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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Albert Bourla wants to tap 'Chinese Science' for new treatments

McKinsey alert. This certainly caught my attention. " Pfizer has partnered with Chinese big pharma to market and manufacture the wonder drug Paxlovid. BioNTech won approval to provide its mRNA jabs in China BUT ONLY TO FOREIGNERS, AND NOT TO LOCALS.

If this wasn't bad enough- question everything.
Why was Biotech exempted from not forming business ties with Chinese companies? Nothing to do with Pfizer lobbyists I'm sure.
We should all have some serious trust issues, especially any products coming from Chyna.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I just wonder if this is the first Hamas call to action-

Israeli Diplomat stabbed in Beijing

While we are being distracted-
George Soros related

This is rather suspicious. Why close all these offices and cut back staff so drastically? I doubt that they have run out of money. Maybe they are trying to build a big war chess so that they can 'assist" in the next presidential election. Alex Soros has said that he is more political than his father, but regardless this is most odd.
Could it be that the white hats are winning?

Are you following the news today?
These people are REALLY stupid.
This will be the END of the D party.
This will be the path forward [w/public outrage]
to JAIL many of the so called "untouchables".
You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

A teacher in France got knifed while the attacker yelled "Allahu Akbar".


posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

FDA Ties to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Compliments from Jikkyleaks mouse patrol.

This is huge. We have the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation signing this MOU in 20[17]...
"They agreed to share information to 'facilitate' the development of innovative products, including medical countermeasures such as diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics to combat transmission during a plandemic."

It's is pointed out that by using this MOU that this circumvented the requirement for transparency. But there is more to all of this. The Gates Foundation also takes advantage of the revolving door.

Now we have a better understanding of how Billy 'the jabber' really took control over the response to the plandemic.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 11:50 AM
No c-span live streams from the House for a week now... bar short opening prayer and closure clips... What gives?


posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

This battle between Pfizer and Brook Jackson [Pfizer Whistle Blower] is not going away silently into the night.

Mouse Marianne Demasi- Leaked e-mail

"Having worked at the FDA, I see it surprising for many reasons, that the agency turned a blind eye to a company's knowing submission of fraudulent data."

"instead of the regulators protecting the public, in our case, they were complicit in a fraud."

Did I mention I have trust issues?

Pfizer stock price

Down she goes.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Obama Foundation Announces Agenda and Speakers for the 2023 Democracy Forum

This date does have significance for Obama.

Good catch.
Important people understand for future events.
Assumption or intel based?
All assets [F] [D] deployed.
[D] + China= 11.3.

This agenda appears to be the makings of a plan moving forward. I especially find the part about journalism and combatting misinformation interesting. Anyway I felt the timing of this might be important. I don't know how they will get people on board with the novel concept of trusting institutions. Hopefully they will post the meetings so that I can listen in.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Qmum tweet

This Israeli shekel really does look like the 9/11 attack. I checked in with the Fact Checkers -
Don't believe your eyes

Only the 3rd link works.
This shekel was 33 years before 9/11 where nearly 3 K people died.

The Wizards of 33: Occult Games of the Elite

I really am not clear on the use of Wizards in the ku posts. Are they black hats or white or are they trying to point out this link?

33 angel number

"The #33 means anything is possible. This powerful angel # is also known as a master number because of its double digits mirrors each other and its powerful vibrations."

Now we have the Obama foundation holding that meeting on the 3rd. I've been seeing a lot of 3's floating around.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

What you're trying to say is if western ruling elites are bad, that must mean eastern ruling elites are good? The enemy of my enemy must be my friend sort of scenerio?

Yep, mental gymnastics.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I find it fascinating that the ME is supporting China in any way or form. What about China's recent history with Muslims? Are they not ethnically cleansing some in their country? An actual purge going on in China but the rest of the Muslim world just sits back? To me it makes it obvious it's all for talking points and the ME could care less about the Palestinians.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Talk about a convoluted bunch of connections! ....from the Big Foundation to all the 501(c)3's and "non-profits" connected with the OF leadership team. (Reminder: Valerie Jarrett is the CEO of the OF).

Back in my naive period of life, I thought Big Charity and Big Foundations were altruistic organizations just out to make the world a better place. Ha! It's how some politicians and others create their opulent lifestyles after politics. They learn to bamboozle and serve special interest groups while in politics and then carry it over into "charitable" entities that have a bazillion tentacles. Heck! That's probably when they call in their chits. Didn't Bezos donate $100million to the OF? Hmmmm...Now what had Bezos received during the O administration? ...some pretty big contracts if I recall.

edit on 13-10-2023 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Your wizard comment caught my eyes.
I was just reading yesterday about Remphan which looks like the seal of Solomon or Star of David.
Lots of witchcraft and occultism type ties

So then what’s more curious still, is in 539BC (allegedly on 10/12) the Army of King Cyrus takes Babylon and frees the Jews. They worship him as their false messiah.

On 7/15/23 the Israel Heritage foundation gave DJT a Torah Crown. Their mission statement is to await King David’s descendent to bring peace and rule all nations

In February 2018 the Israelis minted a Temple coin, bearing the image of Donald Trump, alongside King Cyrus. On the back of said coin, is the 3rd temple. The operation Warp Speed coin and the Abraham accord coin also feature symbolisms.

Bill Maher once compared Trump to King Cyrus, saying that Cyrus is mentioned in the Bible in Isaiah 45 and DJT was President 45

On January 25, 2020 DJT becomes the first sitting president to touch Israel’s “Western Wall” his hand is on the wall at exactly 4:24pm

On January 26, 2020 Lev Parnes tells DJT that according to Jewish gematria, that his name equals the same number as the messiah. 424

Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on the 70th anniversary of its founding. He was born 700 days before Israel was in 1948. He was inaugurated when he was 70yrs 7mo and 7d old
The coin minted in 2018 coincides with the 70 year delta and on the back says” to fulfill 70 years”
Netanyahu was prime minister for 7 years 7 months and 7 days when trump was elected.
He beat Hilary by 77 electoral votes

On 7/18/2018, in his 77th week since inauguration, he was the 777th richest person in the world.

7 months after his inauguration the “great solar eclipse” happened on 8/21/17. It divided the nation in half. It passed through 7 cities named Salem. It entered the US via the 33rd state, and left the US at the 33rd parallel. DJT observed it from the White House, without protective glasses.
2 years later, on 8/21/19 he states on TV “I am the chosen one”

On 4/8/24 another “great solar eclipse” will slice the US in half, from a different direction, also passing through 7 cities named Salem.
Jerusalem was called “Salem” in both Genesis and Psalms

On 2/22/22 Zelensky was 44yrs and 4 weeks old and was in office for 33 months and 3 days.

On July 4th 1776 Pluto was in its Natal position, it returned to that position for the first time since 1776 on 2/22/22. 2x2x2x222=1776
The image of the clock on Independence Hall in the $100 bill shows 2:22
The date of plutos return to the next great eclipse 2/22/22 to 4/8/24 is 777 days
Donald John trump=888
Both Jesus and DJT mother was named Mary, aunt was named Elizabeth, and cousins named John.

DJT was born during a Blood Moon on 6/14/46. The “moonchild” is the secular Masonic chosen one.

This X account says DJT is the Masonic “trump card” to “save the world from darkness”

The Golan Heights name was changed to “Trump Heights” on 6/6/19. Within the Golan Heights is Mt Hermon. In Enoch 6 the fallen angels swear an oath on Mt Hermon to bind themselves against God “where they went one, they went all”

Israel was attacked 36 weeks before Trumps Birthday. (666 is the 36th tri)
The attacks happened 3yrs and 22 days after the signing of the Abraham accords.

Ingersoll Lockwood has a book called “The Last President”
They also wrote Baron Trumps marvelous underground journey, where Baron is given a 15th century manuscript from his fathers friend named Don. Describing a world within a world. Near the center of the earth. To reach it, is through a portal in Russia
The last president starts with a scene of a panicked NYC on Nov 3rd. It says the 5th avenue hotel would be first to feel the wrath of the mob. Trump hotel is on 5th avenue.
It even describes the address as “The 22nd down Broadway, the 7th down Madison Avenue.
22nd and broadway is the trump international hotel. 7th down Madison is the Trump Tower. Next to trump tower is a building called “Bucherer Time Machine”

Trumps grandmother was named Elizabeth Christ Trump. She died on 6/6/66

The great reset is obviously bad, driving people to the false light of the great awakening.

Thomas Horn has a book on Amazon called “The Rabbis, Donald Trump, and the top-secret plan to build the 3rd temple”

In the movie Back to the Future the theatre sign says “Assembly of Christ” Rev. John Crump

In 1958 a western show “Trackdown” featured a con man named trump coming to town claiming the world would be destroyed and he was the only one who could save them. On 6/14/23 trump said “I am the only one who can save this nation”

The Space Force hat was sold on DJT website on November 2019. When upside down, it appears to be an image of Baphomet
Space Force Delta 18 serves as the National Space Intelligence Center. It opened on 6/24/2022=666. On this very day, the moon aligned with 5 planets. The alignments began on June 5th. On that day, trump turned 666,000hrs old.

Trump was the 45th president 45=9
He may be the 47th president 47=11
Donald 119 in Jewish Gematria

The beast rises from the sea, and ends up in the lake of fire. Mara-Lago translates to “Sea-to-Lake”

Society is losing trust in the current order. Escalations in the Middle East and the only ones saying how to “solve” it, is by bringing back Trump. Otherwise, it’s just a bunch of people talking about the atrocities with no theoretical solution.

Maybe it’s all the Masonic Hegelian Dialect, order out of chaos.

It’s starting to seem more like they are simply playing God, trying to be the arhitect of the end times.

Remember, the people that already live in rebellion of God, do not need to see and praise the false prophet, it is Gods people who are to be deceived. And if Trump really does return and provide peace to the Middle East, then the shoe just might fit.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 06:41 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
a reply to: Imbackbaby
Not saying it didn't happen but interesting results when searching Hamas Israel Russia. Perhaps someone with a keener eye than mine can cross check.


deeper dive

I can prove the HAMAS incursion … … was a False Flag

Now for "agenda"
edit on 2023/10/9 by CrazyFox because:

Yeah I caught that regarding Israeli Intelligence stand down, to be fair they did didn't they? Warned and did nothing and allowed fancy kites to come in.

I caught this too Matrix

Rel should see the same "published" time as I, 11.36. 113 again. May show different elsewhere I dunno.

Quick update on the Navy Vet that calls in, he's not been here for around 10 days because he was in Hospital for a week.

Last time he was here he told me he had his most recent covid booster a few days before. He was in Hospital with chest pains, something going on with his heart. He's had 5 boosters and 6 or 7 in total. His words ...if it wasn't for the boosters he would probably be dead. He don't get it but I forgive him as he's a vet.

I hold my breath when he speaks, I ain't into that shedding malarkey.

edit on 13-10-2023 by Imbackbaby because: Kamela Haggis

ETA New pics of bigfoot, God bless the good old days.
edit on 13-10-2023 by Imbackbaby because: Bigfoot baby.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 07:12 PM
Just a quick list of possibilities regarding Israel and Hamas. So who did it?

1. Hamas.
2. Israel
3. Israel through Hamas, many believe Israel created Hamas.
4. Iran.
5. The west to create more war = more money (5 could link to 2 and 3.)
6. White Hat Operation.

One of these is true.

1-5 are all involved in child trafficking.

Didn't a planned parenthood building get blown off the map.

Things that make you go...hmmmmm.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 07:42 PM

originally posted by: G005E
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Your wizard comment caught my eyes.
I was just reading yesterday about Remphan which looks like the seal of Solomon or Star of David.
Lots of witchcraft and occultism type ties

So then what’s more curious still, is in 539BC (allegedly on 10/12) the Army of King Cyrus takes Babylon and frees the Jews. They worship him as their false messiah.

On 7/15/23 the Israel Heritage foundation gave DJT a Torah Crown. Their mission statement is to await King David’s descendent to bring peace and rule all nations

In February 2018 the Israelis minted a Temple coin, bearing the image of Donald Trump, alongside King Cyrus. On the back of said coin, is the 3rd temple. The operation Warp Speed coin and the Abraham accord coin also feature symbolisms.

Bill Maher once compared Trump to King Cyrus, saying that Cyrus is mentioned in the Bible in Isaiah 45 and DJT was President 45

On January 25, 2020 DJT becomes the first sitting president to touch Israel’s “Western Wall” his hand is on the wall at exactly 4:24pm

On January 26, 2020 Lev Parnes tells DJT that according to Jewish gematria, that his name equals the same number as the messiah. 424

Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on the 70th anniversary of its founding. He was born 700 days before Israel was in 1948. He was inaugurated when he was 70yrs 7mo and 7d old
The coin minted in 2018 coincides with the 70 year delta and on the back says” to fulfill 70 years”
Netanyahu was prime minister for 7 years 7 months and 7 days when trump was elected.
He beat Hilary by 77 electoral votes

On 7/18/2018, in his 77th week since inauguration, he was the 777th richest person in the world.

7 months after his inauguration the “great solar eclipse” happened on 8/21/17. It divided the nation in half. It passed through 7 cities named Salem. It entered the US via the 33rd state, and left the US at the 33rd parallel. DJT observed it from the White House, without protective glasses.
2 years later, on 8/21/19 he states on TV “I am the chosen one”

On 4/8/24 another “great solar eclipse” will slice the US in half, from a different direction, also passing through 7 cities named Salem.
Jerusalem was called “Salem” in both Genesis and Psalms

On 2/22/22 Zelensky was 44yrs and 4 weeks old and was in office for 33 months and 3 days.

On July 4th 1776 Pluto was in its Natal position, it returned to that position for the first time since 1776 on 2/22/22. 2x2x2x222=1776
The image of the clock on Independence Hall in the $100 bill shows 2:22
The date of plutos return to the next great eclipse 2/22/22 to 4/8/24 is 777 days
Donald John trump=888
Both Jesus and DJT mother was named Mary, aunt was named Elizabeth, and cousins named John.

DJT was born during a Blood Moon on 6/14/46. The “moonchild” is the secular Masonic chosen one.

This X account says DJT is the Masonic “trump card” to “save the world from darkness”

The Golan Heights name was changed to “Trump Heights” on 6/6/19. Within the Golan Heights is Mt Hermon. In Enoch 6 the fallen angels swear an oath on Mt Hermon to bind themselves against God “where they went one, they went all”

Israel was attacked 36 weeks before Trumps Birthday. (666 is the 36th tri)
The attacks happened 3yrs and 22 days after the signing of the Abraham accords.

Ingersoll Lockwood has a book called “The Last President”
They also wrote Baron Trumps marvelous underground journey, where Baron is given a 15th century manuscript from his fathers friend named Don. Describing a world within a world. Near the center of the earth. To reach it, is through a portal in Russia
The last president starts with a scene of a panicked NYC on Nov 3rd. It says the 5th avenue hotel would be first to feel the wrath of the mob. Trump hotel is on 5th avenue.
It even describes the address as “The 22nd down Broadway, the 7th down Madison Avenue.
22nd and broadway is the trump international hotel. 7th down Madison is the Trump Tower. Next to trump tower is a building called “Bucherer Time Machine”

Trumps grandmother was named Elizabeth Christ Trump. She died on 6/6/66

The great reset is obviously bad, driving people to the false light of the great awakening.

Thomas Horn has a book on Amazon called “The Rabbis, Donald Trump, and the top-secret plan to build the 3rd temple”

In the movie Back to the Future the theatre sign says “Assembly of Christ” Rev. John Crump

In 1958 a western show “Trackdown” featured a con man named trump coming to town claiming the world would be destroyed and he was the only one who could save them. On 6/14/23 trump said “I am the only one who can save this nation”

The Space Force hat was sold on DJT website on November 2019. When upside down, it appears to be an image of Baphomet
Space Force Delta 18 serves as the National Space Intelligence Center. It opened on 6/24/2022=666. On this very day, the moon aligned with 5 planets. The alignments began on June 5th. On that day, trump turned 666,000hrs old.

Trump was the 45th president 45=9
He may be the 47th president 47=11
Donald 119 in Jewish Gematria

The beast rises from the sea, and ends up in the lake of fire. Mara-Lago translates to “Sea-to-Lake”

Society is losing trust in the current order. Escalations in the Middle East and the only ones saying how to “solve” it, is by bringing back Trump. Otherwise, it’s just a bunch of people talking about the atrocities with no theoretical solution.

Maybe it’s all the Masonic Hegelian Dialect, order out of chaos.

It’s starting to seem more like they are simply playing God, trying to be the arhitect of the end times.

Remember, the people that already live in rebellion of God, do not need to see and praise the false prophet, it is Gods people who are to be deceived. And if Trump really does return and provide peace to the Middle East, then the shoe just might fit.

Excellent post, thank you

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 07:57 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
No c-span live streams from the House for a week now... bar short opening prayer and closure clips... What gives?


I've been ranting about the anemic House schedule every few days on Social Media sites. In summary, the U.S. House has been on vacation since Sept 30th and won't return until October 17th.

The House is in session only 117 days @ year. The rest of the days are "personal time" for members to do what they want. In other words, they are off-duty.

You hear wailing and gnashing of teeth over the U.S. House not having a Speaker, but from the schedule, it looks like House leadership doesn't think their jobs are important enough to be Full-Time endeavors. So having a "Speaker" is more tradition -based than need-based, except for a few actions.

$200,000 + Great Benefits, including only 117 days of required work per year!

Read all about it:

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: G005E

Talk to me G005E

Great post!!!

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: G005E

Thought provoking post. I'm surprised it was starred considering you hypothesized Trump as the antichrist.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 10:04 PM

We should all have some serious trust issues, especially any products coming from Chyna.

a reply to: Thoughtful2
Check labels and put back.
speaking of
Trust issues


Early in 2023, genomics scientist Kevin McKernan made an accidental discovery. While running an experiment in his Boston lab, McKernan used some vials of mRNA Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines as controls. He was ‘shocked’ to find that they were allegedly contaminated with tiny fragments of plasmid DNA.

click frown

The TGA did not require tests for genotoxicity or carcinogenicity before providing provisional approval and, eventually, full registration of both the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines. OGTR guidance strongly suggests such tests should be undertaken where there exists a risk of harm to human health.

For the #s
Bill Gates Sr., dead at 94, September 14, 2020, in very Satanic / Number of the Beast ritual (News on September 15)


edit on 2023/10/13 by CrazyFox because: bonus :')street safety starts soon.

posted on Oct, 13 2023 @ 10:46 PM
Can we see how Blackmail keeps the machine running in the shadows?
Can we see how manipulation uses the [blind] public as a weapon?
Can we see how it divides & keeps both sides trapped & controlled?
Can we see how our UNITY brings LIGHT.

Blind no more...
What if, we stopped throwing stones and judgment, and
instead choose to offer Comfort, Mercy & Forgiveness?
Peace = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

"Statue of Freedom" starts at 1:15 on video

The Surprisingly Complicated Symbolism of the Freedom Statue Mentioned in Trump's State of the Union

edit on 13-10-2023 by brewtiger2 because: (no reason given)

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