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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: Observationalist

We are suddenly getting all kinds of stories about the CIA and their involvement with Covid and their involvement in the media.

Brownstone Institute- If this scenario is true...

I'm not necessarily on board with everything stated here but Fauci could very well have been controlled by the CIA. Jeremy Farrar's is an interesting character. He was head of Wellcome Trust and now is Chief Scientist at the WHO.

WHO Announcement Jeremy Farrar

I have been checking in on his tweets.
Jeremy Farrar Tweet- He's optimistic about TB

"I have never been more optimistic in TB, that in this decade we will have tools to transform it."
Can't wait.

"But trust must be built now for an effective rollout in the future before a safe and effective vaccine is found."

Have I mentioned I have trust issues? Clinical trials and manufacturing are going to take place away from any real oversight although at this point what difference does it make? [quoting an infamous person] As we have seen the FDA does a dismal job with enforcement of regulations on drug and basic raw pharmaceutical ingredients manufacturing facilities in China and India.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 01:43 PM

edit on 28-9-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

The Rand Corporation has some very interesting policy suggestions moving forward from the current plandemic.

A Brief Overview of Emerging Vaccine Technologies for Pandemic Preparedness

Just soo many flavors of jabs- mRNA, nanoparticle, viral-like and universal. Decisions, decisions.

We should be thrilled, just thrilled that the Walter Reed Institute of Research is tinkering around with a Coronavirus vaccine.
The NIH is messing around as well funding a research team that is designing an "mRNA universal vaccine that included a viral protein from 20 different influenza types."

This is why I have trust issues- "The U.S. Government of Accountability Office has documented a lack of oversight of U.S. labs." Of course there is no teeth to their recommendations and no consequences if leaks happen.

They have big plans-Imagine getting jabs for any illness or disease, we will be pin cushions. Not once is it mention better nutrition, exercise or natural cures.

The bottom line is that the vaccine industry is big business, a major contributor to economies- this has nothing to do with health.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: G005E

And so I’m typically one of those people in here that wades thru what you or others could call “mud”
I’m okay with that because I don’t quite know otherwise. Obviously discernment is key, but a lot of times I just try and absorb what I’ve read and put pieces together.
I do have beliefs that I’m confident in and hills that I’ll die on, much of those are not contained within this thread. Most things for me have an expectation to change as information becomes available.

I have only one belief that's set in stone, and that is my unshakeable belief in a Creator. Who/what he is has evolved in my mind through the years.

Everything else is a conclusion of the information I have that makes the most sense at the moment, but may change in the next as new information becomes available.

I try my best to keep personal bias out of the information I gather and always research the opposing view. Weighing the two views usually points to plenty of obfuscation from both sides, which requires some common sense coupled with past experience with a dab of gut instinct to draw the most logical conclusions at the moment.

To invest in a belief system is to close ones' mind to reality, IMHO.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Brook Jackson Tweet

This is quite something- HHS acting like the marketing arm of Big Pharma coaching medical professionals on how to overcome
the vaccine hesitant or the rabid antivax clients. I rather like that term.

If the Rand Corporation has their suggestions taken up people will be more than jab exhausted. Oddly enough with all these boosters and new jabs for RSV, Mpox they are destroying their own products which means they will need to speed up the sniffing stations that Bill Gates wants.

Trust Us Mandy K Cohen

Joining forces I see. The CDC and HHS have not always had the same goals and objectives because they usually try to protect their own fiefdoms but it appears they see a mutual threat- Us and our open rebellion against the plan.

Chief Nerd has a zinger today.
Chief Nerd Tweet- use CRSPR to save the planet

This is ridiculous.

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I just watched all the videos in the series. Freud and Bernays set the foundation for the consumerism culture that drives the markets today. Bernays the father of Propaganda and Public Relations, leveraging the Psychology he leaned from Freud to set a legacy for emotional manipulation. The video walks you through the decades up to the Clinton era. The politics of the 80s were just an experiment in culmination of lessons learned through the years of manipulating the masses.

We are Watching a Movie
All the worlds a stage

20 min breakdown on Edward Bernays

The CIA worked with Bernays.
I’m sure the WHO is borrowing from the success propagan scripts of the past.
The CIA is interested in keeping the right people in office so they don’t have to Explode the head of another US president
They too want a drug to control the irrational humans.


posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: G005E

The problem is when all information is seen as valuable then all information loses value.

Some people spend time compiling huge piles of 'mud' because they believe the more mud you stockpile, the more wealth you attain. But really the only thing you've attained are piles of mud.

Other people take the piles of mud and extract meaning from them by carving, chisling and whittling them into something meaningful. Something useful.

Core truths are not found in the accumulation of information. They are found in eliminating layers of "mud" until you discover what's left.

edit on 28-9-2023 by Bwarefalsprofits because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Between vaccines, pharmaceuticals, GMO's, our polluted environment and entire food chain I don't see how it's possible to not change the entire physiology of the human body.

I feel strongly that whoever/whatever group is running the show considers the entire picture and the ramifications of what's being done to the human species.

All I can do is wonder why; to what end?

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: Bwarefalsprofits
a reply to: G005E

Core truths are not found in the accumulation of information. They are found in eliminating layers of "mud" until you discover what's left.

I like this. Thanks

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 07:56 PM

In five craniosacral treatments performed so far, holding the head with both hands repeated the perception of holding a completely hollow, empty head. The etheric brain and the pineal gland felt dried up and shriveled.

Also, the otherwise perceptible surficial craniosacral rhythm was not perceptible. With none of my other clients, after more than 20 years of experience, have I ever had such experiences.”

a reply to: Thoughtful2

OHHHH....maaaaannn....this is getting exciting!!!!replies

Éric Bégin
Sep 27
Posted 13:08
Drop 1308:
02-May-2018 10:55:33 PM EDT

edit on 2023/9/28 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Bwarefalsprofits

I like your answer, but it falls short.

Archons are part of a constructed belief system. Like all constructed belief systems, it's consensual agreement that makes them real. It's like reading a fairytale. A story created from imagination.

Truth often lies in the shade of imagination, and beliefs, like the rungs of a ladder, take us closer or further to it - a part of the process. You don’t have to be dogmatic, “spiritual,” or even construct a belief system. There is the Absolute Truth, and there are unknown unknowns. Every person is somewhere caught between the two.

If you read that story and you allow yourself to become emotionally engaged with it, you choose to suspend disbelief in order to envision it... feel the truth or reality of it... that's what makes it real. To you. You consent to this belief.

If you believe in Absolute Truth, at some point, you will have to engage if you are actively seeking it. The problem is the limited access to transcendental knowledge, and the limited patience of the individual. For the time being, I’ll only ask that you not insult my intelligence, for I would never intentionally try to insult yours.

The internet tells us:

Archon, in gnosticism, any of a number of world-governing powers that were created with the material world by a subordinate deity called the Demiurge (Creator).

In ancient Greece:

Archon, Greek Archōn, in ancient Greece, the chief magistrate or magistrates in many city-states. The office became prominent in the Archaic period, when the kings (basileis) were being superseded by aristocrats.

In Gnosticism, the archons (from Greek arkhon, “ruler”) were malevolent, sadistic beings who controlled the earth, as well as many of the thoughts, feelings, and actions of humans. They assisted their master, the demiurge, with the creation of the world, and continued to help him administer his oppressive rule.

Demiurge, Greek Dēmiourgos (“public worker”), plural Demiourgoi, in philosophy, a subordinate god who fashions and arranges the physical world to make it conform to a rational and eternal ideal. Plato adapted the term, which in ancient Greece had originally been the ordinary word for “craftsman,” or “artisan” (broadly interpreted to include not only manual workers but also heralds, soothsayers, and physicians), and which in the 5th century BC had come to designate certain magistrates or elected officials.

The demiurge (Greek demiurgos, “craftsman”) is the being who created the world in Gnosticism. The Gnostics identified him with the god of the Old Testament. The Gnostic scriptures portray him as ignorant, malicious, and utterly inferior to the true God who sent Christ to earth to save humankind from the demiurge’s evil world.

The term “archon” can be quickly defined in a number of similar but different ways, without blasting off to the land of make-believe. These terms can be expressed in a material way and then expanded on esoterically, using what the mystery schools have had in their possession for ages.

I hope you stick around because I intend to do just that.

edit on 28-9-2023 by T7ROOT7H because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2023 @ 10:24 PM
The true meaning of this symbol.

- The two-headed eagle represents the two distinct races of men
- Each head is the “ruler” of each race - the body, their alliance

- One race are the Sons of our Sun, ruled by a tyrant priest
- The other are the Sons of another star, ruled by a tyrant king

- One race of men are descendants of Samael, an Elohim.
- The other race of men are descendants of Seth, or Adam/Jehovah

- One race of men build cities to the sky – conquerors, lords, vying for power
- The other race of men are priests and stewards of the Earth, under their rule

- The Sons of Seth were and are still the true children of Earth, now of water
- The Sons of Samael are regents of fire, the master, dominant element

- The two heads are being torched for the emergence of the Aquarian Man
- The mystery schools accept both races and elect a Priest-King (hybrid)

- The Priest-King is trans-human, married spiritually, and reborn androgynous
- All Priest-Kings dictate our spiritual evolution and exist outside of time

edit on 28-9-2023 by T7ROOT7H because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 12:04 AM

edit on 29-9-2023 by FlyingFox because: NO TOUCHING!

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 12:07 AM
Bwarefalsprofitsare & Imbackbaby

Thank you both for your last few post! That was what I was hoping for, interesting, informative, & well explained. I enjoyed & learned something new.


posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 12:18 AM
Oh noes?? the box is getting smaller.
From: New York Post

The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Tuesday in a case that might invalidate the most powerful federal administrative agency ever created.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Community Financial Services Association of America is an appeal of the Fifth Circuit’s unanimous holding that the CFPB’s use of the Federal Reserve System to fund its operations violates the Constitution’s separation of powers.

That opinion declared that the agency’s “perpetual insulation from Congress’ appropriation power, including the express exemption from congressional review of its funding, renders” it unaccountable “to Congress and, ultimately, to the people.”

When it was enacted as part of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, the bureau assumed the administration of 18 existing federal statutes.

It was given unprecedented regulatory-enforcement powers, including the authority to conduct investigations, initiate administrative proceedings and litigate civil actions in its own name, potentially resulting in civil penalties as high as $1,000,000 for each day a violation occurs.

Its director, appointed by the president, can only be removed for cause, and the Federal Reserve must provide funding the director deems “reasonably necessary to carry out” the bureau’s responsibilities — up to 12% of the Fed’s operating expenses.

The unprecedented breadth of the CFPB’s powers has surrounded the agency with controversy ever since.

It’s taken more than 300 actions against American companies since it opened — many of which have harmed American consumers.

Though we might have forgotten but,

In 2020, Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for a 5-4 majority in Seila Law v. CFPB, held that the director’s insulated tenure was unconstitutional and imposed instead an “at will” standard, meaning a president can fire the agency’s chief.

Though he severed the tenure issue from the funding mechanism then (probably because there is no readily available substitute), Roberts noted the agency “acts like a mini legislature, prosecutor, and court, responsible for creating substantive rules for a wide swath of industries” and “levying knee-buckling penalties against private citizens,” with “no basis in history and no place in our constitutional structure.”

Two justices, Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, opposed the court’s severability decision, writing that “independent agencies pose a significant threat to individual liberty and to the constitutional system of separation of powers and checks and balances.”

It's very possible that this department will be either restrained back or may even be forced to close down.

Now I think that it's important to know that this story is an opinion piece, but that doesn't take away from the bits that I quoted, or the awareness that we should be aware of.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 12:23 AM
Ukrainian forces surrender by the thousands...

edit on 29-9-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 12:52 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
I guess this solves the budget problem. If Ukraine surrenders, then we don't have to send them money. And we all come here for -Q- related stories, I thought this was pretty Goofy.
From: New York Post

Three Disney employees, a school athletic director and a father who left his 1-year-old home alone to have sex were among 219 people arrested in a major human trafficking bust in Florida, authorities said Thursday.

The seven-day undercover operation earlier this month led to 44 felonies and 242 misdemeanor charges against the dozens of suspects – 35 of whom are suspected of being in the country illegally, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd said during a news conference.

Now wasn't there those "Debunked" stories about Disney and Epstein Island?
Also from: New York Post

he so-called “Princess of Uzbekistan” has been accused by Swiss authorities of leading an international crime organization that laundered hundreds of millions of dollars.

Gulnara Karimova — a socialite a daughter of former dictator Islam Karimov — has been accused of stealing hundreds of millions from Uzbekistan and bribing executives and global government officials, according to the Financial Times.

Karimova, 51, has been in an Uzbek prison since 2019 and was indicted in Switzerland Thursday on charges of heading the alleged crime syndicate.

She allegedly laundered the money through various companies and bank accounts that were based in the Swiss country.

The former UN diplomat’s organization is allegedly known as “The Office,” according to Swiss authorities, and was made up of more than 100 legitimate companies that were secretly working to hide stolen money to enrich its members, The Times reported.

Shades of Hunter there is it... Wait, did this company come up before in connection with a Biden/Bider?
This last story is gross, but funny only because of the names. It really comes across as messaging, but most likely not.
Also from: New York Post

A Russian convicted murderer who killed his girlfriend and put her body through a meat grinder — and who shares a last name with the president of Ukraine — has been pardoned for fighting in the war.

Dmitry Zelensky, 41, a Chechen war veteran from the Perm region, strangled to death 27-year-old Tatiana Melekhina with his bare hands in 2018 and then attempted to cover up the horrific crime by cutting up her body and turning it into mincemeat.

“I butchered her body, ran it through a meat grinder, collected the bones into three bags, and threw them in the river,” Zelensky was quoted as calmly telling investigators after turning himself in.

A year later, Zelensky was convicted and sentenced to 11 years in prison — but he served less than half of his term before being recruited in November 2022 by Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Wagner mercenary group to fight in Ukraine, according to Russian news outlets.

It's a weird world I guess. At least the impeachment wasn't be used as cover for any stories that seemed important. I mean how could it, nobody was covering it in the Cable Media Circus.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I don't recall Q saying much about the CIA. NSA and FBI mostly.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 01:33 AM
Technical question....

When a US government SHUTDOWN is in place, can an EBS be transmitted?

In other words, is EBS fully controlled by the military, or are there any other government employee points in the chain of execution? If the latter, are those employees ALLOWED to perform their functions during a shutdown?

I guess I'm trying to identify whether a shutdown would shut down a DC government EBS on Oct fourth but not a devolved COG govt EBS under White Hats military.

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 01:38 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

MSNBC and CNN covered the Biden Impeachment Inquiry, but only when certain Democrats were talking. The rest of the time, they had it minimized in a corner while their "experts" explained why Joe was a good guy and Trump was running the Impeachment. FoxNews covered it wall-to-wall. Actually, the impeachment inquiry hasn't yet started, according to James Comer. Thursday was just an overview for the public's benefit. More people are now aware of how Biden profited off of his name and power.

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