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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 12:27 AM

Israeli intelligence also seem to be back working all the sudden after ignoring warnings from Egypt and failing to stop the Hamas attacks. They went from not having any idea what’s going on, to dropping air strikes all over supposed Hamas positions, taking out over 1,900 Palestinian civilians along the way (according to UN).breakdown

Something bout a ff
Was mentioned a time or two
a reply to: Imbackbaby

I was inspired to search this

9/11/2001 to 10/9 /2023 in days

results sucked but it became an obvious Coinkydink
9/11 10/9 123
91121 1223.
Sorry worked all day so gonna leave that for those who know more than me bout the #s

Date difference from Sep 11, 2001 to Oct 9, 2023

The total number of days between Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 and Monday, October 9th, 2023 is 8,063 days.

This is equal to 22 years and 28 days.

17 and 5
Anyone know q post 175 is?
246 is interesting 89074

edit on 2023/10/14 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 07:16 AM
Whats going on is Quite Clear


edit on 10142023 by MetalThunder because: Carpe Diem

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder
That clears up the antichrist candidate. umm

But the WEF is just a front for the Council on Foreign Relations, which masterminded the 9-11 attacks as a pretext to invade Iraq, take the oil, and install fast food chains to make people slow, fattened, easily abductable by the shape-shifting reptilian aliens it works with. Now, back in the 30s, FDR made a deal with these reptilians to exchange people for technology

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 09:08 AM
The obvious has just struck me, re key markers in Q posts:

Friday, Oct 13th = 10/13 = 11.3 marker,
Saturday, Oct 14th = 10/14 = 11.4 marker, (eclipse)
Monday, Oct 16th = 10/16 = 11.6 marker (market crash)?

11.3 posts
11.5 posts
11.6 posts

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 09:35 AM

Thought provoking post. I'm surprised it was starred considering you hypothesized Trump as the antichrist.

a reply to: Bwarefalsprofits

Not surprising at all. This particular thread is the warmest and most welcoming to any and all ideas. We must not blindly follow Trump or any man or women that is why there is so much research here, we are all trying to figure it out. I know for me Trump seems to be the only one willing to put it all on the line for his country, for patriots. But you never know, some here question Trump and I respect that even though I am all in with Trump.
Despite what many say from the left and from the rinos there is no Trump cult. Trump is the anti-cult. I have mentioned it here many times , bush was head of the cia in the 70's, vp & president in the 80's, pals with Clinton, got his son the presidency after Clinton and Jeb Busch would have been president had Trump not kicked Jeb's teeth down his throat. There is a cult and it's the uni-party and that is why they hate Trump and will do anything and everything to stop him from becoming president again.
Thankfully more and more people are becoming aware of this.

edit on 14-10-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 10:46 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Pfizer is in serious trouble.
Pfizer amends U.S. government Paxlovid supply agreement

They are in a desperate situation. Imagine writing down anticipated revenue by $9 billion. I wonder how many employees will be let go to accomplish the $3.5 billion in costs cuts. Those who are terminated may find some whistle blowing in their future.
Albert Bourla Speaks

He is not coming across as confident as he once was but something sticks out- the stockpile and 2028 and his statement about future pandemics. I just wonder how they know that Paxlovid would be "effective" when it wasn't for Covid-19.

Peter McCullough tweet

I've been very suspicious about how many people really took these jabs. The CDC at their finest double counting people who lost their vaccine cards. We may never know the true figure because who knows what other ways they have gamed the system.

Chief Nerd Tweet

Only 2%, 7 million people have taken the jab to date. That still seems rather high but as Bourla points out those that have kept up with the jabs will continue to do so in the future. If it continues like this Pfizer may have to revise their #'s again- Down she goes.

Pfizer stock price Friday

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

rel ive been harping the first two for 2 weeks!
Didn’t even think to connect 10/16. Seem some chatter about 10/18=118 being something too

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Speaking of foreign agents I wonder if #916 saving Israel for last is bringing something else into focus.

Austerrewyatt1 tweet

I know that this problem has been brought up much earlier but then there is this-

Tweet #2

He missed the CEO of Moderna, Stephane Bancel.
We also have the same situation in the CDC. Rochelle Walensky was Jewish and now her replacement "Trust Us" Cohen is also Jewish.
The issue I have is that if all the people involved in the set up of the plandemic and the manufacturing of the mRNA jabs and the approval process are Jewish, why did they allow Pfizer to use Israel as a real world test site?

What if this war is a cover for the significant increase in deaths due to the jabs? It may sound far fetched but at this point nothing will surprise me. They were the first to mass deploy the jabs and death figures for their population would be ahead of other countries.
I've read that top government officials were warned about the possibility of this attack and why didn't their Iron dome work?

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

More evidence from Brook Jackson

It's quite obvious now that Pfizer could have brought anything to the FDA advisory board and it would have been approved as safe and effective. There has been evidence as well that one member of the board was also an advisor to Pfizer and was getting compensate. I can't find the link atm. What I find almost unbelievable is that no one seems to remotely care that there are conflicts of interest littered at all levels.
We need Robert F. Kennedy and some like minded staff to go in their and clean up these bloated health agencies. The CDC has had their budget cut so Cohen is going to be forced to let staff go. I see more whistle blowers in the future.

Vigilant Fox- Deaths by jabs

Approving these jabs have consequences, serious consequences. 540K died just by the jab. Many, many more will face turbo cancer.
Jurasic Carl tweet

The criminality knows no bounds.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: G005E

Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are singing praises for Charles Feeney who died on October 9th. Receiving praise from Gates is like the kiss of death.

Charles Feeney wiki

We need to pay special attention to him. He was a member of the "Sphinx Head" secret society at Cornell University, similar to Skull & Bones. This year is 2023 mirror 322. Sphinx Head was founded October 11,1890 by 10 men, which gives us a link to #1010 and 1011.
He set up the Atlantic Philanthropies and he certainly took advantage of it but what is interesting is that all the donations were made in secret.
He did something very curious- he gave all the money away and closed the fund September 14, 2020, right before Pfizer and Moderna received EUA for their jabs. Bill Gates took control over the response to Covid and coincidently Feeney also had signed the Giving Pledge. That meant that Gates had a very big war chest to work with.

Bill Gates owns Pfizer stock and has a close relationship with the company. In fact Gates met the CEO of BioNTech, Ugur Sahin in 2018 and encouraged Pfizer and BioNTech to start to work together to develop an influenza vaccine prior to Covid.
From the book "The Vaccine" by Joe Miller.

This secrecy makes me wonder did he give $ to Pfizer? Some very odd decisions were made by Pfizer, especially when they refused to take any money from the government and took such a big risk financing the R&D and manufacturing the jabs. How were they able to do an end run around the Pfizer shareholders who would have argued that this was an unnecessary risk?
But if there was a 'secret' payment made that only the major shareholders knew about that might explain what happened.

The other reason Albert Bourla claims is that they would have been accountable to the government but that's a joke since government agencies were in on the plandemic.

Headlines from September 14, 2020

List all who have FOUNDATIONS.
Why is this relevant?
How can donations be used personally?
Analyze the filings.
Politically motivated?
The level of corruption in our country [and most others] is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.
Alice & Wonderland.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox

Israeli intelligence also seem to be back working all the sudden after ignoring warnings from Egypt and failing to stop the Hamas attacks. They went from not having any idea what’s going on, to dropping air strikes all over supposed Hamas positions, taking out over 1,900 Palestinian civilians along the way (according to UN).breakdown

Something bout a ff
Was mentioned a time or two
a reply to: Imbackbaby

I was inspired to search this

9/11/2001 to 10/9 /2023 in days

results sucked but it became an obvious Coinkydink
9/11 10/9 123
91121 1223.
Sorry worked all day so gonna leave that for those who know more than me bout the #s

Date difference from Sep 11, 2001 to Oct 9, 2023

The total number of days between Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 and Monday, October 9th, 2023 is 8,063 days.

This is equal to 22 years and 28 days.

17 and 5
Anyone know q post 175 is?
246 is interesting 89074

edit on 2023/10/14 by CrazyFox because:


Hashtag before post number brings up exact Q post, I'm sure it's just an oversight, this is for them that don't know.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 02:35 PM
edit on 14-10-2023 by Imbackbaby because: Darts.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Whats going on is Quite Clear


Crystal clear

To save space...... we all love a coinkydinkydoo right? I'll refresh a golden oldie.

Ford purchased the Lincoln Motor Company in 1922. Ford wanted a luxury brand and the Lincoln was it. The Lincoln was named after Abraham Lincoln. JFK was assassinated in a Lincoln (Ford).

Abraham Lincoln got shot in the head at the Ford's theatre.....apparently died few hours later (so they say). The Presidents that came after both, both had the same surname....Johnson.

Two of the major shareholders in Ford are Blackrock and Vanguard.

There was a President Ford, who had a VP Rockerfeller.

Coincidences? Maybe.


edit on 14-10-2023 by Imbackbaby because: Coinkies

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: G005E

Headlines from September 14, 2020

List all who have FOUNDATIONS.
Why is this relevant?
How can donations be used personally?
Analyze the filings.
Politically motivated?
The level of corruption in our country [and most others] is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.
Alice & Wonderland.

A quick perusal of the drops mentioning foundations, charitable foundations, institutes, etc. brought up the Clinton Foundation, of course, the Bill Gates Foundation; and the Paul and Nancy Pelosi Charitable Foundation. Now that one was interesting!


~Since donations to these foundations are tax deductible, can one donate to their own foundation and receive the tax deduction?

~Can a family member donate to them and get a tax deduction?

~Can a family member have a 501(c)3 or other non-profit and receive a $-grant from their mom and dad's or aunt and uncle's foundation?

~Can donations to a politician's foundation buy political favors?

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 04:38 PM
With new exposure comes new fogging to the battle field.

From: New York Post

A West Bank pizzeria was razed after the eatery used a photo of an elderly Israeli woman — who had been taken hostage by Hamas terrorists in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel — in an online ad.

The woman, a Holocaust survivor, was photographed in her wheelchair during the Hamas assault, making a victory sign.

The Facebook ad for the unidentified restaurant in the town of Huwara featured the image of the woman, and included her holding a pizza along with the phrase “You are welcome” and several laughing emojis, according to a report in the Times of Israel.

In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the Israel Defense Forces to bulldoze the eatery, according to reports.

Many of you are already aware of the fact that many places near the west bank have tunnels that run in and out of the area. Most famous of these was the KFC restaurant that was doing illegal runs into the Westbank for deliveries.

While this whole story is fraught with simple information about what and why. I have to point out that Pizza-gate was never solved and this destruction of a pizzeria by the IDF due to propaganda being used by them seems over the top off.

If on the other hand this place was being used to shuttle Israeli children out of the area and into the Westbank for trafficking purposes, then seeing the IDF bulldozing the place makes better sense. the article does say:

They also detained the owner and ordered the pizzeria to be shuttered for five months, citing its support of terrorist activities

So maybe we'll see what was really going on after the fog clears. Either way this story is going to make Pizza-Gate even harder to research.
edit on 14-10-2023 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe

If Biblical prophecy is fulfilled and if Trump is the antichrist, or an antichrist (as previously hypothesized), then you would be wrong in your conviction. I'm sure this turn of events would cause some distress for those who've entrained themselves to believe in a much different outcome. That's why I was surprised to see that post starred in this thread.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: Bwarefalsprofits

Let's take this one step further and ask if Obama isn't an/thee anti-Christ? Nostradamus said that the anti-Christ would come from the east. Obama likes to tell people that he was born in Kenya.

Obama has the gift of talking to people and telling them what he wants in a way that makes them happy. We've seen this in how he openly told the world that he would run a third term by proxy.

We've also seem how Obama supported Humas and pushed the Palestinian agenda while ignoring every reasonable solution to the issues in the Middle East.

If this was true, then the whole "End-Times" narrative would already be in end-game territory and we would be hard pressed to stop it.

Now if anyone askes, I do not think that Obama is the anti-anything other than anti-American half the time. This was posted as a counter to the whole Trump = Anti-Christ.

Sometimes bad people can exist on their own morals and don't need to be an anti-Christ to achieve their badness.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I've had an intense distrust of Obama from day one, and saying things like the following did nothing to change my mind.

posted on Oct, 14 2023 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

From your proposition, we can take it a step further, still. What if Trump and Obama are both demons (or reptiles). Playing opposing sides of the same coin --- dark vs. light. Working together to usher in the end times and one world rule of the antichrist?

edit on 14-10-2023 by Bwarefalsprofits because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2023 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
Let's take this one step further and ask...

This totally misses the point. Someone in a Q thread, where people have been saying for 6 years that DJT is a white hat, makes a post saying DJT might be the biggest black hat of them all and it has 15 stars, at the time of this post.

Bwarefalsprofits is right, if that post turned out to be true, it would mean Q's was a huge con job, so who starred it? Was it anti-Q/DJT lurkers? Was it Q/DJT supporters who starred without actually reading and/or understanding what was posted?

So it isn't a game of "who else might be the AC", it is an odd occurrence in a Q thread where almost everyone posting, except for a couple of people, are pro DJT.

edit on 15-10-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

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