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BREAKING: MIT Professor calls for the immediate suspension of all mRNA vaccines

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+30 more 
posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 08:09 AM
The link does not work but you can Google and find the article from the dailyskeptic.

MIT Expert on Drug Safety Calls for Immediate Withdrawal of mRNA Vaccines: “Clearly the Most Failing Medical Product in History, Causing Unprecedented Harm”

Covid mRNA vaccines are “clearly the most failing medical product in the history of medical products, both in terms of efficacy and safety” and should be withdrawn immediately as they cause “an unprecedented level of harm including the death of young people and children”, a top drug safety expert has said.

Professor Retsef Levi, an expert in analytics, risk management and health systems at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, released a video this morning where he set out the alarming findings of his investigations and how they have been completely ignored by the Israeli Government. The video was tweeted by leading cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra.

Part of the transcript of Professor Levi’s video.

Hi. My name is Retsef Levi, and since 2006 I’ve been a faculty member at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I have more than 30 years of experience as a practitioner and an academic in using data analytics to assess and manage risk, particularly in the context of health systems and health policies, as well as the management of safety and quality of manufacturing of biological products.

I’m filming this video to share my strong conviction that at this point in time all COVID-19 mRNA vaccination programmes should stop immediately. They should stop because they completely fail to fulfil any of their advertised promises regarding efficacy. And more important they should stop because of the mounting and indisputable evidence that they cause an unprecedented level of harm, including the death of young people and children.

I personally became concerned with the vaccine safety around the middle of 2021, when it became known that the mRNA vaccines cause myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart.

Since myocarditis is known to be hard to diagnose I was very concerned that it will not be detected by the existing vaccine safety surveillance systems. Motivated by that, we decided to analyse the Israel national EMS [emergency services] data to see if there are any signals of increased out-of-hospital adverse events.

We detected an increase of 25% in the cause ‘with cardiac arrest’ diagnosis among ages 16-39 in the first half of 2021, exactly when the vaccination campaign in Israel was launched. A smaller increase was also detected in the older ages. Moreover, we also detected a statistically significant temporal correlation between the number of the Pfizer vaccine doses administered to this population and the number of EMS calls with cardiac arrest diagnosis.

By now I believe that the cumulative evidence is conclusive and confirms our concern that the mRNA vaccines indeed cause sudden cardiac arrest as a sequel of vaccine-induced myocarditis

And finally, autopsies of people that die closely after they receive the vaccine indicate that with the enlarged number of cases, there is strong evidence that the death was caused by vaccine-induced myocarditis.

So presented with all of this evidence, I think that there is no other ethical or scientific choice but to pull out of the market these medical products and stop all the mRNA vaccination programmes. This is clearly the most failing medical product in the history of medical products, both in terms of efficacy and safety. And we need to investigate and think hard: How did we end up in a situation that it’s also the most profitable medical product in the history of medical products?

Thank you for your attention.

I usually comment with several paragraphs but I think the article speaks for itself and I strongly agree with what Professor Retsef Levi said. He is one if the many who have spoken out.

The mRNA products are known to cause several severe adverse reactions and death. I have already created a range threads discussing the various vaccine injuries and deaths that have been verified by coroners and medical examiners. However not all deaths and injuries will be recognised by the establishment that wants to protect its reputation and investment as well to protect the pharmaceuticals from thousands of lawsuits.

Just as the Astrazeneca vaccine that was withdrawn from most countries which used it in the past for the blood clots and subsequent deaths it caused, likewise the mRNA products should be pulled out of the market as they are not safe and effective as advertised and the serious adverse reactions they could cause are not rare.

More links

edit on 31-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Another non-medical self-described expert performing data analytics using flawed analytic approaches.

The TGA has an extensive section on its website describing how its data on adverse effects is used. This states that “an assessment of the safety of a medicine or vaccine cannot be made based on this information”.

Jacques Raubenheimer, a senior research fellow in biostatistics at University of Sydney who has written on vaccine misinformation and data misinterpretation, said the nature of the adverse event data meant it could not be used to draw the inferences made in the Daily Exposé article.

“They are assuming that every death listed against other vaccines was caused by those vaccines, and that every death listed against COVID vaccines were caused by the COVID vaccines. That should immediately give us (reason to) pause,” he told AAP FactCheck.

University of Queensland associate professor Paul Griffin, an infectious diseases physician and microbiologist, agreed that the post’s analysis was flawed.

“When the majority of the population is vaccinated, which we are fortunate is now the case with these COVID-19 vaccines, essentially all events, whether they be adverse events or indeed completely unrelated events, will occur mostly in the vaccinated as they are now the majority of the population,” he said in an email.

Dr Griffin added that there was “a tendency by some who fail to understand this concept to link events to the fact that people are vaccinated”.

+28 more 
posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 08:26 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Another non-medical self-described expert performing data analytics using flawed analytic approaches.

The TGA has an extensive section on its website describing how its data on adverse effects is used. This states that “an assessment of the safety of a medicine or vaccine cannot be made based on this information”.

Jacques Raubenheimer, a senior research fellow in biostatistics at University of Sydney who has written on vaccine misinformation and data misinterpretation, said the nature of the adverse event data meant it could not be used to draw the inferences made in the Daily Exposé article.

“They are assuming that every death listed against other vaccines was caused by those vaccines, and that every death listed against COVID vaccines were caused by the COVID vaccines. That should immediately give us (reason to) pause,” he told AAP FactCheck.

University of Queensland associate professor Paul Griffin, an infectious diseases physician and microbiologist, agreed that the post’s analysis was flawed.

“When the majority of the population is vaccinated, which we are fortunate is now the case with these COVID-19 vaccines, essentially all events, whether they be adverse events or indeed completely unrelated events, will occur mostly in the vaccinated as they are now the majority of the population,” he said in an email.

Dr Griffin added that there was “a tendency by some who fail to understand this concept to link events to the fact that people are vaccinated”.

Stop the vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality. And stop defending the pharmaceutical companies.

His analysis is not flawed. Your opinions and claims are flawed and have been refuted several times in these threads as you have shown not to have the appropriate knowledge and by your own admission you have no qualifications and no knowledge in any scientific and medical matters. To try to debate a Professor of MIT with no knowledge is just hilarious!
edit on 31-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

+4 more 
posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

“When the majority of the population is vaccinated, which we are fortunate is now the case with these COVID-19 vaccines, essentially all events, whether they be adverse events or indeed completely unrelated events, will occur mostly in the vaccinated as they are now the majority of the population,” he said in an email.

That sounds like another way of saying there's no way anybody will ever be able to prove the vaccine has caused any harm.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Another non-medical self-described expert performing data analytics using flawed analytic approaches.

The TGA has an extensive section on its website describing how its data on adverse effects is used. This states that “an assessment of the safety of a medicine or vaccine cannot be made based on this information”.

Jacques Raubenheimer, a senior research fellow in biostatistics at University of Sydney who has written on vaccine misinformation and data misinterpretation, said the nature of the adverse event data meant it could not be used to draw the inferences made in the Daily Exposé article.

“They are assuming that every death listed against other vaccines was caused by those vaccines, and that every death listed against COVID vaccines were caused by the COVID vaccines. That should immediately give us (reason to) pause,” he told AAP FactCheck.

University of Queensland associate professor Paul Griffin, an infectious diseases physician and microbiologist, agreed that the post’s analysis was flawed.

“When the majority of the population is vaccinated, which we are fortunate is now the case with these COVID-19 vaccines, essentially all events, whether they be adverse events or indeed completely unrelated events, will occur mostly in the vaccinated as they are now the majority of the population,” he said in an email.

Dr Griffin added that there was “a tendency by some who fail to understand this concept to link events to the fact that people are vaccinated”.

Stop the vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality. And stop defending the pharmaceutical companies.

Read it and weep. Read what R. Levi has to say below.

“Unfortunately, despite the somewhat cautious language used by the authors, this paper clearly fails to adhere to sufficient standards of scientific rigor throughout,” reads an unpublished manuscript asking for the retraction of the study, posted online on May 5 and signed by 10 scientists. “While the authors have described their analysis as ‘not establishing causal relationships’ … they have in fact not even established useful correlations. The paper does not pass basic statistical and epidemiological review, which brings into question whether the findings do indeed ‘raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects’ … or whether the reported weak correlations are simply the result of inadequate and inappropriate methodological choices.”

The study, which has been referred to as an MIT study published in Nature, was not actually published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature. It was published in Scientific Reports, a peer-reviewed open access journal that is part of Nature Portfolio, a group of journals that includes Nature published by Springer Nature.

On May 5, the journal added a note alerting readers that “the conclusions of this article are subject to criticisms that are being considered by the Editors.”

Some findings of the study also contradict clinical evidence on myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination. For instance, as we have reported, most cases of vaccine-induced myocarditis have been observed in young males, following a second dose of mRNA vaccines. But the study does not find much of a difference in calls after doses one and two, and both types of calls increased more in females than in males. The authors also said they opted to use biweekly counts of first and second vaccine doses because studies “suggest myocarditis typically appears within two weeks from vaccination.” But according to CDC data, most myocarditis cases occur within a few days of vaccination.

One of the authors, Retsef Levi, told us in an email that the study’s finding are “merely correlation and NOT proving causality!” and that the paper suggests more studies should be done to “better understand causal mechanisms that could be any combination of COVID-19 infections, vaccines and potentially other factors, such as changes in patient behaviors.”

He told us the paper was driven “by the known fact that both COVID-19 infections and vaccines could cause adverse cardiac related outcomes, for example, myocarditis.” And added that it “uses unique comprehensive country level EMS data” and “well-accepted statistical methods to study temporal correlations between infections, vaccination level and the respective weekly EMS calls.”

+15 more 
posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Nothing more than propaganda and vaccine apologetics by some 'fact-checkers' online. Do you really think that any reasonable person will take seriously a 'fact-checkers' article.

If you think you have a point by posting this nonsense...

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Ha,ha. ! Wow. You can't hold these guys on a pedestal. Let me just make this observation:

My brother in law teaches advanced math and computer science, a Professor who has written gobly-gook-w-t-f-textbooks. Declassifying Russian nuke codes n all in the 80's.

The guys an IDIOT. No humanity, soc understanding, skills...nothing. This is a Genius Professor who can't understand Tik Tok.

So, I wished we'd quit basing anything on what some doc...or prof....says. These guys poop n pee like us...but most times metaphorically speaking...they miss the toilet.....

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: quintessentone

“When the majority of the population is vaccinated, which we are fortunate is now the case with these COVID-19 vaccines, essentially all events, whether they be adverse events or indeed completely unrelated events, will occur mostly in the vaccinated as they are now the majority of the population,” he said in an email.

That sounds like another way of saying there's no way anybody will ever be able to prove the vaccine has caused any harm.

Yes, they have tried hard to dismiss every vaccine injury and death. But it doesn't work I am afraid. They are getting exposed massively as time passes.

+13 more 
posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: quintessentone
Your worldview is about to be completely destroyed. The ppl you support hate your guts and want you dead.

We tried warning all of you.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: quintessentone

“When the majority of the population is vaccinated, which we are fortunate is now the case with these COVID-19 vaccines, essentially all events, whether they be adverse events or indeed completely unrelated events, will occur mostly in the vaccinated as they are now the majority of the population,” he said in an email.

That sounds like another way of saying there's no way anybody will ever be able to prove the vaccine has caused any harm.[/quote

No, cause can be determined by autopsy not by data analytics.

edit on q00000004131America/Chicago4545America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

edit on q00000005131America/Chicago1717America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

+7 more 
posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

And we're tired of warning you.
At this point, I don't see the point in trying to convince anyone anymore. It's too late for most. And most of those mosts wouldn't listen and now they are far too invested to listen.

I'm switching from 'warning people' to just 'feeling bad for them'

edit on 31-1-2023 by EmmanuelGoldstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: quintessentone

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: quintessentone

“When the majority of the population is vaccinated, which we are fortunate is now the case with these COVID-19 vaccines, essentially all events, whether they be adverse events or indeed completely unrelated events, will occur mostly in the vaccinated as they are now the majority of the population,” he said in an email.

That sounds like another way of saying there's no way anybody will ever be able to prove the vaccine has caused any harm.[/quote

No, cause can be determined by autopsy not by data analytics.

With just a little research you'll find that very few autopsies were performed since Covid hit. That was one of the big red flags for people wanting truthful information, and common sense would have been to do autopsies for gathering much needed data on the effects of the vaccine.

Why would they NOT perform autopsies on vaccinated people? It would have immediately shown whether or not any systemic harm was being caused in vaccinated people, but autopsies weren't being done.

I look forward to your convoluted answer.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

You are free to post links from other 'fact-checkers'

The fact checker ideology is as legitimate as the transgender ideology.

edit on 31-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Data shows...

Overall, the risk of myocarditis is greater after SARS-CoV-2 infection than after COVID-19 vaccination and remains modest after sequential doses including a booster dose of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. However, the risk of myocarditis after vaccination is higher in younger men, particularly after a second dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine

That's just one peice of data that contradicts the OP... getting heart issues is a less than .007% chance according to some studies.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:15 AM

In order to avoid the pitfalls of absolute numbers, it is useful to instead look at incidence rates—usually expressed as the number of deaths per 100,000 people. Standardizing the denominator across all groups offers a very different picture.

Taken at face value, these numbers may appear to indicate that vaccination does not make that much of a difference. But this perception is an example of a phenomenon known as the base rate fallacy. One also has to consider the denominator of the fraction—that is, the sizes of the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. With shots widely available to almost all age groups, the majority of the U.S. population has been vaccinated. So even if only a small fraction of vaccinated people who get COVID die from it, the more people who are vaccinated, the more likely they are to make up a portion of the dead.

Start paying attention to increasing death levels from Covid 19 virus when vaccination rates drop.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Data shows...

Overall, the risk of myocarditis is greater after SARS-CoV-2 infection than after COVID-19 vaccination and remains modest after sequential doses including a booster dose of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. However, the risk of myocarditis after vaccination is higher in younger men, particularly after a second dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine

That's just one peice of data that contradicts the OP... getting heart issues is a less than .007% chance according to some studies.

Apparently you haven't read any other pieces of information. Plenty posted in many threads. The analysis by Professor Levi contradicts the vaccine dogma. Likewise Dr Malhotra has published worked that shows the benefits of vaccination do not outweigh the risks and the risks could be more than the benefits.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Data shows...

Overall, the risk of myocarditis is greater after SARS-CoV-2 infection than after COVID-19 vaccination and remains modest after sequential doses including a booster dose of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. However, the risk of myocarditis after vaccination is higher in younger men, particularly after a second dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine

That's just one peice of data that contradicts the OP... getting heart issues is a less than .007% chance according to some studies.

Absolutely, that is what I have been reading for years. It seems that once some people here latch onto anything (meaning self-proclaimed experts not even in the relevant medical fields) that confirms their confused beliefs all truth and facts are ignored. What's this site's mission statement: Deny Ignorance.

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

When you say covid-19, are you referring the the 'novel corona virus'? like how, each year the corona virus mutates and is technically 'novel'?

Because if you are, then you are taking about 'a normal cold'.

This, and I know you know this, is a 'plandemic' built on lies. And designed with only one mission in mind - to get the mRNA shot into your body!

I take it you have this in your body now? Good job citizen!

edit on 31-1-2023 by EmmanuelGoldstein because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Data shows...

Overall, the risk of myocarditis is greater after SARS-CoV-2 infection than after COVID-19 vaccination and remains modest after sequential doses including a booster dose of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. However, the risk of myocarditis after vaccination is higher in younger men, particularly after a second dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine

That's just one peice of data that contradicts the OP... getting heart issues is a less than .007% chance according to some studies.

Apparently you haven't read any other pieces of information. Plenty posted in many threads. The analysis by Professor Levi contradicts the vaccine dogma. Likewise Dr Malhotra has published worked that shows the benefits of vaccination do not outweigh the risks and the risks could be more than the benefits.

Read my posts, Levi explains it himself - MERELY CORRELATION AND NOT PROVING CAUSALITY!

One of the authors, Retsef Levi, told us in an email that the study’s finding are “merely correlation and NOT proving causality!” and that the paper suggests more studies should be done to “better understand causal mechanisms that could be any combination of COVID-19 infections, vaccines and potentially other factors, such as changes in patient behaviors.”

What does NOT proving causality mean to you? Confused much?

posted on Jan, 31 2023 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

Out of curiosity, did it ever occur to you that the people you so vehemently disagree with see you in the following light?

It seems that once some people here latch onto anything (meaning self-proclaimed experts not even in the relevant medical fields) that confirms their confused beliefs all truth and facts are ignored. What's this site's mission statement: Deny Ignorance.

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