhu who just happened to have a Canadian passport.
This company received $150K from the Payroll Protection Program.

PB was formed in Las Vegas in 2019- Where have we seen this set up before?

Pre PB-
Enter United Medtech.
United Medtech had been working on manufacturing and perfecting the lateral flow device and had developed 4 types of testing. Lots of issues around misbranded lot #'s and were subject to recall.

United Medtech had a fire in August 2020 and had to move to a new facility. They were under heavy scrutiny by the City and the FDA. As a result of the fire hey were forced to relocate to the now infamous facility, if we can call it that.

PB bought them out. PB did not register with the FDA and did not received EUA to distribute the Covid test kits despite Zhu having 'superb knowledge of FDA rules.
They shipped them from December 2020 - March 2023. I would suspect that they were able to distribute to different health facilities because United Medtech had established relationships and desperate organizations do desperate things. Records being what records are thousands of kits were sent to an unknown location.

They also sold them through Amazon. Vet much?

Jesse Zhu along with another staff member from PB were arrested 2 days ago October 19, 2023.

The #3 person had resigned from PB believing that they were just being used as a 'front' person to interact with different agencies and was owed thousands.

Let's pull out the tin foil hats...
PB was importing pregnancy test, 47,500 to be exact directly from Chyna and was having problems passing inspection and so diverted it. I believe they were going to Las Vegas and then diverted to Reeding.

It was a very lengthy affidavit but this boils down the main details. BTW- The FDA and Reeding had already acted on PB several months before the information was released to the public.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

To be fair a number of us here reported on that Chinese Bio-Lab being used. I might have been the first one to bring into the -Q- thread.
edit on 1100000023fSat, 21 Oct 2023 11:47:04 -05004721am23 by Guyfriday2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

It appears Chief Nerd is on the same track. From the Epoch Times-

"Prestige BioTech was first registered in Nevada to Wang Zihaolin [Lynn Warner] April 3, 2019. Mr. Yao, who is based in China took over May 28, 2021." That would mean that Jesse is a front man.

I just wonder how many other nefarious labs have been set up in 2019?

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

During the Toilet Paper scarcity situation, we all learned that Toilet Paper is both a National Security thing, and manufactured near the areas where it is distributed.

Ask yourself this, "Have you even seen a facility in your city or county where Toilet Paper is manufactured?"

Now apply that to the possibility of bio-labs using the same tactic as the toilet paper industry. Pretty scary huh?

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: ORRED

That's not the owner. Its the Simulation Theory scammer guy. Check the sig.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday2 th-alleged-ccp-ties-wirepoints/

I have been wondering if Illinois, especially Chicago have an agenda. They have been so hostile to businesses that many have closed up shop. Now suddenly they are welcoming with open arms CCP linked Gotion EV battery manufacturer because they have created such a desperate situation. Problem- Reaction- Solution.

This is more than just being desperate...
State of Illinois $536 million.
Kanakee County- Capping property taxes for 30 years.

Then there is the issue of Biden's Inflation Reduction Plan.

"The tax credits are effectively have cash value to if their value exceeds the companies federal income tax liability, the credits can be converted into cash."

This is like rolling out the red carpet to the CCP. Infiltration of the U.S. economy comes to mind.

A view from the other side

This is where my concern lies "Pritzker also believes that closing this deal will convince other companies to follow along."
They assume no responsibility and just throw the issue to the Federal government which we know is compromised.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

You have a good eye. The outer two do look like bats and then we have the eagle in the middle. I took out my magnifying glass to zoom in more closely at the picture behind. His hand is outstretched and the image below it looks like a head of a rabbit with big ears. Maybe I'm just seeing things.

Broken Truth-Chinese National Censors American Doctors

Smack down of Hydroxychloroquine.

We can count on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation always being involved in some way.

Scroll to the bottom to see the preview to the Epidemic of Fraud. It starts with giving us the most fascinating history of Hydroxychloroquine. Now I know where Gates got the idea of the GM mosquitoes.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

The ancient Chinese practice of breeding out an enemy that is too powerful.

In this case it's not through sexual reproduction, but through business dealings that they are conquering the world.

edit on 10/21/2023 by Guyfriday2 because: I wonder if that code thing was fixed

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: relsci

Rel we have Obama back in the news.

Obama was at the scene of his chef's drowning

I imagine that he is going to need to retain more legal council. At the time he claimed that he was not at Martha's Vineyard.

But there is something odd happening.
You Can't Hide

This protest is taking place at his alma mater Harvard. One would expect that he would be safe to walk the streets of Harvard. Maybe his claim of contracting Covid was an excuse so that he could avoid attending.

"Barry, Barry you can't hide, we charge you with genocide."

I almost missed another link to 7- the attack took place on October 7 [17], 2023 [7].

#1948 has a mention of Harvard law School.
Who is Prince Alwaleed bin Talal?
Why would Prince Alwaleed bin Talal [Saudi Royal] pay HUSSEIN to attend HARVARD LAW SCHOOL?

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 02:24 PM
Say what?
From: New York Post

A Far Rockaway woman who accidentally left $12,000 cash in a backpack on the Long Island RailRoad was joyful after being reunited with the dough.

Juliet Barton boarded the train in Babylon Monday with much of her life savings stuffed into the backpack to “protect” it — and panicked when she realized she had left it behind when she transferred before her final destination of Rockville Centre.

“That’s when I realized, ‘I don’t have my bag,’” Barton told Newsday.

She approached LIRR workers, who told her to go to Penn Station, where she filled out paperwork about her missing item — then went home to pray.

um? so this...

A worker then came out and gave her the backpack, which had been found and turned in by the Babylon train’s conductor.

“Not a single dollar was missing,” MTA chairman and chief executive Janno Lieber said during a news conference Thursday with Barton and the transit workers who Lieber said who “showed kindness and concern when faced with a passenger who was going through that kind of stressful situation.”

Now not for nothing, but if I had left a bag on the train it would be on the news as a possible bomb or something along those lines. How do we know this wasn't a dry run for a false flag? the story while heartfelt, seems horridly off to me.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation

Best I could do of a blowup on the finials:

The left one looks like a POSSUM? Latin POSSUM = WE CAN?

Could do with knowing which president the portrait was of? Jackson?

Notice also the gold tassles beneath the finials... Flag fringe and tassle theory

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: relsci

I believe that the US President is Washington. the painting seems to be this one:

edit on 10/21/2023 by Guyfriday2 because: sorry wrong image, fixed now

Wait? the left hand is different, I wonder how many of these variant Gilbert Stuart painting there are? Well the picture is from the same base painting.
edit on 10/21/2023 by Guyfriday2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday2

Cheers for rooting that out, Guy!

So Washington... Crossing the Delaware/Durham boat reference perhaps?

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: relsci

It's called the Lansdowne Portrait.
From: WIKI

The Lansdowne portrait is an iconic life-size portrait of George Washington painted by Gilbert Stuart in 1796. It depicts the 64-year-old President of the United States during his final year in office. The portrait was a gift to former British Prime Minister William Petty, 1st Marquess of Lansdowne, and spent more than 170 years in England.

according to the info:

The Lansdowne portrait likely (and fancifully) depicts President Washington's December 7, 1795 annual address to the Fourth U.S. Congress.   The highly unpopular Jay Treaty, settling claims between the United States and Great Britain left over from the Revolutionary War, had been presented to the U.S. Senate for approval earlier in the year. The Senate held a special session to debate the treaty in June, at which opposition to it had been fierce. Only two-thirds of the 30 senators (the minimum required under the U.S. Constitution) approved the treaty in mid-August, and Washington, who strongly supported the treaty, signed it in late August.  In his annual address, delivered to Congress on opening day of its next session, the President acknowledged the struggle over the Jay Treaty, and called for unity. There was lingering resentment in the House of Representatives, which expressed its displeasure by declining to appropriate funding for the treaty's implementation until April 1796.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 04:44 PM
Ah, I see the gang is all here, Good!
I (Quadrivium) haven't posted on these threads much since 2021
I come here now looking for your thoughts and reactions to a movie I just watched.
It's a "Conspiracy Horror" low budget flick called Caviar .
Have any of you seen it?
It goes into Killery, Epstine, Bush, Fauci and adrinacrome.

posted on Oct, 21 2023 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday2
a reply to: Thoughtful3

During the Toilet Paper scarcity situation, we all learned that Toilet Paper is both a National Security thing, and manufactured near the areas where it is distributed.

Ask yourself this, "Have you even seen a facility in your city or county where Toilet Paper is manufactured?"


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