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Another global wave of lockdowns coming early 2023?

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posted on Dec, 31 2022 @ 11:07 PM
A hopeful 2023 to all ATS members…..


posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 12:16 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: MapMistress

That’s an interesting theory!
I believe the scientists attempting something like this would be no less aware of the risks of immune-wipeout than you. Therefore, if using a measles vector does indeed do this then immune wipeout is the intended outcome.

Would it wipe out immune memory for the particular variant it’s vaccinating against (that would make it the opposite of a vaccine)?

…Or would it wipe out the memory of all covid variants?

…Or wipe out immune memory of everything?

This is all entirely hypothetical, but ‘no accident’ is where this train of thought ultimately leads to imo

I don't know the answers to that YET. It all depends on how a measles-vector and COVID hybrid was made. There's so many different possible combinations of measles with COVID.

The measles virus in and of itself infects immune system lymphocytes, injecting it's viral material into those lymphocytes. That means the only way the immune system can destroy measles is by destroying its own lymphocytes. When that happens, the immune system starts destroying itself to kill off the measles. It's like punching holes in your immune system. Once the infected lymphocytes are destroyed, you've lost an extensive amount of your immune memory. Things you acquired immunity to in childhood and things you were vaccinated for decades ago.

Now imagine some dumbass mixing measles with COVID, or Omicron. Most combinations of the two would produce a virus spreading as fast as measles (R0 = 18) but that reproduces and infects as fast as Omicron, replicating exponentially inside the body.

Such a combination of the 2 could potentially wipe out immune memory throughout the body leaving an adult with the immune system of an infant, forcing an adult to get re-vaccinated for everything since infancy and forcing them to start from scratch at building a new immune system to the common cold.

We don't know how SinoPharm nor other pharmaceutical companies were mixing measles-with-SARS2002 and we don't know how they were mixing measles with COVID/Omicron in their vain attempts to create vaccines. All we know is that they were trying to mix the 2 viruses. We just don't know their specific recombination which would never be published on the internet anyway.
edit on 1-1-2023 by MapMistress because: Typo

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Now that's what I call a resurrection! Happy New Year!

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: MapMistress

You may want to read this.

It shows why the situation that you're suggesting wouldn't happen Link

I understand that measles vaccine protects against measles and measles alone from destroying immune memory. But that never means that if some mad Pharm scientist mixes measles with COVID that it would protect against COVID or any recombinant ESPECIALLY if it's a LIVE virus vaccine. Live viruses mutate.

I know you like to argue AarghZombies and sometimes your arguments make me laugh and smile.

But, c'mon, you can't deny China's behavior.

If SinoPharm (which controls the Chinese government) claimed to have invented a live-virus vaccine to COVID, how would China behave?

1. SinoPharm/China would intentionally release their alleged live virus COVID creation on the Chinese people
2. China would end restrictions and end lockdowns because they would believe their live-virus "vaccine" was working.
3. China would open borders and start spreading the live virus to other countries on purpose
4. China would stop reporting COVID case statistics in their country.
5. SinoPharm/China would lie and hide the death tolls and cremation numbers, after all they wouldn't want any evidence to exist showing that their live virus actually killed people..

AarghZombies, you know just as well as I do that China has done the above 5 behaviors in the last 3 weeks. Being so...there is a strong possibility that SinoPharm/China intentionally released what they thought was a live-virus vaccine.

Can you put any LOGIC to those 5 behaviors of China that is something other than an intentional live-virus-vaccine release?

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 03:41 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Thanks, Ophiuchus1

Same to you!

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: MapMistress
I know you like to argue AarghZombies and sometimes your arguments make me laugh and smile.

But, c'mon, you can't deny China's behavior.

Opening popcorn… 🍿 He never, ever concedes anything, no matter the logic and pragmatism. Prepare for links that vindicate the official narrative…on official narrative websites 😉

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 04:08 AM
Here is a very sober, objective reanalysis of the mRNA trial data from Dr Campbell

It’s not good… far more serious harm cases from the the vaccine than from the placebo. Previous vaccines have been pulled from use with far better numbers, yet the government continues to promote these vaccines, committing to another 10 years of them. I ask that you watch this before commenting - it’s worth it…

And here’s a feet on the ground video of China 1 week ago. The crematorium queues are staggering…

This indeed betrays that R number of 18-20. Whatever the variant - whatever our mooted herd immunity in the west (immunity that only lasts a few months at best according to those selling us the boosters), these images tell me that restricting travel from China until it burns itself out there is a sensible move.

And thereafter precautions and testing is necessary to spot any mutations that are not unlikely when passing this rapidly through a nation of almost one and a half billion.

With official info from that country being so unreliable it’s smarter to er on the side of caution. If it had mutated beyond omicron would they tell us even if they knew (which they probably wouldn’t having stopped testing), let alone if this was the result of further lab fun, as described above by MapMistress?

Italy is currently the country to watch, as its already testing incoming travellers, as well as being the first western nation to feel the effects back in 2020

edit on 1-1-2023 by McGinty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 05:11 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Prepare for links that vindicate the official narrative…on official narrative websites

The mainstream isn't always wrong.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

It’s always right according to you 😉

Happy new year 🍻

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: MapMistress

you can't deny China's behavior.

Unlike most people on this board I spent many years living in China in my youth and am a Chinese speaker.

Most of what you think that you know about China is either wrong or is heavily bias due to the media that you've been exposed to. The Chinese people don't always think or act like you do, and don't always do the same things for the same reasons. Their culture is very different and so are their cultural norms.

For example, there is no big pro-life v pro-choice debate in China, and it's considered socially acceptable to have abortion after abortion in order to make sure that you're child is a boy. Which pretty much nobody in the US would consider anything short of mass murder. Even the staunchest pro choice groups.

1) Why would China intentionally release a virus. It doesn't need covid as an excuse it's a single party dictatorship. It can simply do whatever it is that you think that it wants to do without having to destroy its economy first.

2) It's public knowledge that the live virus vax is less effective than the Western vaxxes, it's also public knowledge that the poor and the elderly who are the most in need of a vax are the least likely to get it.

3) Why? Covid is over in most of the rest of the world. It's just the flu now. China knows full well that other countries can shut their own borders even if it opens it. Very few people with covid will actually get through, and they won't cause much harm if they do as most are going into heavily vaxxed areas.

4) China never really had the resources or infrastructure to accurately report on covid in the first place. People who got sick often faced mandatory quarantine, so they avoided reporting. It's just throwing in the towel by scrapping an ineffective system.

5) Why?

there is a strong possibility that SinoPharm/China intentionally released what they thought was a live-virus vaccine

What do you mean by "live-virus vaccine", I'm not sure that you think it is what I think it is?

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: MapMistress

you can't deny China's behavior.

Unlike most people on this board I spent many years living in China in my youth and am a Chinese speaker.

Most of what you think that you know about China is either wrong or is heavily bias due to the media that you've been exposed to. The Chinese people don't always think or act like you do, and don't always do the same things for the same reasons. Their culture is very different and so are their cultural norms.

For example, there is no big pro-life v pro-choice debate in China, and it's considered socially acceptable to have abortion after abortion in order to make sure that you're child is a boy. Which pretty much nobody in the US would consider anything short of mass murder. Even the staunchest pro choice groups.

1) Why would China intentionally release a virus. It doesn't need covid as an excuse it's a single party dictatorship. It can simply do whatever it is that you think that it wants to do without having to destroy its economy first.

2) It's public knowledge that the live virus vax is less effective than the Western vaxxes, it's also public knowledge that the poor and the elderly who are the most in need of a vax are the least likely to get it.

3) Why? Covid is over in most of the rest of the world. It's just the flu now. China knows full well that other countries can shut their own borders even if it opens it. Very few people with covid will actually get through, and they won't cause much harm if they do as most are going into heavily vaxxed areas.

4) China never really had the resources or infrastructure to accurately report on covid in the first place. People who got sick often faced mandatory quarantine, so they avoided reporting. It's just throwing in the towel by scrapping an ineffective system.

5) Why?

there is a strong possibility that SinoPharm/China intentionally released what they thought was a live-virus vaccine

What do you mean by "live-virus vaccine", I'm not sure that you think it is what I think it is?

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
a reply to: AaarghZombies

It’s always right according to you 😉

Happy new year 🍻

Hi, you must be knew here.

I'm AaarghZombies, I'm an ultra libertarian prepper who enjoys hanging out in a nuclear fallout shelter surrounded by guns because unlike most of you I've actually experienced life under an authoritarian dictatorship that brutalized its own people. And I'm not keen on it happening again.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 05:38 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: Kenzo

Here we go again

No, here "you" go again.

We vaxxed heavily and early, and have achieved herd resistance. Life here has been more or less back to normal since 2021.

At most we're going to have advise to wear masks on public transport and to socially distance, but defiantly not mandates. Covid is just the flu for us due to vaxxing.

What is it to me then ? Having never been in the trial & never will.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: fotsyfots

I'm not American. Our system is much faster and more efficient than theirs so our trial ended much sooner and the vax was approved much sooner.

We vaxxed heavily and reached herd immunity in 2021 through a combination of vaxxing and natural immunity. For us, covid is just the flu now.

It proves that we were right all along.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Basically a repeat of this exact time in 2020. Great…

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: McGinty

Basically a repeat of this exact time in 2020. Great…

Maybe in places where people refused to socially distance, and didn't get the vax.

It's been more or less business as usual here since mid 2021.

No lockdowns, no masks, no social distancing. And we're not looking like doing any of these things any times soon, for us covid is just the flu now, even when infections go up serious sickness and above barely twitches.

We look at site like this an it's like "what are these people talking about?"

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: McGinty

Basically a repeat of this exact time in 2020. Great…

My point.

This is exactly the narrative that came out of China and exactly how people here reacted - OMG! China would never do this, so this must be horrible! We better take this seriously.

The problem was that even as it got out and we should have seen that it was nothing, enough people were scared enough that our leadership used the excuse to lock us down and mask us *and* change election laws, hide one candidate so the press could create a cardboard image of him for the other to run against (a repeat of what was done with William Henry Harrison where the campaign was largely emotional appeal, much like 2020 "NO MEAN TWEETS FROM BAD ORANGE MAN), and generally abuse the fake panic to win an election and excuse all the double-dealing needed to massage that to happen.

No, *wink wink* it wasn't cheating ... *snort*

So it worked so well they'll absolutely try it again if they can no matter what's actually happening in China. China controls its press so well, no one ever really knows in the rest of the world because we only see what they want us to. Look at Tik Tok. We get the stupid dreck. China gets the educational and indoctrination crap.

And it's folly to believe they can't after years and year of moaning about how far ahead of us they are in the cyber realm. You can't poo poo the idea they can't control it after beating fears of their cyber superiority. Those things don't add up.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Wouldn't a much simpler explanation be that the MSM is hyping up the story in order to farm clicks from a populace that's addicted to doom porn?

China makes a good bogeyman because the majority of middle America struggles to tell the difference between China in 2022 and Russia in 1952.

The way that you think of China is like ... well ... it's like someone in China thinking that the US is like Escape from New York.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: McGinty

Basically a repeat of this exact time in 2020. Great…

Maybe in places where people refused to socially distance, and didn't get the vax.

It's been more or less business as usual here since mid 2021.

No lockdowns, no masks, no social distancing. And we're not looking like doing any of these things any times soon, for us covid is just the flu now, even when infections go up serious sickness and above barely twitches.

We look at site like this an it's like "what are these people talking about?"

They can only cry wolf so many times. Until that one day that it’s for real, and that’s gonna be a real mess for folks who didn’t take it serious, pragmatically researched true over false, and have a game plan.

posted on Jan, 1 2023 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Hubs gets his from Chinese expats he works with and from working with China directly.

Day to day life is day to day life, but it's certainly not very free. Imagine being a Uygher. Imagine deciding to follow a religious practice that is not state approved.

It's not a myth that China has re-education camps.

It's also not a myth that the working conditions in their factories rival or exceed those found in early industrial era factories in other parts of the world in terms of working hours, time off, pay, etc. China is also one of the world's worst polluters and is destroying its environment at a devastating rate and moving those practices out into other countries as quickly as it can. You want to know where your tech equipment rare earths come from? Likely a Chinese owned strip mining firm exploiting local child labor to pull toxic stuff out of the ground by hand in some cases.
edit on 1-1-2023 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

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