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Teenage Girls Are Having a Rough Time

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posted on May, 9 2023 @ 01:00 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018
How do you get the parents to be more involved if you don't take away or at least limit the distractions?

Age limits or permissions.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Personally, I'd reverse that.

Firstly, it's lack of parental involvement, then Social Media. But that's mostly semantics.

Teen girls have it, too, do boys, just not in the same ways.

If girls aren't slender, and toned--they're treated differently. Same with boys--if they aren't athletes or the like--they're treated differently

By differently, I mean looked down upon in many ways.

But you hit the nail on the head.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 02:43 PM
The problem: American society is going in reverse if it treats the people who can keep society populated, like sh!t.

The Solution: Find another gear.

I have no hope that will happen though.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 04:42 PM
Social media
Lack of a spiritual foundation or purpose
Lack of an intact family with positive male role models
Low self-esteem in part because of the above points
Toxic feminism/misandry
Thanks to that toxic femininity, lack of respect for girls (and boys honestly) who do not want to be sexually promiscuous, leading to unwanted sexual encounters and behaviors they don't really want to participate in
Culturally, lack of respect for women who are traditional/feminine and choose to stay at home, build a beautiful home environment and raise children and the men who support them
Culturally for teen girls, it literally isn't okay to be pretty and feminine (except for the fake pretty on SM and porn) hence the making themselves as ugly as possible because they can't meet the "standard" so why bother
Cultural wars between men and women and now throw trans women into that mix...

All leading to Cognitive Dissonance. Girls literally fighting against their very natures.
edit on 9-5-2023 by SideEyeEverything because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

I will say it there is a loudmouth trans faction that isn’t representative of the normal trans folk but it isn’t hard to understand why they feel threatened if not under attack. There’s been something like 500 anti-trans and LGBTx bills proposed this legislative session alone and compared to the GOP creating all these bills, the trans “political force” is a puny pittance in comparison.

So what came first in the chicken or egg scenario as in 500 bills or trans activism? I think it is more like liberal activism overall and trans are just on for the ride. Why were not trans breaking all women's sports records 10 years ago? Why were they not pushing sex changes in kids 10 years ago? It wasn't like there was less trans back then. We have progressives pushing new normals telling everyone just to STFU and accept it all, well that isn't how it all works.

The so-called GOP is pushing back on a huge pile of new reality BS. I would bet 500 of those bills deal with sports and kids, do you disagree?

How can you say that especially if you go back 20, 30, 40 or 50 years ago when I entered the workforce? Tell me what is worse for you now than it was 10 years ago other than the pressure that women have always been under? Sure, girls today seem to have it rougher as indicated by the report I started with and I would have a pretty hard time as a parent raising a daughter or a son today but I don’t feel any worse off and in fact am better than I can recall. BTW, my daughter is going on 49 and my grandson is 26.

What pressure are women under today that isn't self-induced? I would say the pressure on men is much worst today than 10 years ago. Young men all over the world are saying F it and go play computer games avoiding women altogether as they have become so toxic no one wants to be around them, even themselves.

I think this issue lies with your misogynist mindset and view of women, not in reality.

Our family's collective kids, male and female, are doing well and in good relationships, they are loved and lovable, are good parents and work hard. Proud of all of them.

Not all are so lucky but it certainly isn't solely women's or girl's faults for the way the world is today. The younger generations are badly influenced by media but most of them are not messed up by it.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: dlbott

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:20 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

Fortunately though maybe more rare, those guys, the "real men" are still out there for those of us that might appreciate that sort of thing.

There seems to be some other things going on too as most young women today rate themselves extremely high in a narcissistic attitude style while having extremely high expectations of what their average for men looks like. I'll just say that a woman not really attractive, not in any shape, has no job, no educational or skill set direction, bad attitude etc is not a 10, but just ask

On the other hand, we would say a 9 or 10 guy would just break their threshold of acceptance, such as must have a 6-figure job, being ripped, and being ready to spend on them like there ain't no end. The average guy can not compete against that, so they don't even try.

These are extremes seen on the internet, those that shout the loudest. Average people, the vast majority, don't behave like this.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: SideEyeEverything

All leading to Cognitive Dissonance. Girls literally fighting against their very natures.

"their very natures"... very telling as it allows no alternative. Not all girls have the same nature.

As a young girl I fought against the feminine role model but it was because MEN had long decided that I must fit a certain, very limiting, mold in order to be accepted. That mold ensured women would toil into eternity as servants to men and not question it. It was all I saw around me in the 70's. I don't fit the mold one bit. I'm not motherly and I'm not even clean. I hate cooking. This isn't because I fought against it, I genuinely don't enjoy it. Fishing/hunting/farming/gardening, yes. Had my passion in life been housekeeping and children I may not have noticed the extent of the oppression. Don't get me wrong, I admire people with nurturing but it's wrong to force it on half the species simply because they have certain chromosomes.

We were told mothering wasn't as valuable as any man's work, women's work never ended as she waited hand and foot on children all day and men did little to help, my dad told me he wouldn't hire a male dental assistant as a man could do better, my grandma made baked potatoes with all the fixings and my grandpa threw it in the garbage because he expected meat and potatoes.

I don't see any of this bs among the young today. They are much more equal except women's wages are still much lower and I don't mean risky jobs, just overall. Women today are free to be themselves and that seems to still be irking a lot of men.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: LSU2018

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

So what do you folks think? What is to blame and what is the solution?

All I can say is that I am glad I’m not raising a child in today’s climate.

Social media...

Social media ain't helping, but blaming it all on social media is a cop out. There's a lot more at play.

I believe that the primary problem is the breakdown of family. Girls need a strong father figure. Women are inherently built to seek out protection, a covering. Men are built to provide that. (There is no such thing as "toxic masculinity; if it's toxic, it is not masculine. Actually, if it's toxic, it's going to be more feminine in nature. I'll explain that in a moment ...)

Second, this wicked, perverted thing they call feminism has convinced so many females that they don't need a man in their life. They do.


Nothing more wicked than an evil system centuries ago that took women out of a tribal situation and into the nuclear family, put men on a pedestal and gave them all the rights leaving women at the mercy of the men in their life. The vast majority may have had dads/husbands that loved them but if not, abusers had free reign while women couldn't complain. Rape was legal in marriage. Women were not considered people by law.

Going back to the old days doesn't have to mean going back to when women could be abused. Come on now. That's as silly as people claiming that going back to the old days would mean bringing slavery back.

Fair enough, but I was trying to explain that there had been a valid need for feminism.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: igloo
I think this issue lies with your misogynist mindset and view of women, not in reality.

How can you say that when every post I make on this subject is to defend women? Any woman I talk of as you suggest are ones trying to destroy what they have, who they are...

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: igloo

These are extremes seen on the internet, those that shout the loudest. Average people, the vast majority, don't behave like this.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil.... Please explain to me why are there biological men destroying women's sports records.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
The squeaky wheel gets the oil.... Please explain to me why are there biological men destroying women's sports records.

I really thought we had moved beyond talking about trans people in this thread? Must we really go there again?

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 10:32 PM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

I really thought we had moved beyond talking about trans people in this thread? Must we really go there again?

I didn't start it... but anyhow...
edit on 9-5-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: igloo

I don't see any of this bs among the young today. They are much more equal except women's wages are still much lower and I don't mean risky jobs, just overall. Women today are free to be themselves and that seems to still be irking a lot of men.

Enjoy the crappy life that men

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

My 20s were the 80s and I had little money, but when you looked at my expenses they were small too. Simple/cheap cooked meals were the norm. I like never ate out except for the rare fast food. Eating out was what you did with your My one vice was to party and even that was typically done on the cheap side of things. I also had a roommate until my mid-30s because true privacy is a privilege and not some right. So we are not even talking old old days here. I have actually spelled out how one could live today on 1600 a month or so, but it is closer to my 20s style than what young people today think the norm is.

Ethics are better taught in order to save time but the risk is the student might never have a clue, working it out along the way puts the individual into a sink or swim scenario. Perceptions and necessity go hand in hand. It's why I mentioned wash houses and baking bread... Ain't nobody got time for that in this world anymore.

Young people still think the quality of life today is way worst than at any other time in history and they just do not have a clue. We are at a peak never seen before with much of that is the convenience you talk about. Maybe we have too much free time on our hands, and that is what is causing all the mental issues.

In many ways the quality of life has declined drastically. We've extended the average lifespan whilst placating the things that used to destroy us all whilst creating an ecosystem that really isn't conductive to existence.

Free time? Sure, bags of it... But most don't really understand how to spend it

They are on their phones about 16 hours a day... That got to have some effect on them...

What is real?
What is reality?

Mental issues are usually developed, we've already had the better half of a century playing silly sausage with social dynamics and I see society as a square peg trying to fit into the wholeness of human existence. What do kids do? They often try to fit in, it's a development thing and I'd say it's easy to blame the new wave for all these wet little minds. We need to scrutinize a lot harder and deeper since non of these issues are new to us. They're just exaggerated due to social media and the ways we live now.

I'm a boomer having kids late in life and I raised them slowly always saying let them grow on their own timeline as being a kid only comes once and is short. Even in HS, I told them to just enjoy it and that they do not need to do some fast-track program to college that will come later. They had a stay-at-home mom their whole lives too as I worked in the Military and then as a contractor after I retired, so I was always busy going somewhere. Today they are well-rounded, with no mental issues, and no need for drugs, steady relationships, zero drama... one just graduated as an Electrical Engineer and the other will be a doctor in 3 years just enjoying life along the way.

We've talked about social issues like this before and you've mentioned your angle in the past too, you needn't me to tell you a good job was done in a world that's becoming harder to raise decent kids. Sounds like you created a great foundation for a family, many people struggle with the 'being away from home' thing. It was a rare thing to be away from the family up until the industrial era.

So many of their friends are on some antidepression drugs and I'm like what the hell do you need to be depressed about?

If issues are problematic a doctor will provide a prescription. We could call them clinical activists that never deviate from the methodology of what works but I like to see it as it is. A medical provider providing the quick and effective route to a semblance of normalcy. Doctors and nurses have a heavy payload to carry and are restricted by time. The thing is all these issues can be mostly avoided by the application of a proper family unit.

I'd say ask the kids what the issues are, those are personal issues though so one needs to built up a rapport. There's all sorts of things a developing mind can be depressed about. If it's a teenager the issues often came from earlier development although social dynamics of youth are a serious issue these days. How many kids are in a hurry to be an adult?

I know I lost a lot of youth trying to adult but then again I wasn't around people who did adulting well
It's often a case of parents biting off more than they can chew and/or being ill prepared for the tasks ahead. The village used to help. Times change.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: LSU2018

You could teach em how to fish, garden or even hunt.

Kinda hard to text when actively doing things, teach em instead of telling them how much they're missing.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 06:58 AM
Whatever that obsession they have that makes them put on make up. You’ve heard most women, they even go so far as to consider it their “normal” face. I guess materialism is what ruins young women the most. Parenting is probably the best way to do battle the media onslaught of consumerism and materialism. Moms need to stop dolling themselves up and just be natural (it is by far a woman’s best look anyway). And hey if you have a huge mustache like the gal on the Amazon commercial, who cares? There is probably some really hairy guy out there for you. But at the end of the day, materialism is killing women. You would think having the internet would allow people to chill out and just be natural. But the reverse happened. It’s like they doubled down on the make up, clothing and materialistic phoniness
edit on 10-5-2023 by Salamandy because: Fancied up a few words

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: igloo

You missed my point entirely. I'm not talking about ALL girls and women. I'm saying there are a lot of girls out there who are fighting against their natures, whatever their nature is. But for the girls who want to be more traditional, society and the toxic strain of feminism won't allow girls to feel okay if they DO choose a more feminine, traditional path. Even in your post, you allude to it. As if men force women into looking or being a certain way implies a woman can't choose for herself. If anything, society now is forcing women and girls to think something is wrong with them if they WANT a masculine man to be the breadwinner so she can create a quiet happy home filled with children.

Honestly, its hard on boys too. They've been trained to think masculinity is bad and all girls are gold diggers.

The breakdown began when TPTB stopped making it almost almost impossible to survive on one income and women went to work, paired with the idea that lots of sexual partners was just dandy. Its just not working.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: SideEyeEverything

Yes! Society actively denigrated the idea of being a homemaker, especially if it's the woman who does it. The act like you are only doing it because your man makes you and that's even worse if you add in the idea of faith.

My husband and I discussed it. He would have stayed home had it been practical, but for a host of reasons, it wasn't. I did that duty, and I am very far from tradwife or girly either one. What I am is practical and want the best for my son.

These days, hubs mostly works from home, so he does that duty and guess who's phone posting from the office?

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 08:15 PM
# I'm sure they are because I'm a 27 man and I'm a complete wreck. Isolated from everyone I was friends with. My ex texted me to tell me she doesn't want to be friends just she know I was wondering about her and that she's a manager at a store and got her own apartment and at peace. I tell her I'm doing good. No reply. I now have her number in my phone again. But she doesn't want to hear from me. I believe people get riled up by the full moon and other astrological occurrences and physically attack me. She is one of those people. So she probably can't make sense of it. So yeah. And yknow existence and all. I'm glad I never had kids because this world is way too wild.

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