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Montana Bill 235. Scientific Fact Bill

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posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 11:07 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: xuenchen

So I'm right. You have no point. And, you have nothing to offer to the thread or its subject.

The real point is you refuse to comment on a simple question. 😁

Your tangent strategy was however, pretty good 😁

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: xuenchen

What are the consequences if History being taught is false and inaccurate and exaggerated? 😁

You'd have an entire generation of fracking morons thinking America was founded in 1619.


posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

The real point is you refuse to comment on a simple question

In other words, you have no independent point.
And you're trying to make something of the fact that you don't like my answer to your off topic question.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: xuenchen

The real point is you refuse to comment on a simple question

In other words, you have no independent point.
And you're trying to make something of the fact that you don't like my answer to your off topic question.

Question is 100% on topic. In other words you Still can't cough up a simple comment? ⭕🐇

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

Make your point, if you have one. I doubt you do since you've been working hard not make it.
It's not on me to make your imaginary point by answering your pointless, off topic question.

Besides, this thread isn't about me. It's about stupid anti-science bills.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

and what happens when counterfeit anti-science and counterfeit science gets taught in schools hundreds of years later?

😀bittery jittery

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 07:49 PM
I agree with you completely about this. I thought the liberals were supposed to be snowflakes, but Republican parents can't even handle their kids learning scientific theories or history without throwing a temper tantrum??

It will leave these children far behind, indeed.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 08:24 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: Sookiechacha

and what happens when counterfeit anti-science and counterfeit science gets taught in schools hundreds of years later?

😀bittery jittery

So deny them science because of a "maybe"? Again, there is no reports of any science teacher in Montana pushing or teaching any of those big scary topics. Heck a science teacher could push the flat earth theory too or any other theory. So, now we just won't teach any theory? Yeah let's have dumber kids because of the latest thing that Fox news tells their audience to fear. They may be stupid, but we've saved them is the new motto? That'll get them far in life.

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: frogs453

You've got the question deflected too. Nerves getting severed for some reason. 😁

What hurts so bad ?

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

....and what happens when counterfeit anti-science and counterfeit science gets taught in schools hundreds of years later?

What's your point? What do you think happens after hundreds of years of counterfit science, like Adam & Eve and a 7-day creation story, Noah's Ark and the Great Flood story, the Virgin Birth and the resurrection of Jesus after being dead for 3 days?

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: frogs453

You didn't even read the bill... But what's new with the likes of you?...

WHEREAS, a scientific fact is observable and repeatable, and if it does not meet these criteria, it is a
theory that is defined as speculation and is for higher education to explore, debate, and test to ultimately reach
a scientific conclusion of fact or fiction.



The bill says if topics are found to be "theories" that's how they keep being instructed...AS THEORIES...

The bill also targets "K-12 education" and determines that scientific theories is for higher education to determine by exploring, debating, and testing whether the topics are scientific theories or fact.

It's ironic how you leave out the FACT that progressives/democrats have been changing school curriculum to indoctrinate children with LIES all over the U.S.

This bill will help stop any leftist teacher who attempts to indoctrinate children to believe lies, like there are more than two genders, and instead to TEACH and not to indoctrinate children with LIES and FANTASIES.

It is obvious this bill intents to stop any LIES from you leftists/democrats which you all are pushing including to children in k-12.

You have a real problem with reading comprehension, or you are a troll who lies constantly and knowingly.

edit on 11-2-2023 by ElectricUniverse because: add comments.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Bravo! You read the difference of a theory and fact as presented in the bill.

So again. The bill:


NEW SECTION. Section 1. Requirements for science instruction in schools. (1) Science instruction may not include subject matter that is not scientific fact.

Which as you just learned, is not theory, as a scientific fact is observable and repeatable as noted in the portion you quoted. So, again, the big bang, etc. Not allowable.
edit on 11-2-2023 by frogs453 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

What's your point? What do you think happens after hundreds of years of counterfit science, like Adam & Eve and a 7-day creation story, Noah's Ark and the Great Flood story, the Virgin Birth and the resurrection of Jesus after being dead for 3 days?

In fact, historians, including Romans and pagan historians, have written that Jesus Christ did exist, was in their eyes a magician who performed miracles and was crucified.

As for the great flood? Every ancient culture state that there was a great flood throughout the entire world.

Marine archaeologists have found the first evidence of a people who perished in a great flood of the Black Sea that has been linked with the story of Noah's ark.

Using robot underwater vehicles more than 300ft below the sea's surface, they have begun to map a rolling landscape, fed by meandering streams and marked with wattle and daub houses, that was flooded more than 7,000 years ago.

Evidence found of Noah's ark flood victims

In Africa there are signs of a large flood which can be seen as having occurred.

What has your "socialism and communism" brought to the world?

Your lies that "socialism and communism are great and will solve everything" when those doctrines have done nothing but bring suffering, prison sentences for wanting freedom and daring criticize your false socialist/communist messiahs, as well as mass murder and genocide of well over 110 million CIVILIANS being murdered under socialism/communism. That's not counting the deaths of soldiers in battles. Then there are the millions put in concentration camps and gulags thanks to your "socialist utopia."

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: frogs453

And again you completely leave out the context of that section of the bill...

WHEREAS, a scientific fact is observable and repeatable, and if it does not meet these criteria, it is a
theory that is defined as speculation
and is for higher education to explore, debate, and test to ultimately reach
a scientific conclusion of fact or fiction.



You need to learn to consider the context of a sentence...

If it is not a scientific fact then it is defined as SPECULATION. You know, like your "human induced climate change hoax" which is speculation derived from lies...

edit on 11-2-2023 by ElectricUniverse because: add comment.

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Congratulationsfor being an exemplary representation of the danger and ignorance of teaching myth as fact and ignoring the science that disputes it. And thanks for supporting the new right-wing inquisition, making religious ignorance and bigotry great again!

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

How does it feel to be oil and water in the same glass ? 😁

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
a reply to: frogs453

And again you completely leave out the context of that section of the bill...

WHEREAS, a scientific fact is observable and repeatable, and if it does not meet these criteria, it is a
theory that is defined as speculation
and is for higher education to explore, debate, and test to ultimately reach
a scientific conclusion of fact or fiction.



You need to learn to consider the context of a sentence...

If it is not a scientific fact then it is defined as SPECULATION. You know, like your "human induced climate change hoax" which is speculation derived from lies...

That is the explanation of fact and theory. I quoted the bill. It will only allow teaching of scientific fact. Here's the quote again.


NEW SECTION. Section 1. Requirements for science instruction in schools. (1) Science instruction may not include subject matter that is not scientific fact.

So where are you getting that scientific theory will be allowed? I'm not arguing what is fact or theory. I know what a theory is. Again, the bill will only allow teaching of scientific fact. Feel free to continue discussing theory, however it will not be allowed to be taught, therefore putting Montana students well behind their peers in knowledge and the process of a theory.

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: Sookiechacha

How does it feel to be oil and water in the same glass ? 😁

It's quite emulsifying!

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: frogs453

They are passing it to protect themselves before it happens. They are being proactive. If more states would do that better things would happen but with politics it is usually let something happen, complain and argue and then fund.

Pick up a history book written before 1960 and it is a very different story. I have collected from thrift stores some fantastic history books dating back to the 1800's. They are very cool to read and it was when things were simply fact and not commentary.

posted on Feb, 12 2023 @ 02:55 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

Congratulationsfor being an exemplary representation of the danger and ignorance of teaching myth as fact and ignoring the science that disputes it. And thanks for supporting the new right-wing inquisition, making religious ignorance and bigotry great again!

Naaa, it is people like YOU, the ones wanting to force socialism/communism, the ones wanting to change actual science for pseudo-scientific BS. It is people like you who have brought nothing but suffering and death to this world. So congrats in wanting to bring nothing but suffering and death as well as ignorance.

And as for "teaching children real science"?... YOU? The same leftists claiming "math is racist" or that "looking for the right answer is a sign of white supremacy"?... The ones that can't tell what a woman is and claim a man can get pregnant? Don't make me laugh.

Scientific theories, such as gravity, even though it is still considered a theory can be replicated and it's observable and repeatable...

Mathematics is a real science that can be replicated and it's observable and repeatable...

Your left-wing lies that "a man can be a woman" is NOT science and it cannot be replicated, nor is it observable.

There are more than 2 genders "IS NOT SCIENCE" and it cannot be replicated, nor is it observable.

Your lies that mankind and CO2 are the cause of climate change IS NOT SCIENCE and it cannot be replicated, nor is it observable. If it was real science your hacktivists passing as "scientists' wouldn't have had a need to erase raw temperature data. They wouldn't have a need to constantly LIE and hide evidence that debunks such claims. They wouldn't need to silence real scientists who can, and have presented evidence destroying your FALSE RELIGION that is AGW.

What you call "right-wing inquisition" is because those like YOU want to reduce children to be nothing but sexual objects. Those like YOU are actively trying to take away parental rights so YOU can control children and their lives. Those like YOU and your bosses in the communist party, formerly democrat party, who have labeled "parents" as 'domestic terrorists" for not wanting their children being indoctrinated to be nothing but sexual objects and for not wanting their children indoctrinated to embrace socialism/communism.

You are one of those who claim that banning sexually explicit books from schools is evil meanwhile you are more than okay with children being exposed to Drag queens and their perverted shows.

edit on 12-2-2023 by ElectricUniverse because: add and correct comment.

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