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I am really seeing the effects of the economy now

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posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: JAGStorm

Look at the date I wrote this, and my last line!!! I’m really glad I took my own advice at the time! It’s not too late either.
Those with limited means, even if you can scrape to buy one of these items each month it will add up.

"First, GAS Shelf stable foods, rice, beans, pasta, canned goods. Make sure you have means to store and know how to rotate. Water, water purification Everything gardening related, seeds, TOOLS - I can’t stress this enough. I think if things get bad these things will be harder and more expensive to get. PEST control. Durable clothing. Order those jeans now, and good shoes, and outerwear. When people talk about prepping we are not saying War is coming to our door, although it might. We know that there are consequences for war even many thousands miles away. Prepping will have you ready for anything, job loss, illness, or the most likely case for many of us - inflation!!!!! Please add anything I’ve forgotten!!!"

Job Loss, or Inflation!!!!!

That was real good advice. Although I feel I'm prepared, and a lot around me aren't, we never really know what will happen, so we never know if we really are prepared as well as we should me; at least that's my main concern. I feel really bad for the people who didn't listen to advice like that and prepare, even though we warned them. But, despite that, I can't help feeling that they're going to be in a world of hurt soon and I only hope I can stay afloat and maybe be in a position to help out some of my friends or neighbors.

I feel I'm managing things fairly well right now, but I feel real sorry for the people who aren't. What are they going to do if things pass the breaking point?

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 10:38 AM
some of the liberal outlets (outside the US) i follow the question is not will it happen but how bad will it be.. the data looks like it'll be similar to 2007/8..

eg How bad will the global housing market crash be? The metrics are eerily similar to 2008

Looking at the data on mortgage-backed securities in the United States today, it paints a grim picture. Mortgage-backed securities held by commercial banks have risen from around $990 billion in 2009 to around $2.7 trillion today — in other words, a roughly threefold increase. While we may have expected banks to have learned their lessons the last time around, it appears that low interest rates have pursued them to forgive and forget and once again take the plunge into the market for mortgage-backed securities.

the question becomes who'll be our lehmans and BlackRock and blackstone seem the stand out risks.. each time we've hit a bump recentrly you see one or the other mentioned as hitting prioblems..

Blackstone’s $69 Billion Real Estate Fund Hit Monthly Redemption Limit in January

the withdrawals are already beginning...

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Although part of that is due to the economy the other part is that AirBnB’s have been vilified on social media.

Not necessarily true. I used the word Airbnb, VRBO falls in the same category. When times get financially rough for people, they care less about what SM is saying. They care more about getting an affordable deal. The real problem is, people simply aren’t visiting here in the numbers we’ve seen from the past. You can see it just driving down the main road. We used to have really bad traffic problems. As in, it took 45 minutes to go 2 miles. There is no traffic backups now and there hasn’t been any since roughly September. Even then it wasn’t nearly as bad as the past.

Most of these problems really come down to greed. EVERYONE hopped on the inflation train. MANY industries that were simply not affected by it. Yet they saw an opportunity to capitalize. Now here we are — PIGS GET FAT, HOGS GET SLAUGHTERED.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: Notabot12345666
a reply to: JAGStorm

Yeah to all of that but At least Trump doesn’t tweet anymore

How many trillions did the Fed print during the first year of COVID?

How many single and multi trillion dollar emergency bills got through congress and the presidents desk in the same time period?

It was the largest quick deployment of funds in our nations history. And if you don’t think that’s part of the inflation right now, you’re part of the partisan problem that always allows this to happen.

Make no mistake, the change in guard did nothing to help. And the current admin has disastrous policy of their own contributing to the crisis.

But the absolute unfounded realities hyperpartisans have set the stage for a continuation of irresponsible fiscal action. It will never change unless we apply the same calls for accountability on our own favorite politicians as well as opponents.

For gods sakes, some of them were completely transparent about what was going to happen while they were enacting it. The fed said dropping the interest rates means they’d have to do the inverse and make them high in the near future to counter it. They had to purchase market products they’ve never bought before like corporate bonds in their initiative to prop up the stock market, noting when they unwind those positions the market would react. Trying to act as if this is all on one side is intellectually dishonest (including pinning it all on the right or trump).

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 10:49 AM

edit on 1-2-2023 by CriticalStinker because: Dbl

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 10:52 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

That’s the other thing. Anyone that was able secured a stupid low rate for their mortgage (usually under 4%, sometimes closer to 2%)
That is a double edge sword. If they sell they wouldn’t be able to afford the same kind of house! This locks a lot of people into a place unless they absolutely have to move. On the flip side, if people have an adjustable rate… they are screwed!

My wife and I jokingly say that we can't afford to move.
Our rate was pretty low when we first bought. 2 years later we refinanced and lowered our loan amount, payment and interest rate.
We pay less in mortgage for our small house than people pay rent at the 'not so nice' apartments down the road and lower than lot fees at the local trailer park.

Fine by me, cuz we love it there... but we literally can't afford to move.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
some of the liberal outlets (outside the US) i follow the question is not will it happen but how bad will it be.. the data looks like it'll be similar to 2007/8..

eg How bad will the global housing market crash be? The metrics are eerily similar to 2008

Looking at the data on mortgage-backed securities in the United States today, it paints a grim picture. Mortgage-backed securities held by commercial banks have risen from around $990 billion in 2009 to around $2.7 trillion today — in other words, a roughly threefold increase. While we may have expected banks to have learned their lessons the last time around, it appears that low interest rates have pursued them to forgive and forget and once again take the plunge into the market for mortgage-backed securities.

the question becomes who'll be our lehmans and BlackRock and blackstone seem the stand out risks.. each time we've hit a bump recentrly you see one or the other mentioned as hitting prioblems..

Blackstone’s $69 Billion Real Estate Fund Hit Monthly Redemption Limit in January

the withdrawals are already beginning...

It’s going to be worse than 08’. For the simple reason of housing prices. Anyone that bought in the last 2.5 years is going to get screwed, no matter what. Do you think the banks are going to repossess a house and turn around and sell it for half of what they loaned on it? Nope, they won’t. They will hold on to the assets, effectively reducing the inventory down again. This is the goal of the WEF when they say “We will own nothing, and be happy”. It’s not possible for us to own nothing. However, if you put it in the context of real estate, this is a very real outcome. THIS is the reason companies like Blackrock and Vanguard gobbled up all the real estate at extremely inflated prices. It wasn’t a short term money making venture. It was a long term plan of the consolidation of wealth.! 99% of the people on the planets largest investment they make is in real estate. If they’ve been sliced out of the market, that opens the doors for large corporations to own it all.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: o0oTOPCATo0o

My wife and I jokingly say that we can't afford to move. Our rate was pretty low when we first bought. 2 years later we refinanced and lowered our loan amount, payment and interest rate. We pay less in mortgage for our small house than people pay rent at the 'not so nice' apartments down the road and lower than lot fees at the local trailer park. Fine by me, cuz we love it there... but we literally can't afford to move.

We are locked in at such a low rate it is almost free money. If people knew what we pay for our mortgage they would be shocked by looking at our house. Our house has doubled in price since we purchased it, even if it lost half it’s market value we would still be over water!
At this point we will never sell this house. Even if we move we would keep it and let one of our kids live in it. The land itself is very valuable and not something that is found very often. I looked 3 years for this house, it wasn’t on the market, I communicated with the owner directly and he sold it to us.
We are on acreage with no possibility of back yard neighbors. We are on a well in an area that is is very difficult to bring public water to. We have our own mailbox (sounds weird, but a lot of place now share a common mailbox) We are in a state that has solar rights laws, so the town can’t prohibit solar in any way. The land used to be a farm and the soil is rich and fertile and anything and everything grows. The topography of this area is ideal in the case of natural disaster or civil unrest.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: o0oTOPCATo0o

originally posted by: JAGStorm

That’s the other thing. Anyone that was able secured a stupid low rate for their mortgage (usually under 4%, sometimes closer to 2%)
That is a double edge sword. If they sell they wouldn’t be able to afford the same kind of house! This locks a lot of people into a place unless they absolutely have to move. On the flip side, if people have an adjustable rate… they are screwed!

My wife and I jokingly say that we can't afford to move.
Our rate was pretty low when we first bought. 2 years later we refinanced and lowered our loan amount, payment and interest rate.
We pay less in mortgage for our small house than people pay rent at the 'not so nice' apartments down the road and lower than lot fees at the local trailer park.

Fine by me, cuz we love it there... but we literally can't afford to move.

We can't either. We bought our nice house 10 years ago. The 30 year mortgage (which we paid off in 8 years) wouldn't get us a studio apartment these days. I know because I priced apartment rent recently and a studio around the corner is $1400 a month. Insane.

But as Biden and the Dems say, we don't have to deal with Trumps mean tweets so sky high rent is so worth it.

Also Biden has given out so much money to everyone that not being able to afford rent and rising homelessness is absolutely worth the freebees we got from the Dems. Plus no more mean orange man, living on the street and not being able to afford an egg, sure beats having orange man for President, so say the libs.

edit on 2/1/23 by The2Billies because: addition

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: TrulyColorBlind

They keep saying they are preparing us for a recession. Too late. Our system has already collapsed. Reneging on our debt means they will have to give up some land, or they will have to go to war. Neither solution is a win for the American citizens.

They can't let the people catch on too fast. They can't have millions of people that suddenly have not a damn thing to lose, pissed, and coming for their blood. So the will keep escalating the hate, vitriol, and division, to keep us busy fighting each other, instead of them.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: TrulyColorBlind

They keep saying they are preparing us for a recession. Too late. Our system has already collapsed. Reneging on our debt means they will have to give up some land, or they will have to go to war. Neither solution is a win for the American citizens.

They can't let the people catch on too fast. They can't have millions of people that suddenly have not a damn thing to lose, pissed, and coming for their blood. So the will keep escalating the hate, vitriol, and division, to keep us busy fighting each other, instead of them.

My guess is war unfortunately.
Or a combination of both.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
There's a mass exodus from big cities going on and smaller towns in conservative states seem to be a prime target. What seems like ridiculous prices to locals seems like a steal for someone from California.

And they are moving to conservative areas so they can $*#@ them up.

I'm glad I live in a state that has such an awful conservative reputation that libs won't even consider coming here.

I was so angry when a prominent black entertainer said she experienced(s) less racism and racial division in her home state, my state, than in NY or LA. I want the libs to keep thinking we are an awful terrible place, backward, racist, sexist reeking of LGBTQP+ hate; that may keep them from my doorstep. Shooo, away with you Californians etc. we are mean awful people, so don't come to our state and screw it up like you did yours. We adore the stereotype! We know it isn't true and we aim to keep our state free from liberal parasites, tax raisers, and imposers of the "new morality" that isn't moral at all. We won't put transgenders who have raped women in a womens prison and we don't want you to coming to our state to try and force us into doing henious things like that. Go away - we are evil, the stereotypes are right, we are toothless bigots, go away.

However if you want to flee libs and are conservative, welcome to my state.

We are fed up and angry with the policies that have destroyed the morality of the nation as well as the economy and is forcing more and more people out onto streets and into homelessness, emptying the food banks to depletion and people can't afford to donate like they used to.

But heh! Bad orange man is gone, so you libs can celebrate and say it is worth the homeless rising and worth food banks running out of food and people now to poor to donate to food banks. Worth it all to have Biden for President and Dems in charge of the Senate!
edit on 2/1/23 by The2Billies because: grammar

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 11:31 AM
or as simply put, america is doomed. by the time we all start seeing whats really going on itll be too late. behind all these BS distractions the media keeps pumping out. our government is dumping all our money and weapons into ukraine. forcing america to use energy based technoglogy that fails and continues spending money when were sinking to the point of no return. ALSO a big question we as americans should be asking is if we are transitioning to these non polluting energy tech. and if other countries do not. then were sitting ducks with targets painting on our heads.a reply to: JAGStorm

edit on 1-2-2023 by EarthRevolution because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 11:35 AM
lets not forget the big bad starving wolves come to feed on those big fat pigs!a reply to: KKLOCO

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: TrulyColorBlind

They keep saying they are preparing us for a recession. Too late. Our system has already collapsed. Reneging on our debt means they will have to give up some land, or they will have to go to war. Neither solution is a win for the American citizens.

They can't let the people catch on too fast. They can't have millions of people that suddenly have not a damn thing to lose, pissed, and coming for their blood. So the will keep escalating the hate, vitriol, and division, to keep us busy fighting each other, instead of them.

My guess is war unfortunately.
Or a combination of both.

You are spot on!

That is why you are hearing all over the news the prediction of going to war with China.

TPTB know that WWII fixed broken economies around the world and lowered the population. A world war, an awful war with nukes would suit their purposes just fine. They want a new WW.

I wish everyone would just refuse to participate, all the military etc. But they won't, especially in the brainwashed zombies in China who were raised to worship their government and think the government can do no wrong.

China needs a huge war to get rid of excess males that historically has caused massive problems for governments when they are "of age" as the tens of millions of excess males are now in China. Due to their perfect government policies.

War in the eyes of TPTB would solve world wide debt, world wide economic problems, plus the added benefit of reducing the population of the earth. A plus for all elitists and particularly elitist politicians.

edit on 2/1/23 by The2Billies because: grammar

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Sounds like a prime situation..
It's really all about timing. My Sister in law and her husband bought a house this past year and let's just say we don't talk about monthly payments and interest rates around them.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 12:47 PM
Going out to eat is painful these days, what used to be an under $5 lunch is now over $10. I normally bring a lunch, but sometimes on travel it’s not convenient to bum a ride to a grocery store and be “that cheap a$$” coworker.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 12:51 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Point by point for my area (Rural SC).

Restaurants are open, staffed, and busy as heck.

I don't go to antique stores, so there is no frame of reference there.

Hotels, I get the same emails I always have. Cost-wise, I've had to book business travel three times now, and they look to be the same rates I've seen in the last decade or so.

The car I've been looking at is still used and over MSRP; it may be brand dependent as it's located in MD.

Layoffs, not seeing local but national ones, have not impacted anyone I've worked with. I think the tech layoffs are department specific rather than wide sweeping. Non-essential functions are being consolidated and phased out, which is probably a smart business move.

I am not seeing the food prices that others are seeing. A dozen eggs are still about three bucks; everything else is similar, if not cheaper (e.g., meat).

Housing, we've had a couple of houses go up for sale and come off at reduced rates. With interest rates being what they are, I don't blame anyone for not wanting to purchase currently.

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Not sure if we are technically in a recession, but it is sure feeling like it! Here’s my Midwest edition! (Are you seeing the same things?)

Yay, and this shall be a sign unto thee that the end is nigh:
When ye seeth no more junk mail in thine mailbox,
Then know that the time has come.
Fleest ye then unto the mountains,
For the wrath of the Lord neareth.

And taketh no "Forever Stamps" with ye,
Lest ye angerst the Most High.
For he alone dwelleth eternally,
And all of mans work shall come to naught.

edit on 1-2-2023 by RavenSpeaks because: add more

posted on Feb, 1 2023 @ 01:41 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Yea, the restaurants are definitly hurting and closing in my area.

2 reasons for that though. One is that COVID demonstrated the yuck factor of restaurants, and worse today because they Ewell hire anyone, even tattooed ex cons to work in the eateries. 2nd reason of course is the cost of eating out is way too high and for far smaller portions. Most of the population here is morbidly obese and expect huge portions.

What I am seeing is Hotel/Motels, the older ones, closing. However, we've seen a big spike in prices at the newer hotels. Again, 2 reasons. In Texas, primary users of hotels in outlying areas are Oil Field workers who rent by the week. They don't much care about the prices, its an expense account item. Only people staying in City hotels are drug dealers , migrants at government expense and human traffickers. As well, many of city hotels are just tax write offs and money laundering operations.

Local state residents use the lodging one county removed from an urban area because of the crime.

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