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The Unhinged

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posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: CloneFarm1000

When it becomes entertainment as it has, it has become acceptable behavior. How else do you get the entertainment? Society likes the trainwrecks in order for them to continue being produced.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Revisit my post above.

At a certain point, you have a dominant cultural ethos. One group creates the framework for the rest. The larger herd falls into place. It gets harder and harder to justify maintaining the decorum when NO ONE ELSE does. We humans are largely herd animals and when you get enough going a certain way, that becomes where the rest start to go.

The left has started to destroy society and this is the result of their hard work. Some things were the way they were for a reason.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

In the last year or so I've noticed a serious uptick in people driving dangerously. People like to blame it on cell phones like they were just invented. I'm not talking about the usual idiot on their phone. Something different is going on. I maybe drive 5 miles a day, and the number of incidents and almost-incidents I see lately is disturbing. Some of these people seem to have no idea where they are or what they're doing.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: face23785

Maybe all those books and movies about zombies got it right. At least the part about the virus pandemic and the brain destruction.,b een%20infected%20with%20the%20virus.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: jerryznv
I cannot for the life of me imagine media in any form, or any amount, would be considered portraying the norm by most peoples standards! In fact I think most people use it (media) as a escape from the norm and are fully aware that is what it escape from the normal day to day in most cases!

People may not sit there and consciously think "this is normal" about any media they are watching/reading/listening, etc. but if you are exposed to certain things on a regular basis it does become normalized in your brain. This has been studied. It's why people who grow up in violent societies, war torn areas, etc. become desensitized to violence. The same thing happens with media, whether it's news showing constant violence, movies, video games, whatever.

And no I'm not calling for a ban on anything, but the opposite extreme has taken root. We're not even allowed to talk about the influence violent media has on people or it's an attack on free expression.

That kind of head in the sand approach is not doing our society any favors.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

I am not a teacher but the vast majority of my friends are teachers or professors. They all saw a massive mental health shift in their students. Some of that is being addressed in schools BUT what about adults?

We know a lot of the most vulnerable succumbed to overdoses or worse. What about the rest?
I think a lot of people are having a real rough time adulting.

I hope this isn't a surprise to anyone in a society (the US--I can't speak to the youth in other countries--that has been raising people to have the perpetual maturity of children. I'm on the older side of the millennial generation, and between us and the Gen Z'ers, we might be the most spoiled, immature people in the history of the world.

And that has nothing to do with our material possession, I'm talking about basic values. Things like responsibility, personal accountability, punishment all started to go out the window with my generation. Kids that had no chores, were never told things they did were wrong, never faced negative consequences for anything they did wrong, dumbed down standards for everything (participation trophy culture), I mean is it any shock we can't adult?

I'm taking some college classes right now and the standards are so low it's disgusting. The young people in my classes don't know anything. They can't do basic math. They can't understand 8th grade level English to even comprehend some questions. I don't understand how some of them graduated high school, let alone how anyone thought it was a good idea to tell them to go to college (Well, that I do understand. That's an economic decision. That's part of our Everyone-Go-To-College! culture so the colleges can make a boatload of money to sell kids worthless degrees.)

And they can't handle the slightest bit of adversity. These are all learned behaviors. I won't just blame the parents, although they are partly to blame. It's been an entire societal shift. It won't be easily fixed.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: face23785

I find it interesting that the media claims that it just reports on what is trending, while ignoring their impact on creating, heightening, and extending, many of those trends. Even escalating their danger potential.

This is not new. Especially among young women. Soap operas and romance novels have been destroying, happiness in homes for decades.

Because normal creates a strong attraction for the abnormal.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:01 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: JAGStorm

Okay, at the 10 minute mark of the second video you posted - is nothing but appalling!

An older woman completely man handled in a bank for not wearing a mask. Ironically, that was the crazies claim from the first part of the video.

Not all of these ‘unhinged’ stories are as seems.

Completely agree, the older lady in the bank is a perfect example of everyone else having lost their mind not so much her. Over a mask? The police officer did not have to be that guy...."just doing my job ma'am" he could have handled it several different ways one being speaking with the bank and just letting the woman withdraw her money and leave peacefully. So stupid...

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: Habs2133

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: JAGStorm

Okay, at the 10 minute mark of the second video you posted - is nothing but appalling!

An older woman completely man handled in a bank for not wearing a mask. Ironically, that was the crazies claim from the first part of the video.

Not all of these ‘unhinged’ stories are as seems.

Completely agree, the older lady in the bank is a perfect example of everyone else having lost their mind not so much her. Over a mask? The police officer did not have to be that guy...."just doing my job ma'am" he could have handled it several different ways one being speaking with the bank and just letting the woman withdraw her money and leave peacefully. So stupid...

There is an uptick in this too. It's not always the customer's fault, but there has been a rise in "the employee is always right" mentality.

I had an incident last year with some food workers because I committed the obscene offense of expecting them to make my order correctly. I am usually very understanding about such things and always courteous and respectful to workers. I don't even ask them to correct certain errors, depending on what it is. But their attitude was just horrible and the situation escalated. There was no violence or threats or anything like that, but it certainly blew up into a much bigger deal than it should have been, all because of the way they reacted to a customer wanting his order fixed. The very insinuation that they did something wrong was just offensive I guess. I might have even been racist for wanting my order correct.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 04:59 PM
Today had to be one of the worse days for shopping. Several members of my family went out to do some last minute shopping. They were shopping for each other, how do I know. First because my house is the stash house, and because they went separately.

They all reported that it was complete chaos and the number of people out shopping was staggering, making lines that wrapped around the stores.

I was so pleased to hear all six of them report that though it was chaotic, and frustrating, that everywhere they went the people were really nice. Both the workers and the shoppers.

I don't think that I live in a rare or exceptional place, so I am going to believe that the 99% aren't as bad as they are painted to be, just yet.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: face23785

You can't ever feel bad because that's wrong or racist. If some kids can't make it, then instead of figuring out how to help them make it, you knee cap everyone else by lowering the standards, so the lowest common denominators can "make it". To go the other way means some won't make it and the ones that do will have to realize they aren't making it and that implies failure and having to strive to succeed which will possibly make them feel bad.

It's a vicious circle, and it's how we get there.

My son had a band concert. Granted, we are talking 6th graders who have had instruments for all of about 3 going on 4 months, but the general level of inability to sit still and behave such that the one band director needed himself, both middle school directors, *and* two of the high school band directors to maintain a semblance of behavior was appalling.

We did the same when I was a kid and it only took our middle school band director. And the audience was just as bad. So you know where the kids are getting it from.

And this is without addressing the one child who was mainstreamed and should not have been on stage because it was more than he could handle and then his parents would not come to help deal with him when he could not behave.
edit on 23-12-2022 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Sheesh, what a relief.

I thought this thread was about me!

Does this outfit make my fat ass, look fat?

Yes, yes it does...

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 03:19 PM
Here's a good one ----------

Missouri woman tracks down, kills alleged carjackers at gas station ☠️

Police arrested a Missouri woman after she tracked down her stolen car and killed two men outside a gas station for the alleged theft.

Demesha Coleman, 35, was charged Thursday with two counts of murder, one count of assault and three counts of armed criminal action after shooting and killing Darius Jackson, 19, and Joseph Farrar, 49.

Police found Farrar next to a gas pump with a gunshot to the torso and Jackson was on the ground next to the car, also shot in the torso.

A third man sustained a gunshot to the head during the shootout, but survived, according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. It remains unclear which of the three men, if any, may have stolen the vehicle.

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 08:40 PM
Okay. I have to do some rethinking.

A lady I know well goes every week to this Dunkin Donut to pick up a box of 50 munchies to take to the nursing home she visits weekly. The residents love the little bite sized donuts and they look forward to her visit.

Today when she went to get the donuts, the lady that usually waits on her was not there. She was on vacation. There was a young girl sitting behind the counter, doing something on her cell phone, so she did not disturb her right away, but after about 5 minutes she asked the young girl if she could help her.

She said the girl looked up at her and with an exasperated attitude, asked her, "What do you want?" When she told her that she would like an order of 50 munchies, she told her point blank, "It ain't going to happen." My friend was taken aback, so she asked her, "why?" The girl told her she was not going to count out "50" munchies. She told her she would give her twelve, but there was no way she was going to count 50 munchies.

My friend told her the munchies are right there, if you don't want to count them, then she would do it herself. The girl told her she was not allowed behind the counter. A young man that was moping the floor, came over, washed his hands and boxed up the order of the 50 munchies. He then asked the girl, why she couldn't do that. Her answer was, "Because I didn't want to."

We laughed at the incredulity of the event, but it was a laughter to hide the tears. Unhinged? The whole thing gave me pause. Maybe it is not as simple as being unhinged, mentally ill, or addiction, maybe there is something much more going on that we are just not seeing. That we are accepting, expecting, and ignoring. Something that will benefit none of us in the end.

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 09:07 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Your friend should have said, "I'll take four boxes of 12 with another two munchies then."

The young @ss said she would count to 12? She can darn well do that 4 times and throw in two more.
edit on 24-12-2022 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Your friend should have said, "I'll take four boxes of 12 with another two munchies then."

The young @ss said she would count to 12? She can darn well do that 4 times and throw in two more.

We talked about that. My first thought was that she could not count to 50. But I could not understand how a child could graduate High School and have a job, and not be able to count to 50.

Worse thing is, that we have seen this behavior so often that is does not seem odd anymore, almost expected.

I can't be too specific, but I run into the rebellious, entitled, hostile, and recalcitrant young, almost every time I am called out on a case. To be honest, I am the only one that can legally refuse service to the victim, if they are uncooperative.

I don't play with them, I don't give in to them. And I will walk away from them. Yet they always stop the BS, sit down, and talk to me. That does not mean that I can always provide them service, but it does mean that when I put my foot down, and demand the same respect that I give, it has never failed me.

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

You'd be surprised. Depending on the district, standards have been lowered, and if she's enough trouble, the teachers may have just passed her on to get rid of her instead of having to deal with her for another year.

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Its because people lost the power of protecting what they have, or what they are responsible for. In Portland Nike has shut down all their stores except for one because people just walk in and fill a garbage bag of shoes and walk out with no one stopping them. I talked to a buddy that works for Nike here and he said they even hired Samoans to show a level of force, BUT they are not allowed to touch anyone for anything.

Now you can do whatever, and I have no idea why you cannot stop them, but there is something now legally why you can't. Is it something from the DA office or what, but it is real and why crappy people now have power to do whatever they feel like, well until they run into someone like me that is a boomer who doesn't give a crap.

That badass bitch would get a serious asskicking from me, because we all know there is no such thing as men and woman anymore, well until a big ass woman runs into a real man, I guess.
edit on 24-12-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 10:07 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: EternalShadow

Actually the vast majority of videos are white women aged 20 through 60.
Some may call them Karens but there is something else going on…

I call them upper middle class White women who think they either need to atone for their whiteness or have some magical power of force over everyone else, so weird. As to black women in the same category they tend to go with what physical magical power they think they have, I'm a big Black woman I can kick your ass....right...

posted on Dec, 25 2022 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

In defense of black women, thanks to government assistance, the traditional family structure has been dissolved to the point where it often is female dominated. So they are large and in charge. The left thinks matriarchy would be better? Well that's what it would largely look like.

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