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Bombshell publication: The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective but outright dangerous

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posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 06:36 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

In terms of your other assertions in relation to the pharmaceuticals you need to think before claiming that they are not there to harm you or not there to make profit for themselves. They have been convicted several times for deception, fraud, and for harming people with their products and have paid billions of dollars in criminal fines.

The US District Court of Texas ordered FDA to release documents of clinical trials of the Covid-19 shots after getting sued by attorneys at Siri & Glimstad. The documents revealed Pfizer classifying adverse events as non-related to the vaccine.

The link above discusses the story of 12 year old Maddie de Garay who was a volunteer for the Pfizer vaccine clinical trials. Her parents signed her up as they probably wanted to see an end to the pandemic and do the their part given that they are both graduates as far as I remember. I don't understand why they didn't sign up themselves by the way.

But now, Maddie is in a wheelchair and needs a feeding tube. She is now disabled, probably for the rest of her life and has debilitating conditions. Given she was a healthy kid before receiving the "life-saving vaccines" ....
You do understand that all Covid infections & strains cause heart & lung issues for many people. Right ?

I didn't see this reply but you seem to try to change the conversation to something else given that you cannot argue against what I have posted i.e harms and deaths from there products.

From another thread but relevant to the deaths due to Covid

So... Danish SSI (equiv. to the CDC) decided to go through the numbers and as it turns out the "official" death toll of 8300, has been adjusted down to under half... 3842.

Huge reduction in the number of deaths due to Covid... 53.7% percentage decrease in this case.

We know that the number deaths due to Covid have been inflated worldwide. We need to see by how much.

A donut without a hole is a Danish.
Be bop bada bot Be bop bada bop it’s the Factsman

Again you have nothing to argue against the facts. At least you admit it.
You have zero facts , only opinions of others . For every credible source you present in your favor there is 50 equally credible sources that disprove your ideas .
Convictions though important, are not good barometers of truth . Research your local & State data instead of reading hit pieces that jive with a narrative YOU WANT to be true .
Life is perpetration for death and none of us know how or when that day comes ? It’s all conjecture until the final battle my friend.
A Warrior doesn’t look for excuses as to why the world is the way it is , but rather becomes the man he needs to be in any room of his life .
You need a better hobby than doom porn , because sooner than later covid conspiracies will be yesterdays news on sites like this and you with your ilk will be raving on about laser beams or volcanic death rays under the ocean .
There is no massive die off now or coming from mrna vaccines. I will say that I believe the US funded gain of function off US soil & the virus was accidentally released in Wuhan. I believe Fauci needs to be put behind federal bars for lying as well his bosses who had him lie about gain of function.
I stand against mandates with your job or access to society via compliance or else .
There is no secret WEF cabal trying to kill 2/3rds of the population & big pharma is into money rather than killing you . Give it a rest already there is no revolution , but the one in your head against logic .

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

In terms of your other assertions in relation to the pharmaceuticals you need to think before claiming that they are not there to harm you or not there to make profit for themselves. They have been convicted several times for deception, fraud, and for harming people with their products and have paid billions of dollars in criminal fines.

The US District Court of Texas ordered FDA to release documents of clinical trials of the Covid-19 shots after getting sued by attorneys at Siri & Glimstad. The documents revealed Pfizer classifying adverse events as non-related to the vaccine.

The link above discusses the story of 12 year old Maddie de Garay who was a volunteer for the Pfizer vaccine clinical trials. Her parents signed her up as they probably wanted to see an end to the pandemic and do the their part given that they are both graduates as far as I remember. I don't understand why they didn't sign up themselves by the way.

But now, Maddie is in a wheelchair and needs a feeding tube. She is now disabled, probably for the rest of her life and has debilitating conditions. Given she was a healthy kid before receiving the "life-saving vaccines" ....
You do understand that all Covid infections & strains cause heart & lung issues for many people. Right ?

I didn't see this reply but you seem to try to change the conversation to something else given that you cannot argue against what I have posted i.e harms and deaths from there products.

From another thread but relevant to the deaths due to Covid

So... Danish SSI (equiv. to the CDC) decided to go through the numbers and as it turns out the "official" death toll of 8300, has been adjusted down to under half... 3842.

Huge reduction in the number of deaths due to Covid... 53.7% percentage decrease in this case.

We know that the number deaths due to Covid have been inflated worldwide. We need to see by how much.

A donut without a hole is a Danish.
Be bop bada bot Be bop bada bop it’s the Factsman

Again you have nothing to argue against the facts. At least you admit it.
You have zero facts , only opinions of others . For every credible source you present in your favor there is 50 equally credible sources that disprove your ideas .
Convictions though important, are not good barometers of truth . Research your local & State data instead of reading hit pieces that jive with a narrative YOU WANT to be true .
Life is perpetration for death and none of us know how or when that day comes ? It’s all conjecture until the final battle my friend.
A Warrior doesn’t look for excuses as to why the world is the way it is , but rather becomes the man he needs to be in any room of his life .
You need a better hobby than doom porn , because sooner than later covid conspiracies will be yesterdays news on sites like this and you with your ilk will be raving on about laser beams or volcanic death rays under the ocean .
There is no massive die off now or coming from mrna vaccines. I will say that I believe the US funded gain of function off US soil & the virus was accidentally released in Wuhan. I believe Fauci needs to be put behind federal bars for lying as well his bosses who had him lie about gain of function.
I stand against mandates with your job or access to society via compliance or else .
There is no secret WEF cabal trying to kill 2/3rds of the population & big pharma is into money rather than killing you . Give it a rest already there is no revolution , but the one in your head against logic .

You probably talk about yourself when you say 'you have zero facts'.

You said : 'For every credible source you present in your favor there is 50 equally credible sources that disprove your ideas'

This is an unsubstantiated assertion that the 50 equally credible sources exist only in your imagination and nowhere else.

You talk about research when you have done no research of your own and presenting your opinions as facts. As well as presenting official narratives as gospel.

The rest of your text is just word salad about warriors and other nonsensical arguments. Claiming doom porn is just the usual strawman argument.
edit on 9-3-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

To remind you that the burden of proof is on you as you made the claim 99% of the doctors in the US are controlled by big pharma. Any evidence for this? Or is just your personal opinion? It looks like you are making a lot of claims that have no basis in anything.

It is futile to try to defend the pharmaceuticals or apologise on their behalf. The mRNA products are known to cause serious harms and deaths. Just have a look at the publication that I have linked and the available data. Not the official narratives as these have collapsed.

You have come to the conclusion that I believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids, family, friends and community members over money!!! Has someone told you that I believe in what you have just said??

This is a great strawman!!

You also conclude that my logic fails based on your strawman. You seriously need better arguments rather that just making up and attacking the strawman continuously.

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

Your seem to be arguing that vaccines could cause only harm to some young people. But that's not correct. You haven't read the literature and seem to be engaging in vaccine apologetics.

All vaccines used have caused harms and deaths. The Astrazeneca and J&J for example have been withdrawn from most countries that have used them. The Astrazeneca vaccine was also withdrawn from the UK which is the country of origin of the vaccine. Not a great success after all...

In terms of the mRNA 'vaccines' and according to what is written by several scientists online, the scientific literature, and according to the harms recorded, this must be the most failed medical product in history. To the point that Florida has issued a major health warning and is trying to ban the product, Idaho is trying to criminalise their administration, the UK is no longer making it available to anyone under the age of 50 and Denmark has done the same. Other countries are thinking of similar measures. Far from being a success...

From one of my threads that I made sometime ago.

Autopsy Reveals Healthy 36-Year-Old Mother Died from First Dose of Covid Pfizer Vaccine
Summary by Ground News

Dawn Wooldridge received her first dose of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine last June 4. After eleven days following her vaccination, she died unexpectedly. An inquest heard that the unexpected death was likely caused as a result of the vaccination. Dr Sukhvinder Ghataura told the coroner: 'It is more than likely Dawn died in response to the Covid jab' Her husband Ashley was visibly shocked in the coroner's room.

And from the opening page

A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-19 [43].

An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous

edit on 9-3-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2023 @ 12:38 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

In terms of your other assertions in relation to the pharmaceuticals you need to think before claiming that they are not there to harm you or not there to make profit for themselves. They have been convicted several times for deception, fraud, and for harming people with their products and have paid billions of dollars in criminal fines.

The US District Court of Texas ordered FDA to release documents of clinical trials of the Covid-19 shots after getting sued by attorneys at Siri & Glimstad. The documents revealed Pfizer classifying adverse events as non-related to the vaccine.

The link above discusses the story of 12 year old Maddie de Garay who was a volunteer for the Pfizer vaccine clinical trials. Her parents signed her up as they probably wanted to see an end to the pandemic and do the their part given that they are both graduates as far as I remember. I don't understand why they didn't sign up themselves by the way.

But now, Maddie is in a wheelchair and needs a feeding tube. She is now disabled, probably for the rest of her life and has debilitating conditions. Given she was a healthy kid before receiving the "life-saving vaccines" ....
You do understand that all Covid infections & strains cause heart & lung issues for many people. Right ?

I didn't see this reply but you seem to try to change the conversation to something else given that you cannot argue against what I have posted i.e harms and deaths from there products.

From another thread but relevant to the deaths due to Covid

So... Danish SSI (equiv. to the CDC) decided to go through the numbers and as it turns out the "official" death toll of 8300, has been adjusted down to under half... 3842.

Huge reduction in the number of deaths due to Covid... 53.7% percentage decrease in this case.

We know that the number deaths due to Covid have been inflated worldwide. We need to see by how much.

A donut without a hole is a Danish.
Be bop bada bot Be bop bada bop it’s the Factsman

Again you have nothing to argue against the facts. At least you admit it.
You have zero facts , only opinions of others . For every credible source you present in your favor there is 50 equally credible sources that disprove your ideas .
Convictions though important, are not good barometers of truth . Research your local & State data instead of reading hit pieces that jive with a narrative YOU WANT to be true .
Life is perpetration for death and none of us know how or when that day comes ? It’s all conjecture until the final battle my friend.
A Warrior doesn’t look for excuses as to why the world is the way it is , but rather becomes the man he needs to be in any room of his life .
You need a better hobby than doom porn , because sooner than later covid conspiracies will be yesterdays news on sites like this and you with your ilk will be raving on about laser beams or volcanic death rays under the ocean .
There is no massive die off now or coming from mrna vaccines. I will say that I believe the US funded gain of function off US soil & the virus was accidentally released in Wuhan. I believe Fauci needs to be put behind federal bars for lying as well his bosses who had him lie about gain of function.
I stand against mandates with your job or access to society via compliance or else .
There is no secret WEF cabal trying to kill 2/3rds of the population & big pharma is into money rather than killing you . Give it a rest already there is no revolution , but the one in your head against logic .

You probably talk about yourself when you say 'you have zero facts'.

You said : 'For every credible source you present in your favor there is 50 equally credible sources that disprove your ideas'

This is an unsubstantiated assertion that the 50 equally credible sources exist only in your imagination and nowhere else.

You talk about research when you have done no research of your own and presenting your opinions as facts. As well as presenting official narratives as gospel.

The rest of your text is just word salad about warriors and other nonsensical arguments. Claiming doom porn is just the usual strawman argument.
You really need to get off your computer & get out of your house . Get some sun as well start taking a quality vitamin D .
You should find a new physical activity that distracts you from all the dead bodies on the streets because of covid vaccines .
If you are in a town that has suffered a 53% uptick in all deaths due to vaccines I would imagine it is anarchy there . I know it is scary to be surrounded by empty buildings & lack of civil services due to the massive death tolls near you . Just put your thumb out & myself & a few other brave souls will swoop down from space & rescue you . Hold tight we are on our way .

posted on Mar, 10 2023 @ 12:46 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

To remind you that the burden of proof is on you as you made the claim 99% of the doctors in the US are controlled by big pharma. Any evidence for this? Or is just your personal opinion? It looks like you are making a lot of claims that have no basis in anything.

It is futile to try to defend the pharmaceuticals or apologise on their behalf. The mRNA products are known to cause serious harms and deaths. Just have a look at the publication that I have linked and the available data. Not the official narratives as these have collapsed.

You have come to the conclusion that I believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids, family, friends and community members over money!!! Has someone told you that I believe in what you have just said??

This is a great strawman!!

You also conclude that my logic fails based on your strawman. You seriously need better arguments rather that just making up and attacking the strawman continuously.
It’s ok .. let it all out . Frustration & anger are the first steps to recovery . It may seem impossible now , but before you know it you will find peace. Did you ever once stop & think that everyone on Earth has been exposed to covid 19 & that covid is behind a small percentage of heart issues ?

posted on Mar, 10 2023 @ 12:54 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

Your seem to be arguing that vaccines could cause only harm to some young people. But that's not correct. You haven't read the literature and seem to be engaging in vaccine apologetics.

All vaccines used have caused harms and deaths. The Astrazeneca and J&J for example have been withdrawn from most countries that have used them. The Astrazeneca vaccine was also withdrawn from the UK which is the country of origin of the vaccine. Not a great success after all...

In terms of the mRNA 'vaccines' and according to what is written by several scientists online, the scientific literature, and according to the harms recorded, this must be the most failed medical product in history. To the point that Florida has issued a major health warning and is trying to ban the product, Idaho is trying to criminalise their administration, the UK is no longer making it available to anyone under the age of 50 and Denmark has done the same. Other countries are thinking of similar measures. Far from being a success...

From one of my threads that I made sometime ago.

Autopsy Reveals Healthy 36-Year-Old Mother Died from First Dose of Covid Pfizer Vaccine
Summary by Ground News

Dawn Wooldridge received her first dose of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine last June 4. After eleven days following her vaccination, she died unexpectedly. An inquest heard that the unexpected death was likely caused as a result of the vaccination. Dr Sukhvinder Ghataura told the coroner: 'It is more than likely Dawn died in response to the Covid jab' Her husband Ashley was visibly shocked in the coroner's room.

And from the opening page

A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-19 [43].

An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous
If this is your belief & conviction, why are you sitting in a echo chamber conspiracy site forum threads instead of going door to door in your town warning all of the impending doom of covid vaccines ?
You can’t even see that your concepts on covid are in the same boat as religion.
We don’t need to argue

posted on Mar, 10 2023 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

Your seem to be arguing that vaccines could cause only harm to some young people. But that's not correct. You haven't read the literature and seem to be engaging in vaccine apologetics.

All vaccines used have caused harms and deaths. The Astrazeneca and J&J for example have been withdrawn from most countries that have used them. The Astrazeneca vaccine was also withdrawn from the UK which is the country of origin of the vaccine. Not a great success after all...

In terms of the mRNA 'vaccines' and according to what is written by several scientists online, the scientific literature, and according to the harms recorded, this must be the most failed medical product in history. To the point that Florida has issued a major health warning and is trying to ban the product, Idaho is trying to criminalise their administration, the UK is no longer making it available to anyone under the age of 50 and Denmark has done the same. Other countries are thinking of similar measures. Far from being a success...

From one of my threads that I made sometime ago.

Autopsy Reveals Healthy 36-Year-Old Mother Died from First Dose of Covid Pfizer Vaccine
Summary by Ground News

Dawn Wooldridge received her first dose of Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine last June 4. After eleven days following her vaccination, she died unexpectedly. An inquest heard that the unexpected death was likely caused as a result of the vaccination. Dr Sukhvinder Ghataura told the coroner: 'It is more than likely Dawn died in response to the Covid jab' Her husband Ashley was visibly shocked in the coroner's room.

And from the opening page

A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-19 [43].

An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous
If this is your belief & conviction, why are you sitting in a echo chamber conspiracy site forum threads instead of going door to door in your town warning all of the impending doom of covid vaccines ?
You can’t even see that your concepts on covid are in the same boat as religion.
We don’t need to argue

The above are facts and not beliefs or convictions. The harms and deaths by these products are well recorded.

Speaking about religion you need to take a look on who is the person who follows it. It looks to me that it's the vaccine apologists and defenders of the pharmaceuticals that follow a very strange religion. Sometimes it's more of a cult.

And again from the opening page

A worldwide Bayesian causal Impact analysis suggests that COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-19 [43].

An abundance of studies has shown that the mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but outright dangerous

I wonder why someone like yourself has appeared out of nowhere straight into these threads trying to convince others how safe and effective the mRNA products are when he has no much evidence other than his own beliefs. It's seems rather strange and in a 'conspiracy' site as you say...

edit on 10-3-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2023 @ 02:58 AM

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

To remind you that the burden of proof is on you as you made the claim 99% of the doctors in the US are controlled by big pharma. Any evidence for this? Or is just your personal opinion? It looks like you are making a lot of claims that have no basis in anything.

It is futile to try to defend the pharmaceuticals or apologise on their behalf. The mRNA products are known to cause serious harms and deaths. Just have a look at the publication that I have linked and the available data. Not the official narratives as these have collapsed.

You have come to the conclusion that I believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids, family, friends and community members over money!!! Has someone told you that I believe in what you have just said??

This is a great strawman!!

You also conclude that my logic fails based on your strawman. You seriously need better arguments rather that just making up and attacking the strawman continuously.
It’s ok .. let it all out . Frustration & anger are the first steps to recovery . It may seem impossible now , but before you know it you will find peace. Did you ever once stop & think that everyone on Earth has been exposed to covid 19 & that covid is behind a small percentage of heart issues ?

Your text is irrelevant to the conversation. No I don't have anger and frustration. You are mistaken. Yes everyone on Earth has been exposed to SARS-CoV-2. And so what?? I hope you are able to make the distinction between SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 as some of the members here were unable to do so.

It is futile to try to convince others that the mRNA products are safe and effective when they have caused harm and deaths.

You have come to the conclusion that I believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids, family, friends and community members over money. But that's your own misconception and a big strawman. It has come out of your head and there is no evidence to support it just as everything else you have claimed.

You need better arguments I am afraid. It doesn't work at all to present facts that don't suit your narratives as conspiracy theories.

posted on Mar, 10 2023 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

From the publication that i have linked

Pfizer’s documents show lipid nanoparticles with their mRNA cargo being distributed throughout the entire body and passing through the blood brain, placental and foetal blood brain barriers and concentrate in the ovaries. From US life insurance reports we know that the all-cause death rates were up 40% in ages 18-64 years by the end of Q3 2021, and according to life insurance companies there are 100,000 excess deaths per month in the US in all age groups, which cannot be attributed to COVID-19 alone [46]

It's better if you come to terms with the reality of hoe harmful these products can. Professor Levi from MIT has called these products 'the most failing medical products in history'. And asked for their immediate withdrawal.

posted on Mar, 11 2023 @ 03:50 PM

In a letter to the editor Yamamoto (2022) sums up the literature pointing to the fact that 8 months after being vaccinated twice the immune functions are less than those of an unvaccinated person
according to a study by Nordstroem et al (2022) [61]. Booster shots can impair immunity due to a variety of factors leading to the recommendation to discontinue further booster shoots.

A paper by John Gibson from the University of Waikato looked at the excess death rate in New Zealand and found that rising excess mortality was closely related to the booster rollout. The author calculated 16 excess deaths for each 100,000 booster doses.

According to the Health NSW government site the data obtained in 14 days until 16th of July 2022 continues to show the trend of worsening effects after the booster shots. Figure 1 shows the
hospitalisation, the ICU admission and deaths sorted by vaccination status with a total of 806, 77 and 142 respectively. Comparing data of people infected with COVID the figures provided by the NSW Health Department (Fig 1) seem to confirm this trend.

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