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Teenage Girls Are Having a Rough Time

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posted on May, 8 2023 @ 11:08 PM
It isn't the trans thing - at least most of it.

They are purporting body acceptance, but nothing really changed just a few additional ideals were added.

Even someone like Dylan M. created a bad image even if you agree with the trans agenda. No one has perfect make-up, hair, a new outfit everyday, goes to bora bora, the met gala ect. Not even everyday trans.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

So what do you folks think? What is to blame and what is the solution?

All I can say is that I am glad I’m not raising a child in today’s climate.

Social media...

Social media ain't helping, but blaming it all on social media is a cop out. There's a lot more at play.

That 24/7 constant stimulus is something I don't think we can handle and everyone is going slightly psychosis.

I believe that the primary problem is the breakdown of family. Girls need a strong father figure. Women are inherently built to seek out protection, a covering. Men are built to provide that. (There is no such thing as "toxic masculinity; if it's toxic, it is not masculine. Actually, if it's toxic, it's going to be more feminine in nature. I'll explain that in a moment ...)

Well, thank the guy who thought doubling tax income would be great. Women today are told a mid-level position with a 401k is better than a family and when they turn 45 they realize just how F'ed they are.

First, so many broken families means that kids too damned often don't have a father in their lives. Boys will be able to fake it better than girls. A boy without a father will often buck up and act macho and tough. It's not that they'll be "fine," just that their machismo will enable them to fake it through better. This, however, will eventually develop into what is falsely called "toxic masculinity," but most of those "toxic masculine" boys will have spent more time with women; this is why so-called "toxic masculinity" is rooted in twisted femininity. The girls can't fake the needed masculinity so it's more evident in their lives.

Second, this wicked, perverted thing they call feminism has convinced so many females that they don't need a man in their life. They do. It's like if somebody convinced you that you didn't need to drink water so you stop drinking water. You get thirsty and they tell you that that's not thirst, it's just the wonderful feeling of being liberated from the false need of water.

"Toxic masculinity" is an invented label so is "mansplaining". Feminists just hate men period, today I would need to suggest it is "toxic feminism" because it isn't the man creating all this crap. Hell, it seems that men are the ones trying to save women from going the way of the dodo bird.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 11:20 PM
edit on 8-5-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinionAre you living under a rock in a forest somewhere? They don't have to knock... they are in our schools, in our sports and in our politics. I was an active member of the LGBT community for over 20 years and quit when they made the big push to normalize pedophilia. Where where you on that?

Well, I read a couple of alphabet sites in my daily rotation, have a lesbian sister equivalent and socialized in LBG spaces 45 years ago and from what I’ve seen, the mainstream LGBTx community is against this push and it is the pedo element themselves trying to wedge their way in and hang on the coattails of normal queer (hate that word) folks for legitimacy.

I'm as a Bi probably what you would call "gay" in your world, but if you think that the "Trans issue" is just manufactured overblown hysteria then once again I am assuming that you are living under a rock in the forest. It is currently a rather large political force.

I will say it there is a loudmouth trans faction that isn’t representative of the normal trans folk but it isn’t hard to understand why they feel threatened if not under attack. There’s been something like 500 anti-trans and LGBTx bills proposed this legislative session alone and compared to the GOP creating all these bills, the trans “political force” is a puny pittance in comparison.

Women are not better off in society than we were 10 years ago. You need to catch up on what is happening. You most certainly should not be able to council any grandchildren right now. You are too out of touch to help them.

How can you say that especially if you go back 20, 30, 40 or 50 years ago when I entered the workforce? Tell me what is worse for you now than it was 10 years ago other than the pressure that women have always been under? Sure, girls today seem to have it rougher as indicated by the report I started with and I would have a pretty hard time as a parent raising a daughter or a son today but I don’t feel any worse off and in fact am better than I can recall. BTW, my daughter is going on 49 and my grandson is 26.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: Ilikesecrets
Well and the other mind boggling things they teach them in today's spooky clown world. This is so sad really.

I'm kind of old, but I think 1/2 the female population today looks in the mirror and says to themselves what can I do to make myself as ugly as possible and then they do it. Throw in 100 genders and the straight male no longer has a part in all of it.

edit on 8-5-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

I will say it there is a loudmouth trans faction that isn’t representative of the normal trans folk but it isn’t hard to understand why they feel threatened if not under attack. There’s been something like 500 anti-trans and LGBTx bills proposed this legislative session alone and compared to the GOP creating all these bills, the trans “political force” is a puny pittance in comparison.

So what came first in the chicken or egg scenario as in 500 bills or trans activism? I think it is more like liberal activism overall and trans are just on for the ride. Why were not trans breaking all women's sports records 10 years ago? Why were they not pushing sex changes in kids 10 years ago? It wasn't like there was less trans back then. We have progressives pushing new normals telling everyone just to STFU and accept it all, well that isn't how it all works.

The so-called GOP is pushing back on a huge pile of new reality BS. I would bet 500 of those bills deal with sports and kids, do you disagree?

How can you say that especially if you go back 20, 30, 40 or 50 years ago when I entered the workforce? Tell me what is worse for you now than it was 10 years ago other than the pressure that women have always been under? Sure, girls today seem to have it rougher as indicated by the report I started with and I would have a pretty hard time as a parent raising a daughter or a son today but I don’t feel any worse off and in fact am better than I can recall. BTW, my daughter is going on 49 and my grandson is 26.

What pressure are women under today that isn't self-induced? I would say the pressure on men is much worst today than 10 years ago. Young men all over the world are saying F it and go play computer games avoiding women altogether as they have become so toxic no one wants to be around them, even themselves.

I started kids late in life, so 2 in college, but they grew up in a boomer home and are about as perfect as kids could be. One needs to figure out why they are so well off and kids today suck on the average.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: igloo

One extreme is just as bad as the other. One extreme does not fix the other. Both end up creating the same destruction.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
I'm kind of old, but I think 1/2 the female population today looks in the mirror and says to themselves what can I do to make myself as ugly as possible and then they do it. Throw in 100 genders and the straight male no longer has a part in all of it.

The last thing I want to do is turn this into Another Trans Story but I see the point you are trying to make. It used to be that boys that wanted to become girls outnumbered girls that wanted to be boys at least 2:1. Now the situation is reversed and girls that want to become boys is anywhere from 2:1 to 4:1 depending on who is doing the counting.

With girls facing so much perceived difficulty, indignity, trauma and abuse is it any wonder they look for ways out? This is tragic and one aspect of the "trans agenda" that I feel is doing harm. The 100 gender and non-binary whatevers are 80%+ natal females and as far as the trans "detransitioners", nearly all of them getting attention are also natal females who usually claim they went trans instead of dealing with trauma. This is very sad.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: incoserv

That is an intersting perspective. Thanks.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion

With girls facing so much perceived difficulty, indignity, trauma and abuse is it any wonder they look for ways out? This is tragic and one aspect of the "trans agenda" that I feel is doing harm. The 100 gender and non-binary whatevers are 80%+ natal females and as far as the trans "detransitioners", nearly all of them getting attention are also natal females who usually claim they went trans instead of dealing with trauma. This is very sad.

I'm not sure about the trans male's numbers as they seemed to have taken a back seat to it all, but the question I have is as men seem to become less masculine with social pressures on them what "indignity, trauma, and abuse" do women feel they are facing today that are in a world much more sensitive to it all than even 10 years ago.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 01:42 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
I'm not sure about the trans male's numbers as they seemed to have taken a back seat to it all, but the question I have is as men seem to become less masculine with social pressures on them what "indignity, trauma, and abuse" do women feel they are facing today that are in a world much more sensitive to it all than even 10 years ago.

That's a good question. I think everyone is more sensitive and less tolerant than they used to be thanks to the internet and social media and stuff and billions of people are now talking more about their feelz?

Expectations change too. My generation are different from our mothers who were different from their mothers and whose daughters are different from us. As a getting close to getting 70 year old Boomer, I've seen a lot of things change for women who were only expected to get married, make babies and keep house. Now women are looked down on if they don't have a degree and career.

And I guess things have changed for men too that no longer have to club women over the head and drag them back to their cave by the hair. Seriously though, I think technology and industrialization in general along with urbanization has helped to make men less masculine as they simply don't have to be as rugged and strong as once was required plus a lot of modern women don't want an unsophisticated brutish man with sweaty clothes and dirty hands that doesn't make six figures within a mile of them.

Fortunately though maybe more rare, those guys, the "real men" are still out there for those of us that might appreciate that sort of thing.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

You're describing consumerism, I'm too young to have experienced capitalism in effect in the 80s or before but it's had a huge effect on things we think we need and want. I do remember the stories from the 'wash house' the elders told me, this was back when most people baked their own bread and even cut it too, they washed clothes by hand, had to warm the water for the bath and often crapped outside by the coal shed.

I have to ask if the basics and alternatives to a modern life are available? Where's the education?

The generational dynamics play a strong role in the ways we lose over time. Convenience isn't a bad thing though... I think. So yeah, I'd think lifestyle plays a strong role.

But then the obvious one does too and that's been mentioned, social media is highly affective on young minds since they're often looking to fit into groups or be popular. The generational themes play a strong role here too since every gen wishes to trump the one before in some way, it's crazy how much things have changed over a few generations and I'd say social media (plus other forms) have accelerated the changes.

It always comes back to how young minds are raised and what environment they find themselves in. Society doesn't encourage childlike behaviour anymore and I'd say kids are in too much of a hurry to be adults, given the tools at their disposal and the likeliness to rebel against older ways I'd say kids are often practically raising themselves... It shows.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 07:14 AM
our schools are hyperpolitical hatefests.
our entertainment shows young people slim happy and having fun @ Cabo San Partio or whatever

I think a lot of parents are so overwhelmed they don't have the time they'd like to spend with sis, especially single parent families.

lack of church hurts. families that go to church have a chance for their kids to connect with peers in a safe environment. and the Gospel message comforts and reassures. (as opposed to the 'global warming is going to kill us all' message.)

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 07:28 AM
It's primarily social media's hyper sexualization and depiction of unhealthy body image. Parents need to be more involved in what their kids participate on when it comes to IG, Tik Tok and the like.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: AdifferentOpinion
1) So what do you folks think? What is to blame and what is the solution?
2) All I can say is that I am glad I’m not raising a child in today’s climate.

1) The synagogue of Satan must be cast out of this Planet.
2) Cowards must neither breed nor be near children.

Earth is the hill we die on.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 07:48 AM
I'm not sure from reading the OP where people are launching into the fact that is a "forced trans" issue. Certainly wouldn't be the cause of forced sex acts by males as was the first point in the OP.

I have all daughters. One still a teen, others recently teens. Social media is in my mind the biggest culprit. Body image, trending clothes, even college choices.

I can only base on my daughters. Luckily for them they are considered very attractive, but even then I had to change doctors when my oldest was seen by a male doc who stated that although she worked out and ran track that at 125lb for her height she should lose weight. She was 15 at the time. She was a size 4. They get pressure from all over. I also think the easy access to porn skews how young males think about sex.

I can tell you that my girls do not have concerns about trans people at all. They have many concerns about health and abortion rights. I have always been very adamant about birth control. You can stress waiting, but even in my Catholic schools growing up there were quite a few teen pregnancies. They either had to drop out or some had multiple abortions. Yes, good "Christian" girls.

Women's health rights, and social issues are their biggest concerns. They made good choices in boyfriends. The one with the most anxiety is the one who is the big over achiever, early college program while still in high school and working, etc.

After my 12 years of Catholic school in which I've stated the many horrible things I experienced there, we are not part of any organized religion. I have always stressed being good people. Although I'm much more open with my daughters than my mom ever was, I'm certainly not their best friend. They know what I find acceptable from them and what I don't. However that does not include their sexual orientation or whatever. I would never disown them for something like that. I'm very big on personal responsibility as well and being good people overall.

I think parents are responsible for helping them navigate social media and the real world. I think parents are responsible for instilling a good sense of self, however not the "my kid can do no wrong" thing. That's ridiculous and seems prevalent. I think parents need to be proactive and aware of what's going on in school, with their friends, the community, etc. and kids should have responsibilities at a young age.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:08 AM
I would be too if I had any sort of tendency to take the internet "oh so seriously" which is what teens tend to do in general, male or female. A great example would be the Amazon / mustachioed young lady commercial. What in the world was the point of the PSA? Certain women have huge mustaches, who is saying they can or cannot hide it? Also, doesn't Amazon sells millions of women's razors?

You can see how impressionable young ladies (where likes and retweets mean the world to them) might get confused and depressed because one of the corporations they are supposed to associate with big and mighty and the fairest of fair in the land, is sending them completely hypocritical mixed messages about something "serious".

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: Salamandy

What in the world was the point of the PSA? Certain women have huge mustaches, who is saying they can or cannot hide it? Also, doesn't Amazon sells millions of women's razors?

i hear there are also other products besides razors that can effectively remove unwanted hair facial or other places that i'm sure amazon sells.

that being said i'm gonna pile on,

goony goo goo for those that have ever heard it.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

strangest advertisement I've ever seen I think. next they need to do one for guys. its ok to go bald (if you want or maybe not)! oh gee, thanks Amazon, the world has just become so much more fair, or something!by the way ill take two of your dr sperling hair growth systems

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 09:12 AM
case in point: just saw an article about the old actor sally field and how she has grey hair and won't apologize for it

who in the world is asking her to apologize for it?? talk about creating a problem and nonsense arguing over absolutely nothing! well, gee, is see Hallmark selling these cute cards on grandparents day. That leads me to believe that grandparents are real (for starters) and that they are to be celebrated... but wait! the new buzz article has apparently found a large group of individuals who hate grannies and their gray hair! and sally field is the lead fighter battling this HUGE problem!

no wonder young ladies are confused

dont be egotistical and trust your bodies are normal, but on the other hand...

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