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The Unhinged

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posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: JAGStorm

Okay, at the 10 minute mark of the second video you posted - is nothing but appalling!

An older woman completely man handled in a bank for not wearing a mask. Ironically, that was the crazies claim from the first part of the video.

Not all of these ‘unhinged’ stories are as seems.

You are right. But they do a good job of fueling the hate, bigotry, division, and bias that the internet has done such a good job of promulgating.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Love the train!! You can't please everyone and most people these days will review something in a negative way just so it matches their clickbait title for views.

Half the crap people complain about is quite trivial and mostly untrue. Then you have personal taste and individual levels of expectation. Can't predict either one.

The 'California Zephyr' was a great adventure! Did that twice and 'The Sundowner' once on a roundtrip to New Orleans.

I met all kinds of people and really enjoyed the ride and views. I get flying is quicker, but compared to road and rail, commercial passenger planes are just glorified submarines with wings. The view from ground level is far superior.

If I can, I'll always drive or go by train.

edit on 12/22/2022 by EternalShadow because: eta

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:50 PM
This is what happens when you dont treat mental illness and when you have a culture who glorify temper tantrums gangster rap mentality and a whole culture devoid of personal responsibility.

Understand this can happen with ANY race, creed or color, but no matter what race, creed or color, notice that when they have the above in common you see the SAME sort of actions

This woman literally lost her own damn kids because she couldnt control them, and they couldnt mind, and everyone else got to pay the price

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:57 PM
I will expand on my original comment now that I'm back behind my keyboard.

The left is big at yelling about you do you and no one legislating morals, etc., but they are also hostile to those institutions that helped ground people like this in a moral foundation which included, among other things, the rules of decorum in polite society. Those institutions include, but are not limited to, things like the stable nuclear family and our religious institutions.

People who eschewed these things or did not have them benefited from the fact that the larger society and culture did have them. It was a bit like herd immunity. It's harder to be an @ss when no one else is being one, so your outrageous behavior is treated as beyond the pale because it is.

Now increasingly and ironically, the left looks to either woke puritanism to try to enforce social behavior or the behemoth state through it's increasing tendrils in their lives. We can see it taking shape in China's social credit score. It very much is a form of "legislating morality", and they'll tamely walk right toward it thinking it will be better than any other form of social cohesion.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 08:00 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

The left is big at yelling about you do you and no one legislating morals, etc., but they are also hostile to those institutions that helped ground people like this in a moral foundation which included, among other things, the rules of decorum in polite society. Those institutions include, but are not limited to, things like the stable nuclear family and our religious institutions.

Exactly all those things are now "racist" and need to be done away with, for the most part the right are still remaining calm and and polite

They really arent going to like it when that changes

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 08:05 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
This is what happens when you dont treat mental illness and when you have a culture who glorify temper tantrums gangster rap mentality and a whole culture devoid of personal responsibility.

Understand this can happen with ANY race, creed or color, but no matter what race, creed or color, notice that when they have the above in common you see the SAME sort of actions

This woman literally lost her own damn kids because she couldnt control them, and they couldnt mind, and everyone else got to pay the price

Right on

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 08:07 PM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I met all kinds of people and really enjoyed the ride and views. I get flying is quicker, but compared to road and rail, commercial passenger planes are just glorified submarines with wings. The view from ground level is far superior.

If I can, I'll always drive or go by train.

The airlines play a huge role in the rebellious behavior of their passengers. I saw an episode where a gentleman, I don't know if he was Hispanic or Mediterranean, but he had paid months before for a trip for his family. The airline then tells him that they over sold the seats and that he could not fly on the plane and he would have to take another flight.

That man was a saint. He went out of his way not to lose his temper. He was very respectful, but he was persistent. And they tried to make him look like the bad guy. If an airline takes his money, uses that money for months, and then they will not accommodate him and his family on the plane seats he paid for, because the airline sold the seats twice, that is on the airline, and they are creating this situations of supposed bad behavior or unhinged customers.

I know myself well enough that I would likely present as unhinged under a similar circumstance, so I will not put myself in that situation, that is why I started taking the train, and so far, the train has become my travel option of choice.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

There are a lot of videos of airports, but these events are taking place everywhere.

I’ve seen them in real life too. It can be quite unsettling.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

There are a lot of videos of airports, but these events are taking place everywhere.

I’ve seen them in real life too. It can be quite unsettling.

Way too many people are in constant selfie mode. The Truman show on steroids generation is all about clicks and stars upon thars. Every time one of those videos goes viral they are setting the stage for another Bhad Bhabie "cash me outside" wannabe, to get their week of fame.

As @ManBehindTheMask posted, too many today are devoid of personal responsibility.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 10:45 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
As I sit in my house keeping warm and cozy I’ve been scrolling through social media.
What is going on?

The short answer is, you are consuming media which portrays a small percentage of society as if it's the norm. Kind of like how pornography doesn't accurately portray real world sex.

The long answer is, it began in 1980 with the 24 hour news cycle. Ratings did so well that other companies jumped on the band wagon.

With increased competition, sensationalism became the go-to in order to attract viewers attention, hence the rise of trash TV like Springer and Maury. With this, a small percentage of society received more than it's proportional amount of air time.

Then came the invention of cellular devices with audio/video recording capability and social media.

The 24 hour news cycle was no longer monopolized by big corporations, the people could now gain a following and ad revenue.

Which has us circled back around to trash TV. People record and share these moments because they know it will be a good product for others to consume.

How often do you actually witness these kinds of behaviors in your environment?

That's not to say that people arent unhinged. But if 1% of people are unhinged and 90% of people have cellphones, how often will these moments be viewed via media?

Here's Tom with the weather:

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: CloneFarm1000

Many a true word is spoken in a joke.

I think you hit the nail on the head. We become what we consume.

Regardless of how careful you think you are, even tiny amounts of that toxic crap will make you sick overtime.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 11:19 PM
I've been very in tune with vibes and emotions of others. Something I've been noticing is, everywhere I go there seems to be this anxiety with most everyone. It's felt like things are going to pop off at any moment. I've felt it so much and so powerfully that I've been staying in my home as much as possible. It's felt like everyone is on a razors edge. I see a ton of videos from fast food places. People shooting others because they couldn't get their milkshake or whatever. My experiences, post lockdown, is any time I try and do any type of business, no matter what it is it seems like I can't get what I need, or the way I need it. It's like all competency has gone out the window. And admittedly it has caused me to be more frustrated, just trying to conduct simple business. Same types of things I've always done with ease. Now I'm afraid to ask for no pickles on McDs burger. It's like that simple request flips the world upside down and I get an attitude like, how dare you ask for no pickles. This is one simple example of how the simplest of things have become impossible now. It's like everything is crumbling.
So, Ive wondered if it's these same "frustrations" daily, with EVERY thing I try and get done (business wise) are the things, piled up and causing people to "break" over little things. I think it's not 1 little thing,but maybe 1000 things that don't normally, and shouldn't so easily go wrong..
I have been picking up on a very hectic/anxious/pissed off vibe seemingly everywhere.
Also, people are struggling to buy food, pay outrageous rent, put gas in their car or pay the electric bill. Plus all the other things mentioned above. Add it all together and we have all this violence an adult tantrums.

And truth be told, young females are the scariest to me these days. Seems like it's always a young female losing it like this. The violence coming from our youth is extremely concerning. But that's for another thread..

So, is it that we are all stressed beyond the max? I mean, you can't look anywhere these days without seeing some sort of conflict/hatred.
edit on 22-12-2022 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-12-2022 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-12-2022 by AOx6179 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: CloneFarm1000

The short answer is, you are consuming media which portrays a small percentage of society as if it's the norm. Kind of like how pornography doesn't accurately portray real world sex.

Small percentage that is growing rapidly…

Yes I do agree you are what you consume, however this is something that I’ve noticed not only on Social Media but in real life. Something that was non existent just 30 years ago (or at least super rare)
Maybe social media normalizes the behavior. I wonder if it started with Jackass and Bevis and Butthead…

I remember my parents wouldn’t let us watch MTV because it was low class and corrupted your mind. Maybe they were onto something.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 11:37 PM
a reply to: AOx6179

I have been picking up on a very hectic/anxious/pissed off vibe seemingly everywhere. Also, people are struggling to buy food, pay outrageous rent, put gas in their car or pay the electric bill. Plus all the other things mentioned above. Add it all together and we have all this violence an adult tantrums. And truth be told, young females are the scariest to me these days. Seems like it's always a young female losing it like this. The violence coming from our youth is extremely concerning.

This is an excellent summary of what I was trying to portray. Unfortunately people got distracted by race and other issues that really aren’t part of what is happening as a whole.
You hit the nail on the head with the youth too.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: CloneFarm1000

Kind of like how pornography doesn't accurately portray real world sex.

What??? It doesn't???

This is quite disturbing to learn...pornography doesn't portray real world sex! Worst comparitive example I could imagine...but I'll go with it for the purposes of your theory!

consuming media which portrays a small percentage of society as if it's the norm.

I cannot for the life of me imagine media in any form, or any amount, would be considered portraying the norm by most peoples standards! In fact I think most people use it (media) as a escape from the norm and are fully aware that is what it escape from the normal day to day in most cases!

Secondly, consuming is a rather generalized term (although I understand how you mean it in this example) and so in that fashion I would have to assume you mean subliminally consuming...not purposefully consuming!

That's why propaganda is so effective right?

Essentially people are consuming, against their will, massive amounts of propaganda!

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 12:00 AM
Ahhh the danger of liberals with alcohol and drugs .

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 12:13 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
Ahhh the danger of liberals with alcohol and drugs .

With or without drugs and alcohol...

The statement is equally as effective!

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
Ahhh the danger of liberals with alcohol and drugs .

I think you’d be wrong about that. I live in a conservative area and I’ve seen my share of people
Losing their ….
Again we are trying to split hairs but the reality is we can see this behavior across the board.
I would admit it seems to be more prevalent in women.

I think Covid, Vaccines, Lockdown had a massive impact on people’s mental health in addition to all the other crap we dealt with pre covid. Now we are dealing with some serious fiscal issues and maybe it’s just all too much.

I am not a teacher but the vast majority of my friends are teachers or professors. They all saw a massive mental health shift in their students. Some of that is being addressed in schools BUT what about adults?

We know a lot of the most vulnerable succumbed to overdoses or worse. What about the rest?
I think a lot of people are having a real rough time adulting.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I have two dear friends that are teachers.

Probably two of the most dedicated people I know. They both have spoken of the severe change in the school environment. One is retiring after this year. The other one doesn't want to give up on them when they need her the most. Her words. But she looks like death warmed over. I think the added stress is killing her.

posted on Dec, 23 2022 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Just saw a post about a mass shooting in Paris.

Maybe there was more to the Stephan King movie "Cell", than they have let on.

Viruses, vaccines, cell phones, the stuff of nightmare science fiction.

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