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Confidential Pfizer and Government Documents Confirm ADE, Led to Millions Dying Suddenly

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posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Here's a good explanation of why it isn't at this point.

I first want to point out, that had they left well enough alone, and let healthy immune systems respond as they have been for thousands and thousands of years, we could have attained Herd Immunity. If the following is true, which it most likely is, it is impossible because vaxxed people have had their immune systems re-programmed.

How the discovery of the shots causing more production of IgG4 as opposed to the other classes of antibodies might explain the negative efficacy of the shots

I spoke to Dr. Dan Stock, an Indiana family doctor who is one of the most brilliant immunologists i know. Here is how he explained the significance of class switch from IgG1-3 to IgG4.

When Antigens (Ag) bind IgG1-3 antibodies (Ab) they change shape and then can bind to a macrophage (MF) which takes the Ag-Ab complex into the MF (we call that Ab-mediated uptake opsonization).

But the Ab gives the MF different instructions depending on what type of IgG it is. IgG1-3 tell the MF “this is this or that type of pathogen, protect yourself from it and present it to the lymphocytes so they can make the proper response”.
The MF understands that it has a pathogen, changes its metabolism to make it less infectable, and shows it to lymphocytes with particular patterns of cytokines, which activates the proper immune response.

IgG4 binds an Ag and then is opsonized into MF but the MF is given the instruction “this is innocuous material, don’t protect yourself or activate the lymphocytes, just destroy it”. The MF processes the AG differently without protecting itself and becomes more infectable.

And it doesn’t tell the lymphocytes that they should respond. This is exactly what we saw happening late in the old RSV vaccine, and is another mechanism explaining ADE, in addition to the hypocellular immune response.

The MF becomes more easily infected, doesn’t signal a proper immune response and the infection goes further with more tissue destruction and inflammation than it would have it you hadn’t induced IgG4 production.

So yes, it explains the late-onset immune compromise that we’re seeing, if these shots induce IgG4 shifts, as we now know they do.

IgG4 transformation is part of developing what we call immune tolerance: Where the immune system recognizes a foreign protein but doesn’t mount a response to it. It’s a great thing to do against pollen. It’s a terrible thing to do against a virus.

So the MRNA has basically blinded the immune system to potential invaders, so it doesn't respond correctly.

I don't even think you could purposely develop a vaccine that worked as terribly as this one even if that was the goal. It's almost like divine intervention to help make it even worse than its supposed to be (which I'm sure is bad).

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:10 PM
Further evidence:

Class switch towards non-inflammatory, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies after repeated SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination

Some excerpts:

Shortly after the administration of two doses of SARS-CoV-2- mRNA vaccine (either Comirnaty or mRNA-1273), IgG1 and IgG3 were found to be the predominant IgG subclasses, whereas IgG2 responses were rare and IgG4 responses almost undetectable (23, 24). However, the longitudinal evolution of all four IgG subclasses (IgG1, 2, 3 and 4) in response to mRNA vaccination – and particularly their long-term development after the second and the third dose – has not yet been analyzed.

Ten days after two immunizations, anti-spike antibodies of the subclasses IgG1, IgG2 and IgG3 were readily detectable in a multiplexed flow cytometric assay, whereas anti-S IgG4 antibodies were undetectable (Fig. 1B). IgG2 levels were markedly lower than IgG3 and IgG1 levels. Intriguingly, 210 days after the second immunization, the levels of spike-specific IgG4 antibodies exceeded the lower limit of quantification in the sera of about half of the vaccinees. The levels for all other subclasses dropped significantly as expected from the overall anti-S response.
To explore whether the rise in IgG4 antibody levels was specific for the homologous mRNA vaccination regimen used, we analyzed sera from an independent cohort (26, 27), in which we compared the immunogenicity of homologous and heterologous vaccination regimens with Comirnaty and the adenoviral vector-based vaccine ChAdOx1 (AZD1222, Vaxzevria) (see Table S1). Five to six months after the second immunization, spike-specific IgG4 antibodies were again detectable in half of the sera of the BNT-BNT cohort, but only in one of the 51 sera from the two other vaccine cohorts (Fig. S2).

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Old and fat people, mainly. That's perhaps why America has had such a high numbers, most people are fat and their healthcare is trash.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 06:16 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
It seems we are starting to see outbreaks of very common pathogens, like Strep A. As with AIDS, people tend to die from weakened immune systems that can't fight off viruses or bacteria which are normally not a threat. In previous threads we warned about this VAIDs phenomena and now we are seeing it first hand. The Covid vaccine destroys natural immunity. When your immune system is constantly working to create antibodies for an extinct virus, the damage is multifactorial. First of all, your immune system is desperately using up it's resources to produce antibodies that have almost no effect against the latest variant. This leaves your defenses weakened against almost anything else. Secondly the spike proteins that are created are constantly causing inflammation and tissue damage. Not only is your immune system weakened, your body is attacking itself. It's basically like constantly carpet bombing your immune system and then inviting the enemy in to do even more damage.

One of the documents contained in the latest data dump is ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’, found on page 11 of the document shows an ‘Important Potential Risk’, and that risk is listed as ‘Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), including Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Reporatory Disease (VAERD)’.

The occurrence of these adverse events has had devastating consequences for the individuals who develop them and confidential and official documents prove that ADE and VAED have occurred due to COVID-19 vaccines, leading to a new form of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and millions of excess deaths around the world.

ADE or VAED can also lead to increased excess deaths, which are deaths that occur above and beyond the expected number of deaths in a population.

This is because ADE and VAED may cause more severe illness and an increased risk of death, leading to a higher number of deaths than would be expected in a population that has not been exposed to the vaccine.

This may explain why, tragically, official Government records confirm that millions of people have mysteriously died suddenly in countries around the globe in the wake of the widespread distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Official reports published by the Governments of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK & most of Europe, confirm 1.8 million excess deaths have been recorded since the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.


The document says VAED is a potential risk and that monitoring needs to continue. It has not concluded or shown evidence of it actually happening.

I am glad you are staying on top of this, but please be honest when posting these links and read to make sure you understand them first. You are going good work, but every time you do this you lose credibility. I believe there are enough problems/adverse events, # going off the rails that you don’t need to misrepresent the paper.

posted on Jan, 2 2023 @ 09:18 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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