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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 11:04 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: nugget1

I came across something very disturbing yesterday. They must be getting desperate.
I was at a pharmacy and they were giving flu jabs for young children. Then something odd happened. They gave the children $5. Since when do we pay children to take a jab?
I looked into it more.
There are 7 major pharmacies doing this. King Soopers, CVS, Walgreens, Albertsons, Winn Dixie, Safeway, and Giant Eagle.

Pharmacy Incentives to get the flu jab

I am amazed that parents are not questioning this. If it is so safe and effective then why the need to pay? And why $5?

Now we are going to have a situation where children will want the jabs. Up next the Covid ones.

It worked to popularize the Covid vaccine- free slice of pizza, a free beer, your name in one of two state loto's for 1 million dollars.....the vaccine rate took an immediate jump.

You'd think people would be a little less trusting when it comes to the lives of their children; just the adjuvants alone in all vaccines should make a parent want to research the history of what's been happening to children's health since the ever-increasing vaccine schedule began to ramp up.

I'd like to say I'm shocked, but all I can muster is a deep, abiding sickness in the pit of my stomach.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: ModusPonus316

I have been wondering about the timing of the change in the Suicide Crisis Lifeline from 10 digits to 3- 988. Then there is the issue of children being paid $5 for a jab. Children= 8. Mr. Pool's post connection 888.

In light of parents giving the Covid jabs to their children and now we see children harmed and suddenly dying, if and when these parents wake up what will be their response? Lots of guilt that's for certain.

Suiccide Crisis Lifeline


Let's see. This was done in 2022. That is 3- 2's.
Skull and Bones #322. When was this designated as the nationwide system before it was mandated?

July 16=11 of 2020.
Maui Telephone system change wiki

Circling back to Maui. They had to make a change because of that number designation for the Suicide Crisis Line in 2020.
The new 988 number has 3 numbers. 322- Skull and Bones.


Chuck Grassley tweet from yesterday had 7. In an earlier tweet he made a reference about the corn being ripe for harvest in spite of 7 inches less water.

I think I figured out why the $5.
2020- 2X5=10
ku post #1010

There are 3 ku posts that deal with the eugenics topic stating the same thing.
#1010, 1011 and 1012.

2022 and $5 gives us 3 posts.
322 Skull and Bones number.

There is no STEP FIVE.

Looking at the post # 3606>666.

STEP FIVE is 7 letters.

Amazing how this works.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: nugget1

I felt so repulsed that I guess it infiltrated my dreams last night. Really a nightmare which is unusual for me.
In my dream there was an enormous lineup of people at a massive grave site waiting to bury the dead. It was really grim. Helicopters were flying overhead making such a loud sound- like thunder.
The people didn't leave but continued to wait their turn despite the strong wind from the propellers swirling up dust all around them. Body bags, lots of body bags.
I fear we are going to see some real sadness. People must not comply. It is discouraging to see masking up starting again.

This $5 is important.
The 5th card in the Tarot -The Hierphant- The Pope

They are sick enough to give a call out to the Pope.
Looking at the ku posts there are 11 connected to Pope.

Posts with Pope

Symbolism will be their downfall.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

My view, in response to your question:

What do you think it's going to be Biblical actually means?

1) Events resonate with or repeat Bible verses... For example:

a) Resurrection after 3 days = rumoured Trump shot but shown ok 3 days later?

b) 40 days possibly aligning to [30]+10 days EBS?

The number 40 shows up often in the Bible. Because 40 appears so often in contexts dealing with judgment or testing, many scholars understand it to be the number of “probation” or “trial.” This doesn’t mean that 40 is entirely symbolic; it still has a literal meaning in Scripture. “Forty days” means “forty days,” but it does seem that God has chosen this number to help emphasize times of trouble and hardship.

c) 5by5 and 52 (completion)... Is it a coincidence that Christ fed 5000 with 5 loaves and 2 fishes? Messaging of food shortages coming... Rumors that 100yrs of food in DUMBs will be released.

d) Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, and stopping of worshipping of false idols? Idolatry of politicians, music icons and Hollywood being systematically destroyed! Think also destruction of trafficking tunnels in Port of Beirut.

e) Escape from Pharoahonic rule via parting of the Red Sea? Could this relate to events in the Black Sea now (Russia/Ukraine)?

f) Ten commandments/Moses - will we renew God's word through release of the full 777 books of the "Bible"?

g) Christ offered "all these lands" by the devil if he would worship him - this aligns with the reports of the cabal offering their control to members of the 10 as long as they continue to carry out cabal's plan.

h) 17 = Q... Gospel of Q... and mentions of 17 in Bible relate to lengths of rule and shekels.

i) "I will make you fishers of men"... Anons identifying perps crimes (as previously posted).

2) Fulfilment of Revelations:

a) Gog and Magog = Russia and Ukraine?

b) Seven Trumpets = 7 EBS messages from POTUS45?

c) ???

3) Take down of the Vatican for corruption and trafficking... and the Roman Catholic Church?

4) Saving Israel for last - #916

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

I didn't know who he was, I had to look him up. He seems like a charicature. Politics gets more ridiculous every day. Honestly, I couldn't care less about elections, I just post Epstein headlines as they pop up on my feed. If anything, it's good to know that Epstein's tentacles are still alive and active. Even if he's not. Which remains in doubt.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

No I hadn't heard of that.

More trouble brewing in Lahaina.
Fire melted car youtube

Coordinated effort to silence.
It will only get worse.
All for a LARP?

Is in play now. Wall Street Apes Twitter has been doing extensive coverage of the DEW attack in Maui and he is complaining about MSM attacks against him. Must be over target.

Wall Street Apes Tweet

The burning question is who is FEMA helping if it isn't the people.

Families burnt in cars

I wonder if this fire connects to #521? The reason 521=8. Time 10:18:18- August 8 was the fire in Lahaina. #1011
To me this is a scare event. In fact we have fires all over the place.

We at WAR [@].

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 12:28 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: nugget1

I felt so repulsed that I guess it infiltrated my dreams last night. Really a nightmare which is unusual for me.
In my dream there was an enormous lineup of people at a massive grave site waiting to bury the dead. It was really grim. Helicopters were flying overhead making such a loud sound- like thunder.
The people didn't leave but continued to wait their turn despite the strong wind from the propellers swirling up dust all around them. Body bags, lots of body bags.

It sounds to me like you visited Maui in your dreams.

I am in awe of your ability to devour printed material so rapidly and extract every ounce of information from it. Truly amazing, and I appreciate you sharing your wisdom with us.

Maui has faded from the news; it's been replaced with coverage of a hurricane that may or may not hit the coast of Florida.

We're supposed to throw all of our fear and negative energy into worrying about millions of dollars in damages if it does indeed hit land full-force. They haven't fully recovered and rebuilt their infrastructure from the last hurricane. What's the definition of insanity?

Keeping the populous in a state of negative energy-be it fear/anger/depression- really makes me think energy harvesting is a real thing and we give our overlords the ability to control by the creation of our collective energies.

edit on 20000001212America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: eta

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 12:34 PM
X (Twitter) Granted License for Cryptocurrency Payments in Major Win for Platform: Elon Musk Starts Building a Crypto Wallet

Breaking News: X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, has successfully secured the necessary license to offer cryptocurrency payments and trading services in the United States. This pivotal move signifies the company’s aggressive foray into the burgeoning world of digital payments, while also cementing its commitment to the ever-evolving cryptocurrency landscape.

Interestingly, the license acquisition has been linked to Elon Musk’s ventures, adding another layer of intrigue to this development. This association underscores the symbiotic relationship between X and Musk, hinting at potential collaborations or even joint ventures in the near future.

But that’s not all. X is setting its sights higher with an ambitious roadmap to become an “everything app.” The platform aims to integrate a plethora of functionalities, one of which is to serve as a payment hub processor. This strategic expansion indicates that X is not content with merely being a social media giant; it is actively branching out into the fintech industry.

This is not merely a procedural step; it’s a clear signal that cryptocurrency is poised to become an integral part of X’s platform.

The implications are monumental. Cryptocurrency is not just knocking on X’s door; it’s about to kick it wide open. The integration of a crypto wallet could fundamentally transform how we interact on social media platforms. let/

Ripple President Reacts as Proposal Emerges for Twitter to Pay Content Creators Via XRP

Ripple executive backs the idea of Twitter embracing XRP for global creator payments, highlighting crypto’s instant, flexible advantages.

Ripple President, Monica Long, has weighed in on the intriguing prospect of Twitter embracing cryptocurrency as a form of payment, particularly XRP. Long responded with a cryptic yet suggestive lightbulb emoji.

Notably, the approving reaction came in response to a tweet by Brendan Berry, the Head of Payments Products at Ripple, who voiced his view on why Twitter should adopt crypto.

Berry ignited a thought-provoking discourse alluding to Elon Musk’s vision of Twitter evolving into the ultimate digital haven for livelihood. For this aspiration to materialize, Berry opined that cryptocurrency must take center stage in Elon Musk’s contemplations.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 12:51 PM
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Warns BlackRock’s Plan to Gain Single-Family US Homes

Kennedy pointed out instances where potential homebuyers were outbid by cash offers at the last moment, leaving them without a chance to secure their dream home. He attributed this instance to the practices of these investment giants, referring to them as “one huge vehement.”

Kennedy mentioned that the three investment firms, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, have interconnections and ownership stakes in each other. Their combined influence extends to approximately 88% of the S&P 500 index. His statement also highlighted their apparent intention to expand their reach and take control of single-family residences across the United States.

Wall Street has purchased hundreds of thousands of single-family homes since the Great Recession. Here's what that means for rental prices

Corporations backed by private equity groups such as Blackstone and Pretium Partners bought tens of thousands of homes across the U.S. Sun Belt.

Institutional investors may control 40% of U.S. single-family rental homes by 2030, according to MetLife Investment Management. And a group of Washington, D.C., lawmakers say Wall Street needs to back away from the market.

The single-family rental industry got its start with government backing in the fallout after the 2008 financial crisis. "It was that rare opportunity that attracted the institutions to build a portfolio out of these foreclosed properties," said Steven Xiao, an assistant professor of finance and managerial economics at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Since the early 2010s, Tricon Residential, Progress Residential, American Homes 4 Rent and Invitation Homes have each bought thousands of homes. They've also added to the housing supply in some cases with built-for-rent communities.

Some of these companies are financed by private equity firms such as Blackstone and investment managers such as Pretium Partners.

Blackstone is giving $1.5 million to support Maui fire relief

Blackstone is providing $1.5 million in Relocation Relief & Assistance Payments and charitable donations to support employees and residents at Blackstone’s Maui real estate properties and the people of Maui.

On behalf of Blackstone, our hearts are with every individual who was affected by the devastating Maui fires. We hope this support, coupled with our teams working tirelessly to provide shelter, food and other donations, will help ease the burden of residents and employees at our properties, and all those who call Maui home,” said Kathleen McCarthy, Global Co-Head of Blackstone Real Estate.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: nugget1

It is energy harvesting in the sense that these clowns need to hold the populace focused attention on their nonstop antics and keep the populace as passive observers of their '3 ring circus'. Be it:


This maintains their control over the trajectory and outcome of the narrative. People need to be kept busy surviving. Minds need to be preoccupied and emotionally engaged with fear, stress and all these outer distractions. All thoughts belong to them. Narcissists demand attention. They are energy vampires.

When people are 100% engaged without, they are disengaged within. When people have time and leisure to sit with their own thoughts, when people acquire the disciplined focus to go within, things happen. You recycle your own energy back into yourself rather than give it away. Your thoughts start to change, your mind starts to change. Your focus changes, your energy changes. Your perception shifts. You empower yourself and their power weakens. They can't allow that. So they string people along with fear which acts like a powerful drug to your nervous system. And they use so many other addictive ploys to "hook" the human mind and keep it engaged.. locked onto anything as long as your attention is averted outward rather than inward.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I'm on a fast track trying to learn as much as I can. I've never read or heard about any of these "conspiracies" so this is all new to me. I took classes on speed reading and comprehension which is paying dividends atm.

I read more from the book this A.M. Page 48.
The CCP Builds the Colonial Infrastructure for a Global Empire.
This section goes into the CCP Belt and Road Initiative and the implications on a global scale. They certainly have been busy.
Giving these massive loans to countries that cannot afford them and then China not only takes ownership of the infrastructure but also the land and sometimes the sovereignty of the country.

Strapping on my tinfoil hat - didn't Pfizer try to take control of South America vital infrastructure during the contract negotiations?
Pfizer has close connections to China. Very close and long term and we can throw in elite capture of Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer.

I must be over target because the linking isn't working again.
Brazil and Argentina refused to negotiate away their military bases, bank reserves so that they could purchase the Pfizer jabs. There is one country in South America that we don't know what they signed away due to a "confidentiality" clause.
Maybe Peru- There is a new youtube about the mega port. This port is to become operational in 2024. Timing looks good.

I wasn't aware of this peril and so close to home.
The CCP owns and operates 40 ports in South America.

"If the U.S. loses the western coast of the Pacific, then you have a real menace in your rear [echelon]. China is building a huge port in [Chancey] Peru. [It] is a commercial port, but its the first port that is being built 100% by China in Latin America.
It's a huge port with a very deep capacity that could hold the logistics for Chinese Liberation Army Fleet Task Force, and that would counteract in the South Pacific, where the U.S. and Britain are working with Australia to equip Australia with nuclear submarines to face the Chinese menace."

What strikes me is that they could have a significant presence on this side of the hemisphere. Chyna GERM games and now this brought to you by Pfizer.

The section also delves into the plans to isolate India and the U.S. We can see that unfolding now that the BRCKS have banned the U.S. dollar.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

What's new with Pfizer?

Following up on the special batch whipped up for Pfizer employees in Australia-
Nothing suspicious here- they are refusing to share how many employees quit. Nothing to fear because Pfizer allowed religious exemptions.

Seems that wasn't a thing for the rest of us or the people in Australia.
I would be really interested to know how many employees suffered any adverse effects because after all Pfizer is a caring company that has pledged to impact peoples lives.

P fixzer...Pfizer
Yea the links are working.

Brownstone is starting to address Jikkyleaks pregnancy trial issues.
Good q indeed. Why vaccinate the mothers right after birth of the baby? Link not working again.

As for 'Trust Us" Mandy Cohen-
Nooo not again. The same Check-in With Dr. Cohen tweet. Link not working again.

As for the masks.

From the CDC website- Approved by Mandy Cohen.
"Cloth masks that are used to slow the spread of Covid-19 offer little protection against wildfire smoke. They do not catch small particles found in wildfire smoke that can harm your health."

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel what do you think of this. Circling back to #500

[9] states of CLAS-ready-go-live.
[34] commands LIVE.

FF in between is & which is number 7 on the keyboard.

The last line [1] [1]- looks like pillars with the OWL in the center. 11- [OWL] =8
"The Hierophant is seen sitting on a throne with two pillars symbolizing Law and Freedom and obedience and disobedience.
Hierophant is the 5th card of the major Arcana in the Tarot decks. That is the Pope card.

Francis is 7 letters. Pope Francis is 11 letters.
Birthdate December 17th.
DEFCON is 5 letters. Post 500- 5X5.

Aside from the Maui connection.

Now we have the pharmacies paying children $5 to take a vaccine. Vaccine -7 letters.
Pfizer and Moderna are in trials testing an mRNA based flu vaccine. A lot of parents didn't let their children take the mRNA jab but the CDC is looking to bring the flu vaccines to the schools. People may let their guard down believing that it is the typical flu vaccine and the kids will be on board because they will get $5.

How does the Pope fit into this?
Pope Francis Charity Delivers Flu Vaccine to the homeless

I keep seeing rumblings of taking the jabs to the work force, schools and now we have the homeless connection. The fall will see an uptick in seasonal flu.

New Chuck Grassley tweet-
"Tour/Q&A Siouxland Community Health Center in Sioux City They do gr8 work for their community 32 ppl issues: medicaid 340b dentistry services/ waiting time."
8 [3+2] 5 [3+4] 7

Do you believe in coincidences?
Only the beginning.

Data fraud -falsified specifications to about 500 customers. Takes us right back to #500.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

From the CDC website- Approved by Mandy Cohen.
"Cloth masks that are used to slow the spread of Covid-19 offer little protection against wildfire smoke. They do not catch small particles found in wildfire smoke that can harm your health."

That's just stupid. Particle size of wildfire smoke is larger than the size of the corona virus.


I keep seeing rumblings of taking the jabs to the work force, schools and now we have the homeless connection. The fall will see an uptick in seasonal flu.

I have become so distrusting in my old age that I honestly don't believe it's a stretch to think some of these 'vaccines' actually carry viruses to ensure an increased and more rapid spread. That may have even happened with the original EUA vaccine.
edit on 200000033America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: eta

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Thoughtful2

From the CDC website- Approved by Mandy Cohen.
"Cloth masks that are used to slow the spread of Covid-19 offer little protection against wildfire smoke. They do not catch small particles found in wildfire smoke that can harm your health."

That's just stupid. Particle size of wildfire smoke is larger than the size of the corona virus.


Dummies they say .... Go Figure

In Plain Sight - imho


Mask Mandates Return: Full List of Places With Restrictions in Place

edit on 8292023 by MetalThunder because: Carpe Diem

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: nugget1

She is so busy with her "Trust the Science" campaign she isn't paying attention to the details. Facts don't matter to those wearing masks but for the rest of us it's confirmatiion.
I'm glad you could link it. My end seems really glitchy today.

What I find interesting is the common feature between Rochelle Walensky and Mandy Cohen- they both have these large doe eyes which psychologically makes people susceptible to what they are saying. The innocent look.
They both also do not blink much.
I'm not certain if it is significant but I find it disturbing. Kind of hypnotic if you know what I mean.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: nugget1

What I find interesting is the common feature between Rochelle Walensky and Mandy Cohen- they both have these large doe eyes which psychologically makes people susceptible to what they are saying. The innocent look.
They both also do not blink much.
I'm not certain if it is significant but I find it disturbing. Kind of hypnotic if you know what I mean.

Some reptiles have eyes with no eyelids.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 03:42 PM
COVID Lessons: US Preparing For Biodefense Against China Threat With $812 Million Budget Plan

Drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and the world’s incalculable loss, the US is preparing to defend itself from bio-weapons threats, mainly from China, with a US$812-million budget plan.

The US Department of Defense has set up and launched a new Bio-Defense Council and has sought funding from the Biden administration to “better prepare for future biological emergencies and deter countries like China from pursuing potentially deadly biological weapons,” Defense One reported on August 24.

The Biden administration announced the bioweapon threat response plan at a Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) event on August 23, noting that the US has to try to work with China on emerging biological threats, even as the Pentagon focused on deterring the Asian giant from conflicts.

The Biodefense Posture Review pointed out the handicaps faced by the US in its response to the next big biological disaster and asked for increasing surveillance of biological weapon threats as they emerge.

It sought better coordination within the defense department on national security and improving supplies of biodefense materials within the country, including personal protection kits such as masks and fabrics, chemicals for medicines, or even the electronic devices needed to go into medical equipment to treat affected populations.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the devastation it caused to the US in particular and the world, in general, had exposed one of the critical weaknesses in responses to biological threats, including its offshoots, such as disinformation about viruses, both from domestic sources and from state actors like China, spreads far faster than the pathogens themselves.

Chinese nanotechnology fueling advanced bio, cyber weapons, electronic warfare tools, study warns

The Chinese military is building sophisticated biological weapons and small-scale electronic tools made with nanotechnology that could be used in covert warfare, a major study warns.

“China’s invisible arsenals encompass a range of advanced weaponry that are distinctly focused on providing the Chinese Communist Party with a range of asymmetric warfare options, including the delivery of biological, biochemical and neurobiological weapons on target populations,” according to a report by three open-source intelligence analysts.

The People’s Liberation Army, or PLA, is developing nanoweapons using highly sophisticated microscopic materials that enhance the effects of biological weapons, according to the report, titled “In the Shadows of Science: Unravelling China’s Invisible Arsenals of Nanoweapons.” It was made public earlier this month.

Beijing has long been considering such capabilities. The report cites a 2021 Chinese research paper that explains how “molecular communication” would target advanced networks with precision cyberattacks.

Molecular communication is a nanotechnology that uses the release of tiny devices, such as molecules, into liquid or gas that can provide instructions to a receiver.

Combined nano-cyber-biological weapons are another area of deep concern. Experts warn that they could be used in hybrid Chinese weapons to infect computers, disrupt communications networks or control biological agents remotely.

The private study was published just days after the Pentagon released its first biological defense posture review. The review said China views biology as a “new domain of war” and is leveraging genetic engineering, precision medicine and brain sciences technology for military purposes.

Deborah Rosenblum, U.S. assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs, last week raised the threat of advanced technology applied to biological arms.

China and Russia pose the most serious threats related to biological arms, Ms. Rosenblum said. She noted that a major concern is the use of existing and emerging technologies for biological warfare programs.

posted on Aug, 29 2023 @ 04:07 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

That reads like the Soviet cold war and the billions that got funneled/laundered for over four decades.
How much of that money will be transferred indirectly to the CCP via Biden as payment for a job well done?

posted on Aug, 30 2023 @ 01:02 AM
Since the topic of Suicide Weekend has come up, I thought it was weird that this news story is being ran around.
From: New York post of all places

A radiation oncologist in Kentucky who has studied more than 5,000 near-death experiences believes his research has proven the existence of life after death — “without a doubt.”

Dr. Jeffrey Long founded the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation in 1998, having become fascinated with near-death experiences (NDE) while completing his medical residency.

In a new essay for Insider, he defines NDEs as “someone who is either comatose or clinically dead, without a heartbeat, having a lucid experience where they see, hear, feel emotions, and interact with other beings.”

Long collects stories from those who have reported NDEs and scientifically analyzes the accounts.

“In the face of overwhelming evidence, I’ve come to believe there’s certainly an afterlife,” he said.

Was this story posted by "coincidence, or was it posted to "soften the blow" of a mass die-off?

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