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BREAKING: MIT Professor calls for the immediate suspension of all mRNA vaccines

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posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Itisnowagain

They had a vaccine for Spanish Flu?

Did they?
You tell me.

Still haven't had an answer on the name of these vaccines that were used to end the Spanish Flu Pandemic which lasted for 10 years as it seems.

And it's not clear whether we have 2 viruses or one. Acceding to the other member Covid-19 came from SARS-CoV-2, both being virus.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

Ironically... this is exactly what was leaked shortly after the vaccinations began and why they were so adamant that as many people got it as possible....

If the comparison cohorde becomes small enough, we cant make any studies on adverse events.
This is intentional. THANKFULLY... the kids cohorde didnt get very small. Atleast in Denmark, we werent dumb and blind enough to let our kids get this test vaccine crap.... # Pfizer... # em..... burn them to tje ground.

Sometimes, the coincidences mount up to a degree that even a non-scholar can see all the bull#.

And when you also take into account WHY both the SARS CoV-1 vaccine and the HIV vaccines failed to make it to human trials.... we know what is up.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 12:35 AM

originally posted by: flice
a reply to: quintessentone

Ironically... this is exactly what was leaked shortly after the vaccinations began and why they were so adamant that as many people got it as possible....

If the comparison cohorde becomes small enough, we cant make any studies on adverse events.
This is intentional. THANKFULLY... the kids cohorde didnt get very small. Atleast in Denmark, we werent dumb and blind enough to let our kids get this test vaccine crap.... # Pfizer... # em..... burn them to tje ground.

Sometimes, the coincidences mount up to a degree that even a non-scholar can see all the bull#.

And when you also take into account WHY both the SARS CoV-1 vaccine and the HIV vaccines failed to make it to human trials.... we know what is up.

I have asked others to tell me whether there are any other vaccines for human coronaviruses but still no answer on this. The usual suspects and vaccine apologists won't touch the subject at all.
edit on 3-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Itisnowagain

They had a vaccine for Spanish Flu?

Did they?
You tell me.

Still haven't had an answer on the name of these vaccines that were used to end the Spanish Flu Pandemic which lasted for 10 years as it seems.

While this doesn't mention the 1918 flu vaccine either (lol) it is still an interesting article on the Spanish Flu. No idea if the points are entirely correct, it's interesting though.

edit on 3-2-2023 by Quintilian because: spelling.

(post by GandalftheLegless removed for a manners violation)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Ha,ha. ! Wow. You can't hold these guys on a pedestal. Let me just make this observation:

My brother in law teaches advanced math and computer science, a Professor who has written gobly-gook-w-t-f-textbooks. Declassifying Russian nuke codes n all in the 80's.

The guys an IDIOT. No humanity, soc understanding, skills...nothing. This is a Genius Professor who can't understand Tik Tok.

So, I wished we'd quit basing anything on what some doc...or prof....says. These guys poop n pee like us...but most times metaphorically speaking...they miss the toilet.....


Reminds me of these mathematical geniuses. Being educated and being intelligent can be wildly different things.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 05:23 AM

originally posted by: Quintilian

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Ha,ha. ! Wow. You can't hold these guys on a pedestal. Let me just make this observation:

My brother in law teaches advanced math and computer science, a Professor who has written gobly-gook-w-t-f-textbooks. Declassifying Russian nuke codes n all in the 80's.

The guys an IDIOT. No humanity, soc understanding, skills...nothing. This is a Genius Professor who can't understand Tik Tok.

So, I wished we'd quit basing anything on what some doc...or prof....says. These guys poop n pee like us...but most times metaphorically speaking...they miss the toilet.....


Reminds me of these mathematical geniuses. Being educated and being intelligent can be wildly different things.

They have been peer-reviewed many times in their lives but beliefs are beliefs and are entangled deeply in someone's perception of reality.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 06:48 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: GandalftheLegless

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Asmodeus3
People have been posting about the mounting evidence for at least 2 years.

I ain't looking at anything. If what is on page 1 post 3 can stop it then it will, if not then you are just blowing smoke.

Since we are here, the mRNA jabs work just like the traditional vaccines work. Inject something that expresses things on the cell surface to evoke a response from the immune system. That is why they create the spike protein that is causing trouble.

All you are doing is parroting stuff because it helps your crusade.

I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I implore you to stop talking out of your arse.

If your task here is to derail the conversation with your total rubbish then well done, you've done it.

Sit down and let people discuss the material without your utter drivel.

It's the usual peddling of official narratives coupled with vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality. But they cannot do much as their arguments are not supported by evidence and their world is about to collapse.

I get that. But if he wants to lose at Darwinism then Ive lost the two effs I had left.

He's in my way of trying to pick out crucially important info that could save the lives of the people I love, that's why I currently use this site. I have people dear to me that have been seriously injured by the vaccine and quite frankly his BS I have zero time for!

And pouring through pages of arguments with idiots and shills eating yours and my time and energy just really annoys me.

Btw thanks for putting up with the trolls and time wasters. Lurkers like me appreciate it.
edit on 3-2-2023 by GandalftheLegless because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 08:44 AM

originally posted by: GandalftheLegless

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: GandalftheLegless

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Asmodeus3
People have been posting about the mounting evidence for at least 2 years.

I ain't looking at anything. If what is on page 1 post 3 can stop it then it will, if not then you are just blowing smoke.

Since we are here, the mRNA jabs work just like the traditional vaccines work. Inject something that expresses things on the cell surface to evoke a response from the immune system. That is why they create the spike protein that is causing trouble.

All you are doing is parroting stuff because it helps your crusade.

I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I implore you to stop talking out of your arse.

If your task here is to derail the conversation with your total rubbish then well done, you've done it.

Sit down and let people discuss the material without your utter drivel.

It's the usual peddling of official narratives coupled with vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality. But they cannot do much as their arguments are not supported by evidence and their world is about to collapse.

I get that. But if he wants to lose at Darwinism then Ive lost the two effs I had left.

He's in my way of trying to pick out crucially important info that could save the lives of the people I love, that's why I currently use this site. I have people dear to me that have been seriously injured by the vaccine and quite frankly his BS I have zero time for!

And pouring through pages of arguments with idiots and shills eating yours and my time and energy just really annoys me.

Btw thanks for putting up with the trolls and time wasters. Lurkers like me appreciate it.

There is plenty of useful information around here and eventhough I have been here for a few months I have created a number of threads covering actual cases of vaccine injuries and deaths verified by coroners and medical examiners. The true number is much higher as you may guess.

But the symptoms and conditions are well known by know. If you come across blood clots in the brain it's most likely the Astrazeneca vaccines that have been withdrawn from most countries.

For everything else including blood clots it's the mRNA products. Especially cardiac related conditions post vaccination. It's the free spike protein which seems to be very pathogenic creating inflammations and a different range of conditions.

Take a look at my threads.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 11:40 AM

MIT Professor Retsef Levi speaks with me about how the Israeli Ministry of Health ignored all the safety data on the COVID vax

The inside scoop on the how the Israeli MoH commissioned a safety study and when the results were bad, they quashed the study and stopped collecting new safety data. That's how science works.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 03:53 AM
TimesofIndia (link doesn't seem to work)

Covid vaccine: MIT Professor calls for immediate suspension of COVID mRNA vaccine.

The number of health professionals urging for the suspension of COVID mRNA vaccine is increasing. The call for withdrawing the vaccine is getting stronger. Recently, MIT Professor Retsef Levi took to Twitter to share the harm mRNA vaccines are causing in young people. "The evidence is mounting and indisputable that mRNA vaccines cause serious harm including death, especially among young people. We have to stop giving them immediately!," the MIT Expert in Analytics, Risk Management, Health Systems, Food & Agriculture Systems, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Management has tweeted.

Professor Levi's video, in which he has warned against the use of mRNA vaccine, has received more than 1 million views so far.

edit on 4-2-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 08:37 AM

COVID MRNA Vaccine Is Causing Cardiac Arrests And Should Be Stopped, Says Experts

Health professionals are urging to put a suspension of the COVID mRNA vaccine. According to multiple reports and experts, the mRNA vaccines are causing serious harm including death, especially among young people. The administration of this vaccine should be stopped immediately. An MIT expert in Analytics, Risk Management, Health Systems, Food & Agriculture Systems, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Management has tweeted that the evidence against these vaccines are indisputable and they should be stopped immediately. This expert in question had shared a video sharing his thoughts on the vaccine and it has gone viral with one million views. The number of health professionals urging for the same thing is also increasing everyday.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

The expert you quoted is plainly a sell-out shill for the establishment/ big pharma, and likely receives some sort of gratuity for being willing to stamp his seal of authority on a refutation of some sort of claim regarding misinformation.

Just another sell-out shill who sells out his countrymen for the sake of whatever lame plaudits they are rewarding him with. He has, in effect, sold his soul.

All cause mortality is way, way up, and provides a contextual window against the backdrop of which every other metric should be measured. It is abundantly clear by now that the MRNA 'vaccines' are nothing but an agreed-upon bioweapon which multiple pharma companies determined to be the most efficacious means of murdering large numbers of people, leaving as little evidence as possible behind to indicate that this is what has been done.

They are using every trick in the book to muddy the waters & disguise their misdeed, but ruination will fall upon their heads for the choices they have made, to sell this weapon of mass destruction as a less-than-harmless 'medicine' which is supposedly a vehicle for better health to all who would receive it. Nonsense, deserving of ruination.

posted on Feb, 9 2023 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: quintessentone

The expert you quoted is plainly a sell-out shill for the establishment/ big pharma, and likely receives some sort of gratuity for being willing to stamp his seal of authority on a refutation of some sort of claim regarding misinformation.

Just another sell-out shill who sells out his countrymen for the sake of whatever lame plaudits they are rewarding him with. He has, in effect, sold his soul.

All cause mortality is way, way up, and provides a contextual window against the backdrop of which every other metric should be measured. It is abundantly clear by now that the MRNA 'vaccines' are nothing but an agreed-upon bioweapon which multiple pharma companies determined to be the most efficacious means of murdering large numbers of people, leaving as little evidence as possible behind to indicate that this is what has been done.

They are using every trick in the book to muddy the waters & disguise their misdeed, but ruination will fall upon their heads for the choices they have made, to sell this weapon of mass destruction as a less-than-harmless 'medicine' which is supposedly a vehicle for better health to all who would receive it. Nonsense, deserving of ruination.

I think most of us who have looked at this matter know by now what is going on and and there is nowhere to hide given the large number of vaccine injuries and deaths.

The member you replied to has also stated that Covid-19 has come from SARS-CoV-2, both being a virus. I think the confusion in these arguments is very clear.

In addition the mRNA products have caused a range of debilitating conditions and deaths that the vaccine apologists and defenders of the pharmaceuticals try to dismiss conveniently by claiming these events are 'rare' and the 'vaccines' are 'safe and effective'

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 08:38 PM

Professor Retsef Levi of MIT has just made quite a bombshell proclamation, joining the ranks of select professionals brave enough to unequivocally call for a halt to all covid vaccine administration.

On January 30, Dr. Aseem Malhotra and Professor Levi both tweeted Levi’s statement:

The evidence is mounting and indisputable that MRNA vaccines cause serious harm including death, especially among young people. We have to stop giving them immediately!

Since we can be confident that mainstream media will attempt to discredit Professor Levi in every way possible, perhaps claiming that he isn’t qualified to speak on the topic, I would like to establish his stellar credentials here - as a brilliant scientist, whose mathematical analyses of data changed the way that hospitals operate.

Please see these excerpts from a 2014 article, which explains how his statistical analysis work revolutionized the medical centers he consulted for.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:48 AM
I was trying to read this whole thread before posting, but I don't have time right now so apologies if what I'm about to write has already been pointed out.

One of the reasons that I stood strong against getting vaxxed is because there is ZERO chance that you know exactly what was being shot into you. The lists of ingredients in the vaccinations that I read was bad enough. It could have actually been way worse what was in them. And I bet in some cases it was even benign. Which would fit in with a theory that this mass vaccination was really a "drug trial" type scenario.

I still am not sure if I think the intent is to get rid of as many people as possible. Whatever the truth behind the mass vaccination is....I am sure it's not good. I can't prove a gut feeling. But when the whole world starts practically forcing vaccines on its citizens...I'm positive that I made the right choice to not get vaxxed. And even back when Covid was so "rampant" (I'm still not even sure that it was as bad as they made it out to be, but admitting that automatically makes a person a target. I don't care if anyone thinks I'm stupid for believing that, I just don't know if it was as bad as they said), I refused to get vaxxed and here I am, still alive and perfectly fine.

Sorry for rambling. This topic has always concerned me, but lately it's turned more to worry because my whole family are vaxxed and boosted. Many of my friends are. And they all truly believe they did the right thing. And I'm just worried for them because I know my gut instinct to stay away from the vaccine was the right choice, and like I already said, it's unfortunate you can't prove a gut feeling. It's like in the movie Contact when the Matthew McConnaghey character says to the Jodie Foster character "prove it" when she says of course she loved her deceased father.

Sadly, this particular gut feeling being unable to be proven is going to be very bad for so many and for their loved ones. I realize the world is overpopulated, but this was a bad way to go about trying to fix that (since the most likely explanation is usually the right one).

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: purzelbaum
I was trying to read this whole thread before posting, but I don't have time right now so apologies if what I'm about to write has already been pointed out.

One of the reasons that I stood strong against getting vaxxed is because there is ZERO chance that you know exactly what was being shot into you. The lists of ingredients in the vaccinations that I read was bad enough. It could have actually been way worse what was in them. And I bet in some cases it was even benign. Which would fit in with a theory that this mass vaccination was really a "drug trial" type scenario.

I still am not sure if I think the intent is to get rid of as many people as possible. Whatever the truth behind the mass vaccination is....I am sure it's not good. I can't prove a gut feeling. But when the whole world starts practically forcing vaccines on its citizens...I'm positive that I made the right choice to not get vaxxed. And even back when Covid was so "rampant" (I'm still not even sure that it was as bad as they made it out to be, but admitting that automatically makes a person a target. I don't care if anyone thinks I'm stupid for believing that, I just don't know if it was as bad as they said), I refused to get vaxxed and here I am, still alive and perfectly fine.

Sorry for rambling. This topic has always concerned me, but lately it's turned more to worry because my whole family are vaxxed and boosted. Many of my friends are. And they all truly believe they did the right thing. And I'm just worried for them because I know my gut instinct to stay away from the vaccine was the right choice, and like I already said, it's unfortunate you can't prove a gut feeling. It's like in the movie Contact when the Matthew McConnaghey character says to the Jodie Foster character "prove it" when she says of course she loved her deceased father.

Sadly, this particular gut feeling being unable to be proven is going to be very bad for so many and for their loved ones. I realize the world is overpopulated, but this was a bad way to go about trying to fix that (since the most likely explanation is usually the right one).

It's a valid argument by the way.
Major uncertainty in relation to the ingredients and lack of trust of institutions and people who you can't trust.

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 11:52 AM

Autopsies show that the mRNA vaccine safety paradigm collapsed. The mRNA stays in the body & expresses toxic spike protein in cells throughout the body. All organs are affected including blood vessels, heart, brain & reproductive system. It has to stop!

posted on Feb, 23 2023 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

Autopsies show that the mRNA vaccine safety paradigm collapsed. The mRNA stays in the body & expresses toxic spike protein in cells throughout the body. All organs are affected including blood vessels, heart, brain & reproductive system. It has to stop!

You die but you go to heaven.

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