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Teenage Girls Are Having a Rough Time

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posted on May, 8 2023 @ 06:56 PM
In a shocking 89 page report page report issued by the CDD titled Youth Risk Behavior Survey – Data Summary & Trends Report, some alarming facts have been uncovered.

  • 15% of teen girls said they were “forced to have sex”—or, in other words, raped—marking a 27% increase over two years.

  • One in three said they had seriously considered suicide in 2021 (up about 60% from a decade ago)

  • 13% said they had attempted suicide in the last year—double the percentage of boys who reported the same.

  • 60% (3 in 5) of teenage girls reported feeling “so persistently sad or hopeless” almost every day for at least two weeks, which was also double the percentage of teenage boys reporting this.

  • Teen girls also reported higher rates of alcohol and drug use and higher exposure to cyberbullying.

And, likely speaking to the disproportionate rates of cyberbullying that teen girls reported by the CDC in contrast with teen boys, a September study revealed online incels had become more predatory and radicalized. Researchers found members of the most popular incel forums—which are viewed by 2.6 million people per month—mention the word “kill” every 37 minutes and “rape” every 29 minutes. The subjects of their ire are, predictably, women and girls, already facing endemic sexual violence and mental health struggles.

Teenage Girls Are Really Having a Bad Time Right Now

Teen girls ‘engulfed’ in violence and trauma, CDC finds

Hoover and others pointed out it is unclear whether the data is influenced by other factors — if girls were more aware of depressive symptoms than boys, for instance, or more inclined to report them — or whether girls are simply far worse off. Richard Weissbourd, a psychologist and senior lecturer at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, said there is probably not a single cause to explain the data but rather interacting causes that vary by race, ethnicity, class, culture and access to mental health resources. Even so, he said, “girls are more likely to respond to pain in the world by internalizing conflict and stress and fear, and boys are more likely to translate those feelings into anger and aggression,” he said. Boys are more likely to “mask depression,” he said, while girls may be more vulnerable to social media and “a culture obsessed with attractiveness and body image.”

So what do you folks think? What is to blame and what is the solution?

All I can say is that I am glad I’m not raising a child in today’s climate.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion
They scare the s99t out of me.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 07:22 PM
I would simply say it is not just girls but women period. Really it is all of us under attack with this forced woke LGBTQ stuff. It is simple, they hate women because they have reproductive organs. The attacks will continue.

I am raising young toddler grandchildren. One is girl. It saddens me the world she is facing.

They still young but wicked smart, anyone have home schooling experience.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

So what do you folks think? What is to blame and what is the solution?

All I can say is that I am glad I’m not raising a child in today’s climate.

Social media...

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

So what do you folks think? What is to blame and what is the solution?


tom anderson, chris dewolfe MY Space

mark the lying little thief zuckerburg Fake Book

ccp TikTok

numerous others social media platforms and porn.

sure teens, especially girls have always had with social interaction problems, ie the clicks, being trendy, fitting in. but in the past it wasn't in their face 24/7/365, like now. they could get away from it for a while at home with family and true friends. nowadays people who they don't really even know other than on the internet 100's, 1000's miles or the whole world away can pile on and torture them.


that's tough to answer. social platforms are so ingrained into the cultures of the world today you just won't be able to just cut it off. another thing i failed to mention in the blame is the parents, many of them are just as hooked on social media as their kids. when you go out and you see a whole family sitting together all looking down at their phones makes one wonder how did we get to this point.
edit on 8-5-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

So what do you folks think? What is to blame and what is the solution?

All I can say is that I am glad I’m not raising a child in today’s climate.

Social media...

That's it .

Social Media is the worst thing to happen to Society in a Century.

It brings the absolute worst out of people .

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Not just social media but the TV as well. Along with the film industry. If you look at all the lifestyles nobody seems to be poor and struggling. Girls like to be socially acceptable probably more so than boys judging by all the fashion accessories, so if they are influenced by the media then since they can't afford the lifestyles proffered then they are going to feel like losers.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 07:54 PM

originally posted by: dlbott
I would simply say it is not just girls but women period. Really it is all of us under attack with this forced woke LGBTQ stuff. It is simple, they hate women because they have reproductive organs.

Under attack with forced LBGTQ stuff? What, are they knocking on your door and trying to convert you or something? I can't say I share your feelings.

And who is "they", the gays? If it's the trans, that's just a bunch of manufactured overblown hysteria and I don't feel threatened although I wouldn't mind if that whole thing would chill a bit and they would just shut the hell up.

Certainly, at the age to be caring for grandchildren, how can you not admit that women are better off in society than we've ever been in terms of freedoms, protections and opportunities? I'm close to 70. I've seen things worse.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 08:04 PM
Yeah, social media and popular culture.

If I was raising kids today, they would probably run away? I would be the most hated and most controlling parent in the world and my kids would be ostracized for not having phones, TicToc, Insta, Snap or Fakebook or any of that crap with a computer in a busy observable family location.

LOL, maybe I'd even take them and run away to some off-grid commune?

So lucky kids and grandkids are all grown adults, otherwise, I would be a monster!

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow
It's such a shame.

Remember when this started?

It could have been something so different but it's just another tool to separate us

This is very pessimistic but the path of social media may very well be predicting our future.

We care less about being good than looking good online.

edit on 8-5-2023 by collie because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

Coincident with rise in "sex education" deviancy in schools.


posted on May, 8 2023 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

how can you not admit that women are better off in society than we've ever been in terms of freedoms, protections and opportunities?

That certainly doesn't pertain to the women and girls loosing in the sports arena to men who 'feel' like women, or their lack of safety in the locker rooms from the increasing number of attacks these new 'women' are committing on them.

There's a thread on a little six year old girl that was forced to perform sex acts under the table on boys during class. The woke agenda -complete with graphic books in elementary schools teaching little ones how to perform sex acts in all forms isn't creating a safer world for girls-or boys, IMO.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 08:45 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

So what do you folks think? What is to blame and what is the solution?

All I can say is that I am glad I’m not raising a child in today’s climate.

Social media...

Social media ain't helping, but blaming it all on social media is a cop out. There's a lot more at play.

I believe that the primary problem is the breakdown of family. Girls need a strong father figure. Women are inherently built to seek out protection, a covering. Men are built to provide that. (There is no such thing as "toxic masculinity; if it's toxic, it is not masculine. Actually, if it's toxic, it's going to be more feminine in nature. I'll explain that in a moment ...)

The breakdown is at least two-headed.

First, so many broken families means that kids too damned often don't have a father in their lives. Boys will be able to fake it better than girls. A boy without a father will often buck up and act macho and tough. It's not that they'll be "fine," just that their machismo will enable them to fake it through better. This, however, will eventually develop into what is falsely called "toxic masculinity," but most those "toxic masculine" boys will have spent more time with women; this is why so-called "toxic masculinity" is rooted in twisted femininity. The girls can't fake the needed masculinity so it's more evident in their lives.

Second, this wicked, perverted thing they call feminism has convinced so many females that they don't need a man in their life. They do. It's like if somebody convinced you that you didn't need to drink water so you stop drinking water. You get thirsty and they tell you that that's not thirst, it's just the wonderful feeling of being liberated from the false need of water.

Then you die of dehydration.

Yeah, just like that.

Add the crap that social media shoves down the throats of already starved women and girls and you're just adding insult to injury.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

edit on 2023 5 08 by incoserv because: formatting error.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

originally posted by: dlbott
I would simply say it is not just girls but women period. Really it is all of us under attack with this forced woke LGBTQ stuff. It is simple, they hate women because they have reproductive organs.

Under attack with forced LBGTQ stuff? What, are they knocking on your door and trying to convert you or something? I can't say I share your feelings.

Not actual trans people but the agenda! Trans people themselves are a small minority but it's the widespread changes in society to accommodate the woke agenda that are a problem.

Can you imagine being a young girl nowadays if you were into a certain sport knowing there's no chance in hell you'll ever win against XY chromosomes? Or having to share a toilet with any guy who says he's a girl? (not meaning a passing trans girl but an opportunistic young male who may exploit it) Being accused of "transphobia" if you complain about these situations when in your heart you hold no hate for actual trans people? Or a teenager seeing the news and knowing that society no longer values women enough to protect them from rape in jail by trans (those who happen to be known predators, to clarify)?

As a female who used to be a teenager and was always aware of injustice in the world, I know this would have been a real massive downer for me as a teen.

But personally, I think social media has done most of the damage as it attacks from so many angles, against most people, not just girls.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 08:56 PM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

originally posted by: dlbott
I would simply say it is not just girls but women period. Really it is all of us under attack with this forced woke LGBTQ stuff. It is simple, they hate women because they have reproductive organs.

Under attack with forced LBGTQ stuff? What, are they knocking on your door and trying to convert you or something? I can't say I share your feelings.

Are you living under a rock in a forest somewhere? They don't have to knock... they are in our schools, in our sports and in our politics. I was an active member of the LGBT community for over 20 years and quit when they made the big push to normalize pedophilia. Where where you on that?

And who is "they", the gays? If it's the trans, that's just a bunch of manufactured overblown hysteria and I don't feel threatened although I wouldn't mind if that whole thing would chill a bit and they would just shut the hell up.

I'm as a Bi probably what you would call "gay" in your world, but if you think that the "Trans issue" is just manufactured overblown hysteria then once again I am assuming that you are living under a rock in the forest. It is currently a rather large political force.

Certainly, at the age to be caring for grandchildren, how can you not admit that women are better off in society than we've ever been in terms of freedoms, protections and opportunities? I'm close to 70. I've seen things worse.

Women are not better off in society than we were 10 years ago. You need to catch up on what is happening. You most certainly should not be able to council any grandchildren right now. You are too out of touch to help them.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

So what do you folks think? What is to blame and what is the solution?

All I can say is that I am glad I’m not raising a child in today’s climate.

Social media...
Well and the other mind boggling things they teach them in today's spooky clown world. This is so sad really.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

So what do you folks think? What is to blame and what is the solution?

All I can say is that I am glad I’m not raising a child in today’s climate.

Social media...

Social media ain't helping, but blaming it all on social media is a cop out. There's a lot more at play.

I believe that the primary problem is the breakdown of family. Girls need a strong father figure. Women are inherently built to seek out protection, a covering. Men are built to provide that. (There is no such thing as "toxic masculinity; if it's toxic, it is not masculine. Actually, if it's toxic, it's going to be more feminine in nature. I'll explain that in a moment ...)

Second, this wicked, perverted thing they call feminism has convinced so many females that they don't need a man in their life. They do.


Nothing more wicked than an evil system centuries ago that took women out of a tribal situation and into the nuclear family, put men on a pedestal and gave them all the rights leaving women at the mercy of the men in their life. The vast majority may have had dads/husbands that loved them but if not, abusers had free reign while women couldn't complain. Rape was legal in marriage. Women were not considered people by law.

Feminism... so wicked and perverted that a woman should stand up for equal rights. I believe it was exploited by governments to further weaken families and secure a double helping of tax money but the sentiment wasn't wrong. Why should one sex not have equal legal standing or rights? That's all most feminists wanted originally.

As for women thinking they don't need men in their lives... I think things are changing for the better but in my generation lots of women ended up single when the men simply decided they didn't fancy having kids. Instead of cracking under the weight of single parenting, it's better to just get on with it and raise your kids, set a good example yourself. Not ideal, but sometimes there aren't a lot of options. Male or female, you'd be a better parent broke than in an abusive relationship.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

Women and girls are losing to biological males in athletics. Women of the Year are men in dresses. Dylan Mulvaney looks nothing like a girl, but he's promoted like he is one. Fat, not even remotely female looking trans are winning beauty pageants over very beautiful women and girls.

They can come into our rape crisis centers where men should not be and walk around with their penises in our changing and locker rooms acting all offended if we get uncomfortable about it.

Yeah, nothing to see here.

We can't even call ourselves women because it makes the men in dresses feel bad. We're chest feeders, birthing persons, uterus owners ... we aren't mothers anymore because *that's* not inclusive enough either.

We are being steadily erased from society.

Unless, of course, they need people to scream about abortion rights. Then we can all be women and girls again and agitate for the right to murder our unborn as if *that's* positive and uplighting.
edit on 8-5-2023 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Xtrozero

Not just social media but the TV as well. Along with the film industry. If you look at all the lifestyles nobody seems to be poor and struggling. Girls like to be socially acceptable probably more so than boys judging by all the fashion accessories, so if they are influenced by the media then since they can't afford the lifestyles proffered then they are going to feel like losers.

I can agree a little, but we have been watching movies for 100 years and TV for 70, so what is the difference? I think it is more the hyper stimulus that is almost 24/7 for kids today and I think our brains just can't handle it over long periods of time. We can't evolve quickly enough to handle it just yet, and it puts many into a minor level of psychosis. The hyper level of consumer society doesn't help either. People are saying a minimum wage needs to be 25+ now and I need to ask why? We are talking minimum as in the lowest level of zero-skill work here. The main reason is due to the lifestyle people think is normal and is really not.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: AdifferentOpinion

how can you not admit that women are better off in society than we've ever been in terms of freedoms, protections and opportunities?

That certainly doesn't pertain to the women and girls loosing in the sports arena to men who 'feel' like women, or their lack of safety in the locker rooms from the increasing number of attacks these new 'women' are committing on them.

There are approximately 50 Million students in the U.S. How many girls have lost out in the sports arena to transgender girls? How many have lost academic scholarships? Why is it the infinitesimal number times this happens does it make the headline news? It is all part of the divide and conquer plan to sow division and it appears to be working. There are bad actors in every demographic - some seem to be demonized more than others.

There's a thread on a little six year old girl that was forced to perform sex acts under the table on boys during class. The woke agenda -complete with graphic books in elementary schools teaching little ones how to perform sex acts in all forms isn't creating a safer world for girls-or boys, IMO.

That is terrible and I can't say I understand this sort of thing either? It is sad.

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