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Grocery Check

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posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: Dalamax
I secretly hope that this backfires on tptb and families draw closer together and begin adopting a more traditional composition.

I also hope that multi generational households make a comeback. Mum learns from Gran, Dad works and Grandpa looks after and out for the grandkids...

It doesn’t matter how little money is generated. Prices will reduce because, at the end of the day, it is about market share.

This is my prayer to the ancient of days and my fervent desire.

a reply to: JAGStorm

It has already begun. I have a good network of friends that are long time growers/gardeners.
We are pooling resources. NO SELLING, only sharing.

Here is where I see a big problem in our future. We have offered to give plants/seeds/tubers/etc, EXPENSIVE plants for free and the young people say they want them, but they don’t ever show up.

I hear lot of young people talking about “hobby farm” gardens, but the reality is they don’t want to put in the work, education or long time bartering methods. It’s a shame.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 03:46 PM
The places where increases are hardest hit, are those places whose populations have a larger percentage of people on public assistance. They can compete in the market which means that consumers on average will have more money, therefore the stores can charge more.

I live in an area where about 50 to 60 percent of the population receives some kind of public aid. If I shop in a different part of town, where there are less people on public aid, then the prices are lower. Gas prices are the same way. There is a 30 to 50 cent difference in the price of gasoline if you travel 15 miles outside of my zip code. I live in a Democrat Run city. I live in the second highest crime area of my town. The funniest part, is our Mayor is wanting to raise our property taxes 40 percent to cover social programs and what they call Social Equity.

After the last 12 years of living here, and the precipitous decline in our standard of living, plus a radical shift in the area where we are seeing far more gangs and violence, I am glad to have a plan to sell this place to some entity like Blackrock and get off the grid. This dumpster fire of a city, run by the lowest common denominator has more or less destroyed whatever credibility the Democratic Party in my state had. The thing is, my state is running a 17.8 Billion Dollar Surplus and they are so proud that they are, yet the tax payers are struggling like never before and these people have the audacity to be proud to have stolen our prosperity when we really needed it.

Every Democrat is a tyrant, and every republican is an accomplice to this travesty we are all experiencing here in the US. a reply to: JAGStorm

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: Dalamax
I secretly hope that this backfires on tptb and families draw closer together and begin adopting a more traditional composition.

I also hope that multi generational households make a comeback. Mum learns from Gran, Dad works and Grandpa looks after and out for the grandkids...

It doesn’t matter how little money is generated. Prices will reduce because, at the end of the day, it is about market share.

This is my prayer to the ancient of days and my fervent desire.

a reply to: JAGStorm

I hear lot of young people talking about “hobby farm” gardens, but the reality is they don’t want to put in the work, education or long time bartering methods. It’s a shame.

In my area all the young people have a small "hobby farm" growing crops specifically for bartering.
And not just the young folks, almost everyone I know. Our village has a 1acre min. for lot size. Plenty of room for a nice plot to grow just about anything, provided you have access to water; well or the acequias.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 07:31 PM
Horse alfalfa, $28 for a three strand bale. Couple years ago was $12.

This is getting out of hand.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: 38181
Horse alfalfa, $28 for a three strand bale. Couple years ago was $12.

This is getting out of hand.

$185 for a one ton bale here...grass alfalfa mix!

Good for horses...a little hot for cattle...

It's not as bad as $28 a bale...I'd fall over dead from a heart attack right there!

edit on 14-12-2022 by jerryznv because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:23 PM
Just purchased all my non perishable items I need for Christmas eve for 9 of us, plus some things I ran out of for baking. Besides the price of butter at 4.48, it really wasn't that bad or noticeable and I needed items like espresso powder which is imported from Italy and never cheap. When I get the fresh produce next week, I should be at just a bit less than 200.

I stopped for gas and it was 2.49 using my fuel rewards. At a half a tank I filled up for 15.00, for a new midsized SUV. I was not surprised or unhappy with what I spent today. Except the butter. That is about 1.50 more than normal. Eggs were not high though.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: frogs453

espresso powder which is imported from Italy and never cheap.

Absolutely essential...

Sorry but I laughed at this really can't lump butter in there with imported Italian espresso powder and not expect a chuckle!!!

Your price of gas in incredible if that is indeed what your or not...that's as inexpensive (I didn't want to say 'cheap' and lesson it up like the redneck I am) as I've heard in awhile now!
edit on 14-12-2022 by jerryznv because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

I get it. Lol. What I meant is that some items I bought were a higher price which raises my total, but those prices were not unexpected to me. And you'd be surprised, I use it a lot in cakes and buttercreams, etc. Add a little espresso powder and cinnamon to your chocolate buttercream and it's heaven, really enhances the chocolate. But I'm also baking a gingerbread latte cookie this year which uses it as well. Totally love gingerbread and espresso as well.

And yes, gas prices have been dropping here but that's the lowest it's been in a while, so figured I should fill up.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: Dalamax
I secretly hope that this backfires on tptb and families draw closer together and begin adopting a more traditional composition.

I also hope that multi generational households make a comeback. Mum learns from Gran, Dad works and Grandpa looks after and out for the grandkids...

It doesn’t matter how little money is generated. Prices will reduce because, at the end of the day, it is about market share.

This is my prayer to the ancient of days and my fervent desire.

a reply to: JAGStorm

It has already begun. I have a good network of friends that are long time growers/gardeners.
We are pooling resources. NO SELLING, only sharing.

Here is where I see a big problem in our future. We have offered to give plants/seeds/tubers/etc, EXPENSIVE plants for free and the young people say they want them, but they don’t ever show up.

I hear lot of young people talking about “hobby farm” gardens, but the reality is they don’t want to put in the work, education or long time bartering methods. It’s a shame.

Give them time. They're not hungry enough yet.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 09:54 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: jerryznv

I get it. Lol. What I meant is that some items I bought were a higher price which raises my total, but those prices were not unexpected to me. And you'd be surprised, I use it a lot in cakes and buttercreams, etc. Add a little espresso powder and cinnamon to your chocolate buttercream and it's heaven, really enhances the chocolate. But I'm also baking a gingerbread latte cookie this year which uses it as well. Totally love gingerbread and espresso as well.

And yes, gas prices have been dropping here but that's the lowest it's been in a while, so figured I should fill up.

I get it...I was just having a moment and a chuckle over the espresso thing!

It honestly does sound heavenly in anything chocolate...buttercream we're talking!

Smart to fill up on gas while it's down a bit...chances are it going back up soon! We need to save anywhere we can these days and that certainly means gas!

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I see at the grocery store people are buying the cheap chicken dogs for a dollar and the cheap bologna made from chicken for a dollar. The other hot dogs and bologna that are $5 are not selling. Eggs have doubled in price. Probably more than doubled when lack of demand during the Covid lockdowns two years back ran them down. All the food suppliers and processing plants have been bought up and many were shut down. Burned, had virus problems, flocks got destroyed.
They want us eating bugs.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 11:48 PM
a reply to: jerryznv

Its down to $3.59 here. Just one more dollar to go and it will be back down to Trump price.We got heating oil today and i have to see what they charged.

posted on Dec, 14 2022 @ 11:57 PM

originally posted by: Dutchowl
a reply to: jerryznv

Its down to $3.59 here. Just one more dollar to go and it will be back down to Trump price.We got heating oil today and i have to see what they charged.

I think for a day we got down to $3.39 a gallon here on the West Coast of Oregon! It's was nice to see and even nicer on the wallet!

Interesting statement...with all the Trump haters in the world today! You're right though...what a good memory just a little while ago that was! I'd welcome $2.39 a gallon days back and some mean Tweets...sound pretty good right now!

Our heating oil and propane have been pretty regular...not a bunch of fluctuation like the gas and diesel prices...they're up and up some more...then down a touch...then up some more! Like a yo-yo...waiting for the string to break finally!

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 06:45 PM
I have noticed the increases as well. Some things I simply refuse to buy at the new prices Eggs are still a good food source if you can buy them in bulk, Costco still has pretty good bulk prices on eggs, butter and yogurt, and the quality is good. Processed food is more expensive, if you buy produce and unprocessed meats, etc., you get more for your money. We have to get more creative with our cooking. Anything you can stretch, soups, stews etc. is a good thing to make. It's funny, I was in Europe a few years back and scoffed at a whole cooking chicken for 18 dollars, the Swiss have had high prices for years but now its gotten even worse for them. I did notice far fewer overweight people there. They can't afford it. Maybe that's one good thing that will come out of this, people will start to revert back to healthy weights.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Mantiss2021

Bought my mom a 4lb boneless ribeye roast just last week for $27USD, per her request.

Sliced it up into 5 steaks, each about an inch thick, vacuum sealed them and delivered them to her frozen.

Five inch thick boneless ribeye steaks for less than $5.50 each.

When the going gets tough, the tough get....creative.

Just buy a 1/2 cow from a rancher... about 3.80 per pound.

We split one with my brother several years ago and are still eating our half of the cow. Came in at 642# total cost was around $2,500 for our half - plus the ice chests to bring it home. Have bought some meat but rarely. Still have to buy chicken & pork. Considering seeing if my brother wants to split a whole hog.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: openminded2011

They can't afford it. Maybe that's one good thing that will come out of this, people will start to revert back to healthy weights.

At first we will see people getting a lot more obese.
Poor people often eat foods devoid or low of nutrients.
Too much bread, pastas, empty calories.
Hot dogs, and mixed meats of low quality.

Very few people go healthier when scaling down grocery funds.

When things get REALLY high, that is when weight will come off.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 07:21 PM
Folgers colombian is like unobtainium

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

When things get REALLY high, that is when weight will come off.

Because people will be starving to death?

You're probably right...when food gets to the point where it doesn't matter how much money you have, the people that can't grow and hunt for their own will starve to death!

Good times ahead!

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

858B bill is headed to bidens desk.

Those prices are only the beginning.

posted on Dec, 15 2022 @ 11:41 PM
They are also shrinking the size of products . . . some of them are probably still hiking the price in addition to shrink-flation.

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