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Bombshell publication: The mRNA vaccines are neither safe nor effective but outright dangerous

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posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It will take me a while read the entire report, but having been in the field for a number of years, the idea of any vaccine being created at warp speed, especially for what was being labeled a novel disease of which they supposedly had little knowledge, had me running for the exit.

The fact they were pushing it with so little info of disease or vaccine, was highly suspicious to me so I opted out.

I didn't get as much blow back as many, because luck and the Holy Spirit was with me.

I live in Florida, and I had amazing coworkers. Most of them took the vaccine, but they supported my decision not to take it, and not just stood beside me, they fought for me.

So I am not at all surprised there are issues with the vaccine.

All the tech , medical advancements & military tech you see today were being hashed out 30 years prior to us the public seeing it as a very reliable rule .
Why would big pharma release a product that was going to kill 100s of millions of people according to the percentage increase of deaths reported here by bitchute experts or other fringe media sources ?
Big pharma wants to be in your pocket for as many years as possible & knowingly releasing a vaccine that was so dangerous ( according to most here on ATS )
would violate the interests of their investment board.
No country would vaccinate it’s standing military with something that would potentially kill even 2% of it’s members. Currently our US armed forces receive up to 19 shots during boot camp depending on service & deployment.
Do you believe the pentagon would allow SAC nuclear bomber crews , nuclear submarine crews & NORAD personnel be injected with any substance that is as dangerous as reported here on ATS .
YouTube , Bitchute , The View , Hannity etc are not news sources nor is Bret Weinstein or Clayton Morris .
They are all identity & sponsor driven .
Basic logic is all that is needed 90% of the time .
Most people including here on ATS glean all their info from other experts so to say .
For every official expert or paper written about climate , covid , vaccines & war has equal amounts of experts & papers showing the opposite of the prior experts .
Ill ask you a simple question: What government would jeopardize it’s military , medical , power grid , tech , resources & education sectors by administering nefarious vaccines thus killing 20-50% of it’s manpower as reported by all these ridiculous vaccine experts here on ATS ?

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It will take me a while read the entire report, but having been in the field for a number of years, the idea of any vaccine being created at warp speed, especially for what was being labeled a novel disease of which they supposedly had little knowledge, had me running for the exit.

The fact they were pushing it with so little info of disease or vaccine, was highly suspicious to me so I opted out.

I didn't get as much blow back as many, because luck and the Holy Spirit was with me.

I live in Florida, and I had amazing coworkers. Most of them took the vaccine, but they supported my decision not to take it, and not just stood beside me, they fought for me.

So I am not at all surprised there are issues with the vaccine.

All the tech , medical advancements & military tech you see today were being hashed out 30 years prior to us the public seeing it as a very reliable rule .
Why would big pharma release a product that was going to kill 100s of millions of people according to the percentage increase of deaths reported here by bitchute experts or other fringe media sources ?
Big pharma wants to be in your pocket for as many years as possible & knowingly releasing a vaccine that was so dangerous ( according to most here on ATS )
would violate the interests of their investment board.
No country would vaccinate it’s standing military with something that would potentially kill even 2% of it’s members. Currently our US armed forces receive up to 19 shots during boot camp depending on service & deployment.
Do you believe the pentagon would allow SAC nuclear bomber crews , nuclear submarine crews & NORAD personnel be injected with any substance that is as dangerous as reported here on ATS .
YouTube , Bitchute , The View , Hannity etc are not news sources nor is Bret Weinstein or Clayton Morris .
They are all identity & sponsor driven .
Basic logic is all that is needed 90% of the time .
Most people including here on ATS glean all their info from other experts so to say .
For every official expert or paper written about climate , covid , vaccines & war has equal amounts of experts & papers showing the opposite of the prior experts .
Ill ask you a simple question: What government would jeopardize it’s military , medical , power grid , tech , resources & education sectors by administering nefarious vaccines thus killing 20-50% of it’s manpower as reported by all these ridiculous vaccine experts here on ATS ?

Regardless of your rhetorical questions the reality is that the Pharmaceuticals have released a product that haven't gone through the standard checkpoints of safety and as a result these junk products have caused plenty of harm and deaths. Still the medium and long term effects are unknown but what is known is the role of the free spike protein that can travel to all major organs and cause inflammation and debilitating conditions.
edit on 7-3-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It will take me a while read the entire report, but having been in the field for a number of years, the idea of any vaccine being created at warp speed, especially for what was being labeled a novel disease of which they supposedly had little knowledge, had me running for the exit.

The fact they were pushing it with so little info of disease or vaccine, was highly suspicious to me so I opted out.

I didn't get as much blow back as many, because luck and the Holy Spirit was with me.

I live in Florida, and I had amazing coworkers. Most of them took the vaccine, but they supported my decision not to take it, and not just stood beside me, they fought for me.

So I am not at all surprised there are issues with the vaccine.

increase of deaths reported here by bitchute experts or other fringe media sources ?

You said you had an old account. I think I know the username.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Yep, this is the final nails in the coffin of the mRNA injections. They are all risk, and not safe. It's basically like injecting poison, except it's a more sophisticated poison that could kill you much later on.
I have been reading posts on ATS since 1997 , was a member from 2013-2015 & then just a reader again until just recently.
Im fascinated by sociology & find conspiracy people a fascinating study. I believe most conspiracy people are intelligent & stable for the most part .
The issues I have with vaccine theories or any other is the fact that 99% of them never turn out to be true .
I believe in conspiracy theories as existing , but far from any of our understanding.
The real conspiracies are undetected for a reason, because they are buried in assumptions or personal projections of the masses via conjecture.
You believe that millions of medical professionals worldwide are part of a coverup & would not unanimously bond together against all these supposed horrors of the vaccine ?
The human imagination is our greatest asset after love & our imagination’s are also our greatest enemy only after fear .
Life on Earth is extremely dangerous & always has been .
Mc Donalds , Alcohol & Cigarettes kill more people than anything else here on Earth , yet a vast majority of you anti-vax crowd are ardent users of those 3 killers .
Porn is not a physical reality for 99% of society & thus the term Doom Porn . Sites like this are entertainment & sounding boards for fear & hopes , not reality in the least .
If 1% of the kook theories came true by expert sources posted here on ATS since 1997 came true , well the world would have been destroyed 100 times over by now .
Within 2 years there will be a different President & all but a dustbin of Covid vaccine theories will remain in a forum lost to time here on ATS.
I respect your thoughts & don’t want to change your mind at all , but when you live in an echo chamber how can you call it objective thought ?
Im just a person who crosses rivers & never goes up or down them , as I prefer my 10 down on solid ground.
Neat theory you have

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

Not a bitchute publication by the way....
Much of what is posted are either peer-reviewed publications, pre-prints, and scientific articles. Given that the authors are not funded by the pharmaceuticals and there is no conflict of interest.

In case one wants to rely on the mainstream newspapers or academic papers that are written by authors who are funded by the pharmaceuticals or who support official narratives then these are dismissed straight away.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It will take me a while read the entire report, but having been in the field for a number of years, the idea of any vaccine being created at warp speed, especially for what was being labeled a novel disease of which they supposedly had little knowledge, had me running for the exit.

The fact they were pushing it with so little info of disease or vaccine, was highly suspicious to me so I opted out.

I didn't get as much blow back as many, because luck and the Holy Spirit was with me.

I live in Florida, and I had amazing coworkers. Most of them took the vaccine, but they supported my decision not to take it, and not just stood beside me, they fought for me.

So I am not at all surprised there are issues with the vaccine.

All the tech , medical advancements & military tech you see today were being hashed out 30 years prior to us the public seeing it as a very reliable rule .
Why would big pharma release a product that was going to kill 100s of millions of people according to the percentage increase of deaths reported here by bitchute experts or other fringe media sources ?
Big pharma wants to be in your pocket for as many years as possible & knowingly releasing a vaccine that was so dangerous ( according to most here on ATS )
would violate the interests of their investment board.
No country would vaccinate it’s standing military with something that would potentially kill even 2% of it’s members. Currently our US armed forces receive up to 19 shots during boot camp depending on service & deployment.
Do you believe the pentagon would allow SAC nuclear bomber crews , nuclear submarine crews & NORAD personnel be injected with any substance that is as dangerous as reported here on ATS .
YouTube , Bitchute , The View , Hannity etc are not news sources nor is Bret Weinstein or Clayton Morris .
They are all identity & sponsor driven .
Basic logic is all that is needed 90% of the time .
Most people including here on ATS glean all their info from other experts so to say .
For every official expert or paper written about climate , covid , vaccines & war has equal amounts of experts & papers showing the opposite of the prior experts .
Ill ask you a simple question: What government would jeopardize it’s military , medical , power grid , tech , resources & education sectors by administering nefarious vaccines thus killing 20-50% of it’s manpower as reported by all these ridiculous vaccine experts here on ATS ?

Regardless of your rhetorical questions the reality is that the Pharmaceuticals have released a product that haven't gone through the standard checkpoints of safety and as a result these junk products have caused plenty of harm and deaths. Still the medium and king term effects are unknown but what is known is the role of the free spike protein that can travel to all major organs and cause inflammation and deliberating conditions.
You can thank Trump for project warp speed on these vaccines & outside of other’s opinions on vaccines , what credentials do you have to make such medical claims .
There are over a million physicians in America & almost all of them had their families & loved ones vaccinated. How can you explain a huge subset of well above average IQ doctors doing that if there is overwhelming evidence of how destructive the vaccines are ? Im not agreeing or disagreeing with you , but I am saying 100% logic & reasoning are on my side in this salvo back & forth .
Your mind is fascinating to me .

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

Not a bitchute publication by the way....
Much of what is posted are either peer-reviewed publications, pre-prints, and scientific articles. Given that the authors are not funded by the pharmaceuticals and there is no conflict of interest.

In case one wants to rely on the mainstream newspapers or academic papers that are written by authors who are funded by the pharmaceuticals or who support official narratives then these are dismissed straight away. 99% of doctors are controlled by big pharma… but you believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids , family, friends & community members over money ?
This is where your logic breaks down .
No offense.
Do you drink more than 10 alcoholic beverages a week , smoke or consume excess sugar ?

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 04:31 PM

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It will take me a while read the entire report, but having been in the field for a number of years, the idea of any vaccine being created at warp speed, especially for what was being labeled a novel disease of which they supposedly had little knowledge, had me running for the exit.

The fact they were pushing it with so little info of disease or vaccine, was highly suspicious to me so I opted out.

I didn't get as much blow back as many, because luck and the Holy Spirit was with me.

I live in Florida, and I had amazing coworkers. Most of them took the vaccine, but they supported my decision not to take it, and not just stood beside me, they fought for me.

So I am not at all surprised there are issues with the vaccine.

All the tech , medical advancements & military tech you see today were being hashed out 30 years prior to us the public seeing it as a very reliable rule .
Why would big pharma release a product that was going to kill 100s of millions of people according to the percentage increase of deaths reported here by bitchute experts or other fringe media sources ?
Big pharma wants to be in your pocket for as many years as possible & knowingly releasing a vaccine that was so dangerous ( according to most here on ATS )
would violate the interests of their investment board.
No country would vaccinate it’s standing military with something that would potentially kill even 2% of it’s members. Currently our US armed forces receive up to 19 shots during boot camp depending on service & deployment.
Do you believe the pentagon would allow SAC nuclear bomber crews , nuclear submarine crews & NORAD personnel be injected with any substance that is as dangerous as reported here on ATS .
YouTube , Bitchute , The View , Hannity etc are not news sources nor is Bret Weinstein or Clayton Morris .
They are all identity & sponsor driven .
Basic logic is all that is needed 90% of the time .
Most people including here on ATS glean all their info from other experts so to say .
For every official expert or paper written about climate , covid , vaccines & war has equal amounts of experts & papers showing the opposite of the prior experts .
Ill ask you a simple question: What government would jeopardize it’s military , medical , power grid , tech , resources & education sectors by administering nefarious vaccines thus killing 20-50% of it’s manpower as reported by all these ridiculous vaccine experts here on ATS ?

Regardless of your rhetorical questions the reality is that the Pharmaceuticals have released a product that haven't gone through the standard checkpoints of safety and as a result these junk products have caused plenty of harm and deaths. Still the medium and king term effects are unknown but what is known is the role of the free spike protein that can travel to all major organs and cause inflammation and deliberating conditions.
You can thank Trump for project warp speed on these vaccines & outside of other’s opinions on vaccines , what credentials do you have to make such medical claims .
There are over a million physicians in America & almost all of them had their families & loved ones vaccinated. How can you explain a huge subset of well above average IQ doctors doing that if there is overwhelming evidence of how destructive the vaccines are ? Im not agreeing or disagreeing with you , but I am saying 100% logic & reasoning are on my side in this salvo back & forth .
Your mind is fascinating to me .

We have gone through this several times with other members. You don't need credentials to observe that this entire campaign is anti-scientific, absurd and ludicrous. What credentials do the vaccine apologists have and the defenders of the official narratives when they were propagating that these products were safe and effective?!

The numbers you are claiming are irrelevant to the conversation. Many physicians did follow the official narratives either because they believed the products were safe and effective or because they were coerced, pressured, intimidated, or even threatened with dismissal if they didn't get 'vaccinated'.

As a result of this absurd campaign, Florida has issued a major health warning trying to ban the mRNA products, Idaho is trying to criminalize their administration, the UK is no longer making it available to anyone under the age of 50. Denmark has done the same thing and other countries and US States are thinking to follow the same route.

No the 100% logic and reasoning is not on your side. This is delusional thinking.

It's better if you make some reading in regards to the harms caused by these products and the deaths associated with them.
edit on 7-3-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

Not a bitchute publication by the way....
Much of what is posted are either peer-reviewed publications, pre-prints, and scientific articles. Given that the authors are not funded by the pharmaceuticals and there is no conflict of interest.

In case one wants to rely on the mainstream newspapers or academic papers that are written by authors who are funded by the pharmaceuticals or who support official narratives then these are dismissed straight away. 99% of doctors are controlled by big pharma… but you believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids , family, friends & community members over money ?
This is where your logic breaks down .
No offense.
Do you drink more than 10 alcoholic beverages a week , smoke or consume excess sugar ?

I don't know how you have come up with the figure that 99% of doctors who are controlled by big pharma??

Then amazingly you have come to a conclusion that I believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids ,family, friends & community members over money!!! Has someone told you that I believe in what you have just said.

We call this a big strawman...

You also conclude that my logic fails based on your strawman.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It will take me a while read the entire report, but having been in the field for a number of years, the idea of any vaccine being created at warp speed, especially for what was being labeled a novel disease of which they supposedly had little knowledge, had me running for the exit.

The fact they were pushing it with so little info of disease or vaccine, was highly suspicious to me so I opted out.

I didn't get as much blow back as many, because luck and the Holy Spirit was with me.

I live in Florida, and I had amazing coworkers. Most of them took the vaccine, but they supported my decision not to take it, and not just stood beside me, they fought for me.

So I am not at all surprised there are issues with the vaccine.

increase of deaths reported here by bitchute experts or other fringe media sources ?

You said you had an old account. I think I know the username.

My old username was LightTraveler or something like that ? What is your guess .. I often wonder if it is still in the servers .

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

In terms of your question at the end of your last reply

Do you drink more than 10 alcoholic beverages a week , smoke or consume excess sugar ?

No I didn't drink alcohol and I don't smok. No drugs either. And I don't consume sugar.

And a as a bonus... I am not naive or stupid to inject myself with untested, experimental, and potentially dangerous products, that are known to have caused serious harm and deaths. It will help if you take a look at the publication linked in the opening page that talks about these harms.

edit on 7-3-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It will take me a while read the entire report, but having been in the field for a number of years, the idea of any vaccine being created at warp speed, especially for what was being labeled a novel disease of which they supposedly had little knowledge, had me running for the exit.

The fact they were pushing it with so little info of disease or vaccine, was highly suspicious to me so I opted out.

I didn't get as much blow back as many, because luck and the Holy Spirit was with me.

I live in Florida, and I had amazing coworkers. Most of them took the vaccine, but they supported my decision not to take it, and not just stood beside me, they fought for me.

So I am not at all surprised there are issues with the vaccine.

All the tech , medical advancements & military tech you see today were being hashed out 30 years prior to us the public seeing it as a very reliable rule .
Why would big pharma release a product that was going to kill 100s of millions of people according to the percentage increase of deaths reported here by bitchute experts or other fringe media sources ?
Big pharma wants to be in your pocket for as many years as possible & knowingly releasing a vaccine that was so dangerous ( according to most here on ATS )
would violate the interests of their investment board.
No country would vaccinate it’s standing military with something that would potentially kill even 2% of it’s members. Currently our US armed forces receive up to 19 shots during boot camp depending on service & deployment.
Do you believe the pentagon would allow SAC nuclear bomber crews , nuclear submarine crews & NORAD personnel be injected with any substance that is as dangerous as reported here on ATS .
YouTube , Bitchute , The View , Hannity etc are not news sources nor is Bret Weinstein or Clayton Morris .
They are all identity & sponsor driven .
Basic logic is all that is needed 90% of the time .
Most people including here on ATS glean all their info from other experts so to say .
For every official expert or paper written about climate , covid , vaccines & war has equal amounts of experts & papers showing the opposite of the prior experts .
Ill ask you a simple question: What government would jeopardize it’s military , medical , power grid , tech , resources & education sectors by administering nefarious vaccines thus killing 20-50% of it’s manpower as reported by all these ridiculous vaccine experts here on ATS ?

Regardless of your rhetorical questions the reality is that the Pharmaceuticals have released a product that haven't gone through the standard checkpoints of safety and as a result these junk products have caused plenty of harm and deaths. Still the medium and king term effects are unknown but what is known is the role of the free spike protein that can travel to all major organs and cause inflammation and deliberating conditions.
You can thank Trump for project warp speed on these vaccines & outside of other’s opinions on vaccines , what credentials do you have to make such medical claims .
There are over a million physicians in America & almost all of them had their families & loved ones vaccinated. How can you explain a huge subset of well above average IQ doctors doing that if there is overwhelming evidence of how destructive the vaccines are ? Im not agreeing or disagreeing with you , but I am saying 100% logic & reasoning are on my side in this salvo back & forth .
Your mind is fascinating to me .

We have gone through this several times with other members. You don't need credentials to observe that this entire campaign is anti-scientific, absurd and ludicrous. What credentials do the vaccine apologists have and the defenders of the official narratives when they were propagating that these products were safe and effective?!

The numbers you are claiming are irrelevant to the conversation. Many physicians did follow the official narratives either because they believed the products were safe and effective or because they were coerced, pressured, intimidated, or even threatened with dismissal if they didn't get 'vaccinated'.

As a result of this absurd campaign, Florida has issued a major health warning trying to ban the mRNA products, Idaho is trying to criminalize their administration, the UK is no longer making it available to anyone under the age of 50. Denmark has done the same thing and other countries and US States are thinking to follow the same route.

No the 100% logic and reasoning is not on your side. This is delusional thinking.

It's better if you make some reading in regards to the harms caused by these products and the deaths associated with them.
Countless millions of doctors & nurse’s worldwide support the vaccine science as safe , compared to a few hundred doctors who disagree. How on earth could you keep a lid on something that would harm a doctor’s own family.
Your logic is interesting to me . Atorvastatin Is the number one prescribed drug in America ( cholesterol drug ) that keeps people from having heart attacks & strokes , so why would big pharma roll out a once or twice a year vaccine for covid that is going to kill potential clients of a long term daily expensive drug like Atorvastatin ?
Logic is a funny animal, it sits right next to you daily looking for attention , but is ignored in exchange for the tv or computer .

edit on 7-3-2023 by SecrettoSociety because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

Not a bitchute publication by the way....
Much of what is posted are either peer-reviewed publications, pre-prints, and scientific articles. Given that the authors are not funded by the pharmaceuticals and there is no conflict of interest.

In case one wants to rely on the mainstream newspapers or academic papers that are written by authors who are funded by the pharmaceuticals or who support official narratives then these are dismissed straight away. 99% of doctors are controlled by big pharma… but you believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids , family, friends & community members over money ?
This is where your logic breaks down .
No offense.
Do you drink more than 10 alcoholic beverages a week , smoke or consume excess sugar ?

I don't know how you have come up with the figure that 99% of doctors who are controlled by big pharma??

Then amazingly you have come to a conclusion that I believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids ,family, friends & community members over money!!! Has someone told you that I believe in what you have just said.

We call this a big strawman...

You also conclude that my logic fails based on your strawman.
Name a doctor NOT beholden to pharmaceutical companies ( minus psychology).
1% of the doctors in America equals roughly 11,000 doctors. I absolutely do not believe that millions of doctors knowingly gave their families & friends bunk vaccinations.
It is the absurdity of your logic to think that a massive coverup by the world’s medical Community happened.

edit on 7-3-2023 by SecrettoSociety because: wot

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

In terms of your question at the end of your last reply

Do you drink more than 10 alcoholic beverages a week , smoke or consume excess sugar ?

No I didn't drink alcohol and I don't smok. No drugs either. And I don't consume sugar.

And a as a bonus... I am not naive or stupid to inject myself with untested, experimental, and potentially dangerous products, that are known to have caused serious harm and deaths. It will help if you take a look at the publication linked in the opening page that talks about these harms.

I’ve read it & there are thousands of other peer reviewed papers written by virologists & doctors who advocate for the benefit of vaccines.
If you were diagnosed with Lyme disease, would you trust big pharma to heal you or would you settle on ling term lyme disease as a hoax . Lyme disease is real , but there are plenty of conspiracies about it.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

Not a bitchute publication by the way....
Much of what is posted are either peer-reviewed publications, pre-prints, and scientific articles. Given that the authors are not funded by the pharmaceuticals and there is no conflict of interest.

In case one wants to rely on the mainstream newspapers or academic papers that are written by authors who are funded by the pharmaceuticals or who support official narratives then these are dismissed straight away. 99% of doctors are controlled by big pharma… but you believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids , family, friends & community members over money ?
This is where your logic breaks down .
No offense.
Do you drink more than 10 alcoholic beverages a week , smoke or consume excess sugar ?

I don't know how you have come up with the figure that 99% of doctors who are controlled by big pharma??

Then amazingly you have come to a conclusion that I believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids ,family, friends & community members over money!!! Has someone told you that I believe in what you have just said.

We call this a big strawman...

You also conclude that my logic fails based on your strawman.
Name a doctor NOT beholden to pharmaceutical companies ( minus psychology).
1% of the doctors in America equals roughly 11,000 doctors. I absolutely do not believe that millions of doctors knowingly gave their families & friends bunk vaccinations.
It is the absurdity of your logic to think that a massive coverup by the world’s medical Community happened.

You seem not to be able to read what others write. Some comprehension problems? Let me repeat what I said above as you haven't read it or you have ignored it...

I don't know how you have come up with the figure that 99% of doctors who are controlled by big pharma??

Then amazingly you have come to a conclusion that I believe millions of doctors knowingly poisoned their kids ,family, friends & community members over money!!! Has someone told you that I believe in what you have just said.

We call this a big strawman...

You also conclude that my logic fails based on your strawman.

Try again please

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 06:08 PM

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

In terms of your question at the end of your last reply

Do you drink more than 10 alcoholic beverages a week , smoke or consume excess sugar ?

No I didn't drink alcohol and I don't smok. No drugs either. And I don't consume sugar.

And a as a bonus... I am not naive or stupid to inject myself with untested, experimental, and potentially dangerous products, that are known to have caused serious harm and deaths. It will help if you take a look at the publication linked in the opening page that talks about these harms.

I’ve read it & there are thousands of other peer reviewed papers written by virologists & doctors who advocate for the benefit of vaccines.
If you were diagnosed with Lyme disease, would you trust big pharma to heal you or would you settle on ling term lyme disease as a hoax . Lyme disease is real , but there are plenty of conspiracies about it.

I didn't think you have read any of these papers and the only thing you do is to try to propagate official narratives and engaging in vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality as well as defending the Pharmaceuticals. I have noted also your big strawman arguments.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It will take me a while read the entire report, but having been in the field for a number of years, the idea of any vaccine being created at warp speed, especially for what was being labeled a novel disease of which they supposedly had little knowledge, had me running for the exit.

The fact they were pushing it with so little info of disease or vaccine, was highly suspicious to me so I opted out.

I didn't get as much blow back as many, because luck and the Holy Spirit was with me.

I live in Florida, and I had amazing coworkers. Most of them took the vaccine, but they supported my decision not to take it, and not just stood beside me, they fought for me.

So I am not at all surprised there are issues with the vaccine.

All the tech , medical advancements & military tech you see today were being hashed out 30 years prior to us the public seeing it as a very reliable rule .
Why would big pharma release a product that was going to kill 100s of millions of people according to the percentage increase of deaths reported here by bitchute experts or other fringe media sources ?
Big pharma wants to be in your pocket for as many years as possible & knowingly releasing a vaccine that was so dangerous ( according to most here on ATS )
would violate the interests of their investment board.
No country would vaccinate it’s standing military with something that would potentially kill even 2% of it’s members. Currently our US armed forces receive up to 19 shots during boot camp depending on service & deployment.
Do you believe the pentagon would allow SAC nuclear bomber crews , nuclear submarine crews & NORAD personnel be injected with any substance that is as dangerous as reported here on ATS .
YouTube , Bitchute , The View , Hannity etc are not news sources nor is Bret Weinstein or Clayton Morris .
They are all identity & sponsor driven .
Basic logic is all that is needed 90% of the time .
Most people including here on ATS glean all their info from other experts so to say .
For every official expert or paper written about climate , covid , vaccines & war has equal amounts of experts & papers showing the opposite of the prior experts .
Ill ask you a simple question: What government would jeopardize it’s military , medical , power grid , tech , resources & education sectors by administering nefarious vaccines thus killing 20-50% of it’s manpower as reported by all these ridiculous vaccine experts here on ATS ?

Regardless of your rhetorical questions the reality is that the Pharmaceuticals have released a product that haven't gone through the standard checkpoints of safety and as a result these junk products have caused plenty of harm and deaths. Still the medium and king term effects are unknown but what is known is the role of the free spike protein that can travel to all major organs and cause inflammation and deliberating conditions.
You can thank Trump for project warp speed on these vaccines & outside of other’s opinions on vaccines , what credentials do you have to make such medical claims .
There are over a million physicians in America & almost all of them had their families & loved ones vaccinated. How can you explain a huge subset of well above average IQ doctors doing that if there is overwhelming evidence of how destructive the vaccines are ? Im not agreeing or disagreeing with you , but I am saying 100% logic & reasoning are on my side in this salvo back & forth .
Your mind is fascinating to me .

We have gone through this several times with other members. You don't need credentials to observe that this entire campaign is anti-scientific, absurd and ludicrous. What credentials do the vaccine apologists have and the defenders of the official narratives when they were propagating that these products were safe and effective?!

The numbers you are claiming are irrelevant to the conversation. Many physicians did follow the official narratives either because they believed the products were safe and effective or because they were coerced, pressured, intimidated, or even threatened with dismissal if they didn't get 'vaccinated'.

As a result of this absurd campaign, Florida has issued a major health warning trying to ban the mRNA products, Idaho is trying to criminalize their administration, the UK is no longer making it available to anyone under the age of 50. Denmark has done the same thing and other countries and US States are thinking to follow the same route.

No the 100% logic and reasoning is not on your side. This is delusional thinking.

It's better if you make some reading in regards to the harms caused by these products and the deaths associated with them.
Countless millions of doctors & nurse’s worldwide support the vaccine science as safe , compared to a few hundred doctors who disagree. How on earth could you keep a lid on something that would harm a doctor’s own family.
Your logic is interesting to me . Atorvastatin Is the number one prescribed drug in America ( cholesterol drug ) that keeps people from having heart attacks & strokes , so why would big pharma roll out a once or twice a year vaccine for covid that is going to kill potential clients of a long term daily expensive drug like Atorvastatin ?
Logic is a funny animal, it sits right next to you daily looking for attention , but is ignored in exchange for the tv or computer .

Your numbers and mathematics are not correct but coming out of your mind. Any link or source to support your assertions? The rest again is a big strawman that you have created in the absence of any food and valid arguments. Stop the vaccine apologetics and the defending of the pharmaceuticals. If you want an answer to your rhetorical questions there are good philosophy departments all over the country that you can ask them the same questions.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 07:06 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
a reply to: SecrettoSociety

In terms of your question at the end of your last reply

Do you drink more than 10 alcoholic beverages a week , smoke or consume excess sugar ?

No I didn't drink alcohol and I don't smok. No drugs either. And I don't consume sugar.

And a as a bonus... I am not naive or stupid to inject myself with untested, experimental, and potentially dangerous products, that are known to have caused serious harm and deaths. It will help if you take a look at the publication linked in the opening page that talks about these harms.

I’ve read it & there are thousands of other peer reviewed papers written by virologists & doctors who advocate for the benefit of vaccines.
If you were diagnosed with Lyme disease, would you trust big pharma to heal you or would you settle on ling term lyme disease as a hoax . Lyme disease is real , but there are plenty of conspiracies about it.

I didn't think you have read any of these papers and the only thing you do is to try to propagate official narratives and engaging in vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality as well as defending the Pharmaceuticals. I have noted also your big strawman arguments.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Asmodeus3

It will take me a while read the entire report, but having been in the field for a number of years, the idea of any vaccine being created at warp speed, especially for what was being labeled a novel disease of which they supposedly had little knowledge, had me running for the exit.

The fact they were pushing it with so little info of disease or vaccine, was highly suspicious to me so I opted out.

I didn't get as much blow back as many, because luck and the Holy Spirit was with me.

I live in Florida, and I had amazing coworkers. Most of them took the vaccine, but they supported my decision not to take it, and not just stood beside me, they fought for me.

So I am not at all surprised there are issues with the vaccine.

All the tech , medical advancements & military tech you see today were being hashed out 30 years prior to us the public seeing it as a very reliable rule .
Why would big pharma release a product that was going to kill 100s of millions of people according to the percentage increase of deaths reported here by bitchute experts or other fringe media sources ?
Big pharma wants to be in your pocket for as many years as possible & knowingly releasing a vaccine that was so dangerous ( according to most here on ATS )
would violate the interests of their investment board.
No country would vaccinate it’s standing military with something that would potentially kill even 2% of it’s members. Currently our US armed forces receive up to 19 shots during boot camp depending on service & deployment.
Do you believe the pentagon would allow SAC nuclear bomber crews , nuclear submarine crews & NORAD personnel be injected with any substance that is as dangerous as reported here on ATS .
YouTube , Bitchute , The View , Hannity etc are not news sources nor is Bret Weinstein or Clayton Morris .
They are all identity & sponsor driven .
Basic logic is all that is needed 90% of the time .
Most people including here on ATS glean all their info from other experts so to say .
For every official expert or paper written about climate , covid , vaccines & war has equal amounts of experts & papers showing the opposite of the prior experts .
Ill ask you a simple question: What government would jeopardize it’s military , medical , power grid , tech , resources & education sectors by administering nefarious vaccines thus killing 20-50% of it’s manpower as reported by all these ridiculous vaccine experts here on ATS ?

Regardless of your rhetorical questions the reality is that the Pharmaceuticals have released a product that haven't gone through the standard checkpoints of safety and as a result these junk products have caused plenty of harm and deaths. Still the medium and king term effects are unknown but what is known is the role of the free spike protein that can travel to all major organs and cause inflammation and deliberating conditions.
You can thank Trump for project warp speed on these vaccines & outside of other’s opinions on vaccines , what credentials do you have to make such medical claims .
There are over a million physicians in America & almost all of them had their families & loved ones vaccinated. How can you explain a huge subset of well above average IQ doctors doing that if there is overwhelming evidence of how destructive the vaccines are ? Im not agreeing or disagreeing with you , but I am saying 100% logic & reasoning are on my side in this salvo back & forth .
Your mind is fascinating to me .

We have gone through this several times with other members. You don't need credentials to observe that this entire campaign is anti-scientific, absurd and ludicrous. What credentials do the vaccine apologists have and the defenders of the official narratives when they were propagating that these products were safe and effective?!

The numbers you are claiming are irrelevant to the conversation. Many physicians did follow the official narratives either because they believed the products were safe and effective or because they were coerced, pressured, intimidated, or even threatened with dismissal if they didn't get 'vaccinated'.

As a result of this absurd campaign, Florida has issued a major health warning trying to ban the mRNA products, Idaho is trying to criminalize their administration, the UK is no longer making it available to anyone under the age of 50. Denmark has done the same thing and other countries and US States are thinking to follow the same route.

No the 100% logic and reasoning is not on your side. This is delusional thinking.

It's better if you make some reading in regards to the harms caused by these products and the deaths associated with them.
Countless millions of doctors & nurse’s worldwide support the vaccine science as safe , compared to a few hundred doctors who disagree. How on earth could you keep a lid on something that would harm a doctor’s own family.
Your logic is interesting to me . Atorvastatin Is the number one prescribed drug in America ( cholesterol drug ) that keeps people from having heart attacks & strokes , so why would big pharma roll out a once or twice a year vaccine for covid that is going to kill potential clients of a long term daily expensive drug like Atorvastatin ?
Logic is a funny animal, it sits right next to you daily looking for attention , but is ignored in exchange for the tv or computer .

Your numbers and mathematics are not correct but coming out of your mind. Any link or source to support your assertions? The rest again is a big strawman that you have created in the absence of any food and valid arguments. Stop the vaccine apologetics and the defending of the pharmaceuticals. If you want an answer to your rhetorical questions there are good philosophy departments all over the country that you can ask them the same questions.
Once again, name a medical doctor in America that is NOT beholden to big pharama ?
Do you live in a indigenous tribe in Borneo ?
Big pharma is in lock step with all hospitals & doctors. The burden of proof is in your court & not mine . I don’t believe big pharma is out to harm us , because an alive cow gives milk for years rather than steak for 6 months .
3-0 me .

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

In any human endeavor, you must have the necessary structures in place to detect fraud because humans can be fraudulent. These structures must be independent of the parties that they might have to investigate. The fraudulent will always want them weak or dismantled, if you haven't got these in place, fraud will inevitably take over. It has, there is no redress and the corruption is visible on many fronts simply because fraud has won the day. They don't even try to hide it, because they are confident that all their bases are covered. The situation is in its terminal stages because what we thought we had has been eroded to the point of incompetence.

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