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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: HologramSimpleton432Hz
a reply to: G005E

Bravo, that was an incredible and elucidating deep dive into the art of Atrocity Propaganda.

Unfortunately, it still works exceedingly well even on this site. People here have told me that the incubator babies hoax from the Gulf War has no relevance to the decapitated babies.

Makes me wonder why they are even on this website.

And yet, I’ve received a PM saying that post was removed to prevent thread drift.
Id be curious to know from the admin team why my post was removed from the Q thread.
An ON TOPIC POST with over a dozen likes.
I guess I was over target

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 04:40 PM
a reply to: G005E

G005E, re 10/18 being something too, consider these two posts (and their post numbers 1234 & 3579 = COUNT & ODDS?):

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 04:45 PM
What the heck is that post by _GHOST_ ??????
Can't quote it, and says posted from the future, and look at all those 1's!!!!
PS..... and now it has appeared below my post!!!!
Has ATS been hacked????
edit on pm104America/ChicagoTuesday2023-10-17T16:46:24-05:0004America/Chicago10000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: McTech

Embrace challenge. If you're not being challenged, you're not leveling up.

That's my thought for the day.

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 05:30 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 06:22 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Cheers for the extra analysis T2!

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 07:01 PM
Genesis 5:4
Genesis 5:8
Genesis 5:11
Genesis 5:14
Genesis 5:17
Genesis 5:20
Genesis 5:23
Genesis 5:27
Genesis 5:37 - wrong 5:31
Genesis 9:20 - wrong 9:29
edit on 17-10-2023 by Bwarefalsprofits because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 07:05 PM
I'm pretty new to Q and gematria, etc. so I have to ask if there's any clues as to what's up with Biden going to Israel?

They normally keep presidential trips to war zones secret, yet they're doing a lot of advertising for this one. Makes be wonder if they're planning a false flag to take him out to get all of America onboard with the war plan.

Nothing like killing our POTUS to get the patriots fired up enough to back anything in the way of retribution.

I'm sure they'd actually just retire him from public view; he's far past the stage most go into assisted living. Or maybe replace him with a more competent double?

I'm just feeling something is way off here. It's different than all the last Israeli wars/conflicts....

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 07:10 PM
I welcome that.

I also welcome your “new”way of thinking.

It’s what our recently departed Q would have wanted. (sarc over)🤗

There’s nothing here but a few nutters in a 24/7 bar. Chatting sh🤫 and sharing their theories on how the world ticks.

We’ve been in many many nooks crannies and dusty dungeons. 10Ks pages written.

I’m betting there’s good reason to be here. That’s all really.

I defer to COM who definitely is, a Wizard.
His words are the best “new thinking” I have read in many years.

q? ATM has the world a better alternative the ‘the plan’ - I can’t see one. I trust there are good people in power somewhere...

a reply to: Bwarefalsprofits

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 07:23 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Did you get a screenshot of it angelchemuel?

I need a copy or the archive collection...

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: Bwarefalsprofits

Genesis 5:37 - wrong 5:31
Genesis 9:20 - wrong 9:29

You got me

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Got it... done this before... it's been flagged as Last Post so keeps moving with the thread.

Revelation 22:2

down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: nugget1

nugget1, there was a prophesy thread on ATS, in the year before Q started. I think the OP was buddha something, or something buddha.

Anywho... he told of Biden going to Israel and dying, and also that Prince William and Kate would also be dead on the streets of Jerusalem... then that Prince Harry would emerge to take power.

May have got some of the detail wrong... It was seven years ago.

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Isaiah 65:20
No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days, for the young man shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner a hundred years old shall be accursed.

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Thanks, Rel; appreciate the info. I've got Oct.19 as a day to watch....

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: G005E

originally posted by: HologramSimpleton432Hz
a reply to: G005E

Bravo, that was an incredible and elucidating deep dive into the art of Atrocity Propaganda.

Unfortunately, it still works exceedingly well even on this site. People here have told me that the incubator babies hoax from the Gulf War has no relevance to the decapitated babies.

Makes me wonder why they are even on this website.

And yet, I’ve received a PM saying that post was removed to prevent thread drift.
Id be curious to know from the admin team why my post was removed from the Q thread.
An ON TOPIC POST with over a dozen likes.
I guess I was over target

That is rather unfortunate, I suppose perhaps you strayed a bit too close to the truth for comfort?

I wish I would have saved that post somewhere.

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

You got a PM

Not related to this, but something to ponder.

I was reading this thread (as seen here), and it occurred to me that Hunter had a 38 special. Was Hunters gun purchase more about hiding evidence of Seth Rich's murder, is Hunter the real hitman for Joey-Joe and friends, or is this just a coincidence?

I wonder if those nudies Hunter did with a gun hide more info than it first seems.
edit on 17-10-2023 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 09:37 PM
Oct 17.
Do you believe it was a coincidence ?

An Israeli air raid on al-Ahli Arab Hospital kills an estimated 500...



deliberate attach ❗❗❗

and ACTIONS primary source 1 & TYPECAST injected
mathematical probability _17:17 day after

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

Crime Against Children !

Do you see a pattern?

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