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Germany's Next Topmodel

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posted on May, 14 2023 @ 03:51 AM
Please watch this video, it is Mirella. And she's #ing-facemelting-adorable. Look at her.
And I know it's German, but give her a chance, there's also a poem in English for you in it.

I'll wait

Tell me she is not feminine.
There's no way any one with a heart can not think she's adorable.

And here's the issue with such profound medical interventions:
the younger the body the more likely it is to be able to deal with the changes. Our bodies 'crust' up a little, become less flexibel, the older you are the less 'complete' will your recovery be and it takes longer.
But the feeling you've been cheated out of the life you were supposed to have is a crippling cloud that most likely eventually will kill you.
That's not 'trans specific' that is the famous conditio humano. We all have that to varying degrees of severity.
You got straight hair you want curls. (vv = vice versa)vv. You're tall you want t to be petit. vv. All those things we are given often go unnoticed because of that one identity marker we (in stress situations, or emotionally, or however) just feel awkward/'wrong' & insecure about.
But Mirella in private is also a full human being and a person.
Doesn't she deserve happiness? Wouldn't you agree her parents' decision to fulfill her her wish was the right one?

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I absolutely agree and wish her the best in the competition. But, if she does well, you know somebody is going to bitch about it.

Which I think is pretty stupid.

+40 more 
posted on May, 14 2023 @ 04:59 AM
I recoil in disgust at all this. Every thing about the transgender agenda is vile and disturbing. They've turned this boy into a Super Freak.

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 05:00 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Its nice to see a happy person happy in themselves but....

Children play at life and have an extremely suggestive nature.

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: starviego

Freaks are cooler than haters.
You should meditate on that.

+40 more 
posted on May, 14 2023 @ 05:06 AM
Maybe YOU should meditate on why large percentages of the population hate the agenda and those pushing it on everybody.

+14 more 
posted on May, 14 2023 @ 05:27 AM
I believe in the person's right to do anything that is not against the law , or hurting anyone including themselves .
I also believe in genetics .
One can fake , but never change that . (at least in present day .)
Folks need to learn to believe , and be comfortable in themselves as they are .

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: starviego

You know there's an experiment:
Think about something you might find while out & about:
Like a red car, green jacket, yellow bag...
And I guarantee you you will see that everywhere.
The agenda is to support people where the medical 'technology' exists to prevent them from being doomed for life.
Like I said it's better for the body if these technologies get applied early.
Nobody tries to create 'trans' people, but so kids can know that it is a possibility before they're too old and that


There should be a rational discussion about the right approach.
But all that comes from you people is 'hate!' and hysterical pitch forking

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 05:30 AM
I'm not sure that the jackboots were a sensible choice really.

As for the trans bit, well, yeah she does look lovely, It raises another issue like you alluded to...the earlier someone can begin a transition, the more complete it will be...Though when you consider we won't let anyone under 18 get a tattoo or even buy makes me wonder what you can actually do not to cause some harm here.

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

A tattoo would look super #ed up if your body keeps growing.
And cigarettes because you identify as 'cool'... nobody who really wanted to smoke under 18 was ever really prevented from doing so.

I'm not really familiar with how the transition process works, I'd just love it if we could acknowledge we're all just people in the end.

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: Peeple

The real reason you cant be trusted with a tattoo is more because when you are a kid you make more crazy decisions.

Hell if I could have had a tatt when I was 14 or 15 I would probably have had to spend money covering up a swastika by now. Or some less offensive but equally useless thing.

I get that allowing the hormone therapy earlier will work better, its down to how you know is what the kid really wants, rather than the trendy parents.

Its why I dont like the self certification thing they tried bringing in in Scotland. I can understand a Doctor or Psychiatrist saying this person believes they are not the sex they appear to be.
I can't believe a person with no medical input to the same degree

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: SprocketUK

But that's exactly the problem, your child is your responsibility, otherwise parenting wouldn't work.
The doctor sees your child sporadically for an hour if that. You raise it.
The doctor will feel much less pain about messing your kid up than you.

+29 more 
posted on May, 14 2023 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: starviego

Freaks are cooler than haters.
You should meditate on that.

It is very concerning that there are people who see concern as hate.
I am 100% sure that nobody here hates this young person who is almost indistinguishable from a female.
However I can still see the male. Not immediately, they cut this well, but near the end I saw it.

I see rhis in every single male who wants to be a female, it's hard wired.
This person at least isn't acting camp, this person seems to genuinely act like their female peers. Which is nice for this person, whom I wish nothing but happiness in their life.

Does that sound like hatred to you?

If this is from GNTM, then the winner is already chosen. It's going to be the genetic male who is brave and stunning.
None of the genetic females need to get their hopes up.

It hurts, it hurts to be overshadowed by males, who now do it unconsciously and yet for their own feelz.
This person could live happily a life amongst people, get a job and nobody would mind.

Here is a little exercise for those blinded by hatred against women.
Put yourself in our shoes for a moment.

Women aren't men, we are real humans who have suffered by the hand (and other parts) of men since the dawn of time.
Millions still do. We are beaten, raped, abused, trafficked and still in far too many places not allowed to enjoy the same freedom as men.

This is for very specific, biological and anatomical reasons. Males gonna male with their strength and testisterone and willy urges. In top of that there are characteristic assholes who really hate women.
Every hour 6 women are killed by a male globally.

So when members of this aggressive gender suddenly dress up like a woman, take our medals, our acknowledgements, our jobs, our little niches, our safe spaces we have fought for so hard, it looks different from a female perspective.

Now add to this the overwhelming fakes who do this for their own sexual gratification and a lot of them hate women.

Now imagine you have managed to build at last shelters or locker rooms or any place at all where previously or currently abused, violated and raped women can feel safe because they are rightly scared skittless of males...and we now have ro let those in, because they have put on a dress and claim they are a woman.

Needless to say, many women have been assaulted by these males, with their male penises.

Nightmare fodder is, we are not allowed to voice our concerns or we are called names now. Haters, transphobes, bigots etc.

Before it was easy. No men in women's spaces, not for fun, like men in Gentlemen's clubs but out of necessity. But now we have to let them in.
We have to let them dress like us, read to children whilst indoctrinating them to either get confused or become more open to adult males wanting sex with them and see it as normal.

If you are now telling me with one example, that not all of them are bad eggs, I shrug my shoulders because in all honesty it doesn't matter as long as bad eggs are treated the same as a kid who wants to be what he isn't.
They are all treated like royalty and nobody dares to tell off a man in a dress.

So, bravo men. You won again. Women are on the backburner as some of you want us to be.
It's just that there is too much bad stuff that happened and it feels very patronising and outrageous to have to bow to all males who want to be us and who are happy to step over our rights, feelings and concerns.

As they say, it sure is a man's world.

I too

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: Peeple

I bet she's also better than her rivals in what really matters to win GNT...

we'll have the usual intimidated women that fear they'll lose their advantage over men. The homophobes getting worked up for being attracted to a men, and every other fear driven agenda. Because she has XY chromosomes.

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Reminds me of a song by The Kinks ...Lola...

Check out the lyrics.

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 06:05 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: SprocketUK

But that's exactly the problem, your child is your responsibility, otherwise parenting wouldn't work.
The doctor sees your child sporadically for an hour if that. You raise it.
The doctor will feel much less pain about messing your kid up than you.

Parents in general are selfish idiots. They are just people like the rest of us.
I wouldnt trust the average one to mind my pint while I went to the bogs.
Doctors however have to train hard and every decision they make has to come from a place of doing no harm else they can lose their accreditation.

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: surfer_soul
a reply to: Peeple

Reminds me of a song by The Kinks ...Lola...

Check out the lyrics.

I used to think about that song every time I drank cherry coke

edit on 24pSun, 14 May 2023 06:06:24 -050020232023-05-14T06:06:24-05:00kAmerica/Chicago31000000k by SprocketUK because: spelling

+2 more 
posted on May, 14 2023 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: Terpene

I think you are doing that thing so many trans warriors do which is completely disregard women's genuine complaints about this.

There was a male in the Cambridge women's rowing team the other day. If you really expect me to believe that someone born female can compete with someone born male like that then I will know you are just a bigot of another colour.

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 06:09 AM
Is that show to exploit young people (formerly to exploit girls but now as it seems, to exploit whatevers too) still a thing?

I mean, who still watches such a trash , they search for their "supermodel" since, what, maybe decades meanwhile and didn´t find it yet, so they never will. A few of the "Määäääääädchen" (Klump) made a bit of career after that show for a while. Or beetr one of them, Lena Gehrke was her name if i remember right. But she made career at Pro7, the channel which broadcasts that trash and not on the catwalks in Milano or Paris. Btw, Paris, i remember how Karl Lagerfeld said something about Klum, something like: Klum? We don´t know her on the catwakls in Paris, who is she?

Not even the younger people i know still watch that scripted reality trash because everybody knows that it´s scripted BS and the "winner" is already determined in advance. Most of them simply can´t also bear Heidi Klum, her voice, how she behaves. Really wondering who still watches that trash because all the younger people don´t any watch any TV anymore, they are streaming Diseny, Netflix etc BS instead of watching TV BS all day long if their internet access allows it to them.

Btw, the only winners in that sh!tshow are the Klum clan around father Klum. And Pro7 if the manage to get three to ten people to still watch that trash. but nobody else, especially not the "Määäääääääädchen".

But that´s how bread and games works, mustn´t make any real sense, main thing is to distract from real problems and to pretend an ideal world while the reality around people doesn´t look like that.

To that trans agenda that is pushed on 99.9% of the people who don´t have any problems with their natural sexuality and with that trans issues: If there is a tiny minority, pushed by the propaganda MSM and the actual current thing pushers in "politics", and this tiny but loud minority wants to force their rules upon the vast majority of the people, than "somehow" the people get a "bit skeptical", especially in Germany, with our history.

posted on May, 14 2023 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: Hecate666


originally posted by: starviego
Maybe YOU should meditate on why large percentages of the population hate the agenda and those pushing it on everybody.

was the post I was replying to. I didn't add the bold this is the original.

It hurts, it hurts to be overshadowed by males, who now do it unconsciously and yet for their own feelz.

OMG lol cut the crap. What guys have is a stronger body and a bigger drive, those are things me as female don't even attempt to compete in with men.
But I have on average higher intelligence, am less likely to kill someone and the natural ability to bring forth life.
So it seems to me that's a self worth issue you have, not reality.

dares to tell off a man in a dress.

The opposite is true, they get heckled all the time everywhere.

So, bravo men. You won again. Women are on the backburner as some of you want us to be.

You maybe. If that's your thing fine. I don't mind.
I love men. Men are awesome beasts. And the forgotten truth is men go out into the world and have their silly games and battles, while we women are who create everything they fight for. Home, family, joy, beauty, life...

edit on 14-5-2023 by Peeple because: lol quoted the quote

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